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Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 to December 31, 2009

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  • #16
    Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

    google translated

    Officials suspected Tangerang child fell ill Bird Flu

    Wednesday, July 08, 2009 | 20:14 WIB

    TEMPO Interactive, Tangerang - A student with initials RP, 22 years old, the son of City Government officials in Jakarta fell ill suspected bird flu (Avian Influenza).

    The information obtained from colleagues sejawat RP parents who did not want his name mentioned, said of East Lake Road Modern Land was originally brought to the hospital because Mayapada Modern Land suffering a high fever.

    Patients have been treated six days since Friday (3 / 7) ago. However, the condition does not improve health. Suspected new bird flu known on Wednesday (7 / 7) at 14.00 WIB. Then at around 18:30 WIB, the patient is sent to the RSU Tangerang.

    According to the medical specialist tuberculosis RSU Tangerang dr Tintin currently being done to the patient medical action. "We can not provide a description, the action is done," said Tintin.

    City Health Office Head of Tangerang. Lili Indrawati Tempo when contacted to confirm the patient is referred RSU Tangerang there because there are special isolation ward bird flu. But Lili did not want to comment further.

    Of the incident, the Mayor of Tangerang Wahidin Halim has ordered the Health Department to take action quickly, Agriculture Department also instructed to do the spraying in the vicinity of the location.

    Ayu CIPTA


    • #17
      Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

      google translation

      Patient presumed To Have Bird Flu in Tangerang Died

      Wednesday, July 08, 2009 | 20:44 WIB

      TEMPO Interactive, Tangerang - After undergoing medical treatment for about 1.5 hours in the ward avian influenza or bird flu Tangerang General Hospital, PR dikabarkan mengembuskan last breath.

      The information obtained from the hospital satpam the guard in front of the building Avian Influenza, PR died at 17:40 WIB.

      Until this report is made, the parents of the victim who is also Head of the Environment City of Tangerang, Roostiwi, and Muharram, the former director general of PDAM Tirta Darma, was in the Tangerang General Hospital.

      Sob cry colorific PR death, students at the high end of a private university. PR close relatives still in the ward congregate Avian Imfluenza. Janazah PR has not been brought to the room pemulasaran bones and was in the shed avian influenza.

      Tempo not have official information relating to the death of PR. Tintin dr, doctor specialist in tuberculosis Tangerang General Hospital is not on phone. Previously he says are taking action to medical patients.

      In the hospital from the emergency room unit to the installation space of the clay masks for visitors.

      Ayu CIPTA


      • #18
        Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

        toggle text translation of previous post

        Suspected Bird Flu Patient in Tangerang Reported to Have Died

        on Wednesday, July 08 2009 | 20:44 WIB

        the Interactive TIME, Tangerang - After undergoing the medical maintenance for approximately 1.5 hours in the ward avian influenza or Tangerang Public Hospital bird flu, PR it was reported blew out the last breath.

        Information that was received the Time from the hospital security unit who was on the alert in front of the ward of Avian Influenza, PR died struck 17,40 WIB.

        Until this report was made, parents of casualties that also the Head of the Body of Lingkungan Hidup Kota Tangerang, Roostiwi, and Muharam, former Director the public PDAM Tirta Darma, still was in the Tangerang Public Hospital. The crying sobbing influenced the death of PR, the final stage student in a private university.

        Relatives close to PR was still swarming in the Avian Imfluenza ward. Janazah PR was not yet carried to space pemulasaran the body and still was in the ward avian influenza.

        The time (this newspaper,ed) did not yet receive official information in relation to the PR. death Dr Tintin, the lung specialist doctor in the Tangerang Public Hospital inactive telephoned him.

        Beforehand he said was carrying out the medical action to the patient. In the hospital starting from when the intensive care unit's space to space of the body installation put the use of the mask for the visitor into effect.


        • #19
          Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

          google translated

          Follow up post # 12

          8 others: family and neighbours have symptoms, apparently there was a wedding party.

          Also others are under observation.

          Not confirmed.

          Wednesday, July 08, 2009

          Child was affected by the Bird Flu Virus

          SUKABUMI, (GM) -- Gumilar (7), of Kp. Pandak bungur RT 03/RW 05 Bojong Twin Village, Kec. Cikembar, Tuesday (7 / 7) treated in hospitals Sekarwangi Cibadak, because the virus was suspected to be affected by bird flu. Body temperature reached 37 degrees Celsius and suffered heavy flu for 24 hours.

          "While still in suspect bird flu, but we are very concerned that the clinical condition experienced by the child. Moreover, the body temperature reached 37 degrees now and the flu dialaminya increasingly heavy," said Head of Penanggulangan disease and Penyehatan Environment (P2MPL) Public Health ( Dinkes) Kab. Sukabumi, Dadang Sucipta to "GM", Tuesday (7 / 7).

          To determine whether the positive bird flu infection, said Dadang, hospitals are the clinical diagnose the condition of the children experienced

          . "But so far, we have not yet a certainty whether he identified positive or not. We are still awaiting the results," he said Dadang mengugkapkan, before symptoms of fever and flu suffered by the patient, in the environment have dozens of chickens died suddenly.

          "Radiusnya 200 meters from the house," he said. Besides Gumilar, go Dadang, the mengobservasi also has eight other people who have experienced symptoms similar to Gumilar. They are Ma Anah (90), een (40), Ma Ihat (60), sonny Sadeli (15), Ade (40), Ningsih (50), and Resti (18). They have heavy flu, along with hot chicken pascakematian it.

          Dijelaskannya, signs occur alleged suspect bird flu after the wedding is one of the residents, the float (41), the Kp. Bungur, that her son's wedding feast.

          "Suspected to be chicken cooked in the wedding activities, a sudden death. Only in the day, dozens of chickens belonging to residents who are not far away from home floating sudden death," he said.

          Dadang add more, -hour service for health. (B.118) **
          conditions experienced by a bird flu suspect dozens of Kp. Sand Kuray RT 03/RW 03 Ds. Mekarsari, Kec. Ciemas. They experience symptoms such as Gumilar. To anticipate the various possibilities, Dinkes observations have been conducted against citizens. Even Dinkes posko has established a special 24


          • #20
            Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

            toggletext translation of previous post

            Child was affected by the Bird Flu Virus

            - Gumilar (7), the resident Kp. Bungur Short RT 03/RW 05 villages Bojong twins, Kec. Cikembar, on Tuesday (7/7) were treated in RSUD Sekarwangi Cibadak, because of being suspected of being affected by the bird flu virus.

            The temperature of his body achieved 37 Celsius levels and suffered difficult flu for 24 hours. "Although still in the category suspect bird flu, but we were very worrying the clinical condition that was experienced by this child."

            Moreover the temperature of his body currently achieves 37 levels as well as flu that were experienced by him increasingly heavy, said the Head of the Penanggulangan Field of infectious diseases and Lingkungan Sanitation (P2MPL) the Kesehatan Service (Dinkes) Kab. Sukabumi, Dadang Sucipta to "GM", on Tuesday (7/7).

            To confirm whether positive was infected by bird flu, said Dadang, RSUD was diagnosing the clinical condition that was experienced by the child itu . "However as far as this is concerned, we did not yet receive the assurance whether he positive was determined or not."

            We were still being waiting for results, he said Dadang mengugkapkan, before the hot sign and flu were suffered by the patient, in the surrounding environment had dozens of tails of the chicken died suddenly. "His radius 200 metre from from his house," he said.

            Apart from Gumilar, continued Dadang, his side also observed eight other residents who experienced the sign like Gumilar. They were Ma Anah (90), Een (40), Ma Ihat (60), Ujang Sadeli (15), Ade (40), Ningsih (50), and Resti (18). They experienced difficult flu was accompanied hot pascakematian this chicken.

            He explained, signs happened the assumption suspect the bird flu after the wedding of one of the residents, Apung (41), the inhabitants Kp. Bungur, that held his child's wedding reception. "Suspected the chicken that will be cooked in the marriage activity, died suddenly."

            Only in a day, dozens of tails of the chicken belonging to the resident that was was not far from the Apung house died suddenly, he said.

            It was further that Dadang added, the condition suspect bird flu was experienced by between 10 and 20 the resident Kp. Sand of Kuray RT 03/RW 03 Ds. Mekar Sari, Kec. Ciemas. They experienced the sign like Gumilar.

            To anticipate various possibilities, Dinkes carried out observation against the resident. Moreover Dinkes established the special service command post 24 hours to serve the health.


            • #21
              Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

              Edited translation by Ida of Bird Flu Information Corner on the Tangerang victim :

              Tangerang, Banten ::: The child of city officer possibly dies of bird flu

              July 8, 2009

              Tangerang, Banten ? A bird flu suspect patient died after being treated for about 1.5 hours in avian influenza or bird flu unit of Tangerang central hospital. For anticipation, the hospital has instructed the use of mask inside hospital area.

              Victim, with initial PR, 22 years old, is a student of a private university and known also as the child of Tangerang city government officer.

              Victim is a resident of Jalan Danau Timur, Modern Land, Tangerang, which known as an elite housing area. From a source who is the colleague of victim?s parents and requested anonymity, victim was admitted to Mayapada Modern Land hospital because of high fever.

              Victim had been treated since Friday (3/7), but the condition was worsened. Hospital began to suspect bird flu infection on Wednesday (7/7) around 2 pm. After that, victim was referred to Tangerang central hospital and treated under supervision of a lung specialist, dr Tintin.

              Head of Health Service, Tangerang City, dr Lili Indrawati confirmed about the existence of bird flu suspect patient treated in Tangerang hospital.

              Subsequent to the case, the Mayor of Tangerang City, Wahidin Halim instructed Health Service and Agriculture Service officials to disinfect the location.

              Source: Indonesia newspaper, Tempo Interaktif (edited).



              • #22
                Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

                Edited translation by Ida of Bird Flu Information Corner

                Sukabumi, West Java ::: Eight more bird flu suspects under observation

                July 9, 2009

                Sukabumi, West Java ? Gumilar (7), resident of Kp. Bungur Pandak RT 03/05 Desa Bojong Kembar, Kecamatan Cikembar, is being treated in Sekarwangi Cibadak regional hospital as bird flu suspect patient. Victim showed body temperature up to 37℃and had severe flu in only 24 hours.

                ?He?s still suspected to contract bird flu infection. We?re worrying his clinical condition, now his temperature has reached 37℃ and the symptoms worsened, ? said the Head of Infectious Disease Eradication and Environmental Health (P2MPL), Health Service of Sukabumi, Dadang Sucipta. Meanwhile the hospital is still observing victim?s condition and waiting for the laboratory test result.

                Dadang also mentioned that dozens of chickens found suddenly dead around victim?s neighborhood prior to the victim?s illness.

                ?Dead chickens found within 200 meters radius from victim?s house,? he added.

                Despite of Gumilar?s case, Dadang and his team has observed other eight locals who developed the similar signs. They are Ma Anah (90), Een (40), Ma Ihat (60), Ujang Sadeli (15), Ade (40), Ningsih (50) and Resti (18). They are having severe flu and fever after the death of the chickens.

                Moreover, the bird flu indication was started after a wedding party held by Apung (41), resident of Kp. Bungur, for his child. ?It is suggested that the chickens cooked for the party were sudden dead chickens. At that moment, dozens of chickens died nearby Apung?s house, ?said Dadang.

                Those bird flu suspects are residents of Kp. Pasir Kuray RT 03/RW03 Ds Mekarsari, Kec. Ciemas. For anticipation, Health Service has observed people within the area and established a 24-hours special health service unit.

                Source: Indonesia local newspaper, Gala Media.


                • #23
                  Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

                  Follow up on post # 8 and post # 9, Lampung boy who ate H5N1 infected chicken.

                  According to this report he is stated positive ; no mentioning of testresults.

                  7/7/2009 12:54 of WIB

                  Patient Suspect H1N1 Left, Positive Patient H5N1 Entered

                  Eni Muslihah -

                  Lampung, RSUD Abdul Muluk Banda Lampung at this time treated one positive patient H5N1 had the initials N was 14 years old.

                  Was like this was sent by Deputy Director RSUD Abdul Muluk Lampung, Dr. Fadli Langga, on Tuesday (7/7). According to him, N was the resident from Lampung Selatan.

                  He official was stated positive flu H5N1 because of consuming his chickens that died that evidently was attacked by bird flu.

                  Fadli added, for the last two weeks the kept chicken in and around the N environment suddenly died. And because of regretting the chicken that died that, parents N processed chicken and consumed him.

                  A "day afterwards, N suddenly experienced hot high, crowded and the cough", he said. Now one patient suspect A H1N1 was returned by RSUD Abdul Muluk. Because results of the laboratory test showed the negative, said Fadli words. (heh)

                  credits Historylover


                  • #24
                    Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

                    Today this story on the young man who died in Tangerang, now H1N1 is suspected, not H5N1.

                    Presumed To Have Swine Flu, A Child of a Tangerang Official Tangerang Left This World

                    Victim died after undergoing the maintenance of one half of the hour in the Tangerang Public Hospital.

                    On Thursday, July 9 2009, 12:26 WIBEko Priliawito Isolasi Untuk Pasien space Babi Flu (Antara/Regina Safri) Web tools VIVAnews - pig Flu began to become the frightening spectre for the Tangerang resident.

                    A resident Modernland, Kota Tangerang had the initials RP, 22 years died it was suspected because suspect pig flu or the virus H1N1. Casualties were killed after undergoing the maintenance of one half of the hour in the Tangerang Public Hospital, on July 8 2009, approximately struck 19,40 WIB.

                    Not long after he died, to avoid the reporting that spread, casualties who were the child former Director Umum the Air Minum Daerah Company (PDAM) Water of Benteng Kota Tangerang immediately disalatkan in RSU Tangerang and immediately was brought to Sukabumi to bury.

                    Casualties was a student of the Universitas Tirtayasa Law Faculty (Untirta) Serang, Banten. He was reconciled from the Mayapada Hospital, Modernland Kota Tangerang. Resulting from the illness casualties underwent perwatan for six days.


                    • #25
                      Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

                      Bird Flu suspected infected
                      Officials children in Tangerang World Died
                      Health News Thu, 09 Jul 2009 14:39:00 WIT

                      Tangerang - virus H5N1 or bird flu victim soul back merengut in Tangerang, Banten. This time the victim is a child of the city government officials dilingkungan Tangerang. The victim had died after treatment in the isolation room bird flu Tangerang General Hospital. Medical team at this time are still investigating the cause of death of the victim because the victim experienced symptoms similar to bird flu patient sufferer and swine flu.

                      Victims of this H5N1 virus is Pramesti Ram, the son of the head office of Public Works City of Tangerang. Ram age close Wednesday (08/07) night, after having had treatment for several hours in the isolation room bird flu Tangerang General Hospital.

                      Previous victims had been treated in hospital Mayapada ModernLand, Tangerang, for 6 days. However, the health condition of the victim who suffered from high fever and symptoms of heat similar to bird flu, also showed no improvement, until eventually referred to the bird flu isolation RSU Tangerang closed Wednesday afternoon and Wednesday night age.

                      The General Hospital Tangerang own time to ensure this can not cause the death of the victim because the H5N1 virus aka bird flu virus H1N1 or alias swine flu, given the symptoms of this disease is both difficult to be distinguished. That the victim is infected virus flu death since been treated in hospital Mayapada. Currently, the hospital still waiting for laboratory results.

                      Make the victim's death hit family, expression of sorrow was in the city of Tangerang pemeritah represented by Deputy Mayor Arif Tangerang Wismansyah before brought to the family home to dimakamkan in Sukabumi, the victim remains in the withdrawal patient bird flu victim.



                      • #26
                        Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +


                        Google translation:

                        Thursday, July 09, 2009
                        Patients "suspect" Bird Flu treated in hospitals Syamsudin
                        SUKABUMI, (GM) --

                        Patients suspected of bird flu suspect, Gumilar (7), of Kp. Pandak bungur RT 03/RW 05 Bojong Twin Village, Kec. Cikembar, Kab. Sukabumi included hospitals Syamsudin City Sukabumi. Until yesterday, the hospital medical staff are still making the diagnosis of patients suspect bird flu was.

                        "To anticipate the things that are not desired, a child who suspect this bird flu had referred to the hospitals Syamsudin. He was now entered into a room intalasi hospital to obtain medical handling," said Head of Penanggulangan disease and Penyehatan Environment (P2MPL) Dinkes Kab. Sukabumi, Dadang Sucipta to "GM", Wednesday (8 / 7).

                        In the meantime, said Dadang, as far as this government is not getting results, whether children are infected with bird flu positive or not. Because to know the results, still waiting for the hospital diagnosis. "Until now, we are still awaiting the results," he said.

                        Meanwhile, when asked about the condition of the patient's body temperature, Dadang said, so far the body temperature 37 degrees Celsius and heavy flu. "So far, medical teams continue to do RSUD Syamsudin diagnosis of suspect bird flu patients are," he said.

                        Related efforts mensterilisasikan emerging environmental pascakasus patient suspect bird flu in Kp. Bungur Pandak, Dadang said, to anticipate the possibility of a suspect bird flu to other people, the team has been down the local health clinic survailance Dinkes P2MPL and to continue to make observations in the area.

                        "Observation will be made until 14 days pascakematian chicken there. From the results of the observation there are staff in a number of people found out the hot temperatures, below 37 degrees and heavy flu. However, while this, their negative results of the diagnosis suspect bird flu," he said. (B.118) **


                        • #27
                          Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

                          Medan, North Sumatera ::: Bird flu suspect patient, RA (13), tested negative

                          July 10, 2009

                          Medan, North Sumatera ? Public Relation and Legal Section of Adam Malik hospital, Atma Widjaya, announced that test result of RA (13), a bird flu suspect patient from Telaga Alur Nanu, Aceh Tamiang, had been issued.

                          According to Atma, patient has been stated negative infection. This information is derived Ministry of Health in Jakarta, through a short text message.

                          Following to this result, hospital will release the patient this afternoon.

                          Source: Indonesia newspaper, Analisa Daily.



                          • #28
                            Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

                            Lampung ::: Abdul Muluk hospital receives another bird flu suspect patient

                            July 10, 2009

                            Lampung ? Abdoel Moeloek hospital (RSUAM) received another bird flu suspect. The 1.4-year-old patient, IF, is a resident of Kecamatan Punduh Pidada, Kabupaten Pesawaran.

                            Vice Director of RSUAM, dr Pad Dilangga, mentioned that several chickens found died around patient?s house. IF was admitted to RSUAM because he developed fever and breathing difficulty.

                            Hospital began to treat him as bird flu suspect patient after they found out about the history of dead chickens around victim?s house. IF is currently treated at isolation unit for bird flu patient in RSUAM, and receiving Tamiflu administration.

                            ?His condition is improving, and we have sent the blood and saliva samples to Research and Development Laboratory, Ministry of Health in Jakarta?, said Pad Dilangga.

                            IF is the second bird flu suspect patients, who are being treated at RSUAM, within these last 10 days. Previously, RSUAM has treated M (14), resident of Kecamatan Jatiagung, South Lampung.

                            Contrary to IF, M was reported to have cooked and consumed sudden dead chickens which were found nearby his house.

                            Meanwhile, the hospital is still waiting for the test result, which will be issued on Friday (10/7).

                            Source: Indonesia newspaper, Mata News.


                            • #29
                              Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

                              Bird flu suspect in Lampung
                              Headlines | Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 21:12 | Jakarta,

                              The number of patients suspect bird flu is treated at General Hospital Abdoel Moeloek (RSUAM) Lampung is one person with dirawatnya kid berinisial IF (1.4 years), the District Punduh Pidada, District Pesawaran.

                              "There is history of sudden death in poultry around his home, a day before he was treated here on Monday (6 / 7) ago," said Deputy Director RSUAM, dr Pad Dilangga, in Bandarlampung, Thursday.

                              IF entry RSUAM complaint with the hot temperature and suffering shortness of breath, and was not treated as suspect bird flu at the beginning of the treatment.

                              Then, there being so history of sudden death in poultry houses around the IF, the hospital immediately as he handles suspect bird flu.

                              IF diisolasi directly in the space for patient Isolation Avian Influenza RSUAM, and given tamiflu treatments.

                              "Condition of this time have improved, and blood sample and eat one's words also have to tell our R & D Laboratories Depertemen ksehatan," said dr Pad.

                              IF the patient is the second suspect AI diisolasi in RSUAM in the last 10 days. Previously, treating RSUAM M (14), District of Jatiagung, South Lampung.

                              Unlike the IF, M terindikasi never prepare chicken that died suddenly around the house, and even eat.

                              Samples of blood and saliva has been sent to both R & D Laboratory of the Ministry of Health RI laboratory results and the second patient was treated akan received the hospital on Friday (10 / 7).

                              "Earlier I have to contact the Public Health Lampung, and he said the results of laboratory tests of blood and saliva samples of both akan Department received tomorrow," he said.



                              • #30
                                Re: Indonesia - H5N1- Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases June 21 2009 +

                                Patient Care RSUAM TWO "suspect" BIRD FLU
                                Thursday, 09 July 2009 23:10
                                The number of patients "suspect" bird flu is treated at General Hospital Abdoel Moeloek (RSUAM) Lampung is one person with dirawatnya kid berinisial IF (1.4 years), the District Punduh Pidada, District Pesawaran.

                                Bandarlampung, 9 / 7 (Roll News) - The number of patients "suspect" bird flu is treated at General Hospital Abdoel Moeloek (RSUAM) Lampung is one person with dirawatnya kid berinisial IF (1.4 years), the District Punduh Pidada, District Pesawaran.

                                "There is history of sudden death in poultry around his home, a day before he was treated here on Monday (6 / 7) ago," said Deputy Director RSUAM, dr Pad Dilangga, in Bandarlampung, Thursday.

                                IF entry RSUAM complaint with the hot temperature and suffering shortness of breath, and was not treated as suspect bird flu at the beginning of the treatment.

                                Then, there being so history of sudden death in poultry houses around the IF, the hospital immediately as he handles suspect bird flu.

                                IF diisolasi directly in the space for patient Isolation Avian Influenza RSUAM, and given tamiflu treatments.

                                "Condition of this time have improved, and blood sample and eat one's words also have to tell our R & D Laboratories Depertemen ksehatan," said dr Pad.

                                IF the patient is the second suspect AI diisolasi in RSUAM in the last 10 days. Previously, treating RSUAM M (14), District of Jatiagung, South Lampung.

                                Unlike the IF, M terindikasi never prepare chicken that died suddenly around the house, and even eat.

                                Samples of blood and saliva has been sent to both R & D Laboratory of the Ministry of Health RI laboratory results and the second patient was treated akan received the hospital on Friday (10 / 7).

                                "Earlier I have to contact the Public Health Lampung, and he said the results of laboratory tests of blood and saliva samples of both akan Department received tomorrow," he said.

                                Meanwhile, the tendency to anticipate the patient maraknya suspect avian influenza (AI) is treated in a hospital owned by the local government Lampung, the medical teams who deal with patients with A-H5N1 and H1N1, Thursday afternoon, making a meeting reorientasi.

                                "This meeting internal RSUAM medical team that handles the second case, such a procedure it back to the provisions of patients with both viruses is," he said.

                                This is done, said Dr. Pad, given the nearly six months RSUAM do not accept patients with the H5N1 virus, so it should be given back on protap handling, including the anticipation of a patient infected AH1N1.


