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Indonesia - Sumatra - 4 (suspected) bird flu patients tested negative

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  • Indonesia - Sumatra - 4 (suspected) bird flu patients tested negative

    4 Bird Flu Patients in intensive care

    google translation:

    PANGKALPINANG, BANGKA POS - Four children suspected to be infected with bird flu was still a
    intensive care in hospitals DEPATI amzah Pangkalpinang. Unknown health development
    four patients had setelahd itangani by the team of doctors from hospitals Pangkalpinang, Wednesday (24 / 2)

    "Team doctors are still meeting, some people headed to the house in apasien tu Pangkalraya. So far
    patients still receiving treatment and placed in a special room, "said PR hospitals DEPATI
    Hamzah, Kamsi (25 / 2).

    The fourth suspect alleged the child's bird flu Fn (6), Dn (, 17), An (3.2), and Pn (28).

    The Four children
    Health Center staff met with fever Katis Simpang a very high heat.
    Previously residents melaprokan local fowl died suddenly much.

    toggletext translation:

    PANGKALPINANG, Bangka POS -- Four children were suspect bird flu was still receiving the intensive maintenance in RSUD Depati amzah Pangkalpinang. It was not yet known by the development of the health of four patients setelahd itangani by the team of the doctor RSUD Pangkalpinang since, on last Wednesday (24/2).

    The "team" of the "doctor was still close, the rest headed towards the person's house tu apasien in Pangkalraya." As far as this is concerned the patient was still receiving the maintenance and was placed in special space, said RSUD Depati Hamzah public relations, Kamsi (25/2).

    The four children were expected suspect bird flu that Fn (6), Dn (.17), An (3.2), and Pn (28).

    The four children were met by the official of the Simpang Katis Community Health Centre suffered the very high hot fever. Beforehand the resident melaprokan the kept chicken the local resident many that died suddenly.

    Pangkal Pinang: an island east of Sumatra (South East: "Sea Horse shape")

    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Re: Indonesia - Sumatra - 4 (suspected) bird flu patients in intensive care

    Posted by Ida, from Bird Flu Information Corner

    Pangkalpinang, Bangka-Belitung ::: Four bird flu suspect kids

    February 25, 2010

    Pangkalpinang ? Four kids from Kecamatan Simpangkatis are treated in Depati Hamzah regional hospital, Pangkalpinang. Patients are placed in special unit for bird flu patients.

    They were suspected of contracting bird flu infection as they exhibited continuous fever, said Supriyadi, Health Service official of Bangka Tengah. Patients? family confirmed that they experienced many chicken deaths not long before.

    The suspected kids were found during field investigation on people, which is routinely done by Simpangkatis public health centre officers when birds in the area reported to have suddenly died.

    To anticipate any possibility of bird flu transmission to human, public health officers referred the four kids of Kecamatan Simpangkatis to Depati Hamzah regional hospital. Medical team of the hospital had collected their blood sample for bird flu test. Laboratory confirmation expected to be issued within a week.

    Kecamatan Simpangkatis is one of sub-districts under observation of regional health service because of large bird flu H5N1 outbreak in chickens.

    Source: Indonesia local newspaper, Bangka Pos.

    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


    • #3
      Re: Indonesia - Sumatra - 4 (suspected) bird flu patients in intensive care

      google translation:

      Team Doctor to Jangkang

      PANGKALPINANG, BANGKA POS - A number of doctors hospitals Hamzah DEPATI heading Pangkalpinang settlements suspected of four patients suspect bird flu. The team consists of several physician specialists and specialized staff handle patient departed from Pangkalpinang flu burung to Simpang Katis and Sungaiselan, Thursday (25 / 2) at 11.00.

      The team is deployed to a location in order to anticipate outbreaks of bird flu in the two regions had. The team will check the blood of some poultry peliaran citizens and residents.

      Diterjunkannya team of doctors from this Pangkalpinang because 4 children alleged suspect bird flu had occurred in the first kalainya Bangka Belitung. During this new disease attacking poultry pelharaan citizens. (*)


      • #4
        Re: Indonesia - Sumatra - 4 (suspected) bird flu patients in intensive care

        google translation

        Suspect Bird flu Patients Home

        Health Serivice Monitors Patients, Family and Environment

        edition: 27/Feb/2010 wib

        Friday (26 / 2) SIMPANGKATIS, BANGKA POS

        - Two days after entering a special space Hamzah Pangkalpinang DEPATI hospitals, four children who
        stated suspect bird flu returned to their homes because of perceived condition
        improved, Friday (26 / 2) morning.

        Four children Pasirgaram Village residents and Village Village Pasirgaram District Airjangkang
        Simpangkatis, namely Central Bangka Priyanto (2.3), the Great (3.2), Dadang (1.7) and Pajerian

        Syahrial, Pajerian father, when asked Bangka Pos Group said his son with three kids
        Another home from DEPATI Hamzah Hospital at around 09.00 am.

        "His condition has improved and doctors are allowed to go home," said Syahrial accompanied
        Mat Pasirgaram Kades Rojik. Syahrial since her son was in the hospital was worried and
        fear of things that are bad in his son.

        "Especially right at the hospital to read a book about bird flu and similar features with symptoms
        My son, "he said. Asked about the existence of a dead chicken in the neighborhood
        they, indeed sebelumnnya Syahrial said their pet chickens died suddenly.
        "Then there was one fish I bring to the garden and found the next six chickens in the garden, too
        also hit and died, "he said.

        Airjangkang Dusun community leaders, Kusnan when contacted said the information he
        received, the two boys who had Airjangkang residents to hospitals dbawa already returned to the house

        Rojik Mt Pasirgaram Kades initially revealed on Tuesday (23 / 2), chickens that died in the village
        was positive bird flu.

        The next village health office staff assisted Central Bangka check directly to the
        residents homes to find out whether or not there people who suffer from cold, high heat or

        "So according to the direction the father of regents, we immediately move quickly and check into houses
        citizens. It turned out there were four boys in our village who are sick with bird flu-like symptoms and
        they then immediately brought to hospitals Pangkalpinang, "explained Matt Rojik.

        The discovery of a dead chicken tested positive for bird flu and the boy who allegedly
        direct bird flu serious attention the Animal Husbandry Department, and Office
        Health District and the Province of Central Bangka Babylon.

        Later on Thursday (25 / 2) immediately held a mass culling of poultry in the region
        Pasirgaram and spraying disinsfektan the chicken coops of local residents.

        "There are 573 birds were destroyed. According to assistant district Ekbang field, poultry
        citizens who destroyed property will be replaced by USD 10 thousand. The names of people who chicken
        destroyed our next record and we propose to the government, "said Matt Rojik.

        Suspect cases of (suspected) bird flu, since the beginning has received attention from health office
        Bateng. After receiving reports about a lot of dead birds, health center staff Simpangkatis
        directly to the field.

        "On February 23, the new head of the Office received the information. After obtaining
        information, Public Health Service and in coordination with the Department of Animal Husbandry and Bateng
        also the village head to overcome the problem of bird flu in accordance with the basic tasks and functions
        (tupoksi) respectively in order to suppress the spread of cases, "explained Dr. Muclish Mecky,
        Kadinkes Bateng found in his office, Thursday (25 / 2).

        Reduce health office to conduct investigations team Epidemiology (PE) in a population of approximately
        location of susfect cases of bird flu. PE 105 people committed against residents in RT 1-7
        Pasirgaram Village, a place where many reports of dead birds that happen. In
        specific cases where the chickens died suddenly according to the dr Mecky Puput in the village,
        Airjangkang Hamlet, and Hamlet Pasirgaram.

        In handling these cases, action was limited to handling dinkes in humans only,
        while handling the poultry farms conducted by the department.

        "To know the people, especially the Central Bangka, if some cases of dead poultry
        sudden melapornya to service the farm, later from the local veterinarian will be
        examine the case.

        When it was found that the bird flu, a new dinkes will do the handling of human or
        communities around the bird flu cases, "added Mecky.

        PE carried out to look for suspect cases of bird flu patients with symptoms of high heat
        above 38 degrees Celsius, sore throats, coughs and colds have direct contact relationship
        with positive poultry bird flu. These symptoms are then reported

        "At first inspection, we found no people affected suspect bird flu,
        but we continue to monitor, "he said.

        On Wednesday (24 / 2), as reviewed by dinkes there were four children susfect flu
        birds. After the findings, the doctor coordinating with the health center physician Simpangkatis
        respiratory specialists in Pangkalpinang, while the health office in accordance with Bateng
        bureaucracy to coordinate with health office to report a case of Babylon to the Director General
        Medical MOH, ed).

        "Center on dinkes instructed to immediately refer the four suspect bird flu
        to hospitals DEPATI Pangkalpinang Hamzah, "said Meeky.

        After the discovery of this case, Bateng health office will monitor continuously for two
        weeks of the suspect bird flu patients and the population is in the location of the outbreak of chicken
        the sudden death
        . Also dinkes will reactivate the rapid response team (TGC)
        prevention of potential disease outbreaks / epidemics.

        "We also will make information about bird flu and how to prevent it, either
        individuals and society by the health centers. We will also coordinate degan Dinkes
        Province of suspect bird flu prevention, "said Meeky. (wan/k1)

        Community Do not Panic

        Provincial Health Office of Babylon down quick reaction team of bird flu to the location where
        found chickens died suddenly. In addition to reviewing the location, the team also coordinated with the Department
        Livestock Babel for to anticipate the things that are not desirable.

        "We give the extension and at the same precautions to calm residents
        not to panic, "said Kabid P2PL (Disease Control and Environmental Health) Dinkes
        Sofie Helmi Babylon found in his office, Thursday (25 / 2).

        According to reports received dinkes, four residents who suspect bird flu, has
        suffering from a fever before the discovery of chickens died suddenly.

        "But dinkes already on guard. Before she was referred to hospitals, the patients also had
        tamiflu drug is given at the first clinic there as the anticipation, "
        clear Helmi.

        Until now, health office will also continue to follow the development of the patient's health that is currently
        being treated, including family members and residents in the vicinity
        residential patients.

        "If the case of chickens died suddenly in recent months had never happened in
        Pangkalpinang, Bangka last in the Western and Central Bangka.

        But for the new suspect this time. We also will continue to monitor the patient until they were
        properly cured, and people who deal directly with patients who are currently
        maintained until 10 days into the future in accordance with the incubation periods characterize the disease
        bird flu, "added Helmi.

        In the province of Babylon, which became the hospital of reference for the handling of bird flu patients are
        Pangkalpinang DEPATI Hamzah Hospital.

        "For referral hospitals bird flu should not be arbitrary. In hospitals (DEPATI Hamzah, ed),
        equipped to handle bird flu patients was complete. In addition nurses and
        also been trained doctor, "he added.

        If any citizen suspected of suffering from fever after he was found there was a sudden dead chicken
        to immediately report and went to the nearest health center. "Because of precautions
        and handling of bird flu cases have also been socialized to the health center level, "
        Helmi said.

        For the prevention of contagious bird flu in poultry to humans, people always asked
        cultivate a healthy lifestyle, maintain body resistance and always consume
        nutritious foods.

        Scared Eat Chicken

        Findings susfect cases of bird flu in the Village District Pasirgaram alarmed Simpangkatis
        local residents. Even since the outbreak of chicken deaths in a few days mendadap
        recently, some residents began to fear eating chicken.

        "Many are afraid to eat chicken. I myself frankly a little scared to eat chicken, "said
        BPD Chief Husein Pasirgaram Vice Chairman BPD didamping Sumartono to Bangka Pos

        Friday (26 / 2).

        According to Husein, the chicken that died suddenly in the village of Pasirgaram actually happened since
        one month later. At first local residents consider only those chickens died because of
        wel ill or tetelo.

        Moreover, the death of the chickens are not just happening in the village, but also in villages
        including Pangkalpinang area.

        Apparently a few days later, the chickens are dying more and more and in large numbers.
        "From Monday (22 / 2) dead chickens more and more and after the health department checks and
        farm was positive bird flu, "he explained.

        RT 2 Pasirgaram Raduin also expressed their concern about the spread of
        contagious disease that is. "People fear that contagious. No chicken problem
        that is, life is more valuable, "he said after spraying Raduin in the chicken coop disinsfektan
        owned by residents.

        Asked about the destruction of chickens in the village, said that culling would Raduin
        continued and the village chief had asked residents to raise their chickens to

        "That village heads had announced in the mosque, so that citizens of their property destroyed poultry
        such as birds, swans, ducks and chickens, "said Raduin. (k5/wan)
        Children hope AI is not

        KARWOTO (30) stood stunned in front of the bird flu patient isolation in hospitals DEPATI Hamzah.
        Father of three children Airjangkang Hamlet Village residents Pasirgaram this Simpangkatis District
        looked at the road not far from it.

        Do not know what was in mind when it Karwoto. He seemed to be upset. Understandably, his son
        Priyanto (2.8 years) susfect declared bird flu. This toddler in a room in intensive care
        special government-owned hospitals that.

        He then walked to the side of the building accompanied by the child number two. Behind the new building
        there is a closed corridor, and at the back of the hall there is the pavilion.

        i left the building there is room for the morgue. On his right there
        pavilion, and in front of a small mosque. Inside the building there are children who are Karwoto
        special treatment, accompanied by his wife Karwoto.

        "Priyanto was still in Airjangkang time, he was mediocre, he works to play, the same
        case with the other children. I do not think he included the suspect
        indication of bird flu, the article he was an active child.

        Now I see him in his room like that too, he came running, playing games in
        room, "said Karwoto while looking toward the building insulation which was not far

        Although children treated in hospital for free, Karwoto still feel sad. "I'm confused,
        the article did not know my son was really sick bird flu or not. I hope the kids
        I'm not positive that sick, "said Karwoto with a very big expectations.

        In addition to Karwoto restless because her son had happened, he could not work.
        While families need food and money.

        "Work just can not eat just a mediocre, if not two days of work have not eaten. Overnight
        I'm confused, enggak no money, so I borrowed my friend's money, fortunately she wants
        love loans, "said economic conditions Karwoto about his family who were dying.

        Currently serves Karwoto well as a father, as well as a mother. The reason the morning -
        morning she had to cook and take care of their two other children. A child's Karwoto
        suffering from malaria. After that visit his wife and children in hospitals Hamzah.

        "Yes mau gimana lagi, wife also busy accompanying the child at the hospital," he said. Karwoto work
        as pelimbang tin using a small engine. Working as pelimbang can
        sustains life, although just barely. But sometimes he was afraid also loiter for
        worry affected raid.

        "Where there is money enggak, gimana kalo arrested, going to eat what my family," said
        Karwoto looking at his son who was not far away.

        After visiting his wife and children in hospitals DEPATI Hamzah, Karwoto home with her son.
        "My son was sick. I'm up to now not been able to eat. How to eat, my family again
        difficult, at least I only cook for my son, "he said with a sad look.

        A moment later came the call to prayer resounded, sign the noon prayer has arrived. Space where
        treatment of patients suspected of bird flu was located in front of the small mosque. Karwoto
        even went to the small mosque to draw closer to the Creator.

        "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

        ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


        • #5
          Re: Indonesia - Sumatra - 4 (suspected) bird flu patients went home
          • 2/24 Four children suspected to be infected with bird flu was still a
            intensive care in hospitals DEPATI amzah Pangkalpinang.
          • Rojik Mt Pasirgaram Kades initially revealed on Tuesday (23 / 2), chickens that died in the village the was positive bird flu.
          • A number of doctors hospitals Hamzah DEPATI heading Pangkalpinang settlements suspected of four patients suspect bird flu. The team consists of several physician specialists and specialized staff handle patient departed from Pangkalpinang flu burung to Simpang Katis and Sungaiselan, Thursday (25 / 2) at 11.00.
            The team is deployed to a location in order to anticipate outbreaks of bird flu in the two regions had. The team will check the blood of some poultry peliaran citizens and residents.
          • PE 105 people committed against residents in RT 1-7
            Pasirgaram Village, a place where many reports of dead birds that happen.
          • In handling these cases, action was limited to handling dinkes in humans only, while handling the poultry farms conducted by the department.
          • PE carried out to look for suspect cases of bird flu patients with symptoms of high heat above 38 degrees Celsius, sore throats, coughs and colds have direct contact relationship with positive poultry bird flu. These symptoms are then reported tiered.
          • "At first inspection, we found no people affected suspect bird flu,
            but we continue to monitor, "he said.
          • Bateng health office will monitor continuously for two
            weeks of the suspect bird flu patients and the population is in the location of the outbreak of chicken
            the sudden death
          • Two days after entering a special space Hamzah Pangkalpinang DEPATI hospitals, four children who
            stated suspect bird flu returned to their homes because of perceived condition improved, Friday (26 / 2) morning.
          • In addition to reviewing the location, the team also coordinated with the Department Livestock Babel for to anticipate the things that are not desirable. "We give the extension and at the same precautions to calm residents not to panic,
          • "Many are afraid to eat chicken. I myself frankly a little scared to eat chicken, "said BPD Chief Husein Pasirgaram Vice Chairman BPD didamping Sumartono to Bangka Pos


          • #6
            Re: Indonesia - Sumatra - 4 (suspected) bird flu patients went home

            Pangkalpinang, Bangka-Belitung ::: Four bird flu suspects tested negative H5N1

            March 2, 2010

            Pangkalpinang ? Laboratory test on four bird flu suspects from Kecamatan Simpangkatis, Bangka-Belitung (Babel) province, Fajerian (6), Dadang (1.7), Agung (3.2) and Priyanto (2.8), showed negative bird flu infection, told Health Service of Babel province official, Helmi Sofie.

            According to Helmi, initial examination which had been done by lung specialist to the four patients did not show any signs pointing to bird flu infection, and patients had left the hospital ? by own request ? before laboratory confirmation issued.

            Even though, the Livestock Service will continue observation to patients and family until the end of incubation period.

            Source: Indonesia local newspaper, Bangka Pos.

            Posted by Ida

            Bird Flu Information Corner
            "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
            Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

            ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

