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Egypt - Ministry of Health Denies - Fayoum is reporting an unknown "cold" type virus that has resulted in 30 - 40 child hospitalizations, over 200 ill
Re: Egypt - Ministry of Health Denies - Fayoum is reporting an unknown "cold" type virus that has resulted in 30 - 40 child hospitalizations, over 200 ill
It looks like the governorate health department announced this situation and the national health department says it is not true.
Re: Egypt - Minisitry of Health Denies - Fayoum is reporting an unknown "cold" type virus that has resulted in 30 - 40 child hospitalizations, over 200 ill
Re: Egypt - Minisitry of Health Denies - Fayoum is reporting an unknown "cold" type virus that has resulted in 30 - 40 child hospitalizations, over 200 ill
Re: Egypt - Ministry of Health Denies - Fayoum is reporting an unknown "cold" type virus that has resulted in 30 - 40 child hospitalizations, over 200 ill
It looks like the governorate health department announced this situation and the national health department says it is not true.
The specificity of the the information in multiple posts indicates that something is happening at the hospital, despite the denial of Dr. Nasr El Sayed, Assistant Minister of Health for Preventive Medicine. It was the Hospital Supervisor ("Dr. Zine El Abidine Supervisor on hospitals" Post #13) who made the press announcement. It is likely he knows what is happening in the hospital.
Re: Egypt - Ministry of Health Denies - Fayoum is reporting an unknown "cold" type virus that has resulted in 30 - 40 child hospitalizations, over 200 ill
Now this says some children are sick and being cared for, but it is just a severe cold do to a lack of early care and only a few dozen in total.
"Health" has been denying injured children Fayoum viral disease
الجمعة، 10 ديسمبر 2010 - 21:20
Friday, December 10, 2010 - 21:20
نفت مصادر رفيعة المستوى بوزارة الصحة، ما نشر حول إصابة 200 طفل بمحافظة الفيوم، بمرض فيروسى مجهول. Denied high-level sources at the Ministry of Health, published about 200 children were injured in Fayoum Governorate, viral disease is unknown.
Re: Egypt - Ministry of Health Denies - Fayoum is reporting an unknown "cold" type virus that has resulted in 30 - 40 child hospitalizations, over 200 ill
Ok. Well. I guess a denial was required because the 2 publishers of the story are reliable. They can not be ignored.
Re: Egypt - Ministry of Health Denies - Fayoum is reporting an unknown "cold" type virus that has resulted in 30 - 40 child hospitalizations, over 200 ill
I'm sure youm7 did all the needed vetting of the information prior to publishing the story. It sounds like this was made public and should not have been based on a matter of policy relating to mass panic caused by public fear.
Re: Egypt - Ministry of Health Denies - Fayoum is reporting an unknown "cold" type virus that has resulted in 30 - 40 child hospitalizations, over 200 ill
Dozens of children infected with a mysterious Fayoum
مشاهدات[129] [4-1-1432هـ][2010-12-10م]
Views [129] [01.04.1432 e] [m 12/10/2010]
خاص / نافذة الفيوم
Special / window Fayoum
أصيب عشرات الأطفال بمحافظة الفيوم بمرض فيروسي
Dozens of children in Fayoum Governorate viral disease
مجهول يشبه في أعراضه
Unknown similar to the symptoms
نزلات البرد
، تظهر علي الطفل أعراض ارتفاع درجات الحرارة والاحتقان
, Appear on the child symptom of high temperature and tension
والرشح والتهاب الزور ، وقد تم احتجاز العشرات من الأطفال بالمستشفيات
, Cold and inflammation of perjury, has been detained dozens of children in hospitals
المركزية ومستشفي الفيوم العام ومستشفي التأمين الصحي وتتزايد يوما بعد يوم
Central Hospital and Fayoum General Hospital and health insurance is increasing day after day
الأعداد التي تستقبلها المستشفيات من الأطفال المصابين بنفس الأعراض ،
Numbers that hospitals receive from the children with the same symptoms,
يتكتم المسئولون
Reticent officials
بمديرية الصحة بالفيوم علي هذه الحالات .
Department of Health Fayoum on these cases.
أكد مصدر طبي ن عشرات
Medical source confirmed the N scores
الأطفال بمحافظة الفيوم أصيبوا بمرض فيروسي يشبه في أعراضه نزلات البرد
Fayoum Governorate children were newly infected with a virus similar to the symptoms of colds
ولكن لم يتعافي منه الأطفال رغم احتجازهم منذ أيام بالمستشفي وتناولهم
But it did not recover despite the detention of children since the days in hospital and eating
العلاج اللازم مؤكدا أن هذا الفيروس من نوع جديد ولم يتم التعرف عليه ،
The necessary treatment, stressing that this new type of virus has not been identified,
وأشار إلي أن المستشفيات بمختلف مراكز المحافظة تستقبل يوميا من 30 إلي 40
He pointed out that hospitals in different centers of the province receives daily from 30 to 40
حالة لأطفال مصابين بالمرض ، وقد تم إبلاغ مديرية الصحة بالفيوم لاتخاذ
Cases of children infected with the disease, has been reported to the Department of Health to take the Fayoum
الإجراءات اللازمة وإعلان حالة الطوارئ بالمستشفيات تحسبا لزيادة عدد
Necessary action and declare an emergency hospital in anticipation of the increase in the number
Re: Egypt - Ministry of Health Denies - Fayoum is reporting an unknown "cold" type virus that has resulted in 30 - 40 child hospitalizations, over 200 ill
Confirmed that the hospitals of the Ministry does not have these cases <!-- In case of EPISODES contents, replace title with the program name (parentTitle) -->
الصحة تنفي إصابة 200 طفل في الفيوم بفيروس مجهول
Health denies wounding 200 children in Fayoum, an unknown virus
<!-- If type is encyclopedia, don't include comments bookmark --> Dr. Nasr El Sayed, Assistant Minister of Health
القاهرة - أخبار مصر
Cairo - Egypt
نفى الدكتور نصر السيد، مساعد وزير الصحة للطب الوقائى إصابة 200 طفل بمحافظة الفيوم، بمرض فيروسى مجهول، مؤكدا أن الخبر ليس له أى أساس من الصحة، ولا يوجد أطفال بمستشفيات وزارة الصحة مصابين بأى أعراض غريبة.
Denied Dr. Nasr El Sayed, Assistant Minister of Health for Preventive Medicine of the 200 injured children in Fayoum, an unknown viral disease, stressing that the news does not have any basis in truth, there is no children's hospitals and the Ministry of Health patients in any odd symptoms.
وقال الدكتور نصر لـ"بوابة الأهرام" إنه قد أشيع أن هناك عددا كبيرا من الأطفال قد تمت إصابتهم بمرض فيروسى غير معروف، وأن أعراضه تشبه نزلات البرد، وتم احتجازهم بالمستشفيات المركزية ومستشفى الفيوم العام والتأمين الصحى بالفيوم، والأطفال لم يستجيبوا للعلاج رغم احتجازهم منذ أيام بالمستشفى، وأن إجمالى المصابين بلغ أكثر من 200 طفل.
Dr. Nasr's "gate-Ahram" that he had rumored that there are a large number of children have been infected with viral is unknown, and symptoms similar to colds, had been detained in hospitals Central Hospital, Fayoum General and health insurance in Fayoum, and children did not respond to treatment despite the detention days ago hospital, and that the total of injured at more than 200 children.
Re: Egypt - Ministry of Health Denies - Fayoum is reporting an unknown "cold" type virus that has resulted in 30 - 40 child hospitalizations, over 200 ill
I'm sure youm7 did all the needed vetting of the information prior to publishing the story. It sounds like this was made public and should not have been based on a matter of policy relating to mass panic caused by public fear.
I have found youm7 100% reliable for the last 5 years.
Re: Egypt - Ministry of Health Denies - Fayoum is reporting an unknown "cold" type virus that has resulted in 30 - 40 child hospitalizations, over 200 ill
To preserve history - here are the originals while they are still online -
فيروس مجهول تتشابه أعراضه مع الأنفلونزا يهاجم أطفال الفيوم
12/10/2010 7:59:00 PM
القاهرة- هاجم فيروس مجهول تتشابه أعراضه مع نزلات البرد، العشرات من أطفال محافظة الفيوم، حيث تم احتجازهم بمستشفي الفيوم العام ومستشفي التأمين الصحي، وعدد من مستشفيات المحافظة.
قال مصدر طبي في تصريحات صحفية، يوم الجمعة إن عشرات الأطفال بمحافظة الفيوم أصيبوا بمرض فيروسي يشبه في أعراضه نزلات البرد، إلا أن الأطفال لا يتعافون منه، رغم احتجازهم منذ عدة أيام بالمستشفى، ومنحهم الأدوية اللازمة.
وأشار المصدر إلى أن هذا الفيروس من نوع جديد، لم يتم التعرف عليه حتى الآن، وأن المستشفيات تستقبل حوالي 40 حالة من الأطفال، مصابين بالفيروس يوميا، وتم إخطار مديرية الصحة لاتخاذ الإجراءات الصحية اللازمة.
المصدر: الأهرام
اقرأ أيضا:
مسئول بصحة الفيوم: مرض فيروسى مجهول يصيب 200 طفل بالمحافظة
الجمعة، 10 ديسمبر 2010 - 14:52
محافظ الفيوم د.جلال مصطفى سعيد
الفيوم ـ رباب الجالى
أصيب عشرات الأطفال بمحافظة الفيوم بمرض فيروسى مجهول يشبه فى أعراضه نزلات البرد، وتم احتجازهم بالمستشفيات المركزية ومستشفى الفيوم العام ومستشفى التأمين الصحى وأخطرت مديرية الصحة بالفيوم.
أكد مصدر مسئول بصحة الفيوم لـ"اليوم السابع"، أن عشرات الأطفال بمحافظة الفيوم أصيبوا بمرض فيروسى يشبه فى أعراضه نزلات البرد، ولكن لا يتعافى منه الأطفال رغم احتجازهم منذ أيام بالمستشفى وتناولهم العلاج اللازم.
مؤكداً أن هذا الفيروس من نوع جديد ولم يتم التعرف عليه، وأشار إلى أن المستشفيات بمختلف مراكز المحافظة تستقبل يومياً من 30 إلى 40 حالة لأطفال مصابين بالمرض وأن إجمالى المصابين بلغ أكثر من 200 طفل.
وقد تم إبلاغ مديرية الصحة بالفيوم لاتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة وإعلان حالة الطوارئ بالمستشفيات تحسباً لزيادة عدد الأطفال المصابين بالمرض.
Re: Egypt - Ministry of Health Denies - Fayoum is reporting an unknown "cold" type virus that has resulted in 30 - 40 child hospitalizations, over 200 ill
something is taking place but what for sure we may never know unless it becomes wide spread and harder to deny going forward.
Re: Egypt - Ministry of Health Denies - Fayoum is reporting an unknown "cold" type virus that has resulted in 30 - 40 child hospitalizations, over 200 ill
We publish the names of 4 children infected with the virus unknown in Fayoum
Friday 10th of ديسمبر 2010 06:04:18 PM
Received the "seventh day" on the names of 4 of the children infected with HIV anonymous in Fayoum, which is similar to the symptoms of colds, and did not result in any deaths, but it is highly infectious. Among these children, Mohamed Mohamed Karam (two and a half), and Islam Mohamed Shaaban (6 months) Etsa center, and Amira Sabri Ahmad (5 months) from the city of Fayoum, and Amer Mahmoud Sabry (4 months). As the science of the "seventh day" that the hospital Fayoum General is now held 51 cases of children infected with HIV, while holding hospital health insurance in Fayoum more than 40 cases, in addition to central hospitals, centers of the province, and began to hospital health insurance Fayoum since yesterday evening to turn the children infected with HIV Fayoum General Hospital, due to lack of space to it. Was a source of official Department of Health Fayoum has said the "seventh day" that there is a virus unknown hit a number of children to maintain, and it looked like the symptoms of colds, but it spreads rapidly among children, in equal children of healing by taking medicine for colds, did not result in any cases and deaths. Topics related to .. Official health Fayoum: unknown viral disease affects 200 children to maintain
ننشر أسماء 4 أطفال أصيبوا بالفيروس المجهول فى الفيوم
Friday 10th of ديسمبر 2010 06:04:18 PM
حجم الخط:
حصل "اليوم السابع" على أسماء 4 من الأطفال المصابين بالفيروس المجهول بالفيوم الذى يشبه فى أعراضه نزلات البرد، ولم ينتج عنه أى حالات وفيات، ولكنه سريع العدوى. من بين هؤلاء الأطفال، محمد محمد كرم (شهرين ونصف)، وإسلام شعبان محمد (6 أشهر) مركز إطسا، وأميرة صبرى أحمد ( 5 أشهر) من مدينة الفيوم، وعامر محمود صبرى (4 أشهر). كما علم "اليوم السابع" أن مستشفى الفيوم العام يحتجز الآن 51 حالة من الأطفال المصابين بالفيروس، بينما يحتجز مستشفى التأمين الصحى بالفيوم أكثر من 40 حالة، بالإضافة إلى المستشفيات المركزية بمراكز المحافظة، وبدأ مستشفى التأمين الصحى بالفيوم منذ مساء أمس فى تحويل الأطفال المصابين بالفيروس إلى مستشفى الفيوم العام، نظرا لعدم وجود أماكن به. كان مصدر مسئول بمديرية الصحة بالفيوم قد صرح لـ "اليوم السابع" أن هناك فيروسا مجهولا أصاب عددا من الأطفال بالمحافظة، وأنه يشبه فى أعراضه نزلات البرد، ولكنه ينتشر بسرعة بين الأطفال، ولا يتماثل الأطفال للشفاء بتناول الأدوية الخاصة بنزلات البرد، ولم تنتج عنه أية حالات وفيات. موضوعات متعلقة.. مسئول بصحة الفيوم: مرض فيروسى مجهول يصيب 200 طفل بالمحافظة
Re: Egypt - Ministry of Health Denies - Fayoum is reporting an unknown "cold" type virus that has resulted in 30 - 40 child hospitalizations, over 200 ill
Archive Number 20101210.4403
Published Date 10-DEC-2010
Subject PRO/EDR> Undiagnosed viral syndrome, children - Egypt: (FM), RFI
************************************************** *****************************
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
Dozens of children in Fayoum Governorate have contracted an unknown
viral disease [with] symptoms similar to that of the common cold.
They have been detained in [local] hospitals. The General Hospital of
Fayoum Governorate has notified the Department of Health in Fayoum
Youm7 [newspaper], quoting an official source at Fayoum's Health
Department, reported that dozens of children in Fayoum Governorate
have contracted an illness with common cold-like symptoms. They are
not responding to treatment including several days of nutritional
care in hospital.
The official source added that this new type of virus has not been
identified, and reported that hospitals in different parts of the
province have admitted 30-40 children daily who are suffering from
this so far undiagnosed disease. More than 200 children are now under
The Directorate of Health in Fayoum is being urged to take action and
declare an emergency situation in anticipation of the increasing
number of children affected by this disease.
[The illness affecting these Egyptian children (ages not specified)
is assumed to be caused by a viral infection, but no evidence is
advanced to support this inference. The symptoms appear to be common
cold-like, but more prolonged. A particularly virulent strain of
rhinovirus (common cold virus) might be responsible, but there are
many other viruses associated with upper respiratory tract infections
in both children and adults. Recently in Egypt 2 adults have been
diagnosed with avian influenza virus infection; however this virus is
associated with more severe respiratory disease and has rarely been
transmissible from human to human. Further information is awaited.</></http:></http:></http:></http:>
Last edited by sharon sanders; December 10, 2010, 07:49 PM.
Reason: format
Re: Egypt - Ministry of Health Denies - Fayoum is reporting an unknown "cold" type virus that has resulted in 30 - 40 child hospitalizations, over 200 ill
# 5134 ILI s . . . or Influenza-like Illnesses are among the most common maladies reported to doctors each year, ...
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Hundreds Of Ways To Spell ?I-L-I?
# 5134
ILIs . . . or Influenza-like Illnesses are among the most common maladies reported to doctors each year, and while often attributed to `flu?, the causes extend far beyond influenza.
The symptoms generally include fever, cough, and body aches - but may also commonly include rhinitis, sneezing, headache, fatigue, sore throat, nausea & vomiting, and diarrhea.
Many of these symptoms are not caused by the invading pathogen, but are actually part of the body?s immune response. So they naturally occur with many different types of infections.
Influenza A & B, which get most of the headlines, are only responsible for a fraction of the cases of ILI each year.
Some estimates put that share as low as 10%.
According to the CDC, each year adults (on average) experience 1 to 3 bouts with an ILI, while children may see 3 to 6 flu-like illnesses (cite MMWR)
For the layperson, respiratory infections are pretty much divided up into three broad categories; colds, influenzas, and pneumonias.
But in reality, the causes of influenza-like illnesses are far more diverse with contributions from various strains of:
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Rhinoviruses (Common cold)
The Rhinovirus group alone consists of more than 100 varieties, and so by the time you add in all of the others you are talking about hundreds of different causes of ILI.
And more are being identified every year.
Most of these viral infections are mild, self-limiting, and are almost never identified since testing (beyond, perhaps, a rapid influenza test) is rarely warranted.
Which is why doctors generally refer to ILIs, or Influenza-like Illnesses (or sometimes ARI Acute Respiratory Infection), when making a clinical diagnosis.
Added to these are a number of less common causes of ILIs, such as bacterial pneumonias (e.g. Legionella spp., Chlamydia pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Streptococcus pneumoniae) - and more rarely from such diverse pathogens as meningitis, West Nile Virus, Lyme disease, Dengue, and Q fever (and dozens more).
In October of 2009, during the height of the fall wave of the H1N1 pandemic, I posted the following graphic on my blog.
Of the more than 10,000 samples submitted for testing during the 1st week of October 2009, more than 72% ? almost 3/4ths ? came back negative for influenza.
Influenza A & B get most of our attention because they, along with RSV and some of the more common bacterial pneumonias, can cause serious complications requiring hospitalization.
Which isn?t to say you can?t be hit hard by any of the other viral illnesses. You can.
Even a severe rhinovirus (common cold) can land you in the hospital. But most of the time, people recover without incident from these myriad non-influenza viral strains.
Which explains why a lot of people think influenza is `no big deal?, because the mild illness they had last year that they thought was flu, was probably something else.
And since the Influenza vaccine offers no protection against non-influenza viruses, many people mistakenly believe the vaccine failed to protect them against the flu.
Late last year, in a blog entitled When The `Flu? Isn?t The Flu, I wrote about the discovery at the Children?s Hospital of Philadelphia of an unusually virulent (and possibly new) rhinovirus ? essentially a common cold ? that began hitting some children hard earlier that fall.
We turn to Reuter?s ace Health and Science Editor Maggie Fox for the details, in her article from last fall
Not just swine flu - new cold virus may lurk, too
Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:24pm EST
By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Runny nose, fever, cough, even pneumonia -- the symptoms sound like swine flu but children hospitalized at one U.S. hospital in fact had a rhinovirus, better known as a common cold virus, doctors said on Tuesday.
(Continue. . . )
The spectrum of viral causes of ILIs is no doubt greater than we realize, with new strains coming and going all of the time.
Most are mild, and are clinically indistinguishable from all of the others.
Occasionally however, as with SARS in 2002-2003 and Swine Flu in 2009, we end up with something far more serious.
So we tend to pay attention when we see reports like the one last year from the Children?s Hospital of Philadelphia. Most turn out to be nothing serious, but they can be an early sign of the emergence of a novel pathogen.
Yesterday the Egyptian media carried a similar report ? that has since been denied by the Egyptian Ministry of Health ? regarding more than 200 children being treated for an as-yet unidentified, severe, and long-lasting ILI.
FluTrackers has a lengthy thread following these conflicting media reports, and ProMed Mail published a summary last evening.
For now this is simply an undiagnosed (likely) viral illness. And there is nothing particularly unusual or alarming about that.
As the ProMed editors point out, this may be nothing more than an particularly virulent strain of rhinovirus. Which would be consistent with what we saw last year in Philadelphia.
The testing facilities in Egypt (including NAMRU) are excellent, so I?m confident that if there is anything unusual about this `outbreak? (and given the conflicting statements, I use that word with some trepidation), we will certainly hear about it.
In the meantime, the newshounds on the flu forums will no doubt be monitoring the Egyptian media for more information on these cases. Because, while it only happens rarely, reports like these can be our first clue that something out of the ordinary is unfolding.
Posted by Michael Coston at 9:27 AM
Labels: Egypt, ILI, Influenza