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Egypt: Confirmed Case of H5N1 #81

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  • Egypt: Confirmed Case of H5N1 #81

    Egypt: Health announces 81 infection of bird flu

    Wednesday, June 17, 2009 - 18:05

    In the light of the rapid spread of the swine flu virus in Egypt, which reached the status of cases to 29 so far, the Ministry of Health announced today, Wednesday, No. 81 of human infection from bird flu of a child named Ziad Abdel Hamid Mohamed, aged 5 years and months, the major facility Kulain, province of Kafr el-Sheikh, said Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, official spokesman of the Ministry of Health.

    وقال شاهين إن بداية ظهور الأعراض على الطفل كانت يوم 15 من الشهر الجارى، دخل على إثرها أمس، الثلاثاء، مستشفى حميات كفر الشيخ وهو يعانى ارتفاعا فى درجة الحرارة ورشح عقب تعرضه لطيور يشتبة فى إصابتها بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور، لافتاً إلى أنه فور الاشتباه فى إصابته بالمرض تم إعطاؤه عقار التاميفلو، وحالته المرضية مستقرة، وجارى تحويله لمستشفى منشأة البكرى.

    Sahin said that the onset of symptoms the child had been on 15 this month, the impact on income, on Tuesday, the hospital admitted suffering Kafr al-Sheikh, a rise in temperature and after being nominated for the birds suspected of being infected with bird flu, he said, adding that once suspected of being infected with the disease was given the drug Tamiflu, and a stable condition and is being transferred to a hospital facility Bakrie.

  • #2
    Re: Egypt: Confirmed Case of H5N1 #81

    It is worth noting that all of the recent cases (those from the past month) have been 5 or younger (and almost all have survived).


    • #3
      Re: Egypt: Confirmed Case of H5N1 #81

      Kulain is also Kellin or Kellien.


      • #4
        Re: Egypt: Confirmed Case of H5N1 #81

        It is also worth noting that WHO is behind on reporting confirmed H5N1 cases in Egypt. The last WHO update was on June 2, 2009 for case #78.


        • #5
          Re: Egypt: Confirmed Case of H5N1 #81

          # 52 - 2 years, female, onset date - January 9, 2009, Kerdasa district in Sixth of October governorate

          # 53 - 2 years, female, onset date - January 23, 2009, Manofia Governorate, Shebin Elkom District

          # 54 - 2 years, male, onset date - February 2, 2009, Suez governorate, some 120 km east of Cairo

          # 55 - 2 years, male, onset date - February 7, 2009, village of Aljaddamy, Minya Governorate.

          # 56 - 2 years, male, onset date - February 25, 2009, Yousef el seddik district of Fayoum Governorate

          # 57 - 2 years, male, onset date - March 1, 2009, Ameriya, Alexandria governorate

          # 58 - 1.5 years, female, onset date - March 6, 2009, village of metropolitan Mnov Menofia Center.

          # 59 - 38 years, female, onset date - March 14, 2009, village of Al Fatah Almasrp Center Assiut Governorate

          # 60 - 2.5 years, female, onset date - March 23, 2009, Nagaa' Abou Shouk village, Dandara, Qena governorate.

          # 61 - 2 years, male, onset date - March 27, 2009, from Kom Hamada District, El Behira governorate

          # 62 - 2 years, male, onset date - March 31, 2009, from Kom Hamada District, El Behira governorate (cousin of # 61)

          # 63 - 6 years, male, onset date - March 22, 2009, from Shubra El Khema District, Al Qalyubiyah governorate. Death

          # 64 - 33 years, female, onset date - April 7, 2009, Kellin district, Kafr el-Sheik province. Death

          # 65 - 25 years, female, onset date - April 6, 2009, from Al-Marg area, Cairo governorate. Death

          # 66 - 18 mo., female, onset date - April 15, 2009, Chaabas Amir Kulain Village, Kellin district, Kafr el-Sheik province

          # 67 - 4 years, male, onset date - April 18, 2009, Akhmem, Sohag governorate.

          # 68 - 34 years, female, onset date - April 21, 2009, Tanta, Al Gharbiyah (West Province) governorate. (status unclear)

          # 69 - 5 years, female, onset date - May 9, 2009, Sohag governorate

          # 70 - 4 years, male, onset date - May 10th, 2009, Kafr Sagr, Sharqia (East Province) governorate.

          # 71 - 3 years, male, onset date - May 12th, 2009, Mahalla, Gharbia Governorate.

          # 72 - 4 years, female, onset date - May 9, 2009, Meet Ghamr, Daqahlia governorate. Death

          # 73 - 4 years, male, onset date - May 18, 2009 ,
          Dakahliya, Sohag

          # 74 - 3 years, male, onset date - May 17, 2009 - Sohag

          # 75 - 4 years, male, onset date - May 24, 2009 - Hehia District, Sharkia Governorate

          # 76 - 4 years, female, onset date - May 23, 2009 - Abo Hammad District, Sharkia Governorate

          # 77 - 1 year, female, onset date - May 25, 2009 - Dakahlia province

          # 78 - 4 years, female, onset date - May 30, 2009 - Kafr El-Shiekh District, Kafr El-Shiekh Governorate

          # 79 - 17 mos., female, onset date - June 1, 2009 - Albesartp village, Damietta Governorate

          # 80 - 4 years, female, onset date - June 5, 2009 - Delta Village - Dakahlia Province

          # 81 - 1 year, male, onset date - June 15, 2009 - Kulain, province of Kafr el-Sheikh province
          Last edited by sharon sanders; June 19, 2009, 02:14 PM. Reason: clarified age


          • #6
            Re: Egypt: Confirmed Case of H5N1 #81

            A few recent articles re: Kulian:

            Tuesday, June 16, 2009

            Egypt: 8 arrest on suspicion of bird flu in Kafr Sheikh

            Tuesday, June 16, 2009 - 20:22

            Health Minister Hatem el-Gabali
            Abeer Al Zaher

            Detained Kafr El-Sheikh hospital fevers 8 suspected cases of bird flu, the samples were taken and sent to a laboratory analysis of the central Ministry of Health confirmed the positive or negative sample, namely:

            Ayatollah completed (5 years), and Muhammad Faraj (8 years), Mustafa Mohammed (19 years) and Mr. Youssef (a year and a half) from the villages of Sidi Salem, Randp Faraj (17 years) and Ahmed Mohammed (35 years) and Fatima Ahmed (43 years) and the victory of Ahmad ( 50 years old), what the village of Kafr El-Sheikh.

            It is noteworthy that the incidence of bird flu, which reached 70 cases, all negative results were recorded only 3 of them died of a positive case No. 26 on the country's level of a woman named Saadia Ahmed Abdel-Latif Center Kulain, while the other two cases were treated immediately, because of the discovery of infected early, which led to a speedy recovery and return to their families.

            الثلاثاء، 16 يونيو 2009 - 20:22

            وزير الصحة حاتم الجبلى
            كفر الشيخ ـ عبير زاهر

            احتجز مستشفى حميات كفر الشيخ 8 حالات اشتباه بأنفلونزا الطيور، وتم أخذ العينات وإرسالها إلى معمل التحاليل المركزى بوزارة الصحة للتأكد من إيجابية أو سلبية العينة، وهم :
            آية أكمل (5 سنوات) ومحمد فرج (8 سنوات) ومصطفى محمد (19 سنة) ويوسف السيد (سنة ونصف) من قرى سيدى سالم، راندة فرج (17 سنة) وأحمد محمد (35 سنة) وفاطمة أحمد (43 سنة) وانتصار أحمد (50 سنة) من قرية شنو كفر الشيخ.

            الجدير بالذكر أن حالات الإصابة بأنفلونزا الطيور، والتى وصلت 70 حالة كانت نتائجها كلها سلبية ولم تسجل سوى 3 حالات إيجابية توفيت منهم الحالة رقم 26 على مستوى الجمهورية لسيدة تدعى سعدية أحمد عبد اللطيف من مركز قلين، أما

            Saturday, June 13, 2009

            Current List for South Sinai & Kafr El-Sheikh

            <hr style="color: rgb(204, 204, 204); background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> Current list for recent suspected cases:

            South Sinai: Tested Negative

            <table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> Hospital diets police custody on suspicion of swine flu

            Detained hospital fevers Kafr Al-Sheikh Mahfouz Ramadan citizen on suspicion of swine flu.

            وقالت سوزان أبو السبع مدير المستشفى : إن "السعيد رمضان": يبلغ من العمر 30 عامًا من مركز قلين، وهو شرطي يعمل في مديرية أمن جنوب سيناء"، مضيفةً أن هناك اشتباهًا في أنه أُصيب أثناء مخالطته بالسياح.

            Said Susan Abu seven director of the hospital: the "Happy Ramadan": at the age of 30 years of Kulain Center, a police officer working security at the Directorate of South Sinai, "she reveals that he was in during the coming tourists.

            hat-tip Helblindi </td> </tr> </tbody></table>
            <table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;">
            Egypt: 6 injured in Kafr El-Sheikh for bird flu, 1 in Kafr El-Sheikh for Swine Flu


            في الوقت نفسه تقرر خروج رضا السيد عباس (28 عامًا) والسيد
            At the same time decided to get out Mr. Abbas Ridha (28 years) and Mr. Mahrus Ramadan (30 years) from the hospital after testing negative sample taken at each but Chtbah bird flu pigs . . </td> </tr> </tbody></table>
            And this list of suspected bf cases in Kafr El-Sheikh & one for SF:

            June 12
            Ahmed Bassiouni,
            Mohamed Shuaib Ahmed,
            Fatima Ahmed Al-Hamad,
            Mitwalli Yusuf,
            security Magdy Abdel-Fattah,
            Abdul Muti Zhzhanp Mercy

            June 12 &
            Swine Flu
            Saad Youssef Khalil (65)/Mohammed Masood, (65), employees Pension
            From: city of Kafr el-Sheikh
            Notes: Returning from Umra Saudi land

            Read full post and comments


            • #7
              Re: Egypt: Confirmed Case of H5N1 #81

              four days to confirm test results seems to long.

              Translation: Arabic ? English
              وفاة سيدة إثر الاشتباه فى إصابتها بأنفلونزا الطيور بسوهاج
              الأربعاء، 17 يونيو 2009 - 21:02

              أنفلونزا الطيور تحصد أرواح المصريين سوهاج ـ محمود مقبول

              توفيت سيدة فى العقد الثالث من عمرها بعد احتجازها لمدة أربعة أيام إثر إصابتها فى اشتباه بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور، حيث كانت تعانى أمراضا مزمنة بالصدر، وتم أخذ عينة منها وإرسالها إلى المعامل المركزية ولم تأت نتيجتها بالسلب أو الإيجاب حتى الآن.

              ترجع الواقعة إلى يوم السبت الماضى عندما ظهرت أعراض مرض أنفلونزا الطيور على ربة منزل من قرية برديس مركز البلينا، تدعى هدى محروس عبد الله (36 عاما) وتم احتجازها بمستشفى البلينا، وبعد ذلك تم تحويلها إلى مستشفى حميات سوهاج بعد تردى حالتها الصحية وارتفاع فى درجة حرارتها وشعورها بضيق فى التنفس، وعلى الفور تم عمل مسحة بشرية وإرسالها إلى المعامل المركزية بالقاهرة لتحديد مدى إصابتها من عدمه.

              وفى مساء اليوم الثالث ساءت حالتها، مما جعل إدارة مستشفى الحميات تقوم بتحويلها إلى مستشفى الجهاز الهضمى والقلب بمدينة مبارك الطبية، وفى اليوم الرابع لفظت أنفاسها الأخيرة. ومن خلال متابعة الموقف مع مديرية الصحة والسكان لم يستجب أى مسئول ليعلق على أسباب الوفاة.

              وعلى صعيد آخر أكد مصدر مسئول أن السيدة كانت تعانى أمراضا مزمنة بالصدر، مما جعل إدارة مستشفى الحميات تقوم بتحويلها إلى مستشفى الجهاز الهضمى والقلب بمدينة مبارك الطبية، بالإضافة إلى التهاب رئوى حاد إثر إصابتها باشتباه مرض أنفلونزا الطيور، ولكن مستشفى الجهاز الهضمى أخذت على عاتقها علاج الجزء الذى يخصها وهى مشاكل الصدر وأنه لم يكن هناك تنسيق بطريقة سليمة بين الحميات والجهاز الهضمى، مما جعل الحالة تسوء حتى لفظت أنفاسها الأخيرة وجارى تحرير محضر بالواقعة تمهيدا لعرضه على النيابة. Following the death of a woman suspected of being infected with bird flu Sohag
              Wednesday, June 17, 2009 - 21:02

              Avian influenza claim the lives of the Egyptians Mahmoud Souhag acceptable ?

              Woman died in the third decade of life after being detained for four days after being shot in the suspicion of bird flu, which had suffered chronic chest diseases, a sample was taken and sent to the central laboratory was not negative or positive result so far.

              Due to the incident last Saturday when he showed symptoms of bird flu on the housewife from the village of Bardis Center Balyana called Hoda Mahrous Abdullah (36 years) and has been detained Balyana hospital and was then transferred to a hospital in Sohag fevers after the deterioration of their health status and high degree of temperature and the sense of shortness of breath, and were immediately sexed human work and sent to labs central Cairo to determine the extent of her or not.

              In the evening, the third condition worsened, making the management of hospital diets are converted to a hospital in the digestive system and heart in the medical Mubarak, in the fourth day of the last breath Pin. And through follow-up position with the Department of Health and the population did not respond to any official comment on the causes of death.
              On the other hand, official source said the woman was suffering chronic chest diseases, making the management of hospital diets are converted to a hospital in the digestive system and heart in the medical Mubarak, in addition to severe pneumonia after being infected with bird flu suspicions, but the hospital in the digestive system has taken upon itself the treatment of its part, the problems of the chest and there was no coordination between the sound diets and digestive system, making the situation even worse for the last breath and died filed a report on the incident is currently under preparation for submission to the prosecution.


              • #8
                Re: Egypt: Confirmed Case of H5N1 #81

                [There is a change in the age.]

                Egypt: Ministry of Health announced on 81 bird flu infection


                The official spokesman of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Abdul-Rahman Shahin, the 6-17-2009, that was confirmed human infection with bird flu No. 81 for a child named Ziad Abdel Hamid Mohamed, a year old and 5 months of the Great established Kulain kaafirs Sheikh.

                He said that the onset of symptoms the child had been on 15 this month, entered the hospital fevers of Kafr el-Sheikh is suffering from high temperature after being nominated for the birds suspected of bird flu.

                The official spokesman for the Ministry of Health as soon as he suspected of being infected with the disease were given the drug Tamiflu and the condition is stable and is being transformed to a hospital the Tamiflu drug.
                hat-tip Helblindi


                • #9
                  Re: Egypt: Confirmed Case of H5N1 #81

                  Originally posted by Laidback Al View Post
                  It is also worth noting that WHO is behind on reporting confirmed H5N1 cases in Egypt. The last WHO update was on June 2, 2009 for case #78.

                  I don't like to repeat myself, but WHO has still not updated their disease outbreak news for the last three H5N1 cases locally confirmed in Egypt (79, 80, and 81) see:

                  This is somewhat surprising because in the recent past WHO would provide the updates for Egypt within a few days and in some cases within 24 hours. I leave it to the conspiracy theorists to guess whether this is an internal bureaucratic failure or if WHO has greater problems to deal with than H5N1.


                  • #10
                    Re: Egypt: Confirmed Case of H5N1 #81

                    Originally posted by Laidback Al View Post
                    I don't like to repeat myself, but WHO has still not updated their disease outbreak news for the last three H5N1 cases locally confirmed in Egypt (79, 80, and 81) see:

                    This is somewhat surprising because in the recent past WHO would provide the updates for Egypt within a few days and in some cases within 24 hours. I leave it to the conspiracy theorists to guess whether this is an internal bureaucratic failure or if WHO has greater problems to deal with than H5N1.
                    I think,hope it was do to the failure of egypt to update the published offcial count by four to 81 which they just did a couple days ago


                    • #11
                      Re: Egypt: Confirmed Case of H5N1 #81

                      Avian influenza - situation in Egypt - update 20

                      1 July 2009 -- The Ministry of Health of Egypt has reported 3 new confirmed human case of avian influenza A(H5N1).

                      The first case is a 1-year old male from Domiat Governorate. His symptoms started on 1 June 2009. He was admitted to hospital on 2 June, where he received oseltamivir treatment. The patient has recovered and was discharged on 9 June.

                      The second case is a 4-year old female from Dakhlia Governorate. Her symptoms started on 5 June 2009. She was admitted to hospital on 6 June, where she received oseltamivir treatment. The patient has recovered and was discharged on 14 June.

                      The third case is a 1-year old male from Kaleen District, Kefr El Sheikh Governorate. His symptoms started on 15 June 2009. He was admitted to Kefr El Sheikh Fever Hospital on 16 June 2009, where he received oseltamivir treatment, and is in a stable condition.

                      Investigations into the source of infection indicated that all three cases had close contact with dead and/or sick poultry.

                      The cases were confirmed by the Egyptian Central Public Health Laboratories.

                      Of the 81 cases confirmed to date in Egypt, 27 have been fatal.


                      • #12
                        Re: Egypt: Confirmed Case of H5N1 #81

                        Thanks Dutchy

