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It was collected in May from a location with no reported sequences with H274Y (and not in the HA travel log). I'll comment more if it shows up at Genbank.
It was collected in May from a location with no reported sequences with H274Y. I'll comment more if it shows up at Genbank.
May? Wow, that early date alone would seem to have some importance. It should also narrow the location somewhat, to Mexico or the US most likely (although I think Spain or New Zealand might also be possible, if memory serves). Hopefully we will also get some case information.
Wotan (pronounced Voton with the ton rhyming with on) - The German Odin, ruler of the Aesir.
I am not a doctor, virologist, biologist, etc. I am a layman with a background in the physical sciences.
It was collected in May from a location with no reported sequences with H274Y (and not in the HA travel log). I'll comment more if it shows up at Genbank.
Why the secrecy? You have said yourself that this stuff is all over the place, and but for the fact that noone on earth has a surveillance program worth a flip, more would be found.
OK, Singapore/57, collected May 30 has been placed in the GISAID database and is clearly labeled as "resistant" to Tamiflu. Give the folks some credit. They detected what you claim was there already.
Why the secrecy? You have said yourself that this stuff is all over the place, and but for the fact that noone on earth has a surveillance program worth a flip, more would be found.
OK, Singapore/57, collected May 30 has been placed in the GISAID database and is clearly labeled as "resistant" to Tamiflu. Give the folks some credit. They detected what you claim was there already.
I don't think I said I "discovered" H274Y (anywhere).
Any chance there are other early sequences that have H274Y, and not noticed?
None of the other pandemic sequences at Genbank have H274Y (other than those listed previously). There are about 30 new isolates at GISAID and most have NA, and I haven't looked hard yet, but I am pretty sure that A/Singapore/57/2009 is the only new sequence with H274Y.
May? Wow, that early date alone would seem to have some importance. It should also narrow the location somewhat, to Mexico or the US most likely (although I think Spain or New Zealand might also be possible, if memory serves). Hopefully we will also get some case information.
The fact that the Singpore isolate was collected in May , and just released today at GISAID (and not released at Genbank) is significant. There either is a large backlog in sequencing, so data is being withheld. Meanwhile, the HA associated with this isolate is widespread and is also in Kenya (in addition to the travel log below).
These results raise concerns of significant levels of H274Y fly below the radar, worldwide.
gb|GQ414768.1| Influenza A virus (A/Sao Paulo/43812/2009(H1N1... 36.2 0.73
gb|GQ377095.1| Influenza A virus (A/California/24/2009(H1N1))... 36.2 0.73
gb|GQ359765.1| Influenza A virus (A/Stockholm/31/2009(H1N1)) ... 36.2 0.73
gb|GQ292961.1| Influenza A virus (A/Mexico City/22/2009(H1N1)... 36.2 0.73
gb|GQ229293.1| Influenza A virus (A/swine/Hong Kong/NS1659/20... 36.2 0.73
gb|GQ232085.1| Influenza A virus (A/Guangdong/02/2009(H1N1)) ... 36.2 0.73
gb|GQ223435.1| Influenza A virus (A/Guangdong/05/2009(H1N1)) ... 36.2 0.73
gb|GQ132144.1| Influenza A virus (A/Canada-ON/RV1529/2009(H1N... 36.2 0.73