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Denmark - Dane with novel H1N1 found resistant to Tamiflu

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  • Denmark - Dane with novel H1N1 found resistant to Tamiflu

    caution - google translated

    The first case in the world of resistance to influenza drug Tamiflu in people with influenza H1N1 has been found in Denmark.

    Dane resistant to Tamiflu

    29. June 2009

    The first case in the world of resistance to influenza drug Tamiflu in people with influenza H1N1 has been found in Denmark.

    The person is now healthy, and there is no further evidence of infection with resistant virus, according to Statens Serum Institut.

  • #2
    Re: Denmark - H1N1 found resistant to new H1N1

    Hi Dutchy,

    could you please confirm that this is an "swine" flu pandemic AH1N1 Tamiflu resistance?


    • #3
      Re: Denmark - H1N1 found resistant to new H1N1

      Original in Danish:

      Det f?rste tilf?lde i verden af resistens over for influenza-medicinen Tamiflu hos folk med influenza H1N1 er fundet i Danmark.

      Dansker resistent over for Tamiflu

      29. jun. 2009 15.20 Indland Opdat.: 29. jun. 2009 15.32

      Det f?rste tilf?lde i verden af resistens over for influenza-medicinen Tamiflu hos folk med influenza H1N1 er fundet i Danmark.

      Personen er nu rask, og der er ikke p?vist yderligere smitte med det resistente virus, oplyser Statens Serum Institut.

      It says "the first in the world' ; if it was "normal" of seasonal H1N1 the man would not be the first one in the world.


      • #4
        Re: Denmark - Dane with novel H1N1 found resistant to Tamiflu


        Dane resistant to Tamiflu

        29. June 2009 15.20 Inland update.: 29 June 2009 15.38

        The first case in the world of resistance to influenza drug Tamiflu in people with influenza H1N1 has been found in Denmark.

        The person is now healthy, and there is no further evidence of infection with resistant virus, according to Statens Serum Institut.

        The infection had been in close contact with another infected person, and was therefore prevented treatment with Tamiflu. Yet the person had flu symptoms and are instead treated with another type of flu drugs, Relenza.

        Mutated virus in Denmark

        World Health Organization Calls for the Danish case for more attention to the possibility of development of resistance in the virus.

        It is not unusual for a flu virus mutating spontaneously and in a press release calls the Statens Serum Institut is "well known and expected."

        They also emphasized that it does not pose a threat to public health.

        Det første tilfælde i verden af resistens over for influenza-medicinen Tamiflu hos folk med influenza H1N1 er fundet i Danmark.


        • #5
          Re: Denmark - H1N1 found resistant to new H1N1

          Originally posted by tropical View Post
          Hi Dutchy,

          could you please confirm that this is an "swine" flu pandemic AH1N1 Tamiflu resistance?
          Tamiflu resistance is fixed in seasonal H1N1 and has been for some time. Resistance in SWINE H1N1 would be a first (and news).


          • #6
            Re: Denmark - Dane with novel H1N1 found resistant to Tamiflu

            Originally posted by Dutchy View Post

            Dane resistant to Tamiflu

            29. June 2009 15.20 Inland update.: 29 June 2009 15.38

            It is not unusual for a flu virus mutating spontaneously and in a press release calls the Statens Serum Institut is "well known and expected."

            They also emphasized that it does not pose a threat to public health.

            Well beyond head pats.

            "Spontaneous mutation" indicates this was not due to reassortment with seasonal H1N1 (and is likely due to acquisition of H274Y by recombination with seasonal flu, although precise polymorphisms is not stated).


            • #7
              Re: Denmark - Dane with novel H1N1 found resistant to Tamiflu

              Dane resistant to pandemic medicine

              / Ritzau /

              Last updated on Monday 29th June 2009, 15:30

              The first case in the world of resistance to influenza drug Tamiflu in people with influenza H1N1 has been found in Denmark. The person is now healthy, and there is no further evidence of infection with resistant virus, according to Statens Serum Institut.

              The infection had been in close contact with another infected person, and was therefore prevented treatment with Tamiflu. Yet the person had flu symptoms and are instead treated with another type of flu drugs, Relenza. World Health Organization Calls for the Danish case for more attention to the possibility of development of resistance in the virus.

              It is not unusual for a flu virus mutating spontaneously and in a press release calls the Statens Serum Institut is "well known and expected." They also emphasized that it does not pose a threat to public health. /


              • #8
                Re: Denmark - Dane with novel H1N1 found resistant to Tamiflu

                Yes! Huge news. Thanks Dutchy.

                Is there any chance that the writer or editor of this article does not understand the issues and is mis-stating the situation?


                • #9
                  Re: Denmark - Dane with novel H1N1 found resistant to Tamiflu

                  May be someone who knows more about these things than me can contact them:

                  CONTACT SSI

                  Statens Serum Institut
                  5, Artillerivej
                  DK-2300 Copenhagen S

                  Phone: +45 3268 3268
                  Fax: +45 3268 3868
                  VAT No. 46 83 74 28
                  EAN: 5798000362192


                  • #10
                    Re: Denmark - Dane with novel H1N1 found resistant to Tamiflu

                    Dane resistant to pandemic medicines

                    29. June 2009 15:30

                    pandemic flu virus H1N1 has been found in Denmark in a mutated version that is resistant to Tamiflu, which is usually used in the treatment of flu .

                    The first case in the world of resistance to influenza drug Tamiflu in people with influenza H1N1 has been found in Denmark. The person is now healthy, and there is no further evidence of infection with resistant virus, according to Statens Serum Institut.

                    The infection had been in close contact with another infected person, and was therefore prevented treatment with Tamiflu. Yet the person had flu symptoms and are instead treated with another type of flu drugs, Relenza.

                    World Health Organization Calls for the Danish case for more attention to the possibility of development of resistance in the virus.

                    It is not unusual for a flu virus mutating spontaneously and in a press release calls the Statens Serum Institut is "well known and expected."

                    They also emphasized that it does not pose a threat to public health.


                    • #11
                      Re: Denmark - Dane with novel H1N1 found resistant to Tamiflu

                      Originally posted by Dutchy View Post
                      May be someone who knows more about these things than me can contact them:

                      CONTACT SSI

                      Statens Serum Institut
                      5, Artillerivej
                      DK-2300 Copenhagen S

                      Phone: +45 3268 3268
                      Fax: +45 3268 3868
                      VAT No. 46 83 74 28
                      EAN: 5798000362192
                      I didn't see anything on their website. However, if the patients was NOT treated with Tamiflu, then the polymorphism (likely H274Y) was NOT selected and the virus with the change is fit.


                      • #12
                        Re: Denmark - Dane with novel H1N1 found resistant to Tamiflu

                        Dane first with H1N1-mutation

                        29. June 2009 15:58 A Dane has developed a mutated version of H1N1 that are resistant to influenza agent Tamiflu. This is the first identified mutation of H1N1 in the world

                        The first case in the world of resistance to influenza drug Tamiflu in people with influenza H1N1 has been found in Denmark. The person is now healthy, and there is no further evidence of infection with resistant virus, according to Statens Serum Institut.

                        - We do not expect that it exists long, says Nils Strandberg Pedersen, Managing Director, Statens Serum Institut, and refers to the mutated form of H1N1.

                        The infected Dane had been in close contact with another infected person, and was therefore prevented treatment with Tamiflu. Yet the person had flu symptoms and are instead treated with another type of flu drugs, Relenza.

                        According to Niels Strandberg Pedersen, it is not significant that the first mutated version is found in Denmark.

                        - We see it as an expression of our monitoring work, he said.

                        World Health Organization Calls for the Danish case for more attention to the possibility of development of resistance in the virus.

                        It is not unusual for a flu virus mutating spontaneously and in a press release calls the Statens Serum Institut is "well known and expected." At the same time, Niels Strandberg Pedersen not exclude that there will be new forms of mutation.

                        For the treatment of H1N1, Denmark has large stockpiles of Tamiflu, and in late April were purchased 40,000 doses of Relenza for additional security in cases of resistant mutations.

                        Dansker den f?rste med H1N1-mutation
                        29. jun 2009 15:58 En dansker har udviklet en muteret udgave af H1N1, der er resistent over for influenzamidlet Tamiflu. Det er den f?rste konstaterede mutation af H1N1 i verden

                        Tip en ven

                        Det f?rste tilf?lde i verden af resistens over for influenzamedicinen Tamiflu hos folk med influenza H1N1 er fundet i Danmark. Personen er nu rask, og der er ikke p?vist yderligere smitte med det resistente virus, oplyser Statens Serum Institut.

                        - Vi regner ikke med, at det eksisterer l?ngere, siger Nils Strandberg Pedersen, der er administrerende direkt?r ved Statens Serum Institut, og henviser til den muterede form af H1N1.

                        Den smittede dansker havde v?ret i t?t kontakt med en anden smittet person og var derfor i forebyggede behandling med Tamiflu. Alligevel fik personen influenzasymptomer og er i stedet behandlet med en anden type influenzamedicin, Relenza.

                        If?lge Niels Strandberg Pedersen er det ikke af betydning, at den f?rste muterede version er fundet i Danmark.

                        - Vi opfatter det som et udtryk for, at vores overv?gninger fungerer, siger han.

                        Verdens sundhedsorganisationen WHO opfordrer efter det danske tilf?lde til mere opm?rksomhed p? mulighed for udvikling af resistens hos viruset.

                        Det er ikke us?dvanligt, at en influenzavirus muterer spontant, og i en pressemeddelelse kalder Statens Serum Institut det "Velkendt og forventeligt." Samtidig kan Niels Strandberg Pedersen ikke udelukke, at der vil komme nye former for mutation.

                        Til behandling af H1N1 har Danmark store lagre af Tamiflu, og i slutningen af april blev der indk?bt 40.000 doser Relenza som en ekstra sikkerhed i tilf?lde af resistente mutationer.


                        • #13
                          Re: Denmark - Dane with novel H1N1 found resistant to Tamiflu

                          Originally posted by niman View Post
                          I didn't see anything on their website. However, if the patients was NOT treated with Tamiflu, then the polymorphism (likely H274Y) was NOT selected and the virus with the change is fit.
                          I'm reading it as treatment with Tamiflu was begun but was not effective, and therefore they started Relenza.

                          We need the sequence to be published.
                          Wotan (pronounced Voton with the ton rhyming with on) - The German Odin, ruler of the Aesir.

                          I am not a doctor, virologist, biologist, etc. I am a layman with a background in the physical sciences.

                          Attempting to blog an nascent pandemic: Diary of a Flu Year


                          • #14
                            Re: Denmark - Dane with novel H1N1 found resistant to Tamiflu

                            Dane first with H1N1-mutation

                            / Ritzau /

                            Last updated on Monday 29th June 2009, 15:58

                            The first case in the world of resistance to influenza drug Tamiflu in people with influenza H1N1 has been found in Denmark. The person is now healthy, and there is no further evidence of infection with resistant virus, according to Statens Serum Institut.

                            - We do not expect that the longer exist, says Nils Strandberg Pedersen, Managing Director, Statens Serum Institut, and refers to the mutated form of H1N1. The infected Dane had been in close contact with another infected person, and was therefore prevented treatment with Tamiflu.

                            Yet the person had flu symptoms and are instead treated with another type of flu drugs, Relenza.

                            According to Niels Strandberg Pedersen, it is not significant that the first mutated version is found in Denmark. - We see it as an expression of our monitoring work, he said. World Health Organization Calls for the Danish case for more attention to the possibility of development of resistance in the virus.

                            It is not unusual for a flu virus mutating spontaneously and in a press release calls the Statens Serum Institut is "well known and expected." At the same time, Niels Strandberg Pedersen not exclude that there will be new forms of mutation. For the treatment of H1N1, Denmark has large stockpiles of Tamiflu, and in late April were purchased 40,000 doses of Relenza for additional security in cases of resistant mutations.


                            • #15
                              Re: Denmark - Dane with novel H1N1 found resistant to Tamiflu

                              Articles say no spreading of this resistant strain was found.

                              Articles also say the man was treated with Tamiflu first, but kept displaying symptoms, than he was treated with Relenza. And was cured.

