Dua Balita di Bantul Terduga Idap Flu Burung
Senin, 29 Juni 2009 - 11:08 wib
Google translation:
Two in five Bantul presumed Idap Bird Flu
Monday, June 29, 2009 - 11:08 wib
BANTUL - Two of five patients expressed Bantul presumed bird flu. Two of five, Fatik Salahudin (2.5) and Salma (2), both of Hamlet Cangkring, Desa Sumber Agung, Jetis District, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region.
Fatik Salahudin still undergoing treatment in hospital isolation rooms Dr Sardjito Yogyakarta. While Salma is still undergoing outpatient and get special attention from the local health clinic.
"Found the two bird flu patients presumed note Monday after we found dozens of chickens belonging to several people die suddenly. Distance chicken house owners with the sudden death presumed bird flu patients, approximately 25 meters. Most of the conditions of weak and less fit," said the Head of Dusun Cangkring, Sulistya SH, Monday (29/6/2009).
According Sulis, after the presumed known citizens of 30 bird flu bird flu anti cadre consisting of Dusun Karang Taruna Taruna Siaga Cangkring and Disaster Management (Tagana) Bantul, to conduct spraying disinfektan henhouse and a number of places of birds.
"We do not want other people who participated in a victim of bird flu, so we recruit cadres bird flu and other youth organizations to do the spraying disinfektan," he said.
Head of Puskesmas Jetis 1 Good doctors say, to receive two new reports of bird flu presumed. In addition to the Hamlet Cangkring there are areas of the village there is a patient presumed Sumberagung bird flu. But this news was revealed to have not received the definitive list of the patient.
"There is still one more suspect of bird flu have not yet but I know exactly what the name and address," Good firm.
Officers Poskeswan Sumberagung Jetis Rosmita Ikaratri said, after obtaining a report of sudden death in chickens Cangkring Hamlet, go directly to the location but did not find the chicken carcass is discarded. But he expects people to be careful degan spread of bird flu because the virus has now attacked people.
"Especially children and elderly sick if not to contact with poultry as they are at risk of contracting the virus H5N1 poultry. Even if the need to deal with the birds we'd have to wash your hands after direct contact," explained. (Daru Waskita / Trijaya / LSI)
Dua Balita di Bantul Terduga Idap Flu Burung
Senin, 29 Juni 2009 - 11:08 wib
Google translation:
Two in five Bantul presumed Idap Bird Flu
Monday, June 29, 2009 - 11:08 wib
BANTUL - Two of five patients expressed Bantul presumed bird flu. Two of five, Fatik Salahudin (2.5) and Salma (2), both of Hamlet Cangkring, Desa Sumber Agung, Jetis District, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region.
Fatik Salahudin still undergoing treatment in hospital isolation rooms Dr Sardjito Yogyakarta. While Salma is still undergoing outpatient and get special attention from the local health clinic.
"Found the two bird flu patients presumed note Monday after we found dozens of chickens belonging to several people die suddenly. Distance chicken house owners with the sudden death presumed bird flu patients, approximately 25 meters. Most of the conditions of weak and less fit," said the Head of Dusun Cangkring, Sulistya SH, Monday (29/6/2009).
According Sulis, after the presumed known citizens of 30 bird flu bird flu anti cadre consisting of Dusun Karang Taruna Taruna Siaga Cangkring and Disaster Management (Tagana) Bantul, to conduct spraying disinfektan henhouse and a number of places of birds.
"We do not want other people who participated in a victim of bird flu, so we recruit cadres bird flu and other youth organizations to do the spraying disinfektan," he said.
Head of Puskesmas Jetis 1 Good doctors say, to receive two new reports of bird flu presumed. In addition to the Hamlet Cangkring there are areas of the village there is a patient presumed Sumberagung bird flu. But this news was revealed to have not received the definitive list of the patient.
"There is still one more suspect of bird flu have not yet but I know exactly what the name and address," Good firm.
Officers Poskeswan Sumberagung Jetis Rosmita Ikaratri said, after obtaining a report of sudden death in chickens Cangkring Hamlet, go directly to the location but did not find the chicken carcass is discarded. But he expects people to be careful degan spread of bird flu because the virus has now attacked people.
"Especially children and elderly sick if not to contact with poultry as they are at risk of contracting the virus H5N1 poultry. Even if the need to deal with the birds we'd have to wash your hands after direct contact," explained. (Daru Waskita / Trijaya / LSI)