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Ukraine- H1N1 Outbreak October 27 2009 - November 30 2009
Epidemics of influenza and SARS in Ukraine (developments) (4) ************************************* ********************************************** Date: November 4 2009 (1) From: ProMED-mail Corr. ВМ Источник: "", 3 ноября 2009 [Модератор НП] Эпидемия: За сутки вирус поразил несколько тысяч украинцев в пяти областях -------------------------------------------------------------------------- В Черниговской и Черкасской областях количество больных гриппом и ОРВИ за минувшие сутки возросло в два раза. BM Source: "", November 3, 2009 [Moderator NP] epidemic: One day the virus hit several thousands of Ukrainians in the five areas --------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------- In Chernihiv, and Cherkasy oblasts the number of patients with influenza and SARS in the past day has doubled. В Тернопольской области за сутки с симптомами ОРВИ к медикам обратилось почти 3,5 тысячи человек. Черниговская область В Черниговской области количество больных гриппом и ОРВИ за минувшие сутки возросло более чем в два раза - с 2 тысяч до 5,5 тысяч человек. In Ternopil region per day with symptoms of SARS to the doctors asked about 3,5 thousand people. Chernihiv region Chernihiv region of patients with influenza and SARS in the past day has more than doubled - from 2 thousand to 5.5 thousand people. Как сообщило облуправление здравоохранения, около 500 человек болеют гриппом, при этом ни одного случая заболевания калифорнийским гриппом А/H1N1 не зафиксировано. По словам начальника управления Владимира Ященко, "марлевые повязки для населения будут шить местные предприятия, и их мощности позволяют изготовлять 100 тысяч масок в сутки". As reported oblupravlenie Health, about 500 people suffering from influenza, with no cases of influenza A/H1N1 California have been recorded. According to the head of Vladimir Yashchenko, gauze bandages to the public will sew for local businesses and their capacities allow to produce 100 thousand masks day. В первую очередь, сказал он, масками будут обеспечивать воспитанников и персонал интернатных заведений, военнослужащих, медиков, работников служб, ответственных за жизнедеятельность региона. На сегодняшний день в область поступило 127 тысяч погонных метров марли из государственного мобилизационного резерва, еще 100 тысяч метров дополнительно получают учреждения Государственного департамента выполнения наказаний. In the first place, he said, masks will provide students and staff of boarding schools, military, medical personnel and services responsible for the livelihoods of the region. To date, the region received 127 thousand meters of gauze from the state of the mobilization reserve, an additional 100 thousand meters optional receiving establishment of the State Department of Execution of Punishment. По данным управления здравоохранения, Черниговская область обеспечена антивирусным препаратом Тамифлю швейцарского производства. According to the Office of Public Health, Chernihiv region is provided with antiviral medication Tamiflu Swiss production. На сегодняшний день в области насчитывается 4640 упаковок этого препарата, и он уже распределен между районами. Из-за распространения вирусных заболеваний в больницах области временно отменены плановые операции, проводятся лишь срочные. Черкасская область За минувшие сутки, 2 ноября, количество больных гриппом и ОРВИ в Черкасской области составило 4 тысячи 185 лиц. To date in 4640 there were packages of the drug, and he has already distributed among the regions. Because of the spread of viral diseases in the hospital area temporarily suspended the planned operation, carried out only urgent. Cherkaska Over the past day, November 2, the number of patients with influenza and SARS in Cherkasy region amounted to 4 thousand 185 persons. По информации Главного управления здравоохранения Черкасской облгосадминистрации, такой стремительный рост обусловлен в некоторой степени выходными днями, поскольку люди, заболевшие в субботу и воскресенье, обратились за медицинской помощью в понедельник. According to the General Directorate of Health of Cherkassy regional state administration, such rapid growth is due to some extent, public holidays, as people who become ill on Saturday and Sunday, seek medical attention on Monday. По состоянию на 8:00 2 ноября в области заболело 2 тысячи 558 лиц, из них 10 - гриппом. По состоянию на 17:00 сегодняшнего дня случаев заболевания гриппом А/H1N1 на территории Черкасской области не зафиксировано. At 8:00 on November 2 in sick 2 thousand 558 persons, of whom 10 - Influenza. As of 17:00 today, cases of influenza A/H1N1 in the Cherkassy region is not fixed. Всего за период с 31 октября по 3 ноября в Черкасской области заболели ОРВИ 6 тысяч 743 человека, 72 человека - гриппом. During the period from October 31 to November 3 in the Cherkassy region ill ARI 6 thousand 743 people, 72 people - the flu. За этот период с целью предупреждения возникновения возможных осложнений были госпитализированы 416 человек. During this period, in order to avoid possible complications were hospitalized 416 people. Случаев смерти больных от гриппа и ОРВИ не зафиксировано. Винницкая область В Винницкой области за сутки количество зарегистрированных больных острыми респираторными инфекциями возросло на 55%, или на 2,888 тысячи - до 8,146 тысячи человек. Deaths of patients from influenza and SARS have been recorded. Vinnytsia region in the Vinnitsa region of the day, the number of registered patients with acute respiratory infections increased by 55%, or 2,888 thousand - up to 8.146 thousand. Соответствующие данные предоставила помощник председателя Винницкой ОГА Светлана Вишневская. The data provided the assistant to the chairman of Vinnitsa Regional State Administration Svetlana Vishnevskaya. Она сообщила, что, по состоянию на 3 ноября, на территории области зарегистрировано больных гриппом 897 человек, в том числе 301 ребенок, что на 68%, или на 362 человека больше, чем было зарегистрировано вчера. Из общего количества зарегистрированных госпитализированы 594 человека (взрослых ? 236, детей ? 348, беременных и рожениц ? 10). She reported that as of November 3, in the area recorded 897 human cases of influenza, including 301 children, a 68% or 362 more than were registered yesterday. Of the total number of registered hospitalized 594 people ( Adult - 236 children - 348, pregnancy and childbirth - 10). В тяжелом состоянии находятся 302 человека, в том числе 1 беременная женщина в Томашпольском районе. In critical condition are 302 people, including 1 pregnant woman in Tomashpolskom area. Ранее сообщалось, что в Винницкой области с начала введения карантинного режима зафиксирован один случай смерти от пневмонии. Тернопольская область Как сообщил сегодня замглавы облгосадминистрации, руководитель областной государственной противоэпидемической комиссии Федор Шевчук, по состоянию на 8:00 3 ноября в области зафиксировано 43,738 тысячи обращений граждан к медикам с симптомами заболевания гриппом и ОРВИ. Earlier it was reported that in the Vinnitsa region since the early introduction of quarantine had one death from pneumonia. Ternopilska told today Deputy Governor, Head of Regional State anti-epidemic commission Fedor Shevchuk, at 8:00 3 November in the area recorded 43.738 thousands of citizens to doctors with symptoms of flu and colds. Из них 22,547 составляют обращения взрослых, 21,191 тысяч - детей. Of these, 22.547 are the treatment of adults, 21.191 thousand - children. ?Количество обращений за сутки увеличились с 2,526 тысяч до 3,5 тысяч, скорая работает в напряженном режиме?, - заметил Шевчук. Показатель заболеваемости, по его данным, возрос до 401,2 на 10 тысяч населения, тогда как вчера по состоянию на 17:00 он составлял 369,1 на 10 тысяч населения. "The number of hits per day increased from 2,526 thousand to 3.5 thousand, ambulance works in the stress mode," - said Shevchuk. The incidence, according to his data, rose to 401.2 per 10 thousand population, while yesterday as at 17 : 00 it was 369.1 per 10 thousand population. ?Ситуация сложная, но контролируемая?, - так Шевчук охарактеризовал состояние дел в области с заболеваемостью. "The situation is complicated, but controlled," - so Shevchuk described the state of affairs in the field of morbidity. По его словам, количество умерших от осложнений, вызванных гриппом, достигло 16 человек. В Тернополе же, как сообщил горсовет, по состоянию на 8:00 3 ноября интенсивный показатель заболеваемости ОРВИ и грипп уменьшился до 330 случаев на 10 тысяч населения (по состоянию на 2 ноября было 343,71 случая на 10 тысяч населения). За вчерашний день с симптомами ОРВИ в лечебные заведения Тернополя обратились 1,144 тысячи человек, из них - 265 детей до 18 лет. According to him, the number of deaths from complications of flu has reached 16 people. In Ternopil as told city council, at 8:00 on November 3 intensive incidence SARS and influenza decreased to 330 cases per 10 thousand population (as at November 2 was 343.71 cases per 10 thousand population). During the day yesterday with symptoms of SARS in medical institutions of Ternopil asked 1,144 thousand of them - 265 children under the age of 18. Зафиксировано 5 случаев заболевания гриппом. Закарпатская область В Закарпатье также продолжает расти количество больных ОРВИ и гриппом. Has registered 5 cases of influenza. Transcarpathian region in Transcarpathia also continues to increase the number of patients with SARS and influenza. Как сообщили в управлении информации и связей с общественностью Закарпатской ОГА, по состоянию на утро, 3 ноября, в Закарпатской области уже зарегистрировано 12 805 больных острой респираторной инфекцией и гриппом. As reported in the management of information and public relations of the Transcarpathian Regional Administration, as of the morning, 3 November, in the Transcarpathian region has already registered 12 805 patients with acute respiratory infection and influenza. По состоянию на 18:00 понедельника, 2 ноября, в Закарпатье количество больных ОРВИ и гриппом составляло 11 600 человек. По информации управления здравоохранения, из общего количества больных по состоянию на утро, 3 ноября, госпитализировано 640 человек. As of 18:00 on Monday, November 2, in Transcarpathia number of SARS patients and influenza was 11 600 people. According to the department of health, the total number of patients at morning, November 3, hospitalized 640 people. Среди больных 2830 детей дошкольного, 3525 - школьного возраста, взрослых - 6450. Медики в который раз призывают: при наименьших проявлениях острого респираторного заболевания необходимо обращаться за медицинской помощью. A/H1N1. Among patients in 2830 preschool children, 3525 - school-age children, adults - 6450. Medics at that again: at the lowest manifestations of acute respiratory disease should seek medical attention. A/H1N1. Репортаж из эпицентра эпидемии Как сообщалось, губернатор Ивано-Франковской области Николай Палийчук сегодня сообщил, что ситуация с заболеваемостью гриппом в области стабилизируется. Министерство здравоохранения сегодня, 3 ноября, сообщило, что по состоянию на 22:00 2 ноября подтвержден 71 случай смерти от гриппа и ОРВИ во Львовской, Тернопольской, Ивано-Франковской, Черновицкой, Волынской, Хмельницкой, Закарпатской, Винницкой и Ровенской областях. Report from the epicenter of the epidemic was reported that the governor of the Ivano-Frankivsk region Nikolay Paliychuk today reported that the situation with the incidence of influenza in the area is stabilized. Ministry of Health today, November 3, reported that as at 22:00 on November 2 confirmed 71 cases of death from influenza and ARI in the Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Volyn, Khmelnitsky, Transcarpathian, Vinnitsa and Rivne regions. Позже власти сообщили, что во Львовской области количество умерших от гриппа и ОРВИ увеличилось до 37 человек, а мэр Львова Андрей Садовой обратился к кандидатам в президенты с призывом перечислить часть средств из избирательных фондов на приобретение современной вирусологической и микробиологической лаборатории. Между тем, премьер-министр Юлия Тимошенко, выступая в Раде, заявила о стабилизации ситуации с эпидемией в восьми западных областях. (2) От: ПроМЕД-мэйл Корр. Later, the authorities reported that in the Lviv region the number of deaths from influenza and SARS rose to 37 people, and Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovaya asked the presidential candidates called for transfer of funds from the election funds for the acquisition of modern virology and microbiology laboratories. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, speaking in the Rada, declared stabilize the epidemic in the eight western areas. (2) From: ProMED-mail Corr. ВМ Источник: "", 3 ноября 2009 [Модератор НП] Минздрав подтверждает 80 случаев смерти от пневмонии. BM Source: "", November 3, 2009 [Moderator NP] Health Ministry confirmed 80 cases of death from pneumonia. СМИ сообщают о 86 умерших ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Министерство здравоохранения подтверждает 80 случаев смерти от пневмонии, сообщила заместитель главного санитарного врача Людмила Мухарская. "По последним данным умерло от пневмонии, не от гриппа и ОРВИ, а от пневмонии - 80 человек", - сказала, в частности, она, передают "Украинские новости". В то же время, как сообщает "5 канал", по данным местной власти, количество погибших от эпидемии гриппа в Украине достигло 86 человек. Как сообщается, зафиксировано ещё 2 смертельных случая во Львовской области, всего в области - 39 летальных исходов. Media reports on 86 deceased --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- The Ministry of Health confirmed 80 cases of death from pneumonia, said deputy chief sanitary doctor Ludmila Muharskaya . 'The latest figures have died from pneumonia, not from the flu and colds, and pneumonia - 80 people, "- said, in particular, she passed the Ukrainian News." At the same time, according to "5 channel" on According to local authorities, the number of deaths from the flu epidemic in Ukraine has reached 86 people. reportedly recorded another 2 fatal cases in the Lviv region, all in the area - 39 deaths. В Волынской области местная власть констатировала ещё 3 смерти. Министерство здравоохранения сегодня, 3 ноября, сообщило, что состоянием на 22:00 2 ноября подтверждён 71 случай смерти от гриппа и ОРВИ - во Львовской, Тернопольской, Ивано-Франковской, Черновицкой, Волынской, Хмельницкой, Закарпатской, Винницкой и Ривненской областях. Позже представители власти сообщили, что во Львовской области количество умерших от гриппа и ОРВИ выросло до 37 человек, а мэр Львова Андрей Садовый обратился к кандидатам в президенты с призывом перечислить часть средств из предвыборных фондов на приобретение современной вирусологической и микробиологической лаборатории. Между тем, премьер-министр Юлия Тимошенко, выступая в Верховной Раде, заявила о стабилизации ситуации с эпидемией в восьми западных областях. Как сообщалось, сегодня, 3 ноября, Верховная Рада Украины приняла в целом закон №5301 "О внесении изменений в закон Украины "О государственном бюджете Украины на 2009 год" (об обеспечении всех больниц страны необходимыми лекарствами и оборудованием для диагностики болезни и противодействия распространению эпидемии гриппа). (3) От: ПроМЕД-мэйл Корр. ВМ (перевод с укр.) Источник: "", 4 ноября 2009 [Модератор НП] Князевич просит уголовное дело за призывы против вакцинации ----------------------------------------------------------- Министр здравоохранения Василий Князевич просит генпрокурора возбудить уголовное дело против тех, кто выступал против сезонной вакцинации. Об этом Князевич заявил на заседании проводимом под руководством президента Виктором Ющенко, которое было посвящено ситуации с эпидемией гриппа в Украине, сообщает "Интерфакс-Украина". "Я обратился к Медведько возбудить уголовное дело против тех, кто выступал против кампании вакцинации", - сказал министр. В свою очередь главный санврач Украины Александр Беловол считает целесообразным проводить профилактическую вакцинацию от сезонного гриппа в тех регионах, где пока нет пика заболеваемости. При этом Биловол подчеркнул, что необходимо 15 млн. доз для вакцинации и в первую очередь, вакцинироваться должны врачи, поскольку среди них больных 2674 и умерло 4 человека - 3 врача и 1 медработник со средней медобразования. Кроме того, он подчеркнул необходимость вакцинации беременных женщин. Беловол сообщил, что сейчас есть две вакцины против вируса свиного гриппа, в частности, одна из них - российская. Главный санврач заверил, что вакцина против свиного гриппа не будет использоваться, пока не будет протестирована в Украине. "Пока мы не пройдем все исследования тестирования, мы ни в коем случае эту вакцинацию проводить не будем", - сказал он. При этом Беловол призвал не политизировать вопрос "этой вакцины". Также главный санврач заявил, что Министерство здравоохранения не исключает объявления карантина еще в нескольких регионах Украины. "В случае преодоления эпидемического порога, карантинные меры будут распространяться еще на несколько регионов", - сказал он. Беловол добавил, что это могут быть Киевская, Полтавская, Одесская, Винницкая и Черниговская области. Главный санврач также сообщил, что во Львовской области за несколько дней несколько стабилизировалась ситуация заболеваемости гриппом. (4) От: ПроМЕД-мэйл Корр. ВМ Источник: "", 4 ноября 2009 [Модератор НП] Количество жертв эпидемии гриппа в Украине приближается к 100 ----------------------------------------------------------- По неофициальным данным, от эпидемии гриппа умерло уже более 90 человек. Чиновники Минздрава подтвердили 86 смертей. Количество жертв эпидемии гриппа в Украине возросло до 93 человек. Об этом сообщил один из украинских телеканалов. В то же время, по информации директора департамента материнства, детства и санаторного обеспечения Министерства здравоохранения Раиса Моисеенко, от эпидемии умерло 86 человек. Кроме того, в Украине уже официально подтверждено 17 случаев свиного гриппа A/H1N1. 6 человек, больных, этим вирусом, умерли, причем одна смерть зарегистрирована в Киеве. Всего по состояниею на начало дня 4 ноября гриппом и острыми респираторными вирусными инфекциями в Украине заболели 478 тысяч человек, из них 134 673 детей и 980 беременных женщин. Всего, по прогнозам Минздрава, от вируса могут пострадать 14 миллионов украинцев. (5) От: ПроМЕД-мэйл Корр. ВМ Источник: "", 4 ноября 2009 [Модератор НП] Количество жертв эпидемии гриппа в Украине приближается к 100 ----------------------------------------------------------- В Киеве от "свиного" гриппа умерли двое, в Украине ? пятеро По последним данным, в Украине от гриппа AH1N1 умерли пять человек. О смерти пяти человек от "свиного" гриппа в Украине заявила первый заместитель главного государственного санитарного врача Людмила Мухарская. По словам Мухарской, два человека умерли в Киеве, в том числе один - в военном госпитале. Как сообщила первый заместитель главного санитарного врача, еще один человек умер от "свиного" гриппа в Киевской области. В каких именно регионах умерли от гриппа AH1N1 еще два человека не сообщается, передает "РБК-Украина". Другие источники пока не пишут о смерти пяти человек от "свиного" гриппа в Украине. Как сообщала, ранее стало известно, что 3 ноября в Киеве от гриппа АH1N1 умерла женщина. Ранее сообщалось, что в Украине зарегистрировано 14 случаев заболевания гриппом АH1N1, из них три - с летальным исходом. В Киевской области с подозрением на "свиной" грипп госпитализировали двух человек. [Комментарий Корр ВМ. Приводим цитаты из еще нескольких сообщений в СМИ Украины без комментариев: "Первый заместитель главного государственного санитарного врача Людмила Мухарская заявила, что A/H1N1 выявлен у семнадцати человек, а умерли от него шестеро. In the Volyn Oblast, the local authority has noted the death of another 3. Ministry of Health today, November 3, reported that as at 22:00 on November 2 confirmed 71 cases of death from influenza and SARS - in the Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Volyn, Khmelnytsky , Transcarpathian, Vinnitsa and Rivne regions. Later, the authorities reported that in the Lviv region the number of deaths from influenza and SARS rose to 37 people, and Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy asked the presidential candidates called for transfer of funds from the election funds for the acquisition of modern virology and microbiology laboratory. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, speaking in the Verkhovna Rada, declared that the stabilization of the epidemic in the eight western areas. As reported, today, 3 November, the Verkhovna Rada adopted in general, the law number 5301 on amendments the Law of Ukraine "On State Budget of Ukraine for 2009" (reported in all hospitals of the country essential drugs and equipment to diagnose diseases and counter the spread of a flu epidemic). (3) From: ProMED-mail Corr. WM (translated from ukr.) Channel : "", November 4, 2009 [Moderator NP] Knyazevych requests a criminal case for appeals against vaccination --- -------------------------------------------------- ------ Health Minister Vasyl Knyazevich asked prosecutor to institute criminal proceedings against those who opposed the seasonal vaccination. This Knyazevich said at a meeting led by President Viktor Yushchenko, which was devoted to the situation with the flu epidemic in Ukraine, Interfax reports -Ukraine. "I turned to Medvedko to bring criminal charges against those who opposed the vaccination campaign," - said the minister. In turn, the main sanvrach Oleksandr Belovolov considers advisable to carry out preventive vaccination against seasonal influenza in regions where there is no peak morbidity. Bilovol It stressed the need for 15 million doses of vaccine in the first vaccinated to doctors, since there are patients in 2674 and died 4 people - 3 physicians and 1 health care worker with an average medobrazovaniya. Furthermore, he stressed the need for vaccination pregnant women. Belovolov said that currently there are two vaccines against swine flu virus, in particular, one of them - Russia. sanvrach chief assured that the swine flu vaccine will not be used until it is tested in Ukraine. "While we do not pass all studies testing, we do not in any way that vaccination should not be "- he said. This Belovolov urged not to politicize the issue" of this vaccine. "Also, the main sanvrach stated that the Health Ministry does not rule out the quarantine declaration in several regions of Ukraine. "In the case of overcoming the epidemic threshold, quarantine measures will be distributed into several regions," - he said. Belovolov added that this could be Kiev, Poltava, Odesa, Vinnitsa and the Chernihiv region. sanvrach chief also said that in the Lviv region for several days the situation has somewhat stabilized the incidence of influenza. (4) From: ProMED-mail Corr. WM Source: "", November 4, 2009 [Moderator NP] -epidemii-grippa-v-ukraine-priblizilis-k-100.html number of victims flu epidemic in Ukraine is approaching 100 ---------- --------------- ---------------------------------- According to unofficial data from the influenza epidemic had died more than 90 people. Officials of Ministry of Health confirmed 86 deaths. Number of victims of a flu epidemic in Ukraine has grown to 93 people. told one of the Ukrainian TV channels. At the same time, according to Director of the Department of motherhood, childhood and sanatorium of the Ministry of Health Raisa Moiseenko, died from the epidemic 86. In addition in Ukraine has officially confirmed 17 cases of swine influenza A/H1N1. 6 persons, patients with the virus have died, one death was registered in Kiev. Results at the beginning of the day on Nov. 4 influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in Ukraine 478 thousand sick people, including 134 673 children and 980 pregnant women. Total projected the Ministry of Health, the virus may suffer 14 million Ukrainians. (5) From: ProMED-mail Corr. WM Source: "", November 4, 2009 [Moderator NP] of victims of a flu epidemic in Ukraine is approaching 100 ------ -------------------------------------------------- --- In Kiev from the "Swine" influenza have died, two in Ukraine - Five The latest data on influenza in Ukraine AH1N1 five people died. On the death of five people from the "Swine" influenza in Ukraine, said deputy chief state sanitary doctor Lyudmila Muharskaya . Muharskoy said two people died in Kiev, including one - in a military hospital. As the first deputy chief medical officer, another person died from the "Swine" influenza in the Kiev region. In some regions, it died from influenza AH1N1 more Two people are not reported, reports RBC-Ukraine. "Other sources do not write about the death of five people from the" Swine "influenza in Ukraine. As reported, before it became known that on 3 November in Kiev against influenza AH1N1 woman died. Earlier reports said that in Ukraine there were 14 cases of influenza AH1N1, three of them - with fatal consequences. In the Kiev region with suspicion on "pork" influenza hospitalized two people. [Comment Corr VM. quotes from several posts in the Ukrainian media, without comments: "First Deputy Chief Medical Officer Ludmila Muharskaya stated that A/H1N1 detected in seventeen men and six died from it. Прочие граждане стали жертвой обычного гриппа либо ОРЗ." ( ) "В министерстве здравоохранения подтвердили первый летальный случай от калифорнийского гриппа. Other citizens have become victims of flu symptoms or ARI. "(Http://" The Ministry of Health confirmed the first fatal case of influenza in California . Об этом рассказала заместительница главного санитарного врача Украины Людмила Мухарская. This told the assistant chief sanitary doctor of Ukraine Ludmila Muharskaya. Впрочем, разъяснить детали она не смогла, указав, что их выясняют. However, to explain the details she could not, indicating that they find out. До вечера в Министерстве здравоохранения так и не смогли уточнить информацию об умершем от свиного гриппа в столице." ( ). "По данным ВОЗ, отметившей рост числа заболеваний гриппоподобными инфекциями и воспалением легких в западных областях Украины, а также в Киеве, в реанимации находится 235 украинцев из около 250 тысяч заболевших. Before the evening in the Ministry of Health have not been able to clarify information about the dead of swine flu in the capital. "(Http://" According According to WHO, mentioning the increase in the number of influenza-like illnesses and pneumonia infections in the western regions of Ukraine, as well as in Kiev, in the intensive care unit is 235 Ukrainians from about 250 thousand sick. Лечить пациентов, ?даже при отсутствии позитивного лабораторного теста инфекции А/H1N1?, зарубежные эксперты рекомендуют препаратами ?Тамифлю? и ?Реленза?." ( ) " ?Уколоться? от A/H1N1 можно будет через месяц-два, когда вакцины пройдут регистрацию в Украине, сообщил директор Центра гриппа и острых респираторных инфекций Минздрава Александр Гриневич. Treat patients, "even in the absence of positive laboratory test A/H1N1 infection, foreign experts recommended the drug" Tamiflu and Relenza "." (Http:// privkus-grippoznoi-zarazy.html) "" prick "of A/H1N1 will be a month or two, when the vaccine will be registered in Ukraine, said the director of the Center of influenza and acute respiratory infections, the Health Ministry Alexander Grinevich. ( ) "Вчера премьер-министр Юлия Тимошенко, выступая с трибуны парламента, заявила, что ситуация постепенно стабилизируется благодаря принятым правительством мерам. По ее словам, в восьми из девяти областей, где объявлен карантин, количество заболевших либо осталось на том же уровне, либо снизилось. . "Экс-министр здравоохранения Николай Полищук настаивает на том, что никакой чрезвычайной ситуации в Украине нет. (Http:// "Yesterday, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, speaking from the rostrum of parliament, said that the situation has gradually stabilized thanks to the Government measures. In her words, in eight of the nine areas where the quarantine, the number of cases either remained at the same level or declined.. "Former Health Minister Mykola Polishchuk insists that no emergency situation in Ukraine. Цифры по умершим почти не отличаются от предыдущих лет. The figures for the dead is almost no different from previous years. Официально статистики смертей от гриппа в стране не существует, фиксируются только смерти от осложнений, в частности ? пневмонии. Official statistics of deaths from flu in the country does not exist, only recorded death from complications, in particular - of pneumonia. Так вот, в прошлом году она стала причиной гибели 6,5 тысячи человек. So, last year she became the cause of death of 6.5 thousand people. В среднем в месяц получается 541 человек по стране. In an average month get 541 people in the country. Если сейчас от пневмонии за две недели умерли 80 человек, то ситуация даже намного лучше, чем в прошлом году. If now from pneumonia for two weeks, 80 people died, the situation is even much better than last year. ?В первую очередь причиной паники стал ажиотаж в СМИ, ? считает главный иммунолог столицы Олег Назар. "First and foremost cause of panic began to stir in the media - the capital's chief immunologist Oleg Nazarov. ? В прошлом году газеты так много о гриппе не писали, соответственно, и реакция людей была проще?. Мы будем продолжать мониторировать ситуацию по пандемическому и сезонному гриппу в Украине. - Last year, the newspaper so much about influenza is not written, respectively, and the reaction of people was easier ". Http:// will continue to monitor the situation on pandemic and seasonal influenza in Ukraine. - Corr. - Corr. VM] Смотрите также: 02-NOV-09 PRO/RUS> Эпидемия пандемического гриппа в Украине (22 случая калифорнийского гриппа, 67 погибших от пневмонии) - Украина (Львовская, Тернопольская, Ивано-Франковская, Черновицкая области) (3) 20091102.10307 5 VM] See also: 02-NOV-09 PRO / RUS> epidemic of pandemic influenza in Ukraine (22 cases of influenza in California, 67 died of pneumonia) - Ukraine (Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi region) (3) 20091102.10307 5
Re: Ukraine- Pandemic Influenza - Ministry of Health says 478,000 cases & 87 deaths
Here is a possible cause for the large number of cases in a short period of time - there were apparently large political rallies during a flu outbreak.
The swine flu has spread into the political arena in Ukraine.
President Viktor Yushchenko has accused opponents running against him in a January presidential election of criminal negligence in the way they have handled an outbreak of swine flu.
And there is a shortage of available face masks in the country, according to two pharmacy customers:
?I have the flu but I do not know what type. They did not do any tests on me, But I?m fine. I hope I do not infect anybody.?
?They promised to bring in anti-viral medicines, but warehouses are empty. Do you have facial masks?
No, we do not have any.?
The search for facial masks and medicine has prompted some Ukrainians to cross the border into Hungary. More than 80 people have died since mid-October of the flu and other respiratory illnesses. The World Health Organization says it assumes most flu cases in Ukraine have been caused by the H1N1 virus.
President Yushchenko claims his arch rival, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and former premier Viktor Yanukovich were aware of a flu epidemic when they organized mass rallies to support their presidential campaigns.
He has asked the General Prosecutor?s Office to open a criminal investigation into negligence among top government members.
The ministry of health has reported yesterday almost 500 000 cases of acute respiratory illness and 86 deaths related to acute respiratory illness, which are clear increases to the report on the previous day. Influenza A (H1N1) has been identified in a number of samples in domestic laboratories.
A 9-person WHO outbreak assessment team, including experts from ECDC and EU memberstates has been deployed at the request of the ministry of health in Ukraine and are presently in Kiev and Lviv.
Samples have been sent for verification to the WHO collaborating centre laboratory in Mill Hill, London.
It is clear that the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 has established itself in Ukraine and it is likely that the rapidly evolving situation in Ukraine is mainly related to the pandemic.
However, at this stage, others causes for clusters of respiratory illness, specifically in the western oblasts cannot be ruled out.
Re: Ukraine- Pandemic Influenza - Ministry of Health says 478,000 cases & 87 deaths
In Ukraine, the flu has killed already 96 people
In Ukraine, the flu and its complications, 96 people died. It was said at the meeting of the Verkhovna Rada Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Health Bakhteyeva.
According to an UNIAN, she said, among the dead, six doctors, seven pregnant women and nine children.
In the report, the draft resolution on urgent measures to fight the spread of pandemic influenza in Ukraine Bakhteeva noted that the Party of Regions insists that the 500 million UAH were transferred to the regions for the purchase of medicines and medical supplies.
In this case, Verkhovna Rada Chairman Volodymyr Lytvyn repeatedly interrupted her, noting: "You are reported as the chairman of the committee, not as a member of the Party of Regions faction, and is a draft decree of the Ukrainian Parliament, not the Party of Regions faction, so let's stop political agitation"
Самые актуальные и свежие новости Украины и мира на Главред. Последние новости во всем мире: политика, спорт, знаменитости, наука вместе с
"Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet
Yushchenko asking UN to hold virus expert examination of Ukraine
KYIV, November 5 /UKRINFORM/. Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko told reporters on Wednesday the scope of flu epidemic, including the California virus, is immense in Ukraine.
?We have specific risk factors, aggravating the epidemic exactly in Ukraine, which is seen from findings of both the National Security and Defense Council and international experts,? the head of state said.
Yushchenko emphasized that, unlike with similar cases in other countries, Ukraine was hit by three at once hard virus infectious agents - two seasonal and Californian flues. Virologists say, as a result of mutations, this combination of infections may produce an even more aggressive new virus.
?That is why I addressed the United Nations with the request to conduct a virology expert examination of Ukraine, and set up an appropriate laboratory to take efficient anti-epidemic measures,? the President emphasized.
Re: Ukraine- Pandemic Influenza - Ministry of Health says 478,000 cases & 87 deaths
november 5 2009
Death and the flu
The number of deaths from influenza and SARS epidemic in Ukraine is close to a hundred. On the morning of Thursday was announced figure of 96 dead, then it is adjusted to 92.
Kiev / Moscow. November 5. INTERFAX.RU - Ukraine continues to count the victims of influenza. On Thursday morning from the rostrum of the Verkhovna Rada Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Health Bakhteyeva stated that during epidemics of influenza and SARS in the Ukraine have already died 96 people, including 9 children, 7 pregnant women and 6 doctors.
However, later Bakhteeva clarified this figure - 92 people, including 6 children, 4 pregnant women and 4 health workers.
The press service of the Ministry of Health agency "Interfax-Ukraine" at the time of publication of this material does not confirm or deny this information, citing the fact that 13.00 will be a briefing the chief state sanitary doctor of Ukraine Alexander Bilovol on the situation with the incidence of influenza and SARS.
During his speech in Parliament Bakhteeva also quite abruptly announced that the country was unprepared for the epidemic. According to her, in all regions there are no test system to determine the virus, 200 diagnostic devices are only available in Kiev. In addition, according to the head profile committee, in the regions lack the necessary number of devices of artificial ventilation.
As a result of hearings in the Verkhovna Rada joined flu fight by adopting a resolution on the situation in connection with the epidemic of seasonal and pandemic influenza A/H1N1, and immediate measures to counter its spread. Over 424 MPs voted in a resolution of 444 registered in the session hall. This decision provides a set of recommended actions to stabilize the situation.
Among other things, the government encouraged the formation of the direction of the funds allocated to the Ministry of Health for additional security measures to prevent the spread of pandemic influenza, epidemics of influenza and SARS in the population and to treat patients, sent to the region in 2009 at least 500 mln. Parliament also recommends that the government lift the ban on holding public events in regions where no quarantine in the epidemic.
Cabinet of Ministers recommended in ten days to approve the rules of sanitary protection of the territory of Ukraine, adapted to the provisions of the International Health Regulations.
In addition, until 10 November the Cabinet of Ministers recommended to develop common approaches to data collection, analysis, production of information and forecasting the development of epidemiological situation of the spread of influenza type A/H1N1, influenza and SARS epidemic.
Parliament recommends that the Government urgently address the issue of procurement of devices of artificial ventilation, as well as reanimobiles, the artificial kidney, and other equipment, in accordance with the needs of the regions.
In addition, until 10 November the Government is recommended to organize control and diagnostic positions in airports, railway stations, border crossings, border areas, which is established quarantine, to ensure their transport, communications, necessary medicines and related equipment for the detection and localization preventing further spread of dangerous infections.
Parliament also recommended that the General Prosecutor's Office to take steps to investigate the causes of deaths among the population as a result of influenza. Brim of the Ministry of Interior and the General Prosecutor's Office recommended the Parliament to investigate the facts and unjustified hike in prices of essential drugs and personal protective equipment in the pharmacy networks. According to the decree, the parliament will hear a report of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the implementation of this resolution no later than December 18, 2009.
Note that previously the president of Ukraine has already asked the country's Prosecutor General's Office to bring criminal charges of negligence on the part of officials and politicians, who organized the massive event at how the Ukraine has been a flu epidemic. "In this I see not only moral but also criminal liability. I turned to the Prosecutor General of Ukraine to the demand to bring criminal charges of negligence, which is expressed, above all, the chief medical officer, health officer of Kiev, government members, who had daily information about the current situation in the country, but for the sake of political benefits and ambitions do not stop at nothing "- the president said in his address to the media on Wednesday after a meeting on the situation with the flu epidemic in Ukraine. Not without its political nuances.
Talking about how to spread the disease, Yushchenko did not priminul remind Yushchenko recalled that, despite the announcement of the epidemic of influenza in the western regions of Ukraine held a mass demonstration with the participation of representatives of different regions. According to him, these actions were carried out and the prime minister and leader of the opposition.
Re: Ukraine- Pandemic Influenza - Ministry of Health says 478,000 cases & 87 deaths
"WHO begins investigating pandemic (H1N1) 2009 in western Ukraine
05 November 2009
On Wednesday, 4 November 2009, five members of the WHO mission in Ukraine arrived in Lviv, in the western part of the country. Lviv is one of the most affected regions, with more than 100 000 people reportedly sick with influenza-like illness. The team comprises two clinical experts, two epidemiologists and one communicable disease expert, who have been joined by a doctor from the United Nations Children?s Fund (UNICEF) office in Kyiv. They are visiting some of the affected areas and interviewing medical staff and patients face to face, as part of the investigation of the suspected outbreak of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 in the country. The team will spend several days in Lviv before heading to other sites.
From its investigation, the team aims to gain a better understanding of vulnerability to and risk factors for illness, and identify best-practice scenarios for treatment. Before going to Lviv, the epidemiologists spent a morning at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, in Kyiv, developing documentation that can help strengthen the analysis of the reported outcomes of patients who may have pandemic (H1N1) 2009. The Ministry, which requested assistance from WHO on Friday, 30 October, is providing the investigators with all relevant data, including epidemiological records and clinical case notes.
Working from the WHO mission?s headquarters at the WHO Country Office, Ukraine, virology experts have received further results from the examination of samples submitted earlier by national laboratories in Kyiv to WHO?s reference laboratory in London, United Kingdom, and will share them with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The experts have determined that these results continue to confirm cases of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus infection.
Communication is a key element of the response to the outbreak. Accurate and clear information can lessen fear and promote effective action. United Nations agencies and their communication focal points spent an afternoon developing a series of action points to help strengthen their messages and outreach to the general public in Ukraine. Despite the heightened alert in the country, everyone can still take very simple but effective measures to slow the spread and reduce the impact of pandemic (H1N1) 2009."
on the incidence of influenza and acute respiratory infections and their complications (pneumonia, etc.) at 16-00 hours. 4/11/2009, the (aggregate data from 29.10.09 to 04.11.09)
Cumulative number of infected : 634,000
Cumulative number of deaths: 95
"Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet
The influenza epidemic in Ukraine seems to be highly politicised.
If Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko talks about possible "mutations", for me this is politics, not science.
In theory mutations are possible, at this moment I did not see any indication at all pointing to a mutation in Ukraine.
Ehm, are the statement "lack of indications" based on published data about,
or on sensitive laboratory information from the Ukraine field measurements?
Even if there were realy only a poor population with the same pandemic strain, there, and elsewhere worldwide, cames reports of several other flu seasonal strains, or other X bugs.
So, it is probably too early to dismiss a "mutation" question - it could be always a "mutation more prone" situation, with all that mixing, or supposed other tamperings.
And the "political momentum pressure" component (if present),
could only be beneficial for real anti-spreading heavier measures at the fields,
thing that other countries dismissed to do, smoothly, without remores ...
Re: Ukraine- Pandemic Influenza - Ministry of Health says 634,000 cases & 95 deaths
WHO: Swine flu virus is top strain worldwide
By MARIA CHENG (AP) ? 27 minutes ago
LONDON ? The World Health Organization's flu chief said the swine flu virus has now become the predominant flu strain worldwide.
In some countries, swine flu accounts for up to 70 percent of the flu viruses being sampled, said Dr. Keiji Fukuda, WHO's top flu official.
While most people recover from the illness without needing medical treatment, officials are also continuing to see severe cases in people under 65 ? people who are not usually at risk during regular flu seasons.
"We remain quite concerned about the patterns that we're seeing," Fukuda said during a press briefing Thursday.
He said the swine flu virus appeared to be fairly stable, and that samples from around the world remained very similar to when the virus was first identified in April.
Regarding the recent surge of cases in the Ukraine ? which has reported more than 250,000 cases and 70 deaths of people with flu-like illness in recent weeks ? Fukuda said the virus appeared no different there than anywhere else.
"We just simply have to understand that influenza can cause outbreaks in very large numbers of people," he said. "Patterns can be quite different from country to country."
Fukuda said the agency was also monitoring the impact of the virus on particularly susceptible populations.
On Wednesday, Venezuelan officials reported that swine flu had hit the Yanomami Indians, killing seven people in a population of 28,000.
Fukuda said WHO had observed that aboriginals in Australia were disproportionately hit by swine flu, but could not say whether they were more genetically vulnerable to the virus or if that was due to underlying health problems.
With swine flu vaccination programs now under way in more than 20 countries, Fukuda said no rare or dangerous side effects had been reported, and the agency was convinced the vaccine was "highly safe."
Fukuda said WHO had been surprised that the vaccine appeared to work after just one dose, but was happy about it because that mean the world's vaccine supplies could be stretched.
Even in children under 10, Fukuda said WHO recommended that one dose could be effective. Some countries, including the U.S., are recommending that children get two doses of the swine flu shot.
"It is better to provide one dose to as many children as possible rather than two doses to fewer children," Fukuda said.
Regarding the recent surge of cases in the Ukraine — which has reported more than 250,000 cases and 70 deaths of people with flu-like illness in recent weeks — Fukuda said the virus appeared no different there than anywhere else.