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Riau, Sumatra: 2 confirmed H5N1 bird flu; 1 died, 1 recovered

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  • #16
    Re: Riau, Sumatra: one confirmed H5N1 bird flu death; a boy is in critical conditions due to suspected infection

    Originally posted by Commonground View Post
    Thank you Celvin11, could you please give me a link to the post/article? Thanks in advance
    Yes, here we go

    Its from 1 January 2010 21:51 o'clock, in paper Media Indonesia
    Mediaindonesiacom - Merupakan sumber berita terpercaya dan hadir di dunia digital yang memberikan informasi berita terkini seputar berita politik olahraga gaya hidup

    PEKANBARU - MI: Regional General Hospital (Hospital) Arifin Ahmad Pekanbaru intensive care for a patient suspect bird flu, Annisa, 4, citizens Rengat Indragiri Hulu, Riau.

    Balita itu ditetapkan sebagai suspect terjangkit virus mematikan H5N1 setelah mengalami sesak nafas disertai demam panas hingga 39 derajat celcius. Toddlers were defined as suspect deadly H5N1 virus after experiencing shortness of breath accompanied by high fever up to 39 degrees Celsius.

    "Ia (Annisa) saat ini sedang mendapat perawatan intensif di ruangan isolasi flu burung," kata Ketua Tim Penanggulangan Flu Burung RSUD Arifin Ahmad Pekanbaru Azizman Saad kepada Media Indonesia , Jumat (1/1).
    "She (Annisa) is currently receiving treatment in intensive isolation room," said Chairman of Avian Influenza Team Arifin Ahmad Pekanbaru Hospital Saad Azizman to Media Indonesia, Friday (1 / 1).

    Menurut Azizman, dari riwayat klinis, diketahui pasien sudah mengalami demam sejak empat hari lalu.
    According to Azizman, from clinical history, patients known to have had a fever since four days ago.

    Saat masuk dirawat di RSUD Arifin Ahmad pukul 17.00 WIB, Kamis (31/12), pemeriksaan terhadap pasien menunjukkan tekanan paru mencapai 40 per menit dengan jumlah leokosit sebesar 3.200 dan trombosit 77 ribu.
    When treated at hospitals in Arifin Ahmad at 17:00 pm, Thursday (31/12), examination of the patients showed pulmonary pressure reached 40 per minute with the number 3200 and leokosit of 77 thousand platelets.

    "Saat masuk perawatan, kondisinya sudah memburuk dan diperkirakan sedang pada fase puncak panas demam. Ia langsung dikirim ke ruangan isolasi flu burung," jelas Azizman.
    "When in treatment, her condition had deteriorated and was estimated at the peak phase of fever. She was immediately sent to the isolation room," explained Azizman.

    Saat ini, lanjut Azizman, kondisi Annisa mulai membaik dan demam panas sudah mulai menurun.
    Currently, more Azizman, Annisa conditions began to improve and high fever had begun to decline.

    Tingkat tekanan paru dan jumlah darah juga relatif stabil.
    The level of pulmonary pressure and the amount of blood is also relatively stable.

    "Demi kepastian status pasien, kami telah mengambil sampel darah dan lendir tenggorokan untuk diuji di Balitbangkes Depkes, Jakarta. Hasil ini yang akan menentukan positif atau tidaknya pasien terjangkit flu burung," ungkap Azizman.
    "For the sake of certainty the status of the patient, we have taken samples of blood and mucus in the throat to test Balitbangkes MOH, Jakarta.
    The result is a positive that will determine whether or not a patient infected with bird flu," said Azizman.

    Sementara itu, Direktur RSUD Arifin Ahmad Yulwirianty Moesa mengatakan pihaknya mempersiapkan tim dokter khusus untuk menangani ancaman virus avian influenza.
    Meanwhile, director Arifin Ahmad Hospital said it Yulwirianty Moesa prepare a special medical team to handle the threat of avian influenza viruses.

    Tim dokter akan merawat dan melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap suspect flu burung di ruangan khusus isolasi flu burung.
    Team doctors will treat and conduct examination of suspect bird flu in a special room isolation.

    "Kami mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya bersama tim dokter yang menangani pasien flu burung itu. Untuk penanganannya diserahkan kepada tim dokter penanggulangan flu burung," ujarnya.
    "We prepare everything with the team doctors who handle the bird flu patients. For treatment delivered to the team doctor treatment of avian flu," he said. (RK/OL-04)


    • #17
      Re: Riau, Sumatra: one confirmed H5N1 bird flu death; a boy is in critical conditions due to suspected infection

      Thanks again Celvin11, I've updated my list posted above.
      More information on Annisah (4):
      Monday, 04 Januari 2010

      Department of Health team found a number of chickens died suddenly at around the residence Annisah (4) Village residents Kelayang Bongkal Malang District who allegedly suffered from the H5N1 bird flu. Even the medical team from Jakarta is also directly review the location where the alleged victim made contact with these birds.

      This was conveyed by Head of District Inhu Diskes Helmi A Manaf SSos when confirmed MX Pekanbaru, Tuesday (3 / 1) via cell phone. ''We've done a check and action at the scene around the victim's home,''he said.

      He said the condition of the victim with a high enough heat previously treated in hospitals Indsarasi Rengat. However, given the critical sufficient conditions hereinafter referred to Arifin Ahmad Pekanbaru General Hospital. However, based on information as of Pekanbaru, the victim's condition began to improve. Yet still running in the RSU inpatient Arifin Achmad.

      Kadiskes explained, at the time Diskes team together Indragiri Hulu in Riau Province Diskes out into the field a few days ago with the Animal Husbandry Department Inhu found a number of chickens died suddenly had been buried residents.

      Kadiskes ask other people including the alleged victim's family made contact with these birds, currently also in the supervisory physician. Even the number of nurses who deal with victims was also conducted surveillance. At least control it for about seven days ahead.

      Furthermore he said, Annisah a second victim of bird flu suspected. While the third victim was in good health. While the first victim before he died.
      Meanwhile, starting in December 2009, the District Inhu suspect there are cases of bird flu. The first case''in the village of Lala River Plantation and early December. The disease hit children aged four years, after contact with dead chicken near his home.

      Although tested positive, but the fortunate children seoang midwife after PuskemasSei Lalak had admitted to Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru Hospital for five days and was declared cured taken home by his family


      • #18
        Re: Riau, Sumatra: one confirmed H5N1 bird flu death; a boy is in critical conditions due to suspected infection

        Great supplement there, Commonground

        Clarifications make the picture more complete

        Seems that the early December cases have not yet been reported to WHO
        (last case reported occured in September, according to news report quoted above)

        ... if media report got it right ...


        • #19
          Re: Riau, Sumatra: one confirmed H5N1 bird flu death; a boy is in critical conditions due to suspected infection

          Originally posted by Celvin11 View Post
          . . .
          Seems that the early December cases have not yet been reported to WHO
          (last case reported occurred in September, according to news report quoted above) . . .
          I am not sure that Indonesia is reporting human H5N1 infections to WHO. The Indonesian update posted by WHO on December 30, 2009 may be based solely on the internet posting by the Indonesia MOH on December 28, 2009.

          We will know eventually if WHO is being notified because WHO tabulations are always based on the onset date. As note by Commonground in a post above at least two of these individuals had symptom onset in December of 2009. If WHO updates the cumulative table to include these two cases in 2009, then Indonesia is submitting the data to WHO. If the WHO updates don't include these two cases in 2009 or they are included in a future cumulative count by the Indonesia MOH (Depkes) for 2010, it will be obvious that WHO is not receiving official data from Indonesia on the number of human infections of H5N1 nor the details of those infections.


          • #20
            Re: Riau, Sumatra: one confirmed H5N1 bird flu death; a boy is in critical conditions due to suspected infection

            Indonesia: Two Pasien RSUD Positif Flu Burung

            Monday, 11 January 2010 00:00

            Results of the test sample Balitbangkes Department of Health, Jakarta against two patients suspect bird flu from Indragiri Hulu (Inhu) that was treated in RSUD Arifin Achmad, on Sunday (10/1) said both of them positive was infected by the deadly virus, avian influenza. Chairman Tim of the Control of bird flu, the doctor Azizman Saad explained, two patients from Inhu had the initials AN (4) and AD (4) after being carried out by the test sample blood and nose mucus as well as his side's throat accepted startling results. Results of the test sample first that was received by his side said, one of the patients suspect bird flu (AD) that died in Gawat Darurat Installation space (IGD), two hours after being reconciled from RS Saint Maria, on Thursday (31/12) last week, positive headed to the sign H5N1.

            Now the patient suspect other bird flu had the initials AN, was based on results of the test sample first, could be stated by the negative. However, to review this results conviction, the department of the Health through the Service of Kesehatan Riau, broke for the implementation of the test comparison with sent repeated sample blood of AN. Beberapa the day after the transfer sample second that, the RS side accepted startling results, the patient who beforehand could be permitted to carry out the maintenance of the road in his house that was in the village of Bongkal Malang, Kecamatan Simpang Kelayang, Inhu, was forced to be withdrawn to do treated the continuation, because of the test sample this showed the positive sign.

            In the continuation produced by the test sample that crisscrossed that, as being said by the doctor Azizman, his side was still coordinating Officially Kesehatan to carry out the test sample the three. In katakan him, the test sample the third stage to ascertain the cause of the condition for the temperature of the AN body that sebelumya reached 39.8 derejad celcius. "Although the AN condition has begun to be restored, repatriation was still being waiting for results" of the "test sample the three to confirm the AN cause suffered the fever with the temperature" of the "body 39.8 derejad celcius," he said while explained, according to results of the Diskeskab Inhu survey, in the AN territory in Bongkal Malang, Simpang Kelayang, the poultry often died suddenly, and was done by the extermination against several poultries in this territory. Now parents AN, DM admitted to continuing to alarm results of the test sample the three that it was promised will arrive, on Monday (11/1) -hari this. The AN condition that continued to be restored, did not yet become the guarantee of the concern loss himself about his only child.

            Yesterday we could come home, because of the test sample first my child was stated by the negative, but a day was in the house, the Hospital side called us again, gak tau his reason what, said DM. Berdasarkan consultations DM to the doctor who handled AN, the AN condition continued to be restored through to the temperature of his body tended normal. However, for the prevention, must be carried out treated complete so that AN body immunity again is fit. JF Kritis Doctor Azizman Saad explained, for the third patient after AN and AD, JF (17), the resident of the Hangtuah road, Kecamatan Sail, was still being critical. The JF condition was not still making itself aware with the temperature of the body 38 derejad celcius, sehinga must be supplemented with the ventilator. The JF breath canned be heard snored with the intensity 60, the infusion was installed rose 3 % with the smooth condition, the NGT pair implement, DC, as well as Gudel and Oxygen that helped his breathing was still equipping the child's second body from the couple AW and NS.

            Known, before entering RSUD Arifin Achmad around struck 10,00 WIB, last Saturday (9/1), JF could be treated intensive in RS Saint Matria more than 24 hours with the condition for the fever and did not make himself aware. The temperature of the JF body during first entered achieved 37.5 levels celcius. One of the families, EV (38), said, a return from Painan, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), the JF place remained beforehand, JF could cramps and the high fever. Saw the condition that increasingly worsened, the family decided to bring JF to RS Saint Maria. "His condition time was treated in the house gak experienced the change, was forced to be brought by us he to the Hospital to be checked," he said. After overnight was in RS Saint Maria, the JF condition increasingly serious, did not make himself aware, so as the side of RS Saint Maria decided to reconcile JF to RSUD Arifin Achmad because according to the acknowledgment of one of the doctors who handled him, JF was worried terjangkit the deadly virus H5N1.

            Space of Terpisah Pantauan Riau Mandiri in Flu Burung Isolation space, two patients suspect H5N1, JF and AN were treated in space was separated. The JF body was still being supplemented with medical equipment that helped breathing as well as the mouth and the nose to be closed the mask. His body still ditransfusi blood and the infusion on the right hands. Now AN, appeared cheerful with the condition bugar during was in space of the bird flu isolation together his two parents. Director RSUD Arifin Ahmad, Yulwirianty Moesa, said his side prepared the team of the special doctor to handle the virus threat avian influenza. The team of the doctor will treat the patient suspect bird flu. "We prepared everything with the team" of the "doctor who handled the bird flu patient." For his handling was handed over to the team of the control doctor of bird flu, he said.

            Moesa also said, to menaggulangi the patient suspect bird flu, was prepared by various medical facilities, including space treated especially, and medicine - obatan. The "process" of the "patient's recuperation suspect bird flu was carried out by the doctor's doctor Azizman Saad as" Chairman "Tim" of the "Control." The "patient will be facilitated, including the provisions" of the "special room and the implement as well as the special team." For the follow-up if the patient was stated positive, we coordinated Officially the Health to carry out the survey or the checking of the location of this patient, pungkasnya. mg05


            • #21
              Re: Riau, Sumatra: one confirmed H5N1 bird flu death; a boy is in critical conditions due to suspected infection

              Now the patient suspect other bird flu had the initials AN, was based on results of the test sample first, could be stated by the negative. However, to review this results conviction, the department of the Health through the Service of Kesehatan Riau, broke for the implementation of the test comparison with sent repeated sample blood of AN. Beberapa the day after the transfer sample second that, the RS side accepted startling results, the patient who beforehand could be permitted to carry out the maintenance of the road in his house that was in the village of Bongkal Malang, Kecamatan Simpang Kelayang, Inhu, was forced to be withdrawn to do treated the continuation, because of the test sample this showed the positive sign.
              One day after the 2nd sample was sent in, they received the results.
              Still waiting on the results for the 6 in Bali.


              • #22
                Re: Riau, Sumatra: one confirmed H5N1 bird flu death; a boy is in critical conditions due to suspected infection


                Masih Diragukan Suspect Flu Burung
                Ventilator Masih Terpasang Kondisi JYF Sedikit Membaik
                11 Januari 2010 - 10.34 WIB

                Google translation:

                Still Doubtful Bird Flu Suspect
                Still Installed ventilator Little JYF Condition Improved
                January 11, 2010 - 10:34 pm

                Pekanbaru (RiauNews) - The condition YF (17) of patients suspect (unexpected) bird flu started a bit better, after the inspection team doctor bird flu Arifin Ahmad Hospital this morning, Monday (11/01/2010) teenager's body temperature from Batang Kapas, South Coastal District, West Sumatra dropped to 37.5 degrees Celsius.

                "It's YF body temperature in critical condition last night (Sunday, ed), reaching 38.5 degrees Celsius. This morning has started to improve slightly, about 37.5 degrees Celsius. However, we still put on a ventilator, to keep from respiratory failure patients, "said Dr. Azisman Saad, Chairman of the Team Doctor Bird flu Arifin Ahmad Hospital.

                Team doctors have attempted to medical students Cotton Trunk Senior High School was quickly recovered, while respiratory FY results have also been dropped from 60 to 50 breath breathing every minute.

                It's just that the family could provide information that makes confused team doctor who handle YF, because previously the patient's aunt says that YF had contact with dead birds in his hometown.

                "This morning, brother, sister FY denied contact with poultry had died, and even from the confession of his brother's family is mentioned conceded spirits while swimming in the bath Kuantan," said Azisman.

                Referring to the history FY, Azisman still doubtful whether a high fever due to bird flu or not, because the initial cause of FY body temperature rises even after the patient's home to swim.

                To further ensure the real conditions, team doctors are still waiting for test results of patients' blood samples in the laboratory Balitbangkes MOH. According to Dr. Saad Azisman results will be known within two days.

                "The patient's blood sample was sent to Jakarta and within two days ahead, hopefully we are getting results," said Azisman end. (syam irfandi)


                • #23
                  Re: Riau, Sumatra: one confirmed H5N1 bird flu death; a boy is in critical conditions due to suspected infection

                  We have 3 confirmed cases, a summary.

                  Post #1
                  One toddler from Inhu died on 31 December. The results of examination of MOH in Jakarta showed positive H5N1 bird flu...

                  Saad said Azisman since December 2009, RUSD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru has handled three cases of bird flu. Two patients are young children (under five years) from Indragiri Hulu (Inhu), and another is from Pekanbaru JF.
                  Post #3
                  A17-year-old boy from Pekanbaru, Riau, is now in a critical condition after being infected with the deadly bird flu virus....
                  “The patient is in a critical condition and in a coma,” said Azisman Saad, head of the bird flu team at Arifin Achmad General Hospital in Pekanbaru...
                  “He needs a breathing machine to survive,” Azisman said, adding that the provincial health agency had sent the boy’s blood sample to the Ministry of Health and the test result came back positive for H5N1 avian influenza.
                  Post #6
                  Previous Arifin Ahmad Hospital also treat patients suspect bird flu called Anisa (5) from the village of Bangkal Malang, Kelayang district, Indragiri Hulu. Anisa finally declared healthy despite bird flu postif stated.
                  Post #14:
                  After a successful cure of a toddler Inhu origin of the bird flu virus...
                  Post #20:
                  Results of the test sample Balitbangkes Department of Health, Jakarta against two patients suspect bird flu from Indragiri Hulu (Inhu) that was treated in RSUD Arifin Achmad, on Sunday (10/1) said both of them positive was infected by the deadly virus, avian influenza...Chairman Tim of the Control of bird flu, the doctor Azizman Saad explained, two patients from Inhu had the initials AN (4) and AD (4) after being carried out by the test sample blood and nose mucus as well as his side's throat accepted startling results. Results of the test sample first that was received by his side said, one of the patients suspect bird flu (AD) that died in Gawat Darurat Installation space (IGD), two hours after being reconciled from RS Saint Maria, on Thursday (31/12) last week, positive headed to the sign H5N1.


                  • #24
                    Re: Riau, Sumatra: 3 confirmed H5N1 bird flu deaths ; a boy is in critical conditions due to suspected infection

                    I see 3 confirmed cases - either by the hospital or the MOH.

                    Ministry of Health confirmed - 1 case

                    "One toddler from Inhu died on 31 December. The results of examination of MOH in Jakarta showed positive H5N1 bird flu"

                    Hospital confirmed - 2 cases - one 4 year old and one 17 year old

                    'Results of the test sample Balitbangkes Department of Health, Jakarta against two patients suspect bird flu from Indragiri Hulu (Inhu) that was treated in RSUD Arifin Achmad, on Sunday (10/1) said both of them positive was infected by the deadly virus, avian influenza."


                    Ministry of Health confirmed
                    - 2 cases - two 4 year olds including the fatal case above

                    Results of the test sample Balitbangkes Department of Health, Jakarta against two patients suspect bird flu from Indragiri Hulu (Inhu) that was treated in RSUD Arifin Achmad, on Sunday (10/1) said both of them positive was infected by the deadly virus, avian influenza. Chairman Tim of the Control of bird flu, the doctor Azizman Saad explained,two patients from Inhu had the initials AN (4) and AD (4)



                    • #25
                      Re: Riau, Sumatra: 1 confirmed H5N1 bird flu death; total of 3 confirmed cases

                      The other 17-year-old confirmed (?) bird flu patient in Riau is reported to be recovering

                      Toddler bird flu patient in Pekanbaru allowed to go home

                      Friday, 15 January 2010

                      Pekanbaru, 15 / 1 (Antara / FINROLL News) - A toddler bird flu patient initials AN (4),
                      finally allowed to go home by doctors hospitals Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru, Riau, after
                      sample test results stated condition or healthy patients free of the H5N1 virus.

                      "The results of the mucus samples declared negative AN bird flu," said Chairman of Avian Influenza
                      Arifin Achmad Hospital, Azisman Kasim, told AFP in Pekanbaru, Friday.

                      Earlier, the boy from Indragiri Hulu has been treated extensively in the
                      isolation of bird flu patients in hospitals Pekanbaru since the end of December 2009.

                      AN has undergone two test samples of mucus (swap) that is sent to the Department Balitbangkes
                      Health in Jakarta.

                      In the first test results earned the hospitals Pekanbaru January 8 last, tested positive AN
                      H5N1 virus. Even so, the patient's condition continues to improve and test a second sample states
                      negative patients of bird flu.

                      "AN're back on Thursday (14 / 1)," he said.

                      Azisman also said that one other patient JF (17), student of Pekanbaru City, also
                      expressed negative bird flu test results of samples based on Balitbangkes Department of Health.

                      Previously, JF allegedly contracted bird flu and had a coma for three days during the treatment in
                      isolation room Pekanbaru hospitals.

                      "The patient can be moved from room to room insulation ordinary care," said Azisman.


                      • #26
                        Re: Riau, Sumatra: 1 confirmed H5N1 bird flu death; total of 3 confirmed cases

                        My current analysis on this 17 yo old.

                        Post #2 is from a site called Jakartaglobe. This is a new site for me, but I haven't been tracking Indonesia for about a year it may not be new at all.

                        At the bottom of the article, I believe it states two references, or initials of the poster, and one reference:

                        JG, Antara
                        We have the Antara article posted here, dated 1/10 (which is also the date of the Jakartaglobe article). The Antara article is Post #13. No where in the Antara article does it state the patient was positive at any given time. The reason we thought they said he was "positive" was because of the paragraph underneath a title within the body of the article labeled "Positive"

                        "Sampai sekarang kami belum tahu dari mana dia bisa terkena penyakit karena di rumahnya di Pekanbaru tidak ada unggas mati, dan dia (JF) selama ini bersekolah di Sumatera Barat," kata Evy.


                        Azisman Saad mengatakan sejak Desember 2009, RUSD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru telah menangani tiga kasus flu burung. Dua pasien adalah anak balita (bawah lima tahun) asal Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu (Inhu), dan satu lagi adalah JF asal Pekanbaru.
                        Which is translated as:

                        ?Until now we don?t know how he could be infected because there was no bird death around his house. So far JF is studying in West Sumatera,? said Evy.
                        Azizman stated since December 2009, Arifin Achmad hospital had treated three bird flu cases. Two patients were toddlers from Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu (Inhu) and the other was JF from Pekanbaru.
                        So, in my notes, I will record this information. He is currently negative.
                        We have two definite confirmed in Riau, the two toddlers from Indragiri Hulu (Inhu).

