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Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27 2009 +

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  • Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27 2009 +


    10 Ayam Positif Flu Burung
    Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009 | 10:44 WIB

    Google translation:
    10 Chicken Bird Flu Positive
    Wednesday, October 28, 2009 | 10:44 pm

    CIMAHI, TRIBUN? A total of 10 chickens tested positive for bird flu, after lab tests done. All chickens were from two urban villages in Kota Cimahi, namely of District and Sub-District Padasuka Leuwigajah. Residents are also forbidden to raise chickens for three months.

    "There were 10 positive tail, based on lab tests. Chicken is a lab test results since before Lebaran ago," said Kasi Diskopindagtan Cimahi City Ranch, drh Suyoto, Monday (26/10). According to him, because of the incident, all residents in the two urban villages were banned for raising chickens.

    Suyoto also appealed to the public, especially residents and Padasuka Leuwigajah to get vaccinated antifluburung. In addition, any meat that will be consumed through a medical examination and have an animal health certificate (SKKH).

    A few months ago, in Sub-District Padasuka and Leuwigajah, dozens of chickens died suddenly. All chickens that died immediately declared a bird flu, which destroyed immediately. A few survivors were eventually destroyed, with the replacement of money amounting to Rp 12,500 per cow. (zz)


    • Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27 2009 +


      Flu Burung Mewabah di Tapsel
      Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

      Google translation:

      Bird flu outbreaks in Tapsel
      Thursday, October 29, 2009

      (Parlindungan Pohan)

      Sudden Death 500's tail, Dinkes Alert

      Tapsel-METRO; Since last week at least 500 chickens died suddenly in the village of Batang Angkola Sorik District, South Tapanuli. Ironically, the sudden death of chicken first place in the village of Padang door then moving to the Old Market Village Sigalangan. While the Department of Health have confirmed that the chicken deaths due to bird flu virus.

      Head of Health Tapanuli confirmed through the Head of Division (Head) Disease Control Issues (PMK), Dr. Ismail Fahmi Ritonga Mkes, Wednesday (28/10) said that, according to reports received by it from the farm office, these chickens died from the flu virus birds. However, said Dr. Ismail, certain unknown species of bird flu virus what caused the death of these chickens.

      "The sample was sent to Medan to be tested in the laboratory to be the cause of death unknown chickens," said Dr. Ismail who claimed the new information dissemination and outreach.

      Dr. Ismail is said, it was checked Sorik Village residents to find out if there is a suspect bird flu virus.

      "But so far there are no citizens who suspect the bird flu virus. And if there is we will focus on handling. But then again there is no society that suffer the symptoms of avian flu such as fever and other sudden," he said.

      Further explained Dr. Ismail, if later there are people who suffer symptoms of high fever, chills, or flu-like symptoms of influenza, to ascertain whether the relevant contracted bird flu, have recorded the history list, whether concerned had contact with chickens that died suddenly it.

      "We would jam the data, whether the relevant house near the chicken coop that died suddenly it. Well then we can make conclusions. But if the fever had no history of contact with chickens that died suddenly it was, the less likely it is infected , "he said.

      Still according to Dr. Ismail, according to reports from animal husbandry department, the sudden death of chickens in first place in the village of Padang door and then moved to the Old Market Village Sigalangan and then moved back to the village of Sorik. The third village itself is in the district of Batang Angkola and causes about 500 chickens died suddenly.

      "To avoid the spread of bird flu virus, we've buried the dead chickens. We have also sent a circular letter early warning to all 18 health centers Tapsel and sub-districts to be disseminated to citizens. This is to increase awareness," he said.

      Meanwhile, Secretary of Animal Husbandry Department, Ir Amir Saleem on his cell phone confirmed it. His part, said Ir Amir, had done spraying in the village of Sorik and several neighboring villages to avoid the spread of the virus. Likewise, Ir Amir said, it can not specify type of bird flu virus that caused the death of these chickens.

      "The first step we do is conduct spraying to prevent the spread of increasingly widespread. And so far we have found no loss of life, who would have us handle," he said. (Phn)


      The H5N1 virus is a type of bird flu virus is very fierce, which are a major cause of disease in poultry. This virus also been found in pigs and cats, but does not cause illness in animals. Up to now, have not found scientific evidence that both types of animals are acting as the source of H5N1 virus infection.


      Early symptoms of bird flu are often similar to seasonal human influenza (cough, sore throat, high fever, headache, muscle pain, etc). This disease can progress to pneumonia which probably will happen, lack of wind, difficult breathing and respiratory failure. If you feel have been exposed to bird flu and you begin to show symptoms of influenza-like symptoms, immediately look for medical attention. Source: WHO


      Clinical symptoms (health sign) this disease is very diverse and are influenced by various factors such as malignancy rate (virulence) viruses that infect, infected species, age, gender, other diseases that accompany it and the environment.

      In type (type) AI is virulent (highly pathogenic) is usually associated with "fowl plaque '(fowl plague), the disease appears suddenly in a group of poultry and causes many birds die either without accompanied by any signs of early or just characterized by minimal clinical symptoms such as depression, lack of appetite (loss of appetite), dull hair and stood up, and fever.

      Other birds seen weak and walking unsteadily. Hen initially will produce eggs with shells (shell) is soft, but then will soon stop laying. Sick birds are often seen sitting or standing in a state of nearly unconscious with his head touching the ground. Combs and pialnya look dark blue (cyanotic) and swollen (oedematous) and may indicate bleeding spots on the end. Severe liquid diarrhea often occur, and birds look very thirsty. Breathing so heavy (shortness of breath). Bleeding spots often found on the skin that is not covered with feathers. The level of death ranged from 50 to 100%.

      In the chicken pieces, the symptoms are often not so clear, which was first characterized by severe depression, decreased appetite, and increase the number of actual deaths. Kebengkakan (edema) on the face and neck and neurological symptoms such as neck turning (torticollis) and uncoordinated movement (ataxia) may also be seen. Symptoms that appear on the turkey symptoms similar to that seen in laying chickens, but the illness lasts 2 or 3 days longer and is sometimes accompanied by swelling of the nasal sinus. In domestic ducks and geese the signs of depression, loss of appetite and diarrhea with symptoms similar to laying chickens although often accompanied by swelling of the nasal sinus. Young birds may show symptoms of neurological disorders.


      • Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27 2009 +


        Warga Situ Khawatirkan Kena Virus Flu Burung

        Google translation:
        Taxable Concerned Citizens Situ Bird Flu Virus

        SUMEDANG, (PR) .-
        Some people, especially the maintenance of village chickens in Environmental Karapyak, Kelurahan Situ, Kec. North Sumedang, Kab. Sumedang, suspected virus Avian influenza (AI) or bird flu that has killed dozens of pet chickens in the neighborhood residents RW 8 about three weeks ago, is still fester and spread to other RW.

        Suspicion of the neighborhood's residents emerged after the last week, dozens of pet chickens village residents in the 9th RW RW adjacent to the neighborhood's 8 respectively turur ill and suffered a sudden death.

        According to some residents RW 9, the number of fowl which suddenly ill and died in his RW last week, until Wednesday (28/10) count has reached at least 70 more tails. Among Science's 21 tails, Soma 24 tails, Otong 19 tail, Ny. Neneh 12 tails, and dozens of chickens owned by a number of other citizens.

        However, suspicions and fears that yesterday's indisputable. From the test results of AI virus by means of rapid test kits to sample a few sick chickens found no positive samples AI.

        Based on observation and sample test side, the head of the Office of Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) Center for Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Service (P2) region Sumedang City drh. Mursjid Abdollah, said the chickens had died and who now still look sick on the 9th RW, only ND disease.

        Seeing the results of these tests, Mursjid requested that citizens do not need to worry about them, including the ungas illness. "So if there are sick today, not because of bird flu virus karen enyebutkan test results like that," he said.

        In fact, Mursjid also admitted that the action most citizens slaughtered sick birds will not be dangerous. "Because no bird flu, if there are sick birds should be slaughtered and eaten," he said. (A-91) ***


        • Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27 2009 +

          Allegedly due to Avian Influenza
          Hundreds of Chickens in Tapsel tail Sudden Death
          31-10-2009 Region

          * ck 02
          MedanBisnis - South Tapanuli
          At least 600 chickens died suddenly in six villages in the district of Batang Angkola, South Tapanuli (Tapsel). Namely Padang Village Door 1, Door Padang Village 2, Village 3 Doors Padang, Padang Village Door 4, Sigalangan the Old Market, and Village Sorik. Sudden death of chickens was allegedly due to bird flu.
          It justified the Secretary of Agriculture and Food Security, Ir Amir Salim told MedanBisnis Hasibuan in Padangsidimpuan, Friday (30/10). "According to the data collection was carried out 600 chickens died suddenly contained in a number of villages, a whole chicken that has been destroyed by being buried and burnt," he said.
          He said, to curb the spread of bird flu virus, during the last few days, each evening at approximately 18:00 pm it to spraying owned a chicken coop in the six villages which have bird flu epidemic, and the 6 nearest village. Chickens that have been vaccinated or who are healthy will continue to monitor developments.
          According to the results of his party, the chickens that died suddenly it certainly due to the bird flu virus. Society also advised to provide information as early as possible if any similar incidents related to the bird flu virus that attacks chickens citizens. "The sample is sent to a laboratory in Medan by the District Health Office for examination Tapsel how will we wait for the results of the examination," he said.
          Meanwhile, Head of Division (Head) Disease Control Issues (PMK) Tapsel District Health Office, Dr. Ritonga Mkes Ismail Fahmi said the reports from the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Security Tapsel Kab sudden death of chickens first place in the village of Padang door and then moved Old Market Village Sigalangan and then moved again to the village Sorik. The third village itself is in the district of Batang Angkola and causes about 500 chickens died suddenly. However, certain unidentified species of bird flu virus what caused the death of these chickens.
          "The sample was sent to Medan to be tested in the laboratory to be the cause of death unknown chickens," he said, while new claims information dissemination and outreach.
          Answering Medan Bisnis related deaths of chickens died suddenly Fahmi said it was checking Sorik Village residents to see if there is a suspect bird flu virus.
          "But so far there are no citizens who suspect bird flu. And if there is we will focus on handling. But once again there is no society that suffer the symptoms of bird flu such as fever and other sudden, "he said.
          Further explained Dr. Ismail, to avoid the spread of bird flu virus, it was burying a dead chicken. Also been sent a circular letter to the 18 early warning as Tapsel health center and sub-districts to be disseminated to citizens.
          "This is to increase alertness if later there are people who suffer symptoms of high fever, chills, or flu-like symptoms of influenza, to ascertain whether the relevant contracted bird flu, have recorded the history list, whether concerned had contact with chickens that died suddenly it , "he explained.



          • Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27 2009 +

            Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta ::: Bird flu kills dozens of backyard chickens

            Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta – Dozens of backyard chicken died of bird flu infection in RW 25, Sermo Tengah, Hargowilis, Kokap, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. Backyard chickens are reported suddenly died since last weekend and tested positive bird flu infection.

            A local described those chickens found dead under the tree. It is assumed the deaths happened at night when chickens were resting upon the tree branches. No injury found on chicken’s body.

            First incident was reported last Saturday morning when numbers of chickens belong to local chief suddenly fell off and died from the tree. After that other people continue to report similar incidents.

            Animal Health officers of Kecamatan Kokap have been dispatched to check the situation and to collect cloacal and saliva samples from dead chickens. Those samples tested positive bird flu infection.

            For preventive measures, dead chickens were burned and buried. Proper disinfection has been applied to the area.

            Head of Animal Health Division of Marine, Fishery and Livestock Service, Endang Purwaningrum announced prohibition of bird distribution outgoing the area. During 2009, reports of chicken deaths tend to decline, added Endang.

            Bird flu eradication in Kulon Progo is relatively difficult to be completed because mostly birds are reared freely.

            For anticipation of virus transmission from bird to human, Health Service has distributed Tamiflu to surrounding public health centers.

            Source: Indonesia newspaper, Kompas.

            thanks to infoflu


            • Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27 2009 +

              Bird Flu Case Found Again in Banda Aceh
              By Republika Newsroom
              Rabu, 04 November 2009 at 12:35:00
              BANDA ACEH - The case of bird flu (Avian Influenza / AI) re-discovered in the City of Banda Aceh caused dozens of people dead birds and had to be destroyed suddenly.

              "A total of 23 birds Ateuk Siti Rohana Jawoe residents of Banda Aceh city must be destroyed because of the positive bird flu," said Kasie Husbandry Department of Animal Health and Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Keluatan Banda Aceh, Mustafa in Banda Aceh, Wednesday (4 / 11).

              According to Mustafa, the team has revealed the location to conduct culling (depopulation) poultry by burning. It also brought samples to the laboratory for examination. "The team immediately after a report revealed there was a sudden dead chicken and the sample was taken for examination in the laboratory," added Mustafa.

              She specify, until November 2009, recorded 14 cases of bird flu in the city of Banda Aceh are seven cases in the District Kutaraja, two in District Meuraxa, two in New Jaya district.

              Each one case in Ulee Kareng district, subdistrict and district Baiturrahman Kuta Alam. Of these 14 cases, as many as 385 birds both ducks and chickens are destroyed.

              Cases of bird flu in the capital of Aceh province was increased compared to 2008 which occurred as many as four cases. Banda Aceh is one of 10 regional districts in Aceh had found cases of bird flu in 2008.

              But until now has not found any cases of bird flu in humans in Aceh. Bird flu caused by H5N1 virus in Indonesia had a chance to bloom in 2007 and even to cause death in humans.

              Data from related department, since June 2005 until March 2008, 11 of the 23 districts / cities and 41 districts and 76 villages in Aceh catch bird flu. Mustafa said the community should consider cleaning poultry cages and immediately wash hands after direct contact with these animals.



              • Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27 2009 +

                Bird Flu in Tapsel, Thousands of Chickens Die Sudden
                Posted in Main News by Editor on November 8th, 2009
                Padangsidimpuan (SIB)
                Bird flu outbreak in the district of Batang Angkola, South Tapanuli, resulted in 2609 chickens died suddenly. Regency Office Tapsel through agriculture, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry (Ditanbunak) responded immediately and went down to the location of a spraying and treatment of chickens.
                "Yes, it was bird flu and we've done the spraying action in the stable environment of livestock farmers and to avoid spread to other areas," explained Head Tanbunak Tapsel accompanied Ir Ir Kelvin Lucky. Irsan Hasibuan Kabid Plant Protection and Animal Health with drh Hartini Wanti Harahap cited.
                Furthermore, said Lucky, spraying the chicken coop is a temporary measure. Then be disseminated to the people to maintain cleanliness of the cattle barn. Sekaitan with the bird flu, the Distanbunak coordination with the Department of Kehatan keep things the others due to bird flu affecting chickens are citizens.
                Community Tapsel always raising free-range chicken as a good economic value in the market. "The price could reach Rp60.000, - to Rp 80.000, - per cow. Very exciting indeed, "said Head. However, the public should also have to set the cage and keep it clean so that the chicken well-developed and protected from disease.
                In connection with the bird flu disease that attacks chickens in Batang Angkola, Regent Tapsel Ongku P membut Hasibuan was a circular letter to the district head, WMO, BPP leaders in their respective districts in order to increase awareness and to disseminate to the public about bird flu. "The report we'll do regularly, so if there is one case of bird flu in a village or district would be more easily and quickly observed," he said.
                As known, in the district of Batang Angkola year 2006 also was found in the same case. Thousands of chickens died suddenly of farmers at that time. The case of the chickens died suddenly be resolved through spraying and socialization to the community, increase cage cleanliness, hygiene and environmental sanitation.



                • Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27 2009 +

                  Hundreds of Chickens in Kalanganyar Sudden Death
                  Monday, November 9, 2009 01:12 pm
                  | Events | General | Read 436 times

                  Chicken / illustration (AFP / Arief Priyono) @ Lebak (ANTARA News) - Lebak District Animal Husbandry Department to spraying disinfectant or disinfectant after hundreds of chickens died suddenly in a number of villages in the district Kalanganyar.

                  Head of Animal Husbandry Department, Lebak District, Iman Santoso, Sunday, said his company currently continue to perform monitoring and supervision of a number of villages in the district in connection Kalanganyar found hundreds of chickens died suddenly.

                  In fact, a chicken carcass after officers examined tested positive for bird flu virus.

                  Therefore, it did spraying disinfectant into a chicken coop in the vicinity where the positive poultry bird flu.

                  Meanwhile, chickens infected with bird flu virus was buried for fear of attack humans.

                  However, until now have not received reports from local health office of citizen deadly virus.

                  In addition, it also continues to conduct outreach and dissemination of hygiene cage to prevent spread of bird flu.

                  Until now, residents keep chickens or poultry they do not like dikandangkan and around the trees, the kitchen and windows.

                  Such conditions, he said, of great potential bird flu, especially when it began to enter the rainy season.

                  "We ask people who have chickens for dikandangkan and keeping clean around the cage," he said.

                  He appealed to citizens if the chicken was found dead of a sudden immediately reported to the Animal Husbandry Department officials through local RT and RW.

                  From the report, officers will check if the chickens are infected with bird flu or not.

                  "We always act quickly, if there were no reports of citizens," he said.

                  According to him, people if holding the chicken or other poultry should wash hands to prevent the risk of bird flu.

                  In addition, residents also clean the cage with waste water or water laundry detergent.

                  He mentioned, it asked residents to watch the weather change now entering the rainy season, so if found chickens do not die suddenly place or disposed of carelessly thrown into a river.

                  "I think if the birds die better be buried or burned," he said.

                  Meanwhile, Uding (50) a farmer Kalanganyar Village residents, Kalanganyar district, Lebak District, admitted he did not know what happened to attack hundreds of chickens that died suddenly.

                  "If my chickens died suddenly the corpse was buried and burned so as not to spread the bird flu virus," he said.



                  • Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27 2009 +

                    Lebak, Banten ::: Bird flu outbreak in several villages. Bird flu infected
                    chickens disposed to irrigation canal

                    November 11, 2009

                    Lebak, Banten ? Livestock Service of Kabupaten Lebak, Banten Province monitored several villages of bird flu outbreak in Kecamatan Kalanganyar after hundreds of chickens were found suddenly died.

                    One of dead chickens was tested positive bird flu infection.

                    Following to this finding, disinfection has been done to chicken cages around the infected cage. Dead chickens were buried to prevent bird to human virus transmission.

                    Up to present moment, there is no report about bird flu symptom in people.

                    To prevent any bird flu transmission to human, Livestock service has done public socialization. People were asked to keep their chickens caged; to maintain self-hygiene, by washing hand after contact with birds; and to apply farm bio-security practice by cleaning chicken cages with detergent.

                    Source: Indonesia news office, ANTARA.

                    Lebak, Banten ? Dozen of dead chicken bodies tested positive bird flu infection have been disposed into irrigation canal of Kampung Babakan, Desa Aweh, Kecamatan Kalanganyar on Monday (9/11).

                    Worrying of bird flu infection, people reported bad smell of rotten chicken bodies came from the irrigation canal to local livestock service. According to this report, officials dispatched to investigate the location. Examination to several chicken samples showed those chickens had died of bird flu infection.

                    It is assumed those chickens belong to farms of Desa Aweh that had bird flu outbreak several days ago.

                    Head of Health Service of Kabupaten Lebak, Maman Sukiman mentioned health service officials have investigated any incident of bird flu infection in human in affected areas, Kecamatan Kalanganyar and Cikulur. So far, no bird flu infection in human reported. However, for prevention health service has distributed 4,000 Tamiflu to all public health centers in Kabupaten Lebak.

                    Source: Indonesia newspaper, HuPelita.



                    • Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27 2009 +

                      West, North Sumatera ::: Bird flu outbreak

                      November 10, 2009

                      Padang, West Sumatera ? Agriculture, Livestock and Horticulture Service (Dispernaktura) of Kabupaten Pasaman Barat identified hundreds of chicken infected by bird flu H5N1 virus in Kecamatan Pasaman, Jorong Padang Durian Hijau and Kecamatan Luhak Nan Duo, Jorong Padang Lawas.

                      ?After field investigation, we found bird flu positive from those two districts. Confirmation made by laboratory test in Bukittinggi,? said Head of Dispernaktura of Pasaman Barat, Jhonniwar on Monday (9/11).

                      Preventive measures have been done by disinfection of flocks and surrounding area in 500 meter, followed by depopulation to infected chickens.

                      Source: Indonesia local newspaper, Padang Today.

                      Tapanuli Selatan (Tapsel) , North Sumatera ? Head of Agriculture Service Tapsel stated no more death birds found after last bird flu outbreak in six villages of Kecamatan Batang Angkola, Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan.

                      Agriculture service has taken appropriate measures to prevent further spreading of the disease, such as disinfection of affected and border area, also vaccination to survived chickens. Prohibition of free rearing chickens is also applied.

                      Bird flu virus attacked several villages in Kecamatan Batang Angkola, Kabupaten Tapsel last month.

                      On October 23rd, about 500 chickens died in Desa Pintu Padang I. In two days after, about 250 chickens died in Desa Pintu Padang II. Since then, sudden death in chickens was continuing in other villages; Desa Pintu Padang III, Desa Pintu Padang IV, Desa Pasar Lama Sigalangan, Desa Sorik, Desa Sori Madingin Lama and Desa Sitampa/Simatoras. By Monday (2/11), suddenly died chickens count reached 2,609 in Kecamatan Batang Angkola.

                      Health Service of Tapsel conducted anticipation and preventive measures by public socialization, and disinfection to infected villages. High-risk villages that are located next to infected villages, Desa Tolang, Sipange and Sialang, were also disinfected.

                      Disinfection was done continuously since October 23rd until no more dead chickens found.

                      Of 2,609 dead chickens belong to 200 households. Vaccination is ongoing to survived chickens.

                      Meanwhile, to prevention further spreading to other areas, government official of Kabupaten Tapsel, has directed twelve districts of Kabupaten Tapsel to be aware and to maintain farm biosecurity.

                      Source: Indonesia local newspaper,



                      • Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27 2009 +

                        Attack H5N1 Luwuk
                        Monday, November 16, 2009, 11:59:00
                        LUWUK-Indonesia was not yet free of bird flu or H5N1. The virus is deadly dangerous and it was entered into Luwuk District, Central Sulawesi. Exactly peterankan chicken attack in District Kintom.

                        Chairman of the Banggai Livestock Association, Nasrun Bandiong said about 20 chicken farms in the district's community Kintom tested positive for bird flu. However, not known from where the virus originated.

                        "Department of agriculture has made vaccination and cleaning the cage in an area that this H5N1 virus," said Nasrun.

                        In addition, he beber, citizens also volunteered to do the destruction of infected cattle is believed to H5N1 virus. Nasrun also asked the Department of Health to immediately fall into Sub Kintom to check people in the area, to mengansipasi these viruses do not infect humans.

                        "The H5N1 virus is more dangerous than the H1N1 virus (swine flu) and can be quickly transmitted to humans. So the Department of Health to intervene," he concluded.



                        • Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27 2009 +

                          Regarding previous post:

                          "cattle" should be read as "livestock" , in this case meaning poultry.

                          Translation bug of "google" machinetranslation.


                          • Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27 2009 +

                            From South Sulawesi

                            on Monday, 16-11-09 |

                            Kasus AI in South Sulawesi Descended

                            The report: Harifuddin MAKASSAR -- the Case of bird flu or Avian Influenza (AI) in several last years made the community and the government restless.

                            However, the last data from the Peternakan Service (Disnak) South Sulawesi revealed the existence of the decline in the case resulting from the virus infection H1N1 this. (H1N1 should be H5N1 ? ed)

                            The "thorough handling from the government and the co-operation with the community succeeded in reducing the figure from 55 thousand AI cases decreased to 11 thousand cases," said Kadisnak South Sulawesi, Murtala Ali when appearing as one of the speakers in the Biosecurity Livestock Seminar, in the Clarion Makassar Hotel on Monday November 16 this morning.

                            According to Murtala, the handling take the form of biosecurity this could reduce the incident figure in various regencies in South Sulawesi. He hoped that in the future this program went good until AI could be eliminated from South Sulawesi.

                            Baca berita terbaru hari ini mulai dari berita viral, politik, olahraga, peristiwa, kecelakaan, kriminal, hukum, nasional, dan internasional.


                            • Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27 2009 +

                              Monday, November 23, 2009 08:01

                              Potentially 11,000 Poultry infected with H5N1

                              MAKASSAR (SI)-Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1) or bird flu still a threat seems poultry sector in South Sulawesi.

                              Until September, as many as 11,000 birds were found infected with the virus that potentially can also infect humans. Three-prone areas of the spread of this virus Wajo, Sidrap, and Soppeng. In addition, areas prone to the disease also stated that Antrhax Bulukumba District, Maros, Makassar City and some Bone.

                              Head of Animal Husbandry and Health of South Sulawesi Murtala Ali said government efforts to suppress the number of bird flu virus spreading in South Sulawesi Disnak data berhasil.Berdasarkan enough, in 2003, the number of cattle exposed to avian influenza is declared (AI) as many as 55,000 head. "Now it's very far down and the remaining 11 thousand ekor.Itupun not routinely happen and just be incidental, especially in endemic areas of bird flu is like Sidrap and Wajo," explained Ali Murtala told the newspaper Seputar Indonesia in the House office of Governor, last weekend .

                              Former South Sulawesi Livestock Wakadis says, to deal with the spread of bird flu virus, the provincial health organizations in cooperation with the world Organitation Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). A total of 168 volunteers prepared to give guidance to farmers and the public about the dangers of exposure to this virus, especially if it infects humans. Because the symptoms of the virus known as H5N1 is similar to ordinary flu.

                              "These trained officers ready to assist communities in dealing with bird flu. They are trained in partnership with FAO, "he said. However, bird flu project FAO cooperation will end next June 2010. However, because of its ongoing projects, the program will again be extended to the proposed new projects that did not stop treatment.

                              The plan, the project will be held for five years and includes diseases and Veterinary Antrhax. South Sulawesi provincial government targets, the next 2010 years, the number of avian H5N1 virus remains ekor.Dengan so 5000, is expected to remain in a position of South Sulawesi self-sufficiency in egg and chicken meat. "To prevent the bird flu virus is transmitted from outside the province, at each entrance as airports and ports, set the quarantine of animals," he added.



                              • Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27 2009 +

                                Tuesday, 24 November 2009 15:51

                                Head of PKH: Chickens die in North Aceh positive bird flu
                                Warta - Aceh
                                WASPADA ONLINE

                                LHOKSEUMAWE - Head of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health (PKH), North Aceh, Rizal Binsari, said, according to research workers in the village of Simpang Empat, Simpang Keuramat districts, chickens that died suddenly it was positively infected by the virus Afian Influenza (AI), or bird flu.

                                "In accordance with rappit tests conducted Anigen H5N1 side, it turns out the dead chickens tested positive for bird flu," he said, this afternoon.

                                Say, after being informed about the assistance chickens died suddenly, he immediately ordered the clerk down to the village of Simpang Empat, and recognized nearly 90 percent of residents received chickens had died.

                                "To reduce the spread of the virus, we immediately do the spraying in the area," he said.

                                Admittedly, chicken assistance from Provincial Animal Husbandry Department is plotted through the regular budget, which totals North Aceh three thousand tails. While Simpang Empat village received 500 rations tail, although the new 400 tail distributed.

                                "Therefore we will ask for accountability from the selector and of course this chicken dealer partners must also be responsible. Moreover, the distribution of time when chickens die has not reached seven days, "he said.


