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Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +

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  • #31
    Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


    Dikira Flu Burung Ternyata ''Grubug''
    Google translation:
    Tuesday, 2 May 2006
    Bird Flu Dikira fact Grubug''''
    Bangli (Bali Post) --

    Residents Kayubihi Bangli had surmounted worries berjangkitnya avian influenza (AI) which is well known bird flu. Tens of chicken in the village of sudden death without a clear reason. Fear that is growing so that a number of people directly mengadukannya to the village immediately forward the information to the Animal Husbandry Bangli. After a blood test conducted by the agency membidangi it, the result is declared negative, only grubug usual.

    In the field of information collected Bali Post on Monday (1 / 5) yesterday, initial suspicions were first berjangkitnya bird flu in Kayubihi at six chickens owned by I Wayan Darmawan local people in sudden death. Similarly with the chicken belonging to other people I Wayan Jumput, eight chickens died suddenly ayamnya. I Wayan Widia chance that a neighbor Darmawan sells chicken, reported the case Saturday (29 / 4) and to the local Kades. Residents report that is forwarded to the Animal Husbandry Department PPL directly perform blood tests on chickens that died. However, the result is declared negative. So the suspicion AI but not grubug normal.

    Kades Kayubihi while I Wayan Suganda confirmation that dimintai Monday (1 / 5) yesterday, confirming the suspicion of AI has been excited membiki citizens. Government has been following up on suspicions that the local PPL directly to a blood test. Although the result is negative, the alert will always be the spread of diseases that kill.


    • #32
      Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +

      Padang, West Sumatera ::: Outbreak in chickens.

      May 2, 2009

      Bird flu attacks chickens in several areas of Padang, West Sumatera. About 30 chickens found suddenly died within this week in Bungus Selatan Kecamatan Bungus Teluk Kabung Padang. District authority, Affiandi stated all chicken samples tested positive bird flu infection.

      Asnel, Head of Agriculture, Livestock and Forestry Service Padang, said his team has taken preventive measures such as vaccination to chickens, area disinfection, depopulation to birds and public extension.

      ?Until now there?s no report of human infection?, added Asnel.

      Source. Indonesia newspaper, Jurnal Nasional. By Budi Winarno


      "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


      • #33
        Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +

        The culling in this region is a strong indication, the recent victim - Solihin - from Riau is tested positive for H5N1. Test results of Solihin were not published.

        Another strong indication is the administration of Tamiflu to family members and neighbours.

        From Bird Flu Information Corner:

        Riau ::: Officials cull 3,000 chickens around bird flu victim?s area

        May 2, 2009

        Riau ::: Depopulation to 3,000 chickens

        Pangkalan Kerinci, Riau ? Livestock, Fishery and Marine Service, Kabupaten Pelalawan culled at least 3000 chikcens in Kelurahan Teluk Meranti in three consecutive days, since Wednesday (29/4). This action was done as standard procedure of bird flu suspect treatment area protocol. In previous week, a resident of Teluk Meranti ? Solihin ? died as bird flu suspected patient after received treatment at Arifin Achmad hospital.

        Head of Livestock, Fishery and Marine Service, HM Zubir Umar explained the depopulation action has been done to almost all chickens in Kelurahan Teluk Meranti. Officials also sprayed disinfection to cages which is required as standard procedure. People also received compensation for culled chickens Rp 10,000 to 15,000. This budget is withdrawn from regional development budget of Pelalawan 2009.

        Arifin Achmad hospital stated the bird flu suspect patient died after developing high fever and treated intensively. Health Service of Riau has also done treatment procedure to victims, from initial diagnosis, referring victim to Arifin Achmad hospital, returning victim?s body to the family, and giving H5N1 drug administration to locals within victim?s area.

        Source: Indonesia local newspaper, Riau Pos.


        "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

        ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


        • #34
          Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


          Google translation:

          Bird Flu Serang District 5

          Tuesday, 5 May 2009 | 8:23 WIT | Posts by: Judi Prasetyo | Category: Mataraman | ShareThis

          Madiun - Surya-In the middle of the swine flu case mengganas, in the region of Madiun District and still faced the outbreak of bird flu more widespread. In the region and Pemkot Pemkab Madiun, the virus is suspected of at least five districts.

          Region that is now suspected so the spread of bird flu is Kartoharjo and District Manguharjo (Kota Madiun) and in District Wungu, Mejayan, and Wonoasri (Kabupaten Madiun).

          Head of Section (Kasi) Health Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Pemkot Madiun, drh Riyanto explained, the results of laboratory examination of bird flu on a chicken died suddenly in these areas, because evidently positive bird flu.

          "So in addition to our day of spraying disinfectant were also carried out with mass destruction and burned ditimbun. If there is no clear burning and destruction will continue infecting Kelun is because in many times since the beginning of 2009 Year ago, "he said.

          In addition, the City of Madiun become endemic bird flu cases, most years since 2007.
          According to him, this was due to the existence of similar cases arise sporadically in different places in the city of Madiun.

          Kabid Animal Health, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Madiun District, drh Candles Syarifah says bird flu case is also still a threat in the area of Kabupaten Madiun. Occurred at least four cases of bird flu that causes a sudden ayammati during this initial year 2009. In four cases there were at least 650 chickens died suddenly. Amount in the District Wonoasri, Wungu, and Mejayan, Kabupaten Madiun.

          "Meanwhile, in the Year 2008 ago 100 chickens have died suddenly exposed to bird flu and the peak occurred in 2007 ago as there are 13,000 chickens died suddenly.
          Because infecting continue, we conduct routine spraying in the pen-pen belonging to citizens, "he said. st14


          • #35
            Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


            Google translation:
            Tuesday, 5 May 2009 | 14:49 WIB


            The death of chickens due to bird flu re-occurred in Madiun City, Monday (4 / 5). This happened in two locations, namely Kelun Kelurahan, Kecamatan Kartoharjo, and Winongo Kelurahan, Kecamatan Manguharjo. Chicken-chicken that died from bird flu in two locations this burned and buried by the Animal Husbandry Department of Madiun. "We will continue to oversee these areas during the seven days ahead," said the Head of Animal Health Section, Animal Husbandry and Agriculture Madiun City Riyanto. (APA)


            • #36
              Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


              Edisi : Selasa, 05 Mei 2009 , Hal.3
              878 Ekor ayam terkena AI
              Mei diprediksi periode puncak kasus flu burung

              Google translation:
              Edition: Tuesday, May 05, 2009, Hal.3
              878 Ekor AI infected chickens
              May predicted the peak period of bird flu cases

              Grobogan (Espos) Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Disnakkan) District Grobogan cautious start increasing the likelihood the case of bird flu or avian influenza (AI) in the local district, as May predicted as the peak occurrence of cases of bird flu.

              Espos from Grobogan Disnakkan District, beginning in May 2009 is already 79 chickens died suddenly in Kuripan Kelurahan, Kecamatan Purwodadi due to bird flu. So that the total dead chickens infected bird flu since January have 878 head.

              "By looking at the case in 2008, the month of May as the peak of the predicted occurrence of cases of bird flu. Disnakkan start so that it is likely cautious, "said Chief District Disnakkan Grobogan drh Gembong Murdowo through Kabid Animal Health and Public Health veteriner (Keswan and Kesmavet) drh Nur Ahmad, to Espos, Monday (4 / 5).
              Bird flu case in May, go drh Nur Ahmad accompanied Coordinator Partisipator Desease Search and Response (PDSR) Disnakkan, drh Bambang Yulianto, has started happening since 1 May. However, new this was reported on May 4. "Until this day in the month of May already have 79 chickens died suddenly in the village of Porong, and Gading, Kelurahan Kuripan caused bird flu," said Nur Ahmad.
              Cases occurred last Monday (4 / 5), in which five chickens belonging Rasiyo and two chickens in the village owned by Salim Porong, died suddenly. Residents then reported it to Disnakkan. "Chicken is my death due to bird flu since May 1 has 36 tails. Signs of sudden death, the bluish black, out of saliva and feces paruhnya with the lenders,
              "said Rasiyo, citizens RT XXI RW 01, Kelurahan Kuripan. Up the report, and then directly Disnakkan check and when the examination is done with a rapid test to take a dead chicken feces, according to Nur Ahmad was positive bird flu. - By: rif


              • #37
                Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                Jatim Utama
                Selasa, 12 Mei 2009
                Flu Burung Hantui warga

                Google translation:
                Tuesday, May 12, 2009
                Bird Flu Hantui citizens

                TUBAN - A number of residents in the District Montong fret, followed by a lot of chickens died suddenly.

                Tamuji, Village residents Guwoterus, confess unggasnya sudden death at night.

                In fact sorenya akan time to enter the enclosure in the healthy condition. However, when dozens of morning rooster own found dead.
                Tamuji direct bury dozens of dead rooster in the dike sawahnya. Worry bird flu so I direct the grave alone, he said, yesterday.

                He menengarai chicken-ayamnya dead fulu virus infected birds. Because there is mucus out of the paruhnya, supplement him.

                Gen. Wahid also experienced similar, Pucangan Village residents. A number of chicken which are kept behind the house died suddenly.

                When leaving Montong to market, he terkaget because the chickens will die without dijualnya already know the reason.

                Up to this far there has not been any attempt to reduce the perturbation of a series of subsequent sudden death of the chicken. (cmm)



                • #38
                  Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                  kelana kota
                  12 Mei 2009, 10:25:34, Laporan Noer Soetantini
                  Di Mojokerto Ditemukan 20 Ayam Positif Flu Burung

                  Google translation:

                  kelana kota
                  May 12 2009, 10:25:34, Noer Soetantini Reports
                  Found in Mojokerto 20 Chicken Positive Bird Flu

         | bird flu virus (H5N1) are still infecting in Mojokerto. Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 9 Mojokerto find chickens in Kelurahan Wates positive bird flu infected chickens and 13 other dead.

                  Sunarto Kasi Agriculture and Livestock Husbandry Mojokerto as reported doll from Radi Maja net Voters in Mojokerto, Surabaya, on Tuesday (12/05), said as many as 20 chickens a positive bird flu in Kelurahan Wates 4 is derived from the adjoining owner of the house.

                  Sunarto said, had 20 chickens directly burnt, and about the location of spraying is done. Further handling, said Sunarto, funds from the anticipated bird flu in the process pencaran. Estimated, a week longer be thorough spraying process.

                  Sunarto add to the owner where the suspect bird flu ayamnya akan destroyed and given compensation. Chickling replaced for Rp 15 thousand per head of adult chicken and Rp 20 thousand per head. (tin)


                  • #39
                    Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                    Lagi, 7 Ekor Ayam Mati Mendadak
                    Ditulis oleh tr-05
                    Selasa, 12 Mei 2009 10:00

                    Google translation:
                    More, 7 Ekor Chicken Dead Mendadak
                    Written by tr-05
                    Tuesday, 12 May 2009 10:00

                    Luwuk - Seven chickens in the market Simpong sudden death. Genesis is known by the traders during the morning and have the buyer came in the market. Not much information can be obtained from the traders, they try to protect this information in order to avoid destruction dipasaran chicken market.

                    His issue of bird flu are to be a frightening specter for traders and consumers of meat chickens. If terlanjur spread information about bird flu infecting pendemik Banggai District, does not close the possibility of the chicken roll back some mats like the previous time.

                    Information of the chicken that died suddenly delivered by field officers Market Simpong, Darwis in Luwuk Post at 08.00 Wita. "I contacted the head if there is a chicken that died suddenly. My head said, the chickens have died suddenly 7 tails, "while direct request Luwuk Postal find data on the traders.

                    Unfortunately, when this newspaper will collect data, in the office do Darwis clarification on the information provided. "The information is not correct. Earlier I have already let sterilkan not meresahkan people and aggravate the condition, "I Darwis.

                    A number of traders who dimintai information in relation to the news of sudden death of chickens to make them irate. "There is no chicken that died suddenly, apalgi number 7 tails. That was a scandal to drop poultry market, "said Herman (32), traders in the market Simpong.

                    Some time ago before it happened the chicken died suddenly. In fact, there are traders who own chickens died suddenly mecapai 50 tails. But during flu infecting birds and not associated with mortality information 7 chickens. (tr 05)


                    • #40
                      Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                      Radar Mojokerto
                      [ Rabu, 13 Mei 2009 ]
                      Tak Ada Indikasi Serang Manusia
                      Penyebaran Flu Burung di Kota

                      Radar Mojokerto
                      [Wednesday, 13 May 2009]
                      There is no indication Serang Human
                      The spread of Bird Flu in the City

                      MOJOKERTO - Despite the spread of bird flu (avian influenza) in the city of Mojokerto has made a number of people dead chickens, but so far there is no indication the man. At least make it a reality Agriculture (Dispertan) slightly relieved. So, there is still time to anticipate the effort.

                      So be it Kasi Husbandry Dispertan City Mojokerto, Sunarto. According to him, the spread of bird flu that occurred in the city only from chicken to chicken. Evidently, only the chicken that died suddenly fell ill and was detected positive of H5N1 virus causes avian influenza. That''makes us worried now. Do not attack until to humans. We also coordinate with the Public Health (Dinkes) to antisipasinya,''he said yesterday.

                      The main target after the number of positive cases of bird flu chicken, than to destroy the threat to kill the virus, also did not prevent the attack to human. ''Society should also be vigilant,''he said.

                      Alert, according to him, can dirupakan in the form of a pro active individual to report to the chickens that have died suddenly. Quickly to report, no word too late to control the spread of the virus. For, the officer directly to the location and conduct the examination. ''If it turns out positive bird flu, can be a quick note. So, also can be quickly destroyed. So, not to have the distribution,''he said.

                      Not only that, with the help of the public to report any dead chickens suddenly, Sunarto said, officers can do prevention. That is, spray chicken with the chicken-residents in the vicinity of the location. ''We have spread the load around the orbit bird flu. Including, we list the phone number that can be contacted to report,''he said.

                      Meanwhile, the matter of mass spraying plan, ask the public be patient. According to him, in the near future it is implemented. Spraying is not only overkill, it is also prepared to support other movements against the spread of bird flu virus.

                      Be as before, City of Mojokerto Dispertan back nine chickens to detect bird flu positive. Chicken-chicken is the property of tenant District Kelurahan Wates City of Mojokerto. The signs of the spread of the virus after the death of the nine menguat chicken is owned by four people. Near their homes.
                      (abi / yr)


                      • #41
                        Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                        Jum'at, 15 Mei 2009
                        RUWA JURAI
                        Ratusan Ayam Warga Mati Mendadak

                        Google translation:
                        Friday, 15 May 2009
                        RUWA row
                        Hundreds of Chicken Dead Mendadak

                        TULANGBAWANG CENTRAL (Lampost): Hundreds of chickens died suddenly in the Environment IV, RT 10 Kelurahan Mulyoasri, Tulangbawang Central District, Western District Tulangbawang. All the dead body of the chicken and turn salivate.

                        Siti (51), a chicken owner, reported the incident to the office of the district Mulyoasri. Besides Siti property, dozens of chickens belonging to a neighbor terdekatnya also died suddenly.

                        Incident that occurred Wednesday (13-5) is not just overwrite the chicken, the duck / entok also took off.

                        Other residents, Mardi (40), also claim to overcome the difficulties that chickens died suddenly. Poultry farm that was built on the back of the house to spend the funds Rp8 million. Due to sudden death, her loss and go bankrupt. Number of ayamnya who died suddenly reached 600 head. Each morning dozens of dead chickens to ayamnya not left out.

                        Locals hope the government gives serious attention related to this issue.

                        Meanwhile, reports on the residents, the headman Mulyoasri Syahidin directly with health care staff to review the location of the death of chickens. Syahidin confess grateful to Siti who have reported the incident.

                        He hopes that other people also want to find if the reported incident, such as clumsiness and Siti reported. Although review, Syahidin and staff can not ensure aapak death-chicken chicken bird flu is caused. Immediately reported to the Animal Husbandry Department to ensure this.

                        Syahidin invites residents to always be wary birds-birds that contract the disease die suddenly. He expects people immediately using soap to wash hands after contact with sick poultry. If chickens found dead, should not be taken with naked hands.

                        The chicken that died suddenly, he immediately asks for residents making holes, and insert membakarnya and chicken, and then buried.

                        He does not ask people pooh-pooh this issue, let alone this sepekan flu Situ experience pain and fever accompanied by headache.

                        The Lampung Post, Environment IV RT 10/perternakan people look very dirty and dense menduduk. Kandang-coop was very close to home, while here and there are piles and waste water flows dirty liar.

                        This condition is quite meresahkan people, especially in the middle of the emergence of a swine flu virus merebak now. However, until now there are no reports whether the bird flu disease or swine flu attack Tulangbawang West region. UNA/N-1

                        Print News


                        • #42
                          Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                          Radar Madiun
                          [ Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009 ]
                          Tertular Flu Burung, Bangkai Ayam Dibakar

                          Radar Madiun
                          [Saturday, May 16, 2009]
                          Contracting Bird Flu, Chicken carcass burnt

                          MADIUN - of a bird flu virus in poultry in the city of Madiun growing. This time dozens of chickens belonging to override the four citizens in the RT 17 RW 05 Kelurahan Nambangan Kidul District Manguharjo. One of them lost Juariah the 7 tails ayamnya because disease Avian Influenza (AI).

                          According to him, seven chickens which died be the new Thursday night (14 / 5) and, shortly after returning from Singapore. Juariah at that time because there is a suspicious smell in the sting from the coop behind the house. Ayamnya''Then I open the cage, it appeared that seven of 12 chicken chickens that I have already died,''he said, yesterday (15 / 5).

                          Juariah ocean to report findings on the head of the local neighborhood. Reports Juariah was not the first time. Because the chicken belonging to other citizens who have also already been reported dead suddenly. Ie, six chickens belonging Sayem, four chickens belonging Rusmin and two chickens belonging Rusmi. ''Since Wednesday, there are about 18 chickens that died suddenly. But the property is reported only Juariah bu. The rest is buried owner,''said Riyanto, Kasi Animal Health Department of Agriculture City of Madiun.

                          Based on the rapid test performed at one of the dead chickens, the results showed positive contagious H5N1 virus or bird flu.
                          Officers who come to the location, ocean to burn dead and spraying disinfectant to the henhouse. ''We have also coordinated with the local neighborhood to distribute the disinfectant for the residents. So that spraying can be done on the massive chicken and kandangnya for seven days on a regular basis,''said Riyanto.

                          According to him, such as humid air current H5N1 virus to make easy to develop. Moreover, Java has been stated at this time endemic bird flu.
                          So that people expected more vigilant and continue to keep the surrounding environment. In addition to''distribute the disinfectant for the residents in the neighborhood, we plan the program of bird flu disease,''he said.

                          The findings also direspons City Health Office. According Kabid Pemberantasan disease prevention and Penyehatan Environment Dinkes, dr Resti Lestantini, making the ocean monitoring Epidemiology (PE) on the residents in that location. Monitoring was conducted over 30 days since ditemukanya cases of H5N1. PE''in humans is needed to monitor whether the disease that also attacks the residents or not,''he said. (aan / irw)


                          • #43
                            Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                            Rabu, 20 Mei 2009
                            RUWA JURAI
                            FLU BURUNG: Disnak Tuba Turunkan Tim ke Lapangan

                            Google translation:

                            Wednesday, May 20, 2009
                            RUWA row
                            BIRD FLU: Disnak Tuba Team to Lower Field

                            MENGGALA (Lampost): Head of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Marine Tulangbawang (Tuba) Algibert Sihombing said the team was down to the field, related to the number of chickens that died suddenly in RK IV and X RT Kelurahan Mulyo Asri, Tulangbawang Central District, West Tulangbawang.

                            Algibert explain the results of investigations in the field led by drh. Purwati, while for the result is still negative. However, the states are still awaiting laboratory results. At this time, he said, the team has sent samples to the dead chicken Diseases Research Center veteriner (BPPV) Bandar Lampung.

                            According Algibert, to know the results of the laboratory is required within about one to two weeks to come. He said that in addition to the investigations have been conducted, the team also has conducted spraying disinfectant in the henhouse who died and around these locations.

                            Investigation results, the dead chicken reaches 300 tails are the property Mariyam. Mariyam Beternak the number of chickens that reach 6,000 chickens cut. So far, he said, the death of chickens is not a suspect is suspected bird flu, but still must diwaspadai.

                            In telling Lampung Post, Friday (15-5), made hundreds of chickens died suddenly and all the dead bodies turn chicken and salivate.

                            In addition to chicken, other types of birds that died suddenly as entok / duck. In fact, according to residents, animals that die suddenly and tails can be 600 for each day can be tens of tails.

                            Furthermore, as explained Algibert technical offices, government will still be monitored and remain vigilant. The hope that the community must also remain alert to know if the incident. n WID/D-3


                            • #44
                              Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                              Edisi : Selasa, 19 Mei 2009 , Hal.I
                              9 Kelurahan rawan penyebaran flu burung

                              Edition: Tuesday, 19 May 2009, Hal.I
                              9 Kelurahan prone to the spread of bird flu

                              Solo (Espos) As many as nine villages in the city of Solo prone to the spread of the virus Avian influenza (AI) or bird flu. Therefore ninth village became the target Pemkot Solo socialization.

                              A team of facilitators parcitipatory learning and action (PLA), Puji Hardjani explain, socialization response bird flu was held in nine villages. Socialization for the seven locations in five villages funded by the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef), while five locations in four villages funded APBD Kota Solo.
                              "These areas that get the socialization of the bird flu is a high risk of the virus. To the seven locations of socialization has been conducted by Unicef. Are the four other villages at this time we are garap of socialization, "said Puji is currently serving as Kasubid Welfare Regional Planning Board (Bapeda) after the event in the socialization Sangkrah, Monday (18 / 5).
                              Added another facilitator, Tri Murdani, there are several indicators that make an area considered high risk for bird flu. First, the case of chickens died suddenly in the area and lack of awareness both of the environmental hygiene. Sangkrah choosing, for example, they have found a positive AI viruses infecting poultry owned by residents. Another example, in areas that most people are reluctant to impound the property of chicken-chicken they will also be selected as the place of socialization.
                              Related nine villages of the risk of AI virus again described Puji, is Sangkrah, Semanggi, Mojosongo, Sumber, Kadipiro, Bumi, Joyosuran, Jebres, dan Kampung Sewu.
                              "In the event dissemination, who does not give us simply because we believe lectures are a lot of people know through the mass media. Instead, we get in the socialization of learning problems in the spread of AI virus dampingi and we also find the answer to them, "said Puji.
                              Puji explain, there are three outputs that are expected to result from socialization. First, increased public awareness to impound their poultry-birds. Second, connect to him, increase the commitment of community leaders, religious leaders, RT, RW, Karang Taruna PKK and ready for the pandemic virus AI. Preparedness is a way to help the eight-step response bird flu in the community. And finally, increasing awareness of the importance of clean healthy living (PHBS).

                              9 AI-prone district

                              1 Sangkrah
                              2 Semanggi
                              3 Mojosongo
                              4 Sumber
                              5 Kadipiro
                              6 Bumi
                              7 Joyosuran
                              8 Jebres
                              9 Kampung Sewu

                              Eight-step bird flu response
                              1 Do not touch the chickens, ducks and other birds sick or dead
                              2 Wash with soap, hands and your cooking equipment
                              3 Separate poultry and humans
                              4 to check if there are health and flu symptoms of fever after close to birds
                              5 Use of gloves, cover nose and mouth when handling poultry
                              6 Do not eat sick birds or dead
                              7 Sembelih, fuel, grave illness or poultry that died
                              8 Do not let children play with birds

                              Source: Bapeda - By: Ayu Prawitasari


                              • #45
                                Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                                Radar Madiun
                                [ Selasa, 19 Mei 2009 ]
                                Flu Burung Kembali Menyerang

                                Radar Madiun
                                [Tuesday, 19 May 2009]
                                Bird Flu Back Menyerang

                                MADIUN - Hundreds of chickens owned by residents Jatisari Village District Geger in Madiun District, suddenly found dead. This condition occurred since sepekan ago. Villagers suspect, the death of hundreds of chickens was caused by bird flu disease.
                                Chicken''Death occurred almost every day. There are no signs of illness, sudden death directly, "said Muhsin, one of sorang citizens Jatisari village, yesterday.

                                According to him, 23 chickens dead with own characteristics become the head. Muhsin confess, chicken pens are made and separated. The only dibiarakan still roam in the house yard. Chicken''sudden death occurred years ago. At that time, many people disappointed. For many years during mid-owned chickens that died of a sudden,''he said.

                                Similar conditions also override the property Parman 56 chickens and 76 chickens owned by Irfan Khusnudin. Both of these menengarai, if the death of tens of chicken overwrite own attack occurred because the H5N1 virus. "Rainfall is high and hot that is not stabilized, because the death is suspected to be hundreds of chickens in our village.," Said Parman.

                                Mengetahuai ayamnya die with no reasonable, both lansung menguburkanya. Due to fear death if ayamnya truly death by bird flu. "What, me dead chickens with blood from paruhnya. In fact, the night before, the condition of poultry in good condition. But the morning came a few dead chickens directly sprawl, followed by another chicken," said Irfan.

                                Jatisari citizens expect, and the Fisheries Department Perternakan Madiun Regency ocean do vaccination or spraying disinfectant on chicken. So it does not transmit the virus H5N1 in chickens the other.

                                Meanwhile, bird flu response sosilisasi continue buzzed Agriculture and Public Health City of Madiun. As seen in the RT 17 RW 05 Kelurahan Nambangan Kidul District Manguharjo.

                                According Riyanto, Kasi Dispertan City Animal Health, the disease has been declared a bird flu endemic in Java. So that citizens are required to more vigilant when in contact with chickens.
                                Moreover,''if you find a dead chicken and suddenly suspicious. Please perugas reported on the Department of Agriculture,''he explained during a Bird Flu Response socialization.

                                It also expressed similar dr Denik Wuryani, Head Puskemas Manguharjo. According to him, sebaikanya of change kebiasaanya time lansung contact with poultry. Ie have to wear gloves and wash hands with soap after contact with poultry. ''When the family members after contact with ayamnya crouch paans up to 38 derjat and emiliki characteristics of bird flu, is expected to report ocean. So that treatment can be done,''he said. (aan)

