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Brazil finds new strain of H1N1 virus - NOT

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  • Brazil finds new strain of H1N1 virus - NOT

    Brazil finds new strain of H1N1 virus

    SAO PAULO (AFP) ? Brazilian scientists have identified a new strain of the H1N1 virus after examining samples from a patient in Sao Paulo, their institute said Tuesday.

    The variant has been called A/Sao Paulo/1454/H1N1 by the Adolfo Lutz Bacteriological Institute, which compared it with samples of the A(H1N1) swine flu from California.

    The genetic sequence of the new sub-type of the H1N1 virus was isolated by a virology team lead by one of its researchers, Terezinha Maria de Paiva, the institute said in a statement.

    The mutation comprised of alterations in the Hemagglutinin protein which allows the virus to infect new hosts, it said.

    It was not yet known whether the new strain was more aggressive than the current A(H1N1) virus which has been declared pandemic by the World Health Organization.

    The genetic make-up of the H1N1 virus and its subvariants are important for scientists.

    Pharmaceutical companies are working to mass produce a vaccine against the current A(H1N1) flu.

    There are fears though that it could mutate into a deadly strain, much in the same way as the 1918 Spanish flu -- also an A(H1N1) virus type -- did when it killed tens of millions around the planet.

    According to the WHO, 36,000 people in 76 countries have been infected with the H1N1 virus, causing 163 deaths.

    The latest news and headlines from Yahoo News. Get breaking news stories and in-depth coverage with videos and photos.

  • #2
    Re: Brazil finds new strain of H1N1 virus

    GenBank: GQ247724.1
    Influenza A virus (A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009(H1N1)) segment 4 hemagglutin (HA) gene, complete cds

    <input name="EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Sequence.Sequence_Sing leReportPanel.Sequence_ViewerPanel.Sequence_Viewer Title.Database" sid="1" id="Database" value="nuccore" type="hidden">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">

    LOCUS GQ247724 1701 bp cRNA linear VRL 08-JUN-2009
    DEFINITION Influenza A virus (A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009(H1N1)) segment 4
    hemagglutin (HA) gene, complete cds.
    ACCESSION GQ247724
    VERSION GQ247724.1 GI:239504533
    DBLINK Project:37813
    SOURCE Influenza A virus (A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009(H1N1))
    ORGANISM Influenza A virus (A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009(H1N1))
    Viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses; Orthomyxoviridae;
    Influenzavirus A.
    REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1701)
    AUTHORS de Paiva,T.M., Santos,C.S., Silva,D.B., Correa,K.O., Ishida,M.A.,
    Benega,M.A. and Sacchi,C.
    TITLE Human infection with novel swine H1N1 influenza virus in Sao Paulo,
    JOURNAL Unpublished
    REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1701)
    AUTHORS de Paiva,T.M., Santos,C.S., Silva,D.B., Correa,K.O., Ishida,M.A.,
    Benega,M.A. and Sacchi,C.
    TITLE Direct Submission
    JOURNAL Submitted (05-JUN-2009) Respiratory Virus Section, Adolfo Lutz
    Institute, Av. Dr. Arnaldo 355, Sao Paulo, SP 01246/902, Brazil
    COMMENT Swine influenza A (H1N1) virus isolated during human swine flu
    outbreak of 2009.
    FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
    source 1..1701
    /organism="Influenza A virus (A/Sao
    /mol_type="viral cRNA"
    /strain="A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009"
    /isolation_source="nasal swab"
    /host="Homo sapiens; gender M; age 26"
    /note="lineage: swl
    first MDCK cell passage"
    gene 1..1701
    CDS 1..1701
    1 atgaaggcaa tactagtagt tctgctatat acatttgcaa ccgcaaatgc agacacatta
    61 tgtataggtt atcatgcgaa caattcaaca gacactgtag acacagtact agaaaagaat
    121 gtaacagtaa cacactctgt taaccttcta gaagacaagc ataacgggaa actatgcaaa
    181 ctaagagggg tagccccatt gcatttgggt aaatgtaaca ttgctggctg gatcctggga
    241 aatccagagt gtgaatcact ctccacagca agctcatggt cctacattgt ggaaacatct
    301 agttcagaca atggaacgtg ttacccagga gatttcatcg attatgagga gctaagagag
    361 caattgagct cagtgtcatc atttgaaagg tttgagatat tccccaagac aagttcatgg
    421 cccaatcatg actcgaacaa aggtgtaacg gcagcatgtc ctcatgctgg agcaaaaagc
    481 ttctacaaaa atttaatatg gctagttaaa aaaggaaatt catacccaaa gctcagcaaa
    541 tcctacatta atgataaagg gaaagaagtc ctcgtgctat ggggcattca ccatccatct
    601 actagtgctg accaacaaag tctctatcag aatgcagatg catatgtttt tgtggggtca
    661 tcaagataca gcaagaagtt caagccggaa atagcaataa gacccaaagt gagggatcaa
    721 gaagggagaa tgaactatta ctggacacta gtagagccgg gagacaaaat aacattcgaa
    781 gcaactggaa atctagtggt accgagatat gcattcgcaa tggaaagaaa tgctggatct
    841 ggtattatca tttcagatac accagtccac gattgcaata caacttgtca gacacccaag
    901 ggtgctataa acaccagcct cccatttcag aatatacatc cgatcacaat tggaaaatgt
    961 ccaaaatatg taaaaagcac aaaattgaga ctggccacag gattgaggaa tgtcccgtct
    1021 attcaatcta gaggcctatt tggggccatt gccggtttca ttgaaggggg gtggacaggg
    1081 atggtagatg gatggtacgg ttatcaccat caaaatgagc aggggtcagg atatgcagcc
    1141 gacctgaaga gcacacagaa tgccattgac gagattacta acaaagtaaa ttctgttatt
    1201 gaaaagatga atacacagtt cacagcagta ggtaaagagt tcaaccacct ggaaaaaaga
    1261 atagagaatt taaataaaaa agttgatgat ggtttcctgg acatttggac ttacaatgcc
    1321 gaactgttgg ttctattgga aaatgaaaga actttggact accacgattc aaatgtgaag
    1381 aacttatatg aaaaggtaag aagccagtta aaaaacaatg ccaaggaaat tggaaacggc
    1441 tgctttgaat tttaccacaa atgcgataac acgtgcatgg aaagtgtcaa aaatgggact
    1501 tatgactacc caaaatactc agaggaagca aaattaaaca gagaagaaat agatggggta
    1561 aagctggaat caacaaggat ttaccagatt ttggcgatct attcaactgt cgccagttca
    1621 ttggtactgg tagtctccct gggggcaatc agtttctgga tgtgctctaa tgggtctcta
    1681 cagtgtagaa tatgtattta a



    • #3
      Re: Brazil finds new strain of H1N1 virus

      See also this thread:


      • #4
        Re: Brazil finds new strain of H1N1 virus

        GenBank: GQ250156.1
        Influenza A virus (A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009(H1N1)) segment 7 matrix protein 2 (M2) and matrix protein 1 (M1) genes, complete cds

        <input name="EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Sequence.Sequence_Sing leReportPanel.Sequence_ViewerPanel.Sequence_Viewer Title.Database" sid="1" id="Database" value="nuccore" type="hidden">
        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">

        LOCUS GQ250156 982 bp cRNA linear VRL 09-JUN-2009
        DEFINITION Influenza A virus (A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009(H1N1)) segment 7 matrix
        protein 2 (M2) and matrix protein 1 (M1) genes, complete cds.
        ACCESSION GQ250156
        VERSION GQ250156.1 GI:239586241
        DBLINK Project:37813
        KEYWORDS .
        SOURCE Influenza A virus (A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009(H1N1))
        ORGANISM Influenza A virus (A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009(H1N1))
        Viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses; Orthomyxoviridae;
        Influenzavirus A.
        REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 982)
        AUTHORS de Paiva,T.M., Santos,C.L., Silva,D.B., Correa,K.O., Ishida,M.A.,
        Benega,M.A. and Sacchi,C.
        TITLE Human infection with novel swine H1N1 influenza virus in Sao Paulo,
        JOURNAL Unpublished
        REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 982)
        AUTHORS de Paiva,T.M., Santos,C.L., Silva,D.B., Correa,K.O., Ishida,M.A.,
        Benega,M.A. and Sacchi,C.
        TITLE Direct Submission
        JOURNAL Submitted (08-JUN-2009) Respiratory Virus Section, Adolfo Lutz
        Institute, Av. Dr. Arnaldo 355, Sao Paulo, SP 01246/902, Brazil
        COMMENT Swine influenza A (H1N1) virus isolated during human swine flu
        outbreak of 2009.
        FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
        source 1..982
        /organism="Influenza A virus (A/Sao
        /mol_type="viral cRNA"
        /strain="A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009"
        /isolation_source="nasal swab"
        /host="Homo sapiens; gender M; age 26"
        /country="Brazil: Sao Paulo"
        /note="lineage: swl
        passaged in MDCK cells"
        gene 1..982
        CDS join(1..26,715..982)
        /product="matrix protein 2"
        gene 1..759
        CDS 1..759
        /product="matrix protein 1"
        1 atgagtcttc taaccgaggt cgaaacgtac gttctttcta tcatcccgtc aggccccctc
        61 aaagccgaga tcgcgcagag actggaaagt gtctttgcag gaaagaacac agatcttgag
        121 gctctcatgg aatggctaaa gacaagacca atcttgtcac ctctgactaa gggaatttta
        181 ggatttgtgt tcacgctcac cgtgcccagt gagcgaggac tgcagcgtag acgctttgtc
        241 caaaatgccc taaatgggaa tggggacccg aacaacatgg atagagcagt taaactatac
        301 aagaagctca aaagagaaat aacgttccat ggggccaagg aggtgtcact aagctattca
        361 actggtgcac ttgccagttg catgggcctc atatacaaca ggatgggaac agtgaccaca
        421 gaagctgctt ttggtctagt gtgtgccact tgtgaacaga ttgctgattc acagcatcgg
        481 tctcacagac agatggctac taccaccaat ccactaatca ggcatgaaaa cagaatggtg
        541 ctggctagca ctacggcaaa ggctatggaa cagatggctg gatcgagtga acaggcagcg
        601 gaggccatgg aggttgctaa tcagactagg cagatggtac atgcaatgag aactattggg
        661 actcatccta gctccagtgc tggtctgaaa gatgaccttc ttgaaaattt gcaggcctac
        721 cagaagcgaa tgggagtgca gatgcagcga ttcaagtgat cctctcgtca ttgcagcaaa
        781 tatcattggg atcttgcacc tgatattgtg gattactgat cgtctttttt tcaaatgtat
        841 ttatcgtcgc tttaaatacg gtttgaaaag agggccttct acggaaggag tgcctgagtc
        901 catgagggaa gaatatcaac aggaacagca gagtgctgtg gatgttgacg atggtcattt
        961 tgtcaacata gagctagagt aa


        <input name="EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Sequence.Sequence_Sing leReportPanel.Sequence_ViewerPanel.Sequence_Viewer Report.db" sid="1" id="db_2" value="nuccore" type="hidden"> <input name="EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Sequence.Sequence_Sing leReportPanel.Sequence_ViewerPanel.Sequence_Viewer Report.dopt" sid="1" id="dopt" value="genbank" type="hidden"> <input name="EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Sequence.Sequence_Sing leReportPanel.Sequence_ViewerPanel.Sequence_Viewer Report.val" sid="1" id="val" value="239586241" type="hidden"> <input name="EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Sequence.Sequence_Sing leReportPanel.Sequence_ViewerPanel.Sequence_Viewer Report.maxdownloadsize" sid="1" id="maxdownloadsize" value="1000000" type="hidden"> <input name="EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Sequence.Sequence_Sing leReportPanel.Sequence_ViewerPanel.Sequence_Viewer Report.SequenceSize" sid="1" id="SequenceSize" value="4208" type="hidden"> <input name="EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Sequence.Sequence_Sing leReportPanel.Sequence_ViewerPanel.Sequence_Viewer Report.VirtualSequence" sid="1" id="VirtualSequence" value="" type="hidden">

        <!-- @footer@ -->


        • #5
          Re: Brazil finds new strain of H1N1 virus

          Ha was submitted on June 6, MP on June 9.

          Where are all our FT sequencers, that we had to read about this in the news reports?!
          The salvage of human life ought to be placed above barter and exchange ~ Louis Harris, 1918


          • #6
            Re: Brazil finds new strain of H1N1 virus

            nothing to see here, move along.
            I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
            my current links: ILI-charts:


            • #7
              Re: Brazil finds new strain of H1N1 virus

              Agreed. Just run of the mill Swine Flu like that in about 5 dozen other countries.


              • #8
                Re: Brazil finds new strain of H1N1 virus

                Of the 4 sequences from Brazil with M1 and M2 sequences posted, the M1 are identical, but Sao Paulo has a change in (position 43?) the M2 (but not the E16G and S20N that Mamabird said need to be monitored):

                Positions from 1 till 60
                Consensus sequence M S L L T E V E T P T R S E W E C R C S D S S D P L V I A A N I I G I L H L I L W I L D R L F F K C I Y R R F K Y G L K
                ACR08493 A/Minas Gerais/65/2009(H1N1) - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                ACR83533 A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009(H1N1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                ACR09350 A/Rio de Janeiro/118/2009(H1N1) - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                ACR09348 A/Rio de Janeiro/125/2009(H1N1) - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                Positions from 61 till 97
                Consensus sequence R G P S T E G V P E S M R E E Y Q Q E Q Q S A V D V D D G H F V N I E L E
                ACR08493 A/Minas Gerais/65/2009(H1N1) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                ACR83533 A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009(H1N1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                ACR09350 A/Rio de Janeiro/118/2009(H1N1) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                ACR09348 A/Rio de Janeiro/125/2009(H1N1) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


                • #9
                  Re: Brazil finds new strain of H1N1 virus

                  Of the 3 South American NA postings (not from Sao Paulo) only 1 has 2 changes, but not the ones Mamabird recommends to monitor.

                  "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


                  • #10
                    Re: Brazil finds new strain of H1N1 virus

                    It's a relief to know our resident experts aren't overlooking anything

                    Another non-news report bites the dust.
                    The salvage of human life ought to be placed above barter and exchange ~ Louis Harris, 1918


                    • #11
                      New Mutant Strain Identified in Brazil

                      South America bears swine flu
                      Print From correspondents in Buenos Aires
                      June 17, 2009 07:40am

                      THE swine flu deaths of two people in Argentina and a mutation of the H1N1 virus detected in Brazil have added to fears that South America is entering a harsh winter beset by the flu pandemic.

                      While big pharmaceutical firms are ramping up efforts to mass-produce a vaccine for H1N1, they are still months away from having enough stocks - too late for the Southern Hemisphere's winter flu season.

                      South America has already recorded five deaths from the disease: two in Chile, one in Colombia last week and, most recently, those of a three-month-old girl and a 28-year-old man with leukemia in Argentina's capital Buenos Aires.

                      The number of infected cases is outstripping figures put out regularly by the World Health Organisation.

                      According to the latest statistics from national health authorities, Chile has 2355 patients confirmed with H1N1 flu, Argentina has 733, Peru has 113, Brazil 69, Ecuador 84, Venezuela 44, Uruguay 36, Paraguay 25 and Suriname 13.

                      Those figures are far overshadowed by the data from North America and Central America, the apparent source of the pandemic.

                      Mexican authorities say they have had 109 deaths and 6,294 infected cases. The United States today added a nine-year-old boy to its death toll, bringing it to 47, alongside 17,855 infected cases. Canada has six deaths and 3515 infections.

                      Central America and the Caribbean have also been hit, registering nearly 800 infections and three deaths (one each in Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic and Guatemala).

                      Although the A(H1N1) virus has been classed as relatively mild since first being detected in April, its unusually strong effect on the young, on those with other underlying health problems, and on the poor have made it a redoubtable challenge.

                      Some major drug companies have started producing a vaccine for pre-clinical testing, but one of them, Switzerland's Novartis, told the Financial Times it did not intend to give it away to poor countries.

                      US rival Baxter said today it should have its H1N1 vaccine commercially available in July.

                      But there were underlying fears that the virus currently spreading around the world through human-to-human contact might mutate further, possibly into a more deadly form, as happened with the 1918 Spanish flu which killed tens of millions.

                      Those fears heightened a little today, when a Brazil's Adolfo Lutz Bacteriological Institute said its researchers had identified and isolated a new strain of the A(H1N1) virus in a Sao Paulo patient.

                      It was not yet known whether that variant, called A/Sao Paulo/1454/H1N1, was more aggressive than the more common type.

                      The institute said in a statement the mutation comprised alterations in the Hemagglutinin protein which allows the virus to infect new hosts.


                      • #12
                        Re: Brazil finds new strain of H1N1 virus

                        Identical HA sequences

                        gb|GQ247724.1| Influenza A virus (A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009(H1N1)... 3068 0.0
                        gb|GQ232060.1| Influenza A virus (A/North Dakota/04/2009(H1N1... 3068 0.0
                        gb|GQ232035.1| Influenza A virus (A/Wisconsin/11/2009(H1N1)) ... 3068 0.0
                        gb|GQ168620.1| Influenza A virus (A/Texas/19/2009(H1N1)) segm... 3068 0.0
                        gb|GQ162197.1| Influenza A virus (A/Mexico/4575/2009(H1N1)) s... 3068 0.0
                        gb|GQ162191.1| Influenza A virus (A/Mexico/4595/2009(H1N1)) s... 3068 0.0
                        gb|GQ162190.1| Influenza A virus (A/Mexico/4482/2009(H1N1)) s... 3068 0.0
                        gb|GQ160605.1| Influenza A virus (A/Wisconsin/08/2009(H1N1)) ... 3068 0.0
                        gb|GQ149684.1| Influenza A virus (A/Mexico/4603/2009(H1N1)) s... 3068 0.0
                        gb|GQ149677.1| Influenza A virus (A/Mexico/4482/2009(H1N1)) s... 3068 0.0
                        gb|GQ149674.1| Influenza A virus (A/Mexico/4482/2009(H1N1)) s... 3068 0.0
                        gb|GQ149671.1| Influenza A virus (A/Mexico/4482/2009(H1N1)) s... 3068 0.0
                        gb|GQ149634.1| Influenza A virus (A/Mexico/4604/2009(H1N1)) s... 3068 0.0
                        gb|GQ149630.1| Influenza A virus (A/Mexico/4603/2009(H1N1)) s... 3068 0.0
                        gb|GQ117112.1| Influenza A virus (A/Michigan/02/2009(H1N1)) s... 3068 0.0


                        • #13
                          Re: New Mutant Strain Identified in Brazil

                          June 17, 2009
                          H1N1 FLU PANDEMIC

                          New H1N1 strain found

                          SAO PAULO - BRAZILIAN scientists have identified a new strain of the H1N1 virus after examining samples from a patient in Sao Paulo, their institute said on Tuesday.

                          The variant has been called A/Sao Paulo/1454/H1N1 by the Adolfo Lutz Bacteriological Institute, which compared it with samples of the A(H1N1) swine flu from California.

                          The genetic sequence of the new sub-type of the H1N1 virus was isolated by a virology team lead by one of its researchers, Terezinha Maria de Paiva, the institute said in a statement.

                          The mutation comprised of alterations in the Hemagglutinin protein which allows the virus to infect new hosts, it said.

                          It was not yet known whether the new strain was more aggressive than the current A(H1N1) virus which has been declared pandemic by the World Health Organization.

                          The genetic make-up of the H1N1 virus and its subvariants are important for scientists.

                          Pharmaceutical companies are working to mass produce a vaccine against the current A(H1N1) flu.

                          There are fears though that it could mutate into a deadly strain, much in the same way as the 1918 Spanish flu - also an A(H1N1) virus type - did when it killed tens of millions around the planet.

                          According to the WHO, 36,000 people in 76 countries have been infected with the H1N1 virus, causing 163 deaths. -- AFP


                          • #14
                            Re: New Mutant Strain Identified in Brazil

                            Originally posted by The Mountains Voice View Post

                            June 17, 2009
                            H1N1 FLU PANDEMIC
                            New H1N1 strain found

                            The mutation comprised of alterations in the Hemagglutinin protein which allows the virus to infect new hosts, it said.



                            • #15
                              Re: New Mutant Strain Identified in Brazil

                              I am not a biologist. Could you explain why it's nonsense and how they came up with the nonsense?

