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Re: EGYPT - Suspected case news/tracking - Jan 23+
The HA and NA sequences from Beni Suef and Fayyoum are VERY similar, including an 3 BP deletion in HA. However, S227N is in the most recent isolate from Fayyoum.
The HA and NA sequences from Beni Suef and Fayyoum are VERY similar, including an 3 BP deletion in HA. However, S227N is in the most recent isolate from Fayyoum.
I expect more to come soon.
Thanks, Doc!
...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes
Re: EGYPT - Suspected case news/tracking - Jan 23+
Names/ages/locations of the 6 sus cases from Al Fayyum. Note that two of them -- Nadia Ahmed Abdullah (38) and the 3 year-old, Emad Saad -- are from the same village/area of Al Fayyum city(?) ("from the West in Al Fayyum district")...
Machine-translated from Arabic:
The suspicion of the injury of 6 persons by Anflounz disease the birds in Al Fayyum
Feb 10, 2007
Al Fayyum / A Sh . أ : Doctor Hussein Sophie Abu Taleb the Ministry of Health deputy referred in Al Fayyum 6 case to the Fever Hospital for its isolation and its putting under observation for the suspicion of its injury by the bird flu.
And he said that the conditions Al Mkhtgza are Naglaa Ahmed Atiya / 24 years / house lord [housewife] from the village of Al Hit facility in Atsa center and its condition is critical and the child is Emad Saad's names / 3 years / from the West in Al Fayyum district and Hoda Kamel Ismail / 40 years / from Dmou's facility Atsa center is Nayel's Ramadan Wibrhim / 27 years / a teacher from a village then Maine hand in Sinnuris district and Nadia Ahmed Abdullah / 38 years / from the West in Al Fayyum district and Hussein Shehata on Shahat / 30 years / from Arafa mill Atsa center.
And he added that it became clear that the six the suspect persons in their injury by the disease they from the contacts to the birds and taking samples has taken place from them they were sent to the central laboratories in the Ministry of Health for their analysis.
And he pointed out that taking samples took place from the birds that sent to the veterinary laboratories especially and numbers of them and all have dead who Al Tioralmnzlia [avian influenza] and was imitator in their disease by the bird flu they suffer from the pneumonia and the rise of temperatures.
Names/ages/locations of the 6 sus cases from Al Fayyum. Note that two of them -- Nadia Ahmed Abdullah (38) and the 3 year-old, Emad Saad -- are from the same village/area of Al Fayyum city(?) ("from the West in Al Fayyum district")...
Machine-translated from Arabic:
The suspicion of the injury of 6 persons by Anflounz disease the birds in Al Fayyum
Feb 10, 2007
Al Fayyum / A Sh . أ : Doctor Hussein Sophie Abu Taleb the Ministry of Health deputy referred in Al Fayyum 6 case to the Fever Hospital for its isolation and its putting under observation for the suspicion of its injury by the bird flu.
And he said that the conditions Al Mkhtgza are Naglaa Ahmed Atiya / 24 years / house lord [housewife] from the village of Al Hit facility in Atsa center and its condition is critical and the child is Emad Saad's names / 3 years / from the West in Al Fayyum district and Hoda Kamel Ismail / 40 years / from Dmou's facility Atsa center is Nayel's Ramadan Wibrhim / 27 years / a teacher from a village then Maine hand in Sinnuris district and Nadia Ahmed Abdullah / 38 years / from the West in Al Fayyum district and Hussein Shehata on Shahat / 30 years / from Arafa mill Atsa center.
This is the second teacher reported to be a sus case in the last couple of days -- they are from different governorates, though:
Originally posted by Theresa42 (post #35)
And the hospital of Damietta fevers declared the detention of two women for the suspicion, one of them from Al-Roda Village, and the second from Fariskur, while the detention of a teacher took place in Ashmun in Monofiya in the hospital of Minuf fevers, while Qena Governorate declared a detention house lord [housewife] after the discovery of an injury focus in its house.