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Egypt - Suspected cases of H1N1 and H5N1 in Sharqia Governorate, 3 possible confirmed bird flu cases

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  • Egypt - Suspected cases of H1N1 and H5N1 in Sharqia Governorate, 3 possible confirmed bird flu cases

    Isabatallcherqip _ Adel Mahmoud | 18/12/2010 10:18:35 AM
    the incidence of bird flu virus Bmnia wheat in the eastern province of 6 cases including 3 positive cases.
    Received hospital admitted Qamh 6 cases infected with fever and symptoms correspond with the avian flu, where they detained Abdul Razak Mohammed Issa (42 years) from the village Clclmon of the Center for Qamh present with fever and avian influenza.
    Have been detained immortality Mr. Mohamed (18 years) infected with the same symptoms in 9 of the month, and were posted for removal, and ordered the hospital to convert Zagazig Chest Hospital.
    Have also been detained Gamal Abdel-Fattah Abdel-Sattar (45 years) from the village Clclmon, a medical source confirmed that the three samples tested positive.

    While both were detained Fatima Raza Mustafa (42 years) from the estate Beni Amer, and Zakia Mohammed and Hoda quality Massad Mohammed were from the village of Kafr Clclmon, was detained on 16 this month, hospital diets and swab them and determine treatment and preparation of rays of the chest and placed in isolation room while making sure of a positive swab or not.
    And medical sources confirmed that the hospital admitted Qamh lift the state of alert in preparation to receive the other cases, and ordered the departure of some of the cases to put them into isolation in their home based on the desire of the families of patients.

  • #2
    Re: High incidence of avian influenza eastern region to 6 "Suspects"

    I think this is talking about h1n1 infections as they are sending the people home to continue the treatments?


    • #3
      Re: High incidence of avian influenza eastern region to 6 "Suspects"

      I certainly hope they are!


      • #4
        Re: High incidence of avian influenza eastern region to 6 "Suspects"

        New cases of avian and swine Sharkia, Ismailia
        East, Sameh Ghaith Sat, 18/12/2010 - 12:33

        1 detained in a hospital dietary Bmnia wheat, Eastern Province, 6 cases were satisfactory to the suspicion of bird flu disease, bird flu, including three positive cases, where they detained Razek Issa Mohammed, 42, from the village of Clclmon of the Center for Qamh, with fever and symptoms
        Avian influenza, and held the immortality of Mr. Muhammad, 18, was infected with the same symptoms on 9 of this month, and put insulation, and ordered the hospital converted to a hospital in Sadr Zagazig, as well as detained Jamal Abdel Fattah Abdul Sattar, 45 years old from the village of Clclmon, where he was taking blood samples and swab hours after that he showed symptoms of the disease a very high temperature and shortness of breath and pain of the bones, and sent the sample with the central laboratories of the Ministry of Health to the extent of illness, cases and put in intensive care patients and to prevent mixing.

        The source confirmed a medical that three samples tested positive, while both were detained Fatima Raza Mustafa, 42, of the estate Beni Amer, and Zakia Mohammed and Hoda quality Massad, and two from the village of Kafr Clclmon, and held on 16 this month, fever hospital, and took Smear them and placed in an isolation room while making sure of a positive swab or not, the source said the hospital admitted Qamh lift the state of alert in preparation to receive the other cases, in some cases, the exit is to put them into isolation in their home at the behest of families of patients.

        In Ismailia General Hospital were the result of the samples, which were sent to the laboratories of the Ministry of Health in Cairo; to prove two infections of swine flu, and they are Mohammed Gharib Taha, 33, an employee of electricity and a resident of the village of Nvicp Service Center, which entered the General Hospital on 14 this month on suspicion of cases of cholera , also confirmed the result of the samples also wounded Mr. Hassan Mohammed, 63, and a resident Qasasin old, who entered the General Hospital on Jan. 15 on suspicion of injury, as confirmed by sources at the hospital, there are 4 cases the other suspicion, pending the results of the samples that were taken of them and sent to the laboratories of the Ministry of Health, and was confined to the hospital for a while know the results of the samples.

        In the same context, see Ismailia General Hospital a state of emergency since the announcement of the death of a woman came to him last Sunday, and the result showed the samples after being infected with swine influenza, and between the actions taken by the hospital sterilization rooms detection devices and medical instruments and the closure of an isolation ward after sterilization and alert the nurses and doctors not to approach him, and re-examination of workers and those who frequent the hospital on a daily basis.

        Mrs. Association Hamid Daoud, 40, from Bir al-Abed in northern Sinai, suspected to be infected with swine flu, entered the General Hospital last Sunday infected with pneumonia, and the condition of late, and died, on Friday, before they know the outcome of the analysis conducted on them, but make sure her HIV and that after the arrival of the result of the Ministry of Health but after her death


        • #5
          Re: High incidence of avian influenza eastern region to 6 "Suspects"

          Thats a bit clearer the second articles title spells out both H1N1 and h5n1 suspect cases.

          The second article indicates clearly in Arabic, positive cases of infections in three people based on the results of testing in the Arabic versions of the article. The first and second paragraphs, speak of bird flu in that context the Arabic does not use the word swine,pig or emerging in the first paragraphs.

          The location mentioned is in the Sharqia Governorate (Arabic: محافظة الشرقيّة‎) with one of the towns mentioned being Menya Al Qamh.

          If these are really confirmed cases of (bird flu infection h5n1),it is risky to send these people home for treatment!


          • #7
            Re: Egypt - Suspected cases of H1N1 and H5N1 in Sharqia Governorate

            I have been asked what is going on in Egypt and I have to say that it is hard to tell exactly.

            Egypt has a history of screening thousands of people per year for suspected H5N1:

            "An official report of the Ministry of Health and population, the high number of human cases which have been isolated in all hospitals on suspicion of being infected with bird flu since entering Egypt ?February 2006? to 5800 patients." dated January 30, 2009

            And I believe there is some confusion there regarding the differentiation between H5N1 and severe H1N1.

            We will continue to monitor the situation.

            Thanks everyone.


            • #8
              Re: Egypt - Suspected cases of H1N1 and H5N1 in Sharqia Governorate

              Flu infected 18 pigs and poultry in 4 provinces and the detention of 20 for suspicion

              Sat, 18/12/2010 - 17:29

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              احتجزت مستشفيات 4 محافظات، الجمعة، 38 حالة، بينهم 18 ثبتت إصابتهم بإنفلونزا الخنازير والطيور.
              Detained in hospital 4 provinces, Friday, 38 cases, 18 of them tested positive for avian and swine influenza.
              في الغربية احتجزت مستشفيات ?حميات المحلة وطنطا والمنشاوي العام?، الجمعة، 9 حالات للاشتباه في إصابتهم بإنفلونزا الخنازير، وتناولوا عقار ?التاميفلو? وأُخذت عينات دم ومسحة حلق منهم لإرسالها إلى المعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة للتأكد من إصابتهم بالمرض من عدمه .
              In the Western detained in hospital ?fevers Mahalla and Tanta and Minshawi year?, Friday, 9 cases of suspicion of having bird flu in pigs, and ate the drug ?Tamiflu? and took blood samples and the melancholy hours of them to be sent to labs central Ministry of Health to make sure whether the disease.
              وأكدت مصادر إصابة 7 حالات جديدة بإنفلونزا الخنازير بمستشفى حميات المحلة والمنشاوي العام بطنطا، بعد التأكد من إيجابية العينات التي أُخذت منهم، لافتة إلى أنهم وُضعوا في غرفة العزل بعد تناولهم ?التاميفلو? والتنبيه على أفراد عائلاتهم والمخالطين لهم بتوخي الحذر والذهاب إلى أقرب مستشفى حميات في حالة ظهور أعراض المرض عليهم .
              Sources confirmed cases, 7 cases of swine flu hospital fevers Minshawi General Tanta, after confirmation of positive samples taken from them, pointing out that they were placed in an isolation room after eating ?Tamiflu? and alert the family members and contact them to exercise caution and go to the nearest hospital admitted in the case of the onset of symptoms.
              واحتجز مستشفى حميات المحلة 3 حالات جديدة للاشتباه بإصابتهم بإنفلونزا الطيور، وأُخذت عينات دم ومسحة حلق للتأكد من مدى إصابتهم .
              And detained in a hospital fevers of 3 new cases of suspected bird flu, and took blood samples and throat swab to ascertain the extent of injury.
              وفي الدقهلية احتجز المستشفى العام الجديد بالمنصورة 8 حالات اشتباه بإنفلونزا الخنازير، وأثبتت نتائج العينات إيجابية 4 حالات، بينهم امرأة وضعت حملها داخل المستشفى و4 حالات اشتباه، تم تناولهم عقار ?التاميفلو? واتخذت إجراءات العزل وأخذ العينات لتحليلها بالقاهرة .
              In Dakahlia held the new General Hospital in Mansoura on suspicion of 8 cases of swine flu, and the results proved positive samples, 4 cases, including a woman gave birth inside the hospital and 4 suspected cases, have been eating the drug ?Tamiflu? has taken impeachment proceedings and the taking of samples for analysis in Cairo.
              وفي الإسماعيلية أكدت مصادر طبية بالمستشفى العام بالإسماعيلية أن نتيجة العينات، التي تم إرسالها لمعامل وزارة الصحة بالقاهرة، أثبتت إصابة شخصين بإنفلونزا الخنازير، هما محمد غريب طه، 33 عامًا، والسيد حسن محمد، 63 عامًا، مشيرة إلى أن هناك 4 حالات أخرى اشتباه حُجزت بالمستشفى لحين معرفة نتائج العينات .
              In Ismailia Medical sources confirmed that the General Hospital in Ismailia that the result of the samples, which were sent to the laboratories of the Ministry of Health in Cairo, tested positive two swine flu, Mohammed Gharib Taha, 33, and Mr. Hassan Mohammed, 63, pointing out that there are 4 other cases, suspicion booked the hospital for a while know the results of the samples.
              وفي الفيوم أثبتت نتيجة تحاليل المعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة إيجابية إصابة سهام عبدالعزيز عبد الرحمن، 17 عامًا، ومحمود محمد عبدالحليم، 6 أعوام ونصف، اللذين سبق احتجازهما بمستشفى الفيوم العام بمرض إنفلونزا الخنازير، واحتجز المستشفى كلا من ممدوح خالد، 17 عامًا، وصبري محمود، 28 عامًا، للاشتباه في إصابتهما بالمرض، وأخذ عينات منهما لإرسالها إلى المعامل المركزية لتحليلها .
              In Fayoum, proved as a result of laboratory tests the central Ministry of Health a positive injury Siham Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman, 17, and Mahmoud Mohamed Abdel Halim, 6 years and a half, which has already detained Hospital Fayoum General swine flu, and held the hospital both Mamdouh Khaled, 17, and Sabri Mahmoud, 28 years old, on suspicion of bird flu, and sampling them to be sent to central laboratories for analysis.
              ويشهد مستشفى الإسماعيلية العام حالة طوارئ منذ الإعلان عن وفاة جميعة حامد داوود، 40 عامًا، التي دخلت إليه، الأحد الماضي، وأظهرت نتيجة العينات بعد ذلك إصابتها بإنفلونزا الخنازير .
              And see Ismailia General Hospital a state of emergency since the announcement of the death of Association Hamid Daoud, 40, who came to him, last Sunday, and the result showed that the samples after being infected with swine flu.
              وفي الشرقية احتجز مستشفى حميات منيا القمح 6 حالات للاشتباه بإصابتهم بإنفلونزا الطيور، بينهم 3 حالات إيجابية، هم: عبدالرازق عيسى محمد، 42 عامًا، وخلود السيد محمد، 18 عامًا، وجمال عبدالفتاح عبدالستار، 45 عامًا، وتم أخذ عينات دم ومسحة حلق وإرسالها للمعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة لبيان مدى إصابتهم بالمرض، كما أكد مصدر طبي أن عينات 3 آخرين، هم: فاطمة رضا مصطفى، زكية السيد محمد، هدى جودة مسعد محمد، جاءت إيجابية .
              In the Eastern Fever Hospital detained Qamh 6 cases of suspected bird flu, including 3 positive cases, they are: Abdel Razek, Issa Mohammed, 42, and the immortality of Mr. Muhammad, 18, and Gamal Abdel Fattah Abdul Sattar, 45, has been taking blood samples and the melancholy hours, and sent to labs central Ministry of Health to the extent of illness, as confirmed by a medical source that samples 3 others, they are: Fatima Raza Mustafa, Zakia Mohamed, Hoda Mohammed Massad quality, tested positive.
              وفي دمياط، أعلن الدكتور صلاح أبوالعطا، وكيل وزارة الصحة، حالة الطوارئ بجميع المستشفيات العامة والمركزية والنوعية بالمحافظة والعيادات الخارجية لمواجهة الإنفلونزا المستجدة، مشيرًا إلى توافر عقار ?التاميفلو? في جميع العيادات الخارجية، وكذلك المطهرات، وأوضح أن مستشفيات الصدر والحميات استقبلت حالات وأثبتت نتيجة العينات إيجابيتها وتم حجزهم وت وفير العلاج اللازم لهم وتم شفاؤهم تمامًا وخرجوا من المستشفيات .
              In Damietta, said Dr. Salah Oboatta, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, the state of emergency in all public and central hospitals and quality of maintenance and outpatient clinics for influenza emerging, pointing to the availability of the drug ?Tamiflu? in all outpatient clinics, as well as disinfectants, and explained that the hospitals in the chest and fever received cases and proved as a result of sampling was confined to be positive and Ot Fair necessary treatment for them was completely recovered and discharged from hospital.
              ومن جانبه قال الدكتور عبدالرحمن شاهين، المتحدث الرسمي باسم وزير الصحة، إن تردد أعداد كبيرة من الحالات مصابة بأعراض الإنفلونزا في هذا الوقت من العام أمر ليس بـالجديد، حيث تنتشر الإصابة بالإنفلونزا بسبب انخفاض درجة الحرارة، وأضاف أن كل الحالات التي تم رصدها مصابة بفيروس‏ H1N1 ‏ والمعروف باسم إنفلونزا الخنازير، نظرًا لأنه أصبح الآن يندرج تحت فصائل الإنفلونزا الموسمية التي مازالت في الحدود الآمنة ولا تشكل أي وباء بأي حال من الأحوال‏‏، لافتًا إلى أنه لا يوجد بلد في العالم لا يحدث فيها زيادة في إصابات الإنفلونزا في فصل الشتاء .
              For his part, said Abdel Rahman Shahin, spokesman for the Minister of Health, the frequency of large numbers of cases infected with flu symptoms in this time of year is nothing new, with a prevalence of influenza because of the low temperature, and added that all cases that have been monitored infected with H1N1, known as swine flu, because it now falls under the factions of seasonal influenza, which is still within safe limits and does not constitute an epidemic in any way, pointing out that there is no country in the world where there was no increase in the incidence of influenza in winter .
              وقال شاهين، في تصريح لـ?المصري اليوم?، إن عدد الحالات المؤكدة في شهور أكتوبر ونوفمبر وديسمبر عام 2009 وصل إلى 2500 حالة إصابة، و31 حالة وفيات، ووصل عدد الإصابات حتى ديسمبر 2010 إلى 340 حالة، مما يوضح أن المعدلات أقل والوضع آمن ولا داعي للقلق .
              Sahin said, told the ?Egyptian today?, the number of confirmed cases in the months October, November and December 2009 reached to 2500 cases and 31 cases of mortality, and the number of casualties until December 2010 to 340 cases, which demonstrates that the rates lower, and the situation safe and does not need to worry.
              ونصح شاهين المواطنين باتباع الإجراءات الوقائية السليمة وقواعد النظافة الشخصية والعامة للوقاية من الإنفلونزا ومن أهمها: غسل الأيدي بالماء والصابون باستمرار، وتغطية الأنف والفم أثناء العطس أو السعال، والتهوية الجيدة في أماكن المعيشة والعمل، والحرص على النظافة المستمرة للأسطح والأرضيات، وتجنب الأماكن المزدحمة، حتى لا تزداد الحالات بحلول يناير 2011 .
              He advised Shaheen citizens by following the preventive measures sound and the rules of personal hygiene and public for the prevention of influenza including: washing hands with soap and water constantly, and cover your nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing, and good ventilation in living and working accommodation, and ensure the cleanliness continuous surfaces and floors, and avoid crowded places, even cases do not increase by January 2011.
              وأشار إلى أن وزارة الصحة تستقبل المصابين بأمراض مزمنة وكذلك الحوامل، وتناشد المواطنين أن يتوجهوا إلى المستشفيات بمجرد شعورهم بأعراض الإنفلونزا لفحصهم طبيًّا وإعطائهم عقار ?التاميفلو? مجانًا‏.‏
              He pointed out that the Ministry of Health receives the chronically ill, as well as pregnant women, and appeals to citizens to go to the hospital as soon as they feel flu symptoms to medical examination and give them the drug ?Tamiflu? free of charge.




              • #9
                Re: Egypt - Suspected cases of H1N1 and H5N1 in Sharqia Governorate

                January 7th 2010 total cumulative suspect case count was 11,345 with 90 confirmed positive cases.

                December 15th 2010 total suspect case was 11,838 with 114 confirmed positive cases.

                The three cases above are also isolated in a fever hospital which was designated for the treatment of bird flu infections (h5n1)

                they must be asking the severe cases with breathing difficulty specifically about contact with either live or dead poultry and this is the determining factor used to classify the suspect cases,followed then by treatment and isolation of the h5n1 suspect cases pending official testing results.


                • #10
                  Re: Egypt - Suspected cases of H1N1 and H5N1 in Sharqia Governorate, 3 possible confirmed bird flu cases

                  The above media reports are confusing about which three of the six individuals have been confirmed positive for avian influenza in Sharqia Governorate.

                  List of individuals named in the above posts.

                  Abdul Razak Mohammed Issa [Razek Issa Mohammed] (42 years) from the village Clclmon قرية شلشلمون

                  Gamal Abdel-Fattah Abdel-Sattar [Jamal Abdel Fattah Abdul Sattar] (45 years) from the village Clclmon

                  Immortality Mr. Mohamed (18 years) hospitalized on December 6?

                  Fatima Raza Mustafa (42 years), of the estate Beni Amer

                  Zakia Mohamed [Mohammed], village of Kafr Clclmon (قرية كفر شلشلمون), tested on December 16?

                  Hoda Mohammed Massad Quality, village of Kafr Clclmon, tested on December 16?

                  Note that a couple of these people are from the same village and that Kafr Clclmon and Clclmon are two different villages.

                  Clclmon is one of the largest of the villages under the Centre for Qamh and is famous for the village to two different and are agriculture and trade. Village has all the ingredients for the entry under the name of the city for example, there are number two elementary schools and two junior high schools just as well as secondary and the huge number of campaign Qualifications are also higher as a hospital and a sports club and many services. And over a hundred years out of the village cadres reputation at home and abroad of the most famous businessmen, traders and Aharavien to intertwine with neighboring countries submitted the highest standards, Vallahm save this country for his family and Egypt
                  Machine translated from شلشلمون



                  • #11
                    Re: Egypt - Suspected cases of H1N1 and H5N1 in Sharqia Governorate, 3 possible confirmed bird flu cases

                    almasry alyoum english link via goggle

                    Wounding 15 swine flu in 5 provinces

                    ١٩/ ١٢/ ٢٠١٠ 19 / 12 / 2010

                    الجبلى Mountain
                    احتجزت المستشفيات فى ٥ محافظات، أمس، ٤٣ حالة يشتبه فى إصابتها بمرض أنفلونزا الخنازير، أو الطيور، وأثبتت التحاليل المعملية إصابة ١٥ منهم بأنفلونزا الخنازير، والاشتباه فى إصابة ١٩ آخرين، وإصابة ٣ حالات بأنفلونزا الطيور، والاشتباه فى إصابة ٦ آخرين. Detained hospitals in 5 provinces, yesterday, 43 cases suspected of being infected with swine flu, or influenza, and proven laboratory tests wounding 15, including swine flu, and the suspicion of wounding 19 others, and the injury of 3 cases of avian influenza, and the suspicion of wounding 6 others.

                    ففى الغربية، احتجزت مستشفيات حميات المحلة، وطنطا، والمنشاوى العام ٩ حالات للاشتباه فى إصابتها بأنفلونزا الخنازير. In the West, detained in hospital admitted Mahalla and Tanta, and explained General 9 suspected cases of bird flu in pigs. وأكدت مصادر إصابة ٧ حالات جديدة بالمرض فى مستشفيى حميات المحلة، والمنشاوى العام. Sources of new infection, 7 cases of the disease in hospitals admitted the camp, and explained the year. واحتجز مستشفى حميات المحلة ٣ حالات للاشتباه فى إصابتها بأنفلونزا الطيور. Hospital admitted and detained Hometown 3 cases of suspected bird flu.

                    وفى الدقهلية، احتجز المستشفى العام الجديد فى المنصورة ٨ حالات اشتباه بأنفلونزا الخنازير، وأثبتت نتائج العينات إيجابية ٤ حالات، و٤ حالات يشتبه فى إصابتها. In Dakahlia, held the new General Hospital in Mansoura on suspicion of 8 cases of swine flu, and the results proved positive samples, 4 cases, 4 cases suspected of being infected. وفى الإسماعيلية، أكدت مصادر طبية فى المستشفى العام بالمدينة إصابة شخصين بأنفلونزا الخنازير، واحتجاز ٤ حالات أخرى يشتبه فى إصابتها
                    In Ismailia, medical sources at the General Hospital in the city two infections of swine flu, and the detention of the other 4 cases suspected of being infected. وفى الفيوم، أثبتت نتيجة التحاليل إصابة مواطنين بأنفلونزا الخنازير، واحتجز مستشفى الفيوم العام آخرين للاشتباه فى إصابتهما. In Fayoum, proved the result of analysis of swine flu infection citizens, and Fayoum General Hospital held on suspicion of other injuries.

                    وفى الشرقية، احتجز مستشفى حميات منيا القمح ٦ حالات للاشتباه فى إصابتهم بأنفلونزا الطيور، من بينهم ٣ تأكدت إصابتهم. In the East, held the hospital admitted Qamh 6 cases of suspected bird flu, including 3 confirmed injury.

