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Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 to December 31, 2009

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  • #76
    Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

    toggletext translation of previous post:

    BIRD FLU: Numbers of Patients 'Suspect' H5N1 in RSUAM Increased

    Banda Lampung (Lampost): An other patient suspect bird flu (H5N1) entered the Public Hospital of Abdul Moeloek Banda Lampung, on Friday (28-8), around struck 19,13.

    Re (8), the resident Street *** Sukamenanti, Kedaton beforehand only treated the road.

    But because his condition immediately did not improve, keluarg him brought the child to RSUAM.

    Eka, the mother Re, expected his daughter to be infected bird flu because often dropped by at the chicken coop belonging to his neighbour who was known by many that died suddenly several days ago.

    Because of having the sign that was the same as the patient that beforehand, that is In, No, and De, the primary school student be forced in treated in special isolation space. According to the specialist doctor of the lungs, Pad Padilangga, currently was treated in isolation space.

    He was reconciled to RSUAM because of being suspected by the existence of the sign of flu, coughs, and the high fever as well as once contact with the poultry. The three patients who were treated in isolation space at this time have begun to improve.

    However, the patient was not yet allowed to come home because still was waiting for results of the Cipto Mangunkusumo inspection of the Hospital laboratory (RSCM) Jakarta.

    Reported Lampung Post beforehand, RSUAM handled two patients suspect bird flu (H5N1). Both of them, No (21) and In (22), the resident Sukamenanti, Kedaton. They are currently treated in isolation space.

    Moreover, two residents Sukamenanti other, Re (8) and De (10), also could be suspected by bird flu.

    However, because of not yet worrying, both of them only took medicine the road.

    Kasi Pelayanan Medis, Elitha Martarina Utari, said RSUAM checked and carried out the laboratory test and radiology against the two patients. Results still in the normal limit. Nevertheless, his side will monitor continued the No development and In.


    • #77
      Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +


      Senin, 31 Agustus 2009
      Pasien H5N1 Bertambah

      Monday, August 31, 2009
      Increase H5N1 patients

      BANDAR LAMPUNG (Lampost): The patient suspect bird flu (H5N1) in Bandar Lampung RSUAM increases. Sunday (30-8), at 16:15, a new patient came in and treated at the hospital.

      This means that five patients suspect bird flu handled. And all citizens Sukamenanti, Kedaton. Patients who entered Sunday (30-8) is the Ja (26), residents of District Sukamenanti, Kedaton. Ja who experience dizziness, fever, and shortness of breath since two days earlier, had brought his family to RSUAM.

      Do not directly addressed and put into intensive isolation room. Patient suspect bird flu that have been handled is in, No, De, and Re. Everything Sukamenanti citizens.

      While Re (8) and De (8) last week had brought to RSUAM because the same symptoms. However, after examination, the doctor suggested they only undergo outpatient treatment.

      By her family, De and Re taken home. Both were given a drug that was taken from RSUAM. However, apparently not well de conditions improve. Finally, the family agreed to bring back De RSUAM Thursday. He underwent hospitalization.

      Similar conditions also occurred in Re. His health condition did not improve. then keluargnya brought him to the RSUAM.

      Eka, the mother of Re, suspect, his daughter contracted bird flu because it is often played into the neighbor's chicken coop is known to many who died suddenly a few days ago. Elementary students are immediately treated in isolation.

      Eka (23), wife of Ja RSUAM met, said her husband had three days of fever and headache. Ja then taken to the clinic. After taking medicine given clinic, his condition did not improve a visit. Ja then taken back to the clinic. Then the nurse at the clinic, Ja RSUAM referred to the suspicion of contracting bird flu.

      RSUAM medical officer said all patients suspect bird flu had taken blood and saliva. Everything is sent to the laboratory at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital for examination.

      According to medical officials, though a fifth was treated in isolation, it can not be sure whether they were infected with bird flu. It is still waiting for laboratory results from Jakarta.

      Previously, dr. Pad Padilangga, lung specialist, said the condition of patients No, In, and De is improving. Nevertheless, they are still treated in isolation and not diberbolehkan home. The problem, still waiting for results of laboratory tests.

      Kasi Medical Services, Martarina Elitha Utari, said RSUAM been checked and do laboratory tests and radiology to No and In. The result is still within normal limits. Even so, it will continue to monitor developments and No.
      In. * / K-1


      • #78
        Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

        Update from Lampung: 1 patient is critical, 1 went home.

        toggletext translation, edited

        Patients are Residents of one Village, Banda Lampung - one from four patients suspect bird flu that was treated in RSU Abdoel Moeloek isolation space, Banda Lampung, on Sunday (30/08/09) yesterday, his condition was critical.

        Results of the doctor's inspection, the critical patient resulting from the temperature of his body continued to rise to 40 Celsius levels. And from results of x-raying the patient experienced neomonia or approaching positive.

        Three from four patients suspect bird flu that entered diruang the isolation of RSU Abdoel Moeloek Banda Lampung to yesterday still was receiving the maintenance intensively from the medical team that handled him. Moreover one patient among them had a name IN, his condition was critical.

        While the patient RE was stated negative and was returned to his house.

        Results of the team's medical inspection, the patient IN experienced critical with the temperature of the body achieved 40 Celsius levels.

        Moreover, results of x-rayed now said, the patient experienced pneomonia or his status approaching positive infected by the virus H1N1 or bird flu.

        Before being sick, the patient also it was known had the story often was directly touching with the poultry. Beforehand dozens of chickens in the patient's village experienced died in a mass fashion because positive bird flu.

        The patients suspect bird flu that was treated this was came from one village in Street Tupai, Gang Aren Kedaton, Banda Lampung. The four of them fell ill and were run off with to the local hospital because suspect bird flu on the Thursday simultaneously.

        In the meantime results of the lab test of the four patients suspect this bird flu could be just known on the Tuesday (01/09) tomorrow for decisive positive or not contaminated with the bird flu virus.

        google translation, edited

        Citizens from the same village are Patients, Bandar Lampung - One of four patients suspect bird flu is treated at room
        RSU Abdul Moeloek isolation, Bandar Lampung, Sunday (30/08/09) yesterday, his condition critical.

        the doctor's examination, the patient's body temperature is critical due to continuing rise to 40 degrees Celsius.

        And from an X-ray or pneomonia patients experienced a positive approach.

        Three of four patients suspect bird flu entering the isolation room when RSU Abdul Moeloek
        Bandar Lampung until yesterday still receiving intensive treatment from the medical team
        handle. Even one such patient named IN, critical condition.

        While patients
        named RE has been declared negative and sent back to his home

        The results of the examination medical team, patients experiencing critical IN with body temperature reaching 40
        degrees Celsius. In addition, the results of X-rays while the states, the patient experienced neomonia
        or status as a positive approach H1N1 virus or bird flu.

        Before the illness, patients also
        known to have a history of frequent direct contact with poultry. Earlier tens
        kampong chickens in these patients have died en masse because of positive bird flu.

        The patients suspect bird flu is treated come from a village on the Road
        Squirrels, Gang Aren Kedaton, Bandar Lampung. All four fell ill and was rushed to hospital
        local because suspect bird flu on Thursday at the same time. Meanwhile, results from

        The four patient's lab test suspect this bird flu could be known only on Tuesday (01/09) tomorrow
        to ensure positive or not infected with bird flu virus.


        • #79
          Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +


          Kamis, 3 September 2009
          Penyakit Menular: Flu Burung Sulit Diberantas

          Google translation:
          Thursday, September 3, 2009
          Communicable Diseases: Bird flu hard to be eradicated

          BANDAR LAMPUNG (Lampost): Diseases of bird flu (H5N1) difficult to be eradicated if the public habits can not be changed. It was mentioned by DSO Coordinator Lampung Provincial Health Office, Sutrisno, in the eradication of bird flu awareness in the residence Geswati, Jalan Rusa No. 59 LK II, Sukamenanti Sub-District, District Kedaton, Bandar Lampung, Wednesday (2-9).

          Socialization penanggulngan bird flu and swine flu was attended by Department of Agriculture, Livestock, and Forestry; Public Health Bandar Lampung; Lampung Provincial Health Office; good medic or a vet clinic, religious leaders, community, and residents of District Sukamenanti.

          Bird flu can be overcome if the community can implement a clean living habits, such as cleaning the chicken coop every day, not to sell the remaining chicken outbreaks or illness, do not carelessly throw a dead chicken, or chicken died suddenly thrown into the river, or to make alternative cage that surrounds the house.

          To this day, a total of 132 chickens died suddenly tail. 27 baked chicken tail, while the rest buried. He also expressed the socialization of the symptoms, prevention and treatment. He also urged that the meat of sick poultry and cattle that have not been cleaned eggs are not put into the refrigerator. Malignant avian influenza can also spread through manure from chicken manure as fertilizer for plants.

          Separately, pulmonary specialist dr. Pad Padilangga says bird flu suspected patients in the Isolation Room; Nova, Indah, and Juliyanto been sent home today. Resa while still undergoing treatment in the Isolation Room. Resa initially suspect bird flu, but lab results showed a positive Resa infected swine flu (H1N1).

          According to Eka, he had not received laboratory results from the medical team. He was devastated because his son was sentenced to swine flu positive. "I'm afraid my friends Resa did not want to play with if you know Resa Resa infected with swine flu (H1N1)," Said Eka. MG9/K-2


          • #80
            Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +


            04 September 2009 | BP
            Pasien Diduga Supspect Flu Burung Meninggal Status Positif Flu A

            Google translation:

            04 September 2009 | BP
            Patient Allegedly Killed Supspect Avian Flu A Positive Status

            Denpasar (Bali Post) --
            After getting treatment more than five days in hospital Sanglah, WAS
            (19) residents Tampak Siring Gianyar suspected bird flu suspect
            eventually died Thursday (2 / 9) night. WAS respiratory conditions are
            had packed two days after breathing assistance at Sanglah Hospital
            starting to improve so that he could breathe with stable during the
            treatment at Sanglah Hospital.

            But the fate of the other said. Although breathing began smoothly, there
            several organs in the body is already disturbed WAS function due
            tersendatnya oxygen as long as he experienced shortness. ''When given
            breathing assistance with equipment, the patient's oxygenation improved. Organ depends on the smooth supply of oxygen in the body too improved. But there are several organs that if disturbed function, although smoothly oxygen can not be repaired quickly,''said Secretary
            Bird flu, dr. Ken Wirasandhi when contacted Friday (4 / 9 today.

            It is a condition caused by WAS began to deteriorate and eventually
            died. Three days earlier, exactly Monday (31 / 9) and infants
            WAS conceived during the eight months was also excluded because they can not saved and died in the womb.

            About the status of WAS, Ken continued from regional examination results negative. But the Health Research and Development examination, WAS tested positive for influenza A but unknown type.

            ''So have to wait longer examination further to determine whether the type of H5N1 virus or not,''the light Ken. WAS bodies directly taken home by his family that night to be buried. (san)


            • #81
              Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +


              Radar Bali
              [ Sabtu, 05 September 2009 ]
              Pasien Suspect Meninggal

              Google translation:

              Radar Bali
              [Sabtu, 05 September 2009]
              Suspect Dead Patients
              DENPASAR - The patient suspect bird flu, Ni Wayan S, 19, died Thursday (3 / 9) at around 18:00 pm. The patient died after receiving intensive treatment at AI Isolation Room, Nusa Indah, Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, since Saturday (29 / 8). S Wayan bodies had been taken by her husband at about 20:00 Thursday night. Secretary of Avian Influenza Team Sanglah Hospital, dr. I Gusti Bagus Ken Wirasandhi when confirmed Friday (4 / 9) yesterday confirmed if citizens from Sukawati, Gianyar was already dead. But Ken says, the patient died because of lack of oxygen hipoxia alias and multiorgan dysfunction. ''Since we provide respiratory aid, supply of oxygen to the body of the patient is already adequate. But in fact, a number of organs in the body of the patient was still lack of oxygen supply, causing organ dysfunction, "explained the doctor was a thin mustache.

              Laboratory tests mentioned, Ken says he got the results of some laboratory tests. One of them is a regional laboratories, which states if Wayan S did not have avian influenza. Similarly, the lab results Denpasar Central Veterinary stating if banjar sembriuk not bird flu infected.

              Meanwhile, results from the Health Research and Development laboratory provides a surprising result. Wayan S expressed flu virus A. But Ken alone can not determine whether patients suffering from influenza A H5N1 virus aka swine flu, or influenza A virus H1N1 swine flu alias.

              "From the Health Research and Development lab results revealed the patient was suffering from influenza A, but we were not sure the type A flu virus what. We still have to wait for the results of a more detailed examination at the Health Research and Development lab," added Ken. (eps)


              • #82
                Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

                This does not say when those children died.


                09 September 2009 | 11:11 wib | Region
                Jelang Lebaran Increasing Livestock Shipping

                Wonogiri, CyberNews. Entering the third week of September 2009, the number of slaughtering and shipping livestock from Wonogiri District, dipresdiksikan will increase significantly. This is related to the approach of the holiday Lebaran Idul Fitri 1430 H.

                Head of Animal Husbandry Department of Marine Fisheries (Disnakperla) Wonogiri District, Retno Pramono Rully, say, a yearly phenomenon since the beginning of month when fasting until the Lebaran holiday, there is the propensity to consume side dishes of animal products has increased. Moreover''later, when Wonogiri floods in travelers who return home to celebrate Lebaran Idul Fitri,''said Rully.

                Symptoms of increased consumption of farm products, he added, will provide a positive influence on Wonogiri District as a potential area livestock occupy one of the highest order in Central Java Province. Wonogiri which is topographically upland areas, have triggered livestock farmers to develop superior livestock business. Good for local consumption Wonogiri pencukupan own, or traded to other regions.

                Before the coming feast of Eid Lebaran present, the amount of expenditure from the District Wonogiri livestock gradually increased to about 30 to 60 percent of the total shipment in ordinary days. Even in the third week in September 2009, sending cattle to other regions predicted to be multiplied up to three times more than the number of sending regular days.

                Addressing the increasing needs of livestock in this community, focusing efforts Disnakperla cattle pencukupan ready cattle supply, sufficient for the demand for animal products in the consumer society. On the other hand, is also programmed supply of livestock products are hygienic, safe, healthy, whole and halal (HASUH). Also to anticipate the development of a virus outbreak of bird flu (Avian Influenza) and swine flu virus (H1N1).

                ''If for a pig virus, District Wonogiri still safe,''firmly Kadisnakperla, Rully Pramono Retno. Because the pig population is relatively small in Wonogiri. On the other hand, there was no effort put pigs from outside the area to Wonogiri. What happened during this, the product of Wonogiri pigs sent to other regions.

                It's just for bird flu, should have increased vigilance. The reason the bird flu virus or Avian Influenza (AI), has caused some poultry in several districts in Wonogiri the dead and AI was positively affected. AI control measures continue to be improved, following a victim's two children died in the district and the District Eromoko Manyaran.

                (Bambang Purnomo / CN08)


                • #83
                  Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

                  Toggletext translation

                  Only for bird flu, must have the increase in vigilance. His article, the attack or Avian Influenza of the bird flu virus (AI), caused some poultries in several subdistrict territories in Wonogiri in died and that positive was attacked by AI. Langkah in the AI control continued to be increased, following the existence of casualties of two children died in the Eromoko Subdistrict and in the Manyaran Subdistrict.

                  Perhaps these two children

                  Wonogiri, Central Java ::: Bird flu situation up to May 2009

                  Wonogiri, Central Java – Bird flu has spread in 30 villages of 9 subdistricts in Kabupaten Wonogiri. Record of poultry deaths by May 2009 showed total 1,194 poultries died of avian influenza (AI).
                  This is mentioned by Head of Animal Health of Animal, Fishery and Marine Service (Wanperla), Kabupaten Wonogiri, Ismaryati Budiningsih DVM, Thursday (28/5), on advocation coordination meeting for avian influenza pandemic preparedness, held at the meeting hall of Bappeda Kabupaten Wonogiri.
                  The meeting is involving certain executive and legislative members, informal leaders, farmers, non-profit organization activists, public figures and mass media.
                  Number of chicken deaths due to AI in 2009 is increasing compare to 2008. During 2008, total poultry deaths in Kabupaten Wonogiri were 802 birds.
                  In 2008, AI distribution has covered 11 sub-districts in 28 villages. Fatal victims were two people, Setia Indratsih (5), resident of Dusun Cemangkahlor, Desa Sindukarto Eromoko Sub-Districts, and Saiful mahfud Hidayat (3), resident of Dusun Bero Desa Bero Manyaran Sub-districts.
                  A chicken farmer, Lulus Purwani stated, so far the government only put concern to large farm animals such as cattle and goats. “In fact, poultry farming, in particular, local chicken farming has considerable potency in helping public economic condition,” he said.

                  Source: Indonesia local newspaper, Suara Merdeka.


                  • #84
                    Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

                    Here is the information on the two H5N1 deaths from Wonogiri Regency, both children.

                    Setia Indratsih died on May 17, 2007.

                    Saiful mahfud Hidayat died on April 23, 2008.


                    • #85
                      Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

                      FluTrackers threads

                      MSF , Muhammad Saiful Hidayat, 3, the resident of the Bero RT Village 02 RW 01 last Wednesday (23/4) (2008) were killed.
                      Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008 - 20th June 2008

                      Setya Indratsih - Central Java
                      Age: 5
                      Adm: Comm. Hlth. Ctr: 5/8; RS Dharma Medika: 5/16; RS Dr. Olen Solo: 5/17; Dr. Moewardi Solo: 5/17.
                      Died: 5/17
                      Sym: 5/8
                      From: Eromoko, Wonogiri, Central Java
                      Indonesia Human Suspected/Confirmed Case listing Apr 23 through Jun 29, 2007


                      • #86
                        Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +


                        Dua Pasien Suspect Flu Burung Negatif
                        Kamis, 17 September 2009

                        Google translation:

                        Two patients Suspect Bird Flu Negative
                        Thursday, September 17, 2009

                        TANJUNGPINANG (BP) - Two patients suspect bird flu from village Juruk, Tanjunguban, I, 24 and S, 30, was declared a bird flu negative. In fact, I, patients who had been treated in hospitals Tanjungpinang since Tuesday (11 / 9), has now been allowed to go home.

                        "Based on laboratory tests, the results are negative," said Doctor Response Team Leader infectious diseases in hospitals Tanjungpinang Augustine Dr. Purwanti.

                        Augustine explained, currently the second patient was much improved condition. According to him, the patient suffered only the usual symptoms of fever a little weight and now has been declared cured.

                        Previously, the victim stated suspect bird flu because the illness with symptoms of high fever. Then when referred to hospitals, according to the hospital Tanjunguban likely that patients had experienced direct contact with poultry near her home that were found died suddenly.

                        Having taken to hospitals, they were immediately put into isolation rooms. There, they receive intensive care until finally declared negative.

                        Despite negative expressed, but one patient who was fever, are not allowed to go home. (mat)


                        • #87
                          Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

                          scroll for google translation in English

                          Hat-Tip dbg

                          Dua Orang Suspect Flu Burung Mulai Membaik

                          Ikhwan Salim - Posmetro Padang

                          RSAM -- Setelah lama tidak terdengar, adanya korban suspect flu Burung (Aviant influenza) melalui virus H5N1, Rumah Sakit Achmad Mochtar (RSAM) Bukittinggi dua hari belakangan menerima dua orang pasien suspect Flu Burung. Setelah dirawat dibagian isolasi rumah sakit itu, kedua pasien kondisi mulai membaik.

                          Dari keterangan Wakil Direktur (Wadir) Pelayanan Medis dan Perawatan dr Khairul Said SPm ketika ditemui Posmetro (Grup Padang Today) diruangannya Senin (26/10) membenarkan hal tersebut. Dua pasien suspect flu burung tersebut yaitu "BPT" (7) warga jalan Sukma Payakumbuh Utara yang masuk ke RSAM pada Kamis (22/10) sekitar pukul 20.30 WIB. Pasien kedua yaitu, "FR" (5) warga Padang Data Payakumbuh yang masuk ke RSAM pada Sabtu (24/10) sekitar pukul 22.00 WIB.

                          Dijelaskan Khairul kalau kedua pasien tersebut, merupakan rujukan dari Rumah Sakit Adnan WD Kota Payakumbuh ke RSAM yang merupakan salah satu rumah sakit yang ditunjuk sebagai rujukan pasien yang diduga terjangkit flu burung.

                          Setelah membaca diagnosa dari dokter yang memberi rujukan kalau kedua pasien tersebut suspect flu burung, maka kedua pasien tersebut langsung ditempatkan di bangsal isolasin RSAM Bukittinggi yang baru diresmikan penggunaannya pada awal 2009 ini.

                          Semenjak, berada di ruang isolasi, kedua pasien selalu mendapat pengawasan dari tim dokter, salah satunya yaitu dengan memberikan obat Tami Flu (antivirus) yang khusus untuk pasien suspect flu burung.

                          Berdasarkan keterangan dalam rujukan tim dokter dan keterangan dari keluarga pasien terang Khairul, kalau kedua pasien memang terbukti adanya riwayat kontak dengan hewan jenis burung yang mati mendadak dalam jumlah banyak.

                          Seperti yang dialami "BPT" kalau burung puyuh piaraannya satu kandang sebelumnya mati mendadak. Sedangkan "FR" berada sekitar peternakan ayam, bebek dan sejenisnya. Sebelum dia sakit, sebagian besar jenis burung daerah itu juga mati mendadak.

                          Pada awal masuk ke RSAM Bukittinggi, deman kedua pasien mencapai 39 derajat yang merupakan salah satu ciri-ciri seseorang diduga terjangkit virus H5N1. Tapi setelah mendapat perawatan dari Tim dokter, dua hari belakangan kondisi kedua pasien terus membaik, dan panas badannya sudah normal kembali, yaitu sudah mencapai 36 derjat.

                          " Untuk memastikan kondisi pasien apakah positif atau negatif, kita akan menunggu hasil laboratorium Badan Plus Litbang Kesehatan Jakarta. Namun, dari hasil pemeriksaan sementara, kita melihat kalau kedua pasien negatif terjangkit flu burung, sebab setelah dilakukan pengobatan, kondisi keduanya terus membaik,"tandas dr Khairul dengan nada yakin.(*)

                          Bukittinggi | Monday, 26/10/2009 14:44 of WIB.

                          Two People Suspect Bird Flu Began Improve [West Sumatra]

                          Ikhwan Salim - Posmetro Padang.

                          RSAM -- After for a long time did not can be heard, the existence of casualties suspect bird flu (Avian influenza) through the virus H5N1, Hospital Achmad Mochtar (RSAM) Bukittinggi two days later received two patients suspect Bird Flu. After being treated in part the hospital isolation, the two condition patients began improve.

                          From Deputy Director's information (Wadir) the Medical Service and the Maintenance Dr Khairul Said SPm when being met by Posmetro (the Group Padang Today) at his room on Monday (26/10) confirmed this matter. Two patients suspect this bird flu that is "BPT" (7) the resident of the road Sukma Payakumbuh North that entered RSAM on Thursday (22/10) around struck 20,30 of WIB. Patient the two that is, "FR" (5) the resident Padang Data Payakumbuh that entered RSAM on Saturday (24/10) around struck 22,00 WIB.

                          Explained by Khairul if the two patients was reconciliation from the Adnan WD Kota Payakumbuh Hospital to RSAM that was one of the hospitals that was indicated as the patient's reconciliation that was expected infected flu burung.

                          After reading the diagnosis from the doctor who gave reconciliation if the two patients suspect bird flu, then the two patients were at once placed in the ward isolation RSAM Bukittinggi that just was declared by his use at the beginning of 2009 ini.

                          Since, was in isolation space, the two patients always received the supervision from the team of the doctor, one of them namely by giving medicine of Tami Flu (antivirus) that was special for the patient suspect flu burung.

                          Was based on information in the team's reconciliation of the doctor and information from the patient's family explain Khairul, if the two patients were quite proven the existence of the story of contact with the animal of the birds kind that died suddenly in a large number.

                          Like that was experienced by "BPT" if the kept birds quail one pen beforehand died suddenly. Whereas "FR" was around the poultry farm, the duck and the like. Before he was sick, most same kinds of regional birds died suddenly.

                          At the beginning entered RSAM Bukittinggi, fever the two patients achieved 39 levels that were one of the characteristics someone was expected infected the virus H5N1. But after receiving the maintenance from the Team of the doctor, two days later the condition for the two patients continued to improve, and hot his body already again normal, that is reaching 36 degrees.

                          "To ascertain the condition for the patient whether positive or negative, we will be waiting for results of the Body laboratory of Plus Litbang Health Jakarta. However, from results of the temporary inspection, we saw if the two negative patients infected bird flu, because after being carried out by medical treatment, the condition both of them continued improve," firm Dr Khairul with the tone was convinced.



                          • #88
                            Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

                            Bukittinggi, West Sumatera ::: Hospital treats two bird flu suspect patients

                            Bukittinggi, West Sumatera ? After an idle, bird flu human suspects patients are reported from Bukitttinggi. Achmad Mochtar hospital (RSAM) in Bukittinggi is treating two bird flu H5N1 suspect patients. The condition of patients are improving.

                            Patients are BPT (7), ? resident of Jalan Sukma Payakumbuh Utara ? admitted to hospital on Thursday (22/10), and FR (5) ? resident of Padang Data Payakumbuh ? admitted to hospital on Saturday (24/10), confirmed Vice director of Medical and Treatment Service of RSAM, dr Khairul Said.

                            Both patients were referred from Adnan hospital in Payakumbuh which is one of bird flu referral hospital.

                            Currently, patients are treated at isolation unit of RSAM Bukittinggi and receiving Tamiflu.

                            Both patients have contact history with suddenly dead birds around their neighborhoods.

                            A flock of quails reared by BPT?s family is reported suddenly died before the onset of illness. Chickens and ducks farms which exist in FR?s neighborhood, experienced mass bird deaths prior to FR?s illness.

                            Both patients had high fever up to 39℃ at the time of admission to hospital. However, after received treatment their conditions have improved and temperature fell to 36℃.

                            For bird flu H5N1 confirmation, hospital is waiting for result issued by Ministry of Health laboratory in Jakarta.

                            Source: Indonesia local newspaper, Padang Today.



                            • #89
                              Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

                              Scroll down for english

                              Flu Burung Mengancam Sijunjung

                              Gejala flu burung mulai melanda Kabupaten Sijunjung. Kekhawatiran itu dialami oleh Bareno, 25, dan istrinya Erna, 21. Warga Jorong Tigokorong, Lubuaktarok ini diduga terkena virus flu burung dan sampai kini masih dirawat di RSUP M. Djamil Padang.

                              "Kendatipun, Bareno bersama istrinya sudah dirawat satu minggu, namun kepastian positif terkena virus flu burung belum jelas. Sebab, sampel darah yang diambil dan diperiksa di laboratarium belum keluar, "jelas Sekretaris KAN Lubuaktarok Rusli Jawaher, Selasa (27/10).

                              Menurut dia, sebelum dibawa ke RSUP, korban menderita demam panas yang cukup tinggi, sehingga darah segar banyak keluar dari hidungnya. Melihat kondisi korban, Puskesmas Lubuaktarok segera merujuk pasangan suami istri ini ke RSU M.Djamil Padang, Rabu lalu.

                              Seiring dengan kejadian ini, selama tiga hari berturut-turut, ribuan ekor ayam yang diduga terserang flu burung ini di telah dimusnahkan oleh tim dari Dinas Peternakan Kabupaten Sijunjung. Tim juga melakukan penyemprotan terhadap kandang ayam milik warga Tigokorong.

                              Selain warga Tigokorong, kekhawatiran yang sama juga dirasakan warga Tanahbadantuang, Nagari Sijunjung. Menurut Robby, gejala ini mulai dirasakan oleh sebagian warga dengan demam panas yang cukup tinggi.

                              Bahkan, hampir semua warga yang ada dekat tinggalnya merasakan ini.

                              "Banyak warga yang kena, saya sendiri juga merasakan panas tinggi. Hingga badan saya memerah semua, sudah banyak warga yang pergi berobat ke Puskesmas. Kita belum tahu apa nama penyakit ini, "jelas annggota KPU Kabupaten Sijunjung tersebut. (*)

                              Bird Flu Threat Sijunjung

                              The symptoms of bird flu began sweeping Sijunjung District. Anxiety is experienced by Bareno, 25, and his wife Erna, 21. Citizens Jorong Tigokorong, this Lubuaktarok suspected bird flu virus, and until now still being treated in RSUP M. Djamil Padang.

                              "Although, with his wife's Bareno treated one week, but the positive certainty the bird flu virus is unclear. For blood samples taken and examined in laboratarium not come out," explained Secretary Jawaher KAN Lubuaktarok Rusli, Tuesday (27/10).

                              According to him, before being taken to RSUP, victims suffer high fever that is high enough, so a lot of fresh blood from his nose. Seeing the condition of victims, health center immediately Lubuaktarok refer these couples to M. Djamil General Hospital in Padang, last Wednesday.

                              Along with this event, for three consecutive days, thousands of chickens suspected of bird flu was in was destroyed by a team of District Animal Husbandry Office Sijunjung. The team also did the spraying of the chicken coop owned Tigokorong.

                              Besides Tigokorong citizens, the same concerns residents also felt Tanahbadantuang, Nagari Sijunjung. According to Robby, these symptoms begin to be felt by some residents with high fever high enough.

                              In fact, almost all residents who have lived close to this feeling.

                              "Many people who get, I myself also feel high heat. Until my body is flushed of all, many people who go to health center treatment. We do not know what the name of this disease," explained Sijunjung annggota the District Election Commission. (*)



                              • #90
                                Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

                                Sijunjung, West Sumatera ::: Bird flu suspects

                                October 29, 2009

                                Sijunjung, West Sumatera ? Bird flu suspects detected in Kabupaten

                                Sijunjung, West Sumatera. Two bird flu suspect patients, Bareno (25) and his wife Erna (21), residents of Jorong Tigokorong, Lubuaktarok are treated at M. Djamil hospital in Padang.

                                ?Patients have been treated for a week. Their blood samples have been sent to laboratory, and we are still waiting for bird flu infection confirmation,? said the official of Lubuaktarok, Rusli, on Tuesday (27/10). Before transferred to M Djamil hospital, Rusli added, patients were treated at public health center of Lubuaktarok of high fever accompanied with blood discharge from nose.

                                Subsequent to this incident, Livestock Service of Kabupaten Sijunjung culled thousands of bird flu suspected chickens.

                                Similar incidents occurred also in Tanahbadantuang, Nagari Sijunjung, where number of people developed high fever. ?I had high fever and my body turned reddish. Lot of people showed similar signs and got medical help from public health center. We don?t know what the cause is,? described a local of Kabupaten Sijunjung.

                                Source: Indonesia local newspaper, Padang Today.


