Time: 2009/11/5 16:43
Written ‧ Editor: Ji-Ping News quoted: RTHK, Metro Radio
Hong Kong Food and Health Bureau
Hong Kong Food and Health Bureau 5, said that Hong Kong University of routine monitoring, it was found in October collected samples of two pigs in a new influenza virus H1N1; however, the virus did not show gene mutation, gene sequencing and is currently found in humans virus similar.
Responsible for monitoring the project experts believe that the new found in pigs of influenza virus, is the recent spread from human to pigs, the Hong Kong people infected with novel influenza viruses did not increase the risk.
Written ‧ Editor: Ji-Ping News quoted: RTHK, Metro Radio
Hong Kong Food and Health Bureau
Hong Kong Food and Health Bureau 5, said that Hong Kong University of routine monitoring, it was found in October collected samples of two pigs in a new influenza virus H1N1; however, the virus did not show gene mutation, gene sequencing and is currently found in humans virus similar.
Responsible for monitoring the project experts believe that the new found in pigs of influenza virus, is the recent spread from human to pigs, the Hong Kong people infected with novel influenza viruses did not increase the risk.