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Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27 2009 +

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  • Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27 2009 +


    Radar Semarang
    [ Rabu, 27 Mei 2009 ]
    Puluhan Ayam Mati Mendadak

    Google translation:

    Radar Semarang
    [Wednesday, 27 May 2009]

    Chicken Mendadak Dozens Dead

    MUNGKID-Citizen Tegalrandu Hamlet, Village Grabag, District Grabag Hamlet and Village Semalen NGADIREJO, Secang District, Magelang District, on Monday (25 / 5) yesterday uproar. Section, dozens of chickens in the two regions, suddenly found dead with characteristics similar to bird flu or Avian Influenza (AI). Among them, comb swelling and color kebiruan. Then, from the nose and mucus out of sudden death.

    Result, the Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Peterikan) states in part if the chicken is stated positively affected by bird flu. "In fact, the rapid test (rapid test) against some of the dead chicken carcass, if it shows 16 of 26 chickens that died in Tagalrandu positive AI. So also in Semalen, 5 chickens that died from 9 AI also positive," said the Head Office of the Head Peterikan Magelang regency, Agung Tri SY, yesterday (26 / 5).

    He said that if government officials directly to precipitate both the location after getting reports from residents. And in fact, continued, from the rapid test results indicate a positive AI. "But for kepastiannya, we are still awaiting results of laboratory tests conducted in the Great Central Road veteriner in Wates, DIJ," he added.

    Agung add if officers do Peterikan spraying disinfectant directly assisted residents. In addition, they also are asked to anticipate the steps, like making kandangisasi, biosecuriti and improve the pattern of living clean and healthy (PHBS). In addition, officers from the Health Office is also open posko in the two hamlets, as long as 5 to 7 days to come.

    "In fact, the most important action that must be done is to make citizens biosekuriti, keep the cage regularly and make efforts to protect those who are in contact with live poultry. In addition, public awareness of the environment with attention to patterns of living healthy and clean (PHBS) , must also be improved, "specifically. (vie / ton)

  • #2
    Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27+


    Flu Burung Merambah 30 Desa

    Google translation:
    Bird Flu reaching 30 Village

    WONOGIRI-Wonogiri Regency, the disease has reported bird flu reaching 30 villages in nine districts. Collection made until May 2009, the number of deaths of poultry fell ill avian influenza (AI) has reached 1194 tails.

    So disclosed by Kabid Animal Health Department zoological Marine Fisheries (Wanperla) Wonogiri District, veterinarians Ismaryati Budiningsih, Thursday (28 / 5), during the coordination meeting (rakor) advocacy in the AI pandemic in the meeting room Bappeda Kabupaten Wonogiri.

    Meetings involving the elements of the executive, legislative, informal leaders, breeders, NGO volunteers, community leaders, and elements of the mass media. Number of victims of the death of chickens due to AI in 2009, compared to the increase in 2008. Section, the period of 2008, total poultry deaths in the District Wonogiri only 802 tails.

    Although the AI of the 11 districts reaching 28 in the village. Victims killed as many as two persons namely Setia Indratsih (5) of Hamlet Cemangkahlor Village Sindukarto District Eromoko, and saiful Mahfud Hidayat (3) population Bero Hamlet Village District Manyaran Bero.

    Breeder chickens, Graduate Purwani states, the government is only considering the existence of large livestock such as cattle and goats only. The''main poultry free-range chicken, its potential is big enough and able to contribute to the economy of the people in the coverage area,''he said. (P27-42)


    • #3
      Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27+


      Radar Bojonegoro
      [ Rabu, 27 Mei 2009 ]
      Dinkes Dropping 5.000 Tamiflu

      Google translation:

      Radar Bojonegoro
      [Wednesday, 27 May 2009]
      Dropping 5000 Dinkes Tamiflu
      BOJONEGORO - A case of bird flu in Bojonegoro direspons kabupaten governments directly.
      Yesterday (26 / 5), the Office of Kesehatah (Dinkes) Bojonegoro directly Tamiflu dropping around 5000 to some 36 health centers. The distribution of Tamiflu to prevent the spread of the virus avian influenza (AI). In addition, there are expected to anticipate early on virus circulation is shut off. "Individual puskemas we give 100 Tamiflu," said Kabid Disease Control and Health Extension M Ihsan found time in his office yesterday.

      At this time, he continued, Tamiflu and the rest of 1400 are still kept in the office Dinkes. The rest of Tamiflu as a backup if needed in an emergency. In addition to Tamiflu, Dinkes also foster the prevention puskemas related virus that is spread through poultry.

      Bird flu disease is found in the Village District Kandangan Trucuk Monday (25 / 5). Around 100 chickens belonging to Nur Sahid positive infected bird flu destroyed in a manner directly burned. (rij)


      • #4
        Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27+


        Diduga Kena Flu Burung, Ratusan Ayam di Subang Mati Mendadak
        Jum'at, 29 Mei 2009 | 14:47 WIB

        Google translation:

        Suspected Kena Bird Flu, Chicken Hundreds Dead in Subang Mendadak

        Friday, May 29, 2009 | 14:47 WIB

        TEMPO Interactive, Subang: Hundreds of chicken belonging to the Village residents Cirangkong, District Cijambe, Subang regency, West Java, died suddenly, since the last sepekan. Residents suspect their chickens died due to bird flu virus attacks.

        Narsam, one of the residents Bajaran Hilir Rw 01, Friday (29 / 5), say, ten tails ayamnya die suddenly without a disease. "When the morning I pen, I have dozens of dead chickens," said Narsam.

        Umah and Wiwi also claim to own dozens of chickens died participate. "When found on the nose there is mucus," said Umah. "I fear the sudden death of chickens in the same time due to fllu the bird," said Narsam.

        Chicken-the chicken was dead ago discarded citizens to grip, but there were also burned and used as a cattle feed catfish.

        Ade, one of seoarang other people claim to have the particulars preach the death of the chicken that goes sporadically to the farm office. "But not ditanggapi," said Ade.

        Agus Sugama Head of Animal Health Animal Husbandry and Fisheries District Suabang, that did not know about the particulars of the death of hundreds of chickens is sporadic. "But, we will make pengeckan directly to the field today," said Agus. The team is also diterjunkannya akan akan directly to disinfectant, to prohibit sale and purchase of chicken and quarantine of chicken that is still hdup.

        "We will conduct tests labratorium of the dead chickens," said Agus. He said that, if indikasinya remove mucus in the nose, due didga attack tetelo disease.

        Nanang Sutisna


        • #5
          Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27+


          Flu Burung Serang 3 Kabupaten/Kota
          Jumat, 29 Mei 2009 07:45:04

          Google translation:

          Bird Flu 3 Serang District

          Friday, May 29, 2009 07:45:04

          The findings of bird flu cases in the market cross, the Animal Husbandry and Animal Health for the Province of Bengkulu akan espionage response bird flu to the public market cross. Activities will be held today (29 / 5) pukul 15:00 WIB. Extension is performed so that the public never terlena. Moreover, forget the anticipation of bird flu.

          Kadis Husbandry and Animal Health Bengkulu province, drh. Irianto Abdullah said, this year is a case of bird flu, the third time occurred in the Province of Bengkulu. "One case occurred in Mukomuko, one case in Rejang Lebong and now in the city of Bengkulu. Bengkulu city for this first case of bird flu. While this has not found cases of bird flu occurs in humans, only the chicken alone, "said Irianto.

          Irianto resumed, the next action is pengisolasian and spraying. "We ask the owners to isolate or chicken stall ayamnya. In addition, tomorrow (today's red) will be spraying in the area of mass market cross. Then proceed with the counseling, "said Irianto.

          Ditambahkannya, mass spraying will involve teams from Partisipation Disease surveillance and response (PDSR) or the rapid movement of bird flu. In addition, the team from the Local Disease Control Center (LDCC) Bengkulu, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry and Bengkulu City Health Office.

          "With this case, bring back the bird flu virus was still there. We have a community must have a high awareness, especially on the chicken breeder of a solid to us is the counseling, "said Irianto.

          As the chickens die suddenly found property Agustian (47), warga Jalan Cendrawasih RT 2 No 79 Kelurahan Pasar cross. Chickens found dead the first time, on Monday (25 / 5) and amounted to 2 tails.

          Approximately at 09.30 WIB in the house. Since then, until Wednesday (27 / 5), the chicken-ayamnya start suddenly died. Of 16 chickens that are kept, as many as 7 dead chickens. Not outright dead.

          From the results of the inspection rapid test (rapid test) conducted by a team of bird flu that joined in the Local Disease Control Center (LDCC) Bengkulu chickens from 7 states that 1 dead chickens exposed to virus H5N1 positive. Spraying fluid control bird flu virus with a disinfectant or trademarks Virtox or Destan has done by a team of LDCC. However, the visibility of the location of RB (28 / 5) not found a dead chicken.

          "We also provide liquid disinfectant in the poultry owners. We inform the owner of the chicken, 1 cc liquid dilarutkan in 1 liter of water and disemprot to poultry pens. No problem if the spray is on the chicken or duck, as it does not cause death. If liquid has been exhausted then the water can be replaced with regular soap, "said Coordinator of LDCC Bengkulu, drh. Emran Kuswadi.

          Emran resumed, this time will be spraying missal. Spraying should be carried out this massacre. This is done to prevent the spread this virus. The owner of the chicken, Agustian, when the chickens found dead the first time the chicken is removed in the small river behind the house, because he originally thought only sick chickens are common.

          "Fear bird flu virus has spread through rivers. When we do penyisiran chicken is found, we ayamnya already musnahkan. For that we need to do a mass spraying, "said Emran.

          To note, at this time Bengkulu Province has 37 staff trained to control bird flu. Consists of 20 veterinarians and 17 of the medical. They spread across the districts. Incubation period of bird flu virus take 1 - 3 days. (rei)


          • #6
            Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27+


            30 Mei 2009

            Puluhan Ekor Ayam Mati Mendadak

            Google translation:
            Dozens Dead Mendadak Ekor Chicken

            Dozens MUNGKID-chickens died suddenly in Ngadipuro Hamlet 2, Village Ngadipuro, witch District, Magelang District, with characteristics similar to bird flu. By population, bangkainya disposed to rivers. Officers and Animal Husbandry and Fisheries to tracking dead.

            ''So get that information, we immediately check to the location. But unfortunately already dead chicken thrown headlong to the rivers. So we make it difficult to quickly test or rapid test,''said John M, Kasi Animal Health Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Magelang District, yesterday.

            The chickens that died suddenly with a similar indication of bird flu, which is swollen and colored crest kebiruan. Mucus from the nose out and sudden death. However officers Animal Husbandry and Fisheries direct the spraying disinfektan and counseling to local residents.

            To residents, the officer ask if there is a chicken that died suddenly and it is suspected that bird flu is no longer disposed to rivers.

            It is important, then people do biosecurity and patterns of living clean and healthy (PHBS). As made, a few days ago also dozens of chickens died suddenly in Semalen Hamlet, Village NGADIREJO, District Secang and Tegalrandu Hamlet, Village Grabag, District Grabag. Test results quickly Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, causes the death of poultry was positive bird flu. (pr-50)
            > swap


            • #7
              Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27+


              Edisi 30 Mei 2009

              Ratusan Ayam Mati Mendadak

              Google translation:
              Hundreds of Chicken Dead Mendadak

              SUBANG - Hundreds of chickens belonging to the village of Desa Cirangkong, District Cijambe, Subang regency, West Java, died suddenly since last sepekan. Residents suspect their chickens died due to bird flu virus attacks.

              Narsam, village residents, said 10 chickens own sudden death without visible pain first. "Time morning I enter the enclosure, the chicken is dead," said Narsam yesterday. "I fear this sudden death of chickens due to bird flu."

              The same people told others, Umah and Wiwi. Dozens of chickens died suddenly owned them. "On the nose there is mucus," said Umah. Some dead chickens discarded citizens to grip. There was also burned for the dead cattle feed catfish.

              Ade, other citizens, have reported that the death of chicken in bulk to the farm office. "But not ditanggapi" he said.

              Agus Sugama, Head of Animal Health Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Subang Regency, that did not know about the subject in the death of hundreds of chickens that Cijambe. "We will check directly to the field," said Agus.

              To wake up mewabahnya bird flu, official farm team akan hose henhouse with disinfektan. Office of livestock also prohibit people do buy-sell chicken. "Chicken is still alive will be quarantined," said Agus. Office for the next farm akan perform laboratory tests on samples of dead chickens. Nanang SUTSINA
              > swap


              • #8
                Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27+

                Bengkulu ::: Chickens bought at public market die of bird flu infection

                May 31, 2009

                Bengkulu ? Seven chickens found suddenly died of bird flu infection. This has caused worry among people in Kelurahan Pasar Melintang. In particular, those dead chickens were purchased from public Sunday market in Bengkulu.

                For anticipation measure, Livestock Service disinfected the area and gave extension to people. People were asked to report any findings of bird flu like symptoms.

                Source: Indonesia TV news, Liputan 6.



                • #9
                  Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27+

                  Bojenegoro - East Java - is a hotspot of bird flu this year. Reports on outbreaks in poultry started in march , and keep coming in regularly until now.

                  There were several reports on suspect human cases.

                  I remember a recent report on a Tamiflu restock in Bojonegoro.


                  7 subdistricts in Bojonegoro in Danger of Bird Flu Spread

                  Andik Setyobudi - Bojonegoro, The Livestock Service in Bojonegoro, East Java identified seven subdistricts in Bojonegoro as the area of the place of the spreading of bird flu post the death of hundreds of poultry for the last two weeks.

                  Was like this was sent by Peternakan Kabupaten Bojonegoro Section Head, Tukiwan Yusa to ELSHINTA, on Wednesday (6/3). Was based on the report and the existence of the death incident of the poultry in Bojonegoro, several territories were in Bojonegoro maintained as the serious area the bird flu attack.

                  According to Tukiwan, the Bojonegoro resident including being lucky because after the occurrence of the attack of the virus of the resident's bird flu immediately reported the death incident of the poultry suddenly to the Peternakan Service and the local village head. So as the side from the Peternakan Service immediately carried out the prevention to anticipate the spreading of the bird flu virus.

                  At this time as many as seven subdistricts were in Bojonegoro monitored, especially in the locations of the poultry belonging to the resident who had been infected by bird flu and especially in the Bojonegoro outskirts territory. The seven subdistricts namely the Kalitidu Subdistrict, Trucuk, Ngraho, Balen, Padangan, Bojonegoro and Dander.


                  • #10
                    Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27+


                    25 Orang Berstatus ODI
                    Kamis, 4 Juni 2009 | 13:46 WIB

                    Google translation:

                    25 People Berstatus ODI
                    Thursday, 4 June 2009 | 13:46 WIB

                    Bangkalan - Outbreak bird flu attack Bangkalan back. As many as 50 chickens belonging to the Village residents Pendabah, Kamal District, died suddenly.

                    "So much information can be owned by local people chickens died suddenly, we decrease the technical staff. Examination results in death of tens of chicken is positive because the H5N1 virus or bird flu, "said Syahrul Mukarrom, Kabid Health Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bangkalan, Wednesday (3 / 6).

                    On May, dozens of chickens died suddenly occur in the East Village Gili, Kamal District, adjacent to the Village Pendabah a time like this plague-stricken.
                    Poultry that died this dievakuasi, burned, and ditimbun to prevent transmission. In addition, in the vicinity of the location disemprot disinfektan direct result of coordination with the Animal Husbandry Department of Health.

                    Chairman of the District Surveillance Officer (DSO) Bangkalan, Anwari nation, confirming bird flu cases occurred in the Village Pandebah, District Kamal. As the party responsible for the sector in the vicinity of human cases of bird flu found, DSO yesterday morning to come to the location.

                    "At least 25 people who make direct contact with poultry that died as people are now in the investigation (ODI). They will continue to monitor for 14 days. Hopefully it does not have a suspect bird flu, "he said.


                    • #11
                      Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27+

                      Riau Province...


                      Ratusan Ayam Mati Mendadak
                      Written by anto
                      Minggu, 07 Juni 2009
                      Dugaan Awal Positif Flu Burung
                      Kasus Pertama di Tanjungpinang

                      Google translation:

                      Hundreds of Chicken Dead Mendadak
                      Written by Anto
                      Sunday, June 07, 2009
                      Start allegations Positive Bird Flu
                      First case in Tanjungpinang

                      Tanjungpinang, Tribune - Hundreds of poultry in the village Sidomukti positive bird flu virus. Animal Husbandry and Agriculture Tanjungpinang immediately destroy the birds-poultry, Saturday (6 / 6). Destruction is done to prevent the spread of the bird flu virus known as H5N1.

                      The invention of the first cases of bird flu in this Tanjungpinang after a citizen found dozens of birds died suddenly own. Mulyono, Sidomukti residents said that the Tribune found himself surprised jagonya chicken died a few days ago.

                      "Next Wednesday I see my cock. Blue-blue body. Esoknya about 12 dead chickens me again, "said Mulyono. Then he delivered the matter to the office for the next farm on the follow-up.

                      Head of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture Tanjungpinang, Sujarwoto said that the removal action was conducted as one step anticipation. "Based on the characteristics that we found on the dead birds, we concluded that the poultry-virus-positive birds have bird flu. For that, all the poultry in the location we musnahkan, "said Sujarwoto.

                      Destruction was carried out after the conduct espionage against the citizens akan danger flu virus is. "People want to end with the awareness-destroy poultry in poultry. So-poultry birds are destroyed without compensation, "said Sujarwoto.

                      Looking ahead, Animal Husbandry and Agriculture Tanjungpinang akan perform monitoring and control of bird flu virus is. "We will monitor the village regularly. In addition, the espionage-espionage akan galakkan back in our village, "his him. (Eik).


                      • #12
                        Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27+


                        Rakyat Bengkulu / Utara-Benteng
                        Positif, Ayam Warga Diserang Flu Burung
                        Minggu, 14 Juni 2009 08:50:50

                        Google translation:

                        Rakyat Bengkulu / North-Benteng
                        Positive, Chicken Diserang Citizen Bird Flu
                        Sunday, June 14, 2009 08:50:50 Send a tell-Print version

                        However, to further ensure the sample is taken to the Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Province of Bengkulu. This''suupaya examined in the laboratory,''said the Head of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Marine (DPPK) Benteng, Usman Durani, S. Pi, MM through Kasi Animal Health Fadli, S. PT, Saturday (13 / 6) yesterday.

                        According Fadli, blood sampling is done DPPK team at 09.07 WIB Sabtu (13 / 6) yesterday. Samples taken from three dead chickens that died suddenly and sati chickens are still alive. While the two samples that showed positive contract the virus, obtained from blood samples of dead chickens.

                        Sampling is done after getting reports that the number of chickens that died of sudden increases of 20 tails. For''further action we are still awaiting results of laboratory examination. While waiting for the Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Province, "said Fadli.

                        Fadli worry that the virus will spread. Because some dead chickens who died was not burned or buried. But residents in the pool are removed and the drainage channel. While the spread of the virus very easily. Not only through poultry, but can diperantarai land, water and even air.
                        Therefore, in order to prevent the spread of the virus has provided an additional one liter disinfectant.

                        Pattern''berternak residents not to use pens. But let keliaran free and sleep on the trees. We have to tell people, when given a disinfectant is less, may request additional, "said Fadli.

                        Check Dinkes Society

                        Simultaneously, the Office of Health (Dinkes) Benteng team has been down to check the condition of the community. A result, residents have not yet found who suffer with symptoms of bird flu.

                        For that, the team directly socialize symptoms of bird flu attack. So when the symptoms found by citizens, to report immediately to the nearest health clinic or Dikes. Antisipatif''. Do not spread to the human. For the fatal consequences that can be caused, "said Secretary Dinkes Benteng Dahril Believers, SKM, MM. (Dmi)


                        Bengkulu Ekspress / Benteng - Mukomuko
                        4 Sample Darah Ayam Dicek
                        Minggu, 14 Juni 2009 02:47:50

                        Google translation:
                        4 Chicken checked Blood Sample
                        Sunday, June 14, 2009 02:47:50

                        Kabid Keswan Fadli SPT menuturkan, Thursday (11 / 6), the government has not had time to take a sample of blood from chickens that died suddenly, because there is no corpse. However, yesterday the joint Dinkes Benteng down the field to successfully bring 4 chicken blood samples. "Rapied from 10 tests that we carry, only 4 of a perfect sample to take to the laboratory," he said.

                        When pengecekkan field, he said, found 3 dead chickens so that a new blood sample was taken, as well as taking a sample of chicken blood is still alive.
                        Number of deaths of chickens died suddenly also increased, in the last 2 days at least 20 chickens that died. So when ditotalkan reach of 80 chickens that died suddenly in this sepekan.

                        "When the blood sample from the two that we see while terindikasi bird flu. But, to make sure they are waiting for results of laboratory examinations, "accuse him menuturkan sample has been taken to the provinces to check it. (234)
                        Last edited by Shiloh; June 14, 2009, 06:44 AM. Reason: added related article


                        • #13
                          Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27+


                          Warga Madiun Cemas Flu Burung
                          14 Juni 2009 15:55:21 WIB

                          Google translation:

                          Residents worry Madiun Bird Flu

                          14 Jun 2009 15:55:21 WIT
                          Reporter: Ally purpose

                          Madiun ( to this day people of the Village / District Jiwan RT 10, 11, 12 and 13/RW 04, Madiun District, has not exactly know the cause of dozens of chicken in 2 days this sudden death.

                          Therefore, hundreds of residents in the four-RT is a sudden thrill, considering the recent outstanding chicken died suddenly due to H5N1 virus or bird flu.

                          "The hope, the Public Health (Dinkes) Kabupaten Madiun immediately take steps anticipation and prevention of the virus," explained the Chairman of RW 03, Desa Jiwan, Sugeng Moekti, Sunday (14/6/2009).

                          So, the supplement to him, from day kehari people do not worry anymore, because beredarnya be fear that H5N1 virus. [water / jun]


                          • #14
                            Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27+


                            Radar Madura
                            [ Selasa, 16 Juni 2009 ]
                            ODI Dinyatakan Negatif
                            Kasus Flu Burung di Pendabah, Kamal

                            Google translation:

                            Radar Madura
                            [Tuesday, 16 June 2009]
                            ODI stated Negative
                            Case of Bird Flu in Pendabah, Kamal

                            Bangkalan-satisfactory results of the investigation team established Public Health (Dinkes) Bangkalan. Until yesterday they did not find the patient suspect bird flu after the sudden dead chicken found in the Village Pendabah, Kamal (2 / 6) ago. So that after the control period for 14 days, not found any human flu virus that infected birds.

                            During the incubation period of two times of tens of chicken because pascakematian positive of H5N1 virus or bird flu, Dinkes team down to the Village Pendabah. This team worked since finding 50 chickens died suddenly on Tuesday (2 / 6) ago. Recorded during this there are 25 people who are in the condition of people in the investigation (ODI). "They are the people who make direct contact with dead poultry,"
                            said Suhartuning, Kabid Prevention, Penyehatan Pemberantasan Diseases and Environment (P2PL) Dinkes Bangkalan.

                            Explained, the government is responsible for the sector in the vicinity of human bird flu cases found. Moreover, 50 chickens that died in the village Pandebah was evidently positive bird flu. However, to the time specified, not found a single citizen around the body temperature above 38 degrees, shortness of breath and suffering from flu-drawn. "Thus, the results of our final report, if unggasnya positive bird flu, people in the surrounding alhamdulillah negative," he said.

                            Women berjilbab is also very grateful that the final report on the official. This is because the complexity of handling when there are people who suspect bird flu. In addition must be referred to a hospital in Surabaya that has special equipment, the officer who came down on the ground is also equipped with special equipment. Moreover, virus transmission is very fast and dangerous. (ale / NRA)


                            • #15
                              Re: Indonesia: H5N1 in poultry May 27+


                              Ratusan Ayam Mati Mendadak di Pasuruan
                              Kamis, 18 Juni 2009 - 12:59 wib

                              Google translation:

                              Hundreds of Chicken Dead Mendadak in Pasuruan

                              Thursday, 18 June 2009 - 12:59 wib

                              PASURUAN - Hundreds of chickens owned by residents in the village Karanglo, District Grati, Pasuruan Regency, East Java, in this sepekan sudden death. Genesis is making local residents worried, because they fell ill worry bird flu virus.

                              Events take place this week, the day of tens of chickens belonging to dead people. Because the chicken is dead almost evenly in each of the enclosure, they are next to the Animal Husbandry Kabupaten Pasuruan to denounce this incident.

                              According to a citizen, Syamsul, there are as many as 230 chickens died of a sudden. The number of successfully recorded by the residents, but it is estimated that there are many more dead chickens. "Almost every home residents have any chickens in the number of tens," Samsul supplement, Thursday (18/6/2009).

                              -Chicken chicken who is dead, and then discarded by residents to the nearest river.
                              Locals hope that there is the handling of Animal Husbandry, to know the cause of her death-chicken chicken belonging to citizens.

                              Head of Animal Husbandry Kabupaten Pasuruan Eko Priyo confess team already down to check the condition of the dead chickens. He hopes in the near future have been the cause of death can be chicken-chicken belonging to the citizens.

                              Eko Priyo added, his side always to monitor the field. Each report is a dead chicken, right down to the location of the team. "We also precipitate seven veterinarians have reports every chicken dead" when specifically confirmed.

                              The death of chickens owned by residents in the village Karanglo that may be caused bebeapa factors. Can be due to a change in the weather and is exposed to influenza. Fell ill to determine whether the virus H5N1 or bird flu, the chicken is still taking a sample to be inspected further.

                              "We also inject a disinfectant in the area there are dead chickens. Officers from the local health clinic we also kerahkan to check tercegah citizens from bird flu virus," pungkas Eko. (Abdul Rouf / Koran SI / teb)

