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Egypt H5N1 Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 - May 19, 2009

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  • #46
    Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

    Nazif: Egypt's security was a red line which can not be bypassed
    زيادة الوعي يساعد علي سرعة الشفاء من انفلونزا الطيور
    Help raise awareness of the speed of recovery from bird flu <!heade><TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; DIRECTION: ltr" border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#ffffec><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffec colSpan=5 align=right></TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffec colSpan=5 align=right>
    أكد الدكتور احمد نظيف رئيس مجلس الوزراء أن أمن مصر خط أحمر لا يمكن تجاوزه أو الاقتراب منه أو المساس به وأن اجهزة الامن المصرية قادرة تماما علي حماية الجبهة الداخلية‏.‏
    Dr. Ahmed Nazif, the Prime Minister that the security of Egypt, a red line which can not be bypassed or approaching or prejudice and that the Egyptian security forces are fully capable of protecting the home front.

    وشدد رئيس مجلس الوزراء علي ان مصر لن تسمح لأي جهة في الداخل أو الخارج بتعريض حياة المواطن المصري أو تعريض الاقتصاد الوطني لأي مخاطر‏.‏
    The Prime Minister stressed that Egypt will not allow anyone at home or abroad, endangering the lives of Egyptian citizens, or jeopardizing the national economy of any risks.

    وحيا رئيس الوزراء اجهزة الامن المصرية علي يقظتها‏,‏ معربا عن تمنياته ان تظل مصر بلد الامن والامان‏.‏
    He greeted the Prime Minister Egyptian security forces for their vigilance, and expressed his wishes that Egypt is a country that remains the safety and security.

    جاء ذلك في تصريحات الدكتور احمد نظيف عقب افتتاحه أمس أعمال تطوير برج القاهرة‏,‏ حيث أكد أن برج القاهرة يمثل فترة ناصعة من تاريخ مصر الحديث نعتز بها‏,‏ ووصف اعمال التطوير بأنها مفخرة لكل مصري بالنسبة لهذا المشروع العملاق الذي يعد رمزا للصمود المصري‏,‏ وقدرة وكفاءة المهندس المصمم والمنفذ المصري في مواجهة التحديات والعوائق عند تنفيذ هذا العمل العملاق في الستينيات‏.‏
    This came in statements of Dr Ahmed Nazif, during the inauguration yesterday of the development of the tower, which confirmed that the tower is the glorious pride in Egypt's modern history, and described the development as a source of pride for every Egyptian for this gigantic project, which is a symbol of the steadfastness of the Egyptian , and the capacity and efficiency of the engineer, designed and implemented in the face of the Egyptian challenges and obstacles in the implementation of this giant work in the sixties.

    وحول جهود الحكومة في مكافحة انفلونزا الطيور‏,‏ قال الدكتور نظيف إن مصر ليست البلد الوحيد الذي يوجد به المرض‏,‏ نافيا انتشارالمرض في الفترة الاخيرة‏.‏
    On the government's efforts in combating bird flu, Dr. Nazif said that Egypt is not the only country where the disease, denying Ancharalamrd in the last period.

    وقال إن العام الحالي يعد اول عام يمر دون حدوث وفيات بشرية نتيجة المرض وانه تم تسجيل اثنتي عشرة حالة اصابة بالمرض تم شفاء تسع حالات بالكامل وهناك ثلاث حالات تحت العلاج‏.‏ وأشار رئيس الوزراء الي زيادة الوعي بين المواطنين بما يؤدي الي سرعة العلاج من هذا المرض عند الاصابة به‏.‏ وناشد نظيف المواطنين ـ خاصة في الريف ـ الالتزام بعناصر الامان في تربية الطيور المنزلية وعدم تعريض الاطفال بصفة خاصة للطيور‏.‏
    He said that this year is the first year that passes without the occurrence of human deaths and was the result of the disease have been recorded a dozen cases of the disease, nine cases have recovered fully and there are three cases under treatment. The Prime Minister to raise awareness among citizens, leading to the rapid treatment of this disease in the disease. Nazeef appealed to citizens especially in the countryside, elements of commitment to safety in the education of pet birds and to avoid exposing children, especially the birds.

    وأكد الدكتور نظيف أن الحكومة اتخذت عدة اجراءات لمكافحة المرض خلال الفترة القادمة منها تطوير صناعة الدواجن‏,‏ وحظر تداول وبيع الطيور الحية في المدن‏.‏
    Dr. Nazif said that the Government has taken several measures to combat the disease during the coming period, including the development of the poultry industry, and the prohibition of the circulation and sale of live birds in the cities.


    • #47
      Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

      I think that some other incidents are on the radar of Egyptian politicians.

      Other news reports added to the above mentioned ''red lines'' some troubles with people in relation with foreign suspected terror central...

      The political situation in Egypt and in the Middle East at whole is extremely volatile in these times.

      An eye on these developments could be useful to better understand the flurry of official statements we are seeing.


      • #48
        Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

        3 detained in Qena Qalubia on suspicion of bird flu

        Abdel-Hakim wrote the soldier, Mohamed Hamdi, Mohammed Abbas and hope Asamkory 4-12-2009

        Hospital admitted Qena arrested yesterday on suspicion of two children infected with bird flu, also detained in hospital fevers Qaliubiya Banha, a young man for the same reason, and the Vice-Suez requested a briefing in which he accused the government of failing to cope with the disease, describing the plans of combating b ?imaginary?.

        In Qena, was arrested Nabil fever hospital Abdalenaim ?8 years?, and Muhammad Arif ?8 years?, on suspicion of SARS after the emergence of the disease symptoms similar to them, said Dr. Ayman Abdel-Moneim, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Health, said that the two samples were taken and sent to labs central Cairo for analysis, and sampling of domestic birds to be sent to the Agriculture Ministry's labs for analysis and clean up the houses and the adjacent houses.

        In Qaliubiya detained hospital milk fevers, Desouk Tantawi Mohamed Tantawi ?25 years?, on suspicion of being infected with the disease, said Dr. Abdul Qadeer Faraj, Under-Secretary of the hospital, the patient was hospitalized for almost 6 days with a fever and was transferred from the hospital, thanked the Kafr Central, who tend to show that the birds were taken from the sample and sent to central laboratories for analysis, and isolation and to take necessary action.

        For his part, the Saad al-Khalifa, a member of the People's Chamber of Suez, for notification to the President of the Council of Ministers, ministers of health, agriculture and finance, on the government's inability to combat the disease, criticized the number of infections to 63 cases, according to official figures of the Ministry of Health, despite warnings from scientists virus may mutate into a human infection directly, which would lead to disaster.

        Khalifa said that the directors of the general discussion of Veterinary Medicine in the provinces, revealed the existence of a large financial deficit of around 85%, have been appropriated for the plan to combat the disease in 2009, explaining that he had been allocated 177 million pounds is not only the provision of only 27 million,

        He pointed out that the plan has already faced a shortfall last year, also financially, with the allocation of 188 million pounds, did not have only 36 million only, which indicates a lack of government's seriousness in the face of the disease.

        Khalifa and asked about the reasons for the lack of funds allocated to fight the disease and to develop realistic plans rather than plans, which he has been monitoring Balohmip large sums on paper without implementation on the ground.

        احتجاز ٣ فى قنا والقليوبية للاشتباه فى إصابتهم بأنفلونزا الطيور

        كتب عبدالحكم الجندى ومحمد حمدى ومحمد السمكورى وأمل عباس ١٢/ ٤/ ٢٠٠٩

        احتجز مستشفى حميات قنا، أمس، طفلين للاشتباه فى إصابتهما بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور، كما احتجز مستشفى حميات بنها فى القليوبية، شاباً للسبب نفسه، وقدم نائب فى السويس طلب إحاطة اتهم فيه الحكومة بالعجز عن مواجهة المرض، ووصف خطط مكافحته بـ?الوهمية?.

        فى قنا، احتجز مستشفى الحميات نبيل عبدالنعيم ?٨ سنوات?، ومحمد عارف ?٨ سنوات?، للاشتباه فى إصابتهما بالمرض بعد ظهور أعراض مشابهة عليهما، وقال الدكتور أيمن عبدالمنعم، وكيل وزارة الصحة، إنه تم أخذ عينات منهما وإرسالها للمعامل المركزية بالقاهرة لتحليلها، وأخذ عينات من الطيور المنزلية لإرسالها لمعامل وزارة الزراعة لتحليلها وتطهير المنزلين والمنازل المجاورة.

        وفى القليوبية، احتجز مستشفى حميات بنها، طنطاوى محمد دسوق طنطاوى ?٢٥ سنة?، للاشتباه فى إصابته بالمرض، وقال الدكتور عبدالقادر فراج، وكيل المستشفى، إن المريض دخل المستشفى منذ ٦ أيام تقريباً مصاباً بارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة، وتم تحويله من مستشفى كفر شكر المركزى، وتبين أنه يخالط الطيور وتم أخذ عينة منه وإرسالها للمعامل المركزية لتحليلها، وتم عزله واتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة.

        من جانبه، قدم سعد خليفة، عضو مجلس الشعب عن دائرة السويس، طلب إحاطة إلى رئيس مجلس الوزراء، ووزراء الصحة والزراعة والمالية، حول عجز الحكومة عن مكافحة المرض، منتقداً وصول عدد الإصابات إلى ٦٣ حالة، وفق الأرقام الرسمية لوزارة الصحة، رغم تحذيرات العلماء من تحور الفيروس لإصابة الإنسان مباشرة، وهو ما سيؤدى إلى كارثة.

        وأضاف خليفة أن مناقشات مديرى عموم الطب البيطرى فى المحافظات، كشفت عن وجود عجز مالى كبير يبلغ حوالى ٨٥٪، فيما تم اعتماده لخطة مكافحة المرض عام ٢٠٠٩، موضحاً أنه تم تخصيص ١٧٧ مليون جنيه لم يتم توفير سوى ٢٧ مليوناً فقط منها،

        لافتاً إلى أن الخطة سبق أن واجهت العام الماضى عجزاً مالياً أيضاً، حيث تم تخصيص ١٨٨ مليون جنيه، لم تتوفر منها سوى ٣٦ مليوناً فقط، وهو ما يدل على عدم جدية الحكومة فى مواجهة المرض.

        وتساءل خليفة عن أسباب عدم توفير الاعتمادات المالية المخصصة لمكافحة المرض ووضع خطط واقعية بدلاً من الخطط التى وصفها بالوهمية التى يتم رصد مبالغ كبيرة لها على الورق دون تنفيذها على أرض الواقع.
        عدد التعليقات [٠]


        • #49
          Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

          Suspicion of avian influenza infected elderly Fayyoum
          الأحد، 12 أبريل 2009 - 15:21 Sunday, April 12, 2009 - 15:21

          إصابة جديدة بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور
          New cases of bird flu
          كتبت رباب الجالى Rabab wrote Galy
          احتجز مستشفى حميات الفيوم حالة جديدة للاشتباه فى إصابتها بأنفلونزا الطيور، حيث ظهرت أعراض الكحة وارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة على المواطن إبراهيم على إبراهيم (50 سنة) من قرية الناصرية التابعة لمركز إبشواى نتيجة مخالطة طيور منزلية . Detained hospital fevers Fayyoum new case of suspected bird flu, which developed symptoms of cough, high temperature of Ibrahim Ibrahim (50 years) from the village of Nasiriyah, of the Center for the result of contact with birds Ibcoay home.
          تم أخذ عينات من الحالة وإرسالها إلى المعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة للتحليل، وأخطرت مديرية الطب البيطرى بالفيوم لتشكيل لجنة من المعنيين لفحص الطيور الموجودة فى هذه القرية للتأكد من تحصينها وعدم إصابتها بالفيروس. Sampling of the situation and sent to the central Ministry of Health laboratory for analysis, and notified the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine Fayyoum to set up a committee to examine the birds concerned in this village to make sure that non-vaccinated and infected with HIV.


          • #50
            Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

            <TABLE style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" align=right><TBODY><TR><TD align=right> Impose a state of emergency in Red Sea province, due to bird flu </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD><TABLE style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD align=right><TABLE style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 align=right><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD class=textStyle style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify" width="100%">
            أعلنت محافظة البحر الأحمر حالة الطوارىء وتشديد الرقابة على المنافذ الجنوبية بمدينتى سفاجا والقصير للتصدى لأى حالات اشتباه أنفلونزا الطيور.
            Red Sea Governorate announced a state of emergency and tightened control over the southern port cities of Safaga and the short to fight with any suspected cases of avian influenza.
            وأشار اللواء ماجد أبوالفتوح سكرتير عام المحافظة الأحد إلى استمرار الحملات والمراقبة وتشديد الرقابة على منفذ الكيلو 85 الذى يربط بين قنا وسفاجا لمنع دخول أو تداول الدواجن الحية إلى المحافظة وإزالة جميع العشش بجوار المنازل لمنع تربية الدواجن وتكثيف حملات مباحث التموين والطب البيطرى فى ضبط السيارات التى تحمل الدواجن.
            The Secretary-General Majid Obwafattouh Sunday to maintain the continued control campaigns and tighter control of the port 85 km, which connects between Safaga and Qena to prevent the entry into or the circulation of live poultry to maintain and remove all the nests near the house to prevent the breeding of poultry and intensify campaigns Investigation of Supply and veterinary control of vehicles carrying poultry.
            وصرح أبوالفتوح -خلال اجتماع اللجنة العليا لمكافحة مرض انفلونزا الطيور الطارىء الاحد- بأن هناك إجراءات صارمة ومشددة لمنع دخول أو تدوال الدواجن الحية ونشر الوعى بالتنسيق مع الأجهزة المعنية ومؤسسات المجتمع المدنى فى نشر الوعى لدى المواطنين خاصة السيدات فى المناطق العشوائية.
            A Obwafattouh - during the meeting of the Higher Committee to combat bird flu emergency Sunday - that there are strict and stringent action to prevent the entry of live poultry or Tdoual and awareness in coordination with the concerned agencies and institutions of civil society in raising awareness among the citizens, especially women in the slums.
            وأكد أبو الفتوح -خلال الاجتماع الذى حضره ممثلو مديريات التموين والزراعة والصحة والطب البيطرى والطب الوقائى ومديرية الأمن والوحدات المحلية- أن المحافظة لم تسجل بها أية حالات اشتباه أنفلونزا الطيور حتى الآن.
            Abul-Fotouh - During the meeting which was attended by representatives of the departments of supply, agriculture, health, veterinary medicine, preventive medicine and the Directorate of Security and the local units - that the preservation did not record any cases of suspected bird flu so far.
            (أ ش أ)
            </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD align=left width="100%"><TABLE style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left"><TBODY><TR><TD class=dateStyle>
            اخر تحديث : 12/4/2009 16:40
            Last Update: 12/4/2009 16:40 </TD><TD class=dateStyle>
            CLT </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


            • #51
              Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

              Updated map


              • #52
                Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                <HR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cccccc; COLOR: #cccccc" SIZE=1> <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->
                <TABLE style="BORDER-BOTTOM: gainsboro 1px solid; TEXT-ALIGN: left; BORDER-LEFT: gainsboro 1px solid; WIDTH: 564px; DIRECTION: ltr; HEIGHT: 22px; BORDER-TOP: gainsboro 1px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: gainsboro 1px solid" border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(images/backgrond_slider.jpg); BORDER-BOTTOM: gainsboro 1px solid; WIDTH: 100%; HEIGHT: 26px" vAlign=center align=right>98%of the poultry farms and the lack of safety standards we demand where new residents are far from integrated </TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 100%" vAlign=top align=right>
                <TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; WIDTH: 100%; DIRECTION: ltr"><TBODY><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 3%; HEIGHT: 51px" vAlign=top align=right></TD><TD style="WIDTH: 100%; HEIGHT: 51px" vAlign=top align=right>
                سماحة* ‬يعترف بتجاهل فحص مزارع الخنازير*..
                Samaha * ‬ examination recognized by ignoring the pig farms * ..
                ‬ويقترح نقلها فى الصحراء
                It is proposed to transfer in the desert

                كتب ـ عماد خيرة*:‬ اعترف الدكتور حامد سماحة رئيس الهيئة العامة للخدمات البيطرية بأن ضعف إمكانيات فرق المكافحة،* ‬وعدم التزام أصحاب مزارع الدواجن بمعايير الأمان الحيوى،* ‬وراء انتشار الاصابات بمرض انفلونزا الطيور*.
                Emad wrote the best *: ‬ admitted, Dr. Hamed Samaha Chairman of the General Authority for Veterinary Services to control the vulnerability of the potential difference, * ‬ and lack of commitment by the owners of poultry farms bio-safety standards, * ‬ infections and the spread of bird flu *.
                ‬قال سماحة فى تصريح لـ* ?‬الوفد*? ‬إن* ‬98٪* ‬من مزارع الدواجن علي* ‬مستوى الجمهورية لا تطبق معايير الأمان الحيوى اثناء دخول وخروج ونقل الطيور والتخلص من السبلة،* ‬كما اعترف سماحة بأن فرق مكافحة انفلونزا الطيور لم تصل حتى الآن لمعاينة مزارع الخنازير التي* ‬تعتبر حلقة فى سلسلة الاصابة بالمرض،* ‬وقال إن هيئة الخدمات البيطرية لايمكنها انجاز تقدم علي* ‬صعيد مكافحة المرض وهى تعمل بصورة منفردة ودعا جميع الجهات المختصة مثل الصحة والبيئة والمحليات بزيادة التعاون من أجل حماية البلاد من هذا المرض وردًا على سؤال حول مدى جدوى حملات التحصين*.
                ‬ Samaha said in a statement to Al * ?‬ delegation *? ‬ The * ‬ 98% * ‬ Farms poultry * ‬ level of the republic is not bio-safety standards are applied during the entry and exit, transfer and disposal of birds Sblp, * ‬ Samaha also acknowledged that the combat teams Bird flu has yet to arrive to inspect pig farms that * ‬ considered a disease in a series, * ‬ He said that the veterinary services could not complete the * ‬ progress in the fight against the disease, which is working alone and called on all relevant actors, such as health, environment and increase local cooperation in order to protect the country from the disease and response to a question about the feasibility of immunization campaigns *.
                ‬أكد سماحة أن التحصين بدون اتباع اصحاب المزارع لإجراءات الأمان الحيوى لا* ‬يجدى*.
                Samaha ‬ confirmed that immunization with the owners of a farm bio-security procedures are not fruitless, * ‬ *.
                ‬وطالب سماحة بنقل مزارع الدواجن من المناطق السكنية،* ‬وبناء مزارع جديدة بعيدة عن العمران بشرط تكاملها لتحوى مجازر للدواجن ومصانع اعلاف،* ‬كما طالب رئيس الهيئة بنقل مزارع الخنازير من المناطق السكنية إلي* ‬أماكن بعيدة عن المواطنين باعتبارها موطنًا لنقل المرض*.
                and demanded the transfer of poultry farms Samaha residential areas, * ‬ farms and building new construction is far from the condition for the integration of the massacres of the poultry house and forage plants, * ‬ also demanded the transfer of the head of the pig farms to residential areas to * ‬ places far from home to the citizens as the transmission of the disease * .
                ‬وطالب جميع الجهات التي* ‬تعمل فى مكافحة انفلونزا الطيور بالشفافية واعلان جميع البيانات الحقيقية الخاصة بالمرض حتي* ‬تتضح الصورة أمام المختصين بالمقاومة*.‬ وأكدت الادارة المركزية للشئون الوقائية بوزارة الصحة حالات الاشتباه فى الأيام الخمسة الماضية بصورة* ‬غير مسبوقة،* ‬سجلت قوائم المشتبة فى اصابتهم بمرض انفلونزا الطيور* ‬يوم الاثنين* ‬6* ‬أبريل* ‬12* ‬حالة اثنتان فى البحيرة تم ايداعهما حميات دمنهور و4* ‬حالات بالمنوفية تم ايداعهم بحميات منوف،* ‬وحالة فى كل من محافظة قنا والمنيا والغربية والزيتون بالقاهرة والعامرية بالاسكندرية وبلبيس بالشرقية،* ‬وبلغت قائمة المشتبه فى اصابتهم* ‬يوم الثلاثاء* ‬7* ‬ابريل* ‬15* ‬حالة منهم* ‬4* ‬حالات بالمنوفية و3* ‬حالات فى البحيرة وحالتان فى الاسكندرية وحالتان فى محافظة* ‬6* ‬أكتوبر وحالة فى كل من قنا وطما بسوهاج وبولاق بالقاهرة والمحلة بالغربية وتم ايداع جميع الحالات بالمستشفيات المتخصصة التابعين لها*.‬ وسجلت كشوف الادارة العامة لمكافحة الأمراض المعدية بوزارة الصحة الاشتباه فى اصابة* ‬16* ‬حالة* ‬يوم الأربعاء* ‬8* ‬ابريل تم الابلاغ* ‬عنها وايداعهم مستشفيات الحميات منها حالتان بمحافظات البحيرة والقاهرة وبورسعيد والدقهلية،* ‬وحالة فى كل من محافظات كفر الشيخ والإسكندرية والمنوفية والقليوبية والمنيا وقنا والغربية وأسوان*.‬ وسجلت وزارة الصحة* ‬12* ‬حالة اشتباه* ‬يوم الخميس* ‬9* ‬ابريل منها حالتان فى الاسكندرية وحالتان فى أسوان،* ‬وحالة فى كل من بنى سويف وسوهاج وقنا والسويس ودمياط والبحيرة*.‬ ووصلت حصيلة حالات الاشتباه ليوم الجمعة* ‬10* ‬أبريل خمس حالات فقط اثنتان فى الشرقية واثنان فى وادى النطرون بالبحيرة وحالة بالمحلة الكبرى وتم ايداعهم جميعًا مستشفيات الحميات*.‬
                and demanded that all those * ‬ operate in the fight against bird flu and transparent declaration of all the real data for the disease so * ‬ clear picture to the relevant resistance *. ‬ confirmed the central administration of the affairs of the Ministry of preventive health of suspected cases in the past five days in an unprecedented * ‬, * ‬

                registered lists of those suspected of having bird flu on
                Monday, * ‬ * ‬ 6 * ‬ April * ‬ 12 * ‬ case of two in the lake was in front of Damanhour fevers and cases of 4 * ‬ Menoufia placed Bhmyat Mnov, * ‬ and one each in Qena West, Menya, and olives in Cairo and Alexandria and Ameriya Bilbeis eastern region, * ‬

                The list of suspects injured on Tuesday * ‬ * ‬ 7 * ‬ April * ‬ 15 * ‬ case of them * ‬ 4 * ‬ Menoufia cases and 3 * ‬ situations in the lake and two in Alexandria and two County * ‬ 6 * ‬ October and one each in Qena, Sohag and surged Bulaq in Cairo and Mahalla were meeting Sunday attended by the deposit of all cases of hospital personnel specialized *. ‬ recorded statements of the General Administration for the control of infectious diseases in the Ministry of Health of suspected injury * ‬ 16 * ‬ *

                ‬ case of Wednesday, * ‬ 8 * ‬ April were reported * ‬ placement and fever hospitals, including two provinces of the lake, Cairo, Port Said and Dakahlia, * ‬ and one in each of the governorates of Kafr El-Sheikh, Alexandria, Monoufia Qalubia, Menya, Qena and Aswan West *. ‬
                and the Health Ministry *


                suspected case on Thursday, * ‬ 9 * ‬ including two in April and two in Alexandria, Aswan, * ‬ and one each in Beni Suef, Qena, Sohag, Suez, Damietta, lake *. ‬ reached toll of suspected cases

                Friday * ‬ 10 * ‬ April five only two cases in the East and two in the Wadi Natrun Mehalla the lake and the state had been brought all the major hospitals diets *. ‬
                </TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 3%; HEIGHT: 21px" vAlign=top align=right></TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; WIDTH: 100%; HEIGHT: 21px" vAlign=top align=right></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>



                • #53
                  Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                  Suspected cases of bird flu in Fayyoum citizen and the Governor of Kafr El-Sheikh recognize some farms the disease, injury

                  كتب محمد فرغلى ومجدى أبوالعينين ١٣/ ٤/ ٢٠٠٩
                  Mohamed Magdy Farghali Oboualainin 4-13-2009 <TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; DIRECTION: ltr" border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 align=right><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle>
                  احتجز مستشفى حميات الفيوم أمس إبراهيم على إبراهيم (٥٠ سنة) للاشتباه فى إصابته بأنفلونزا الطيور.
                  Detained hospital admitted yesterday Fayyoum Ibrahim Ibrahim (50 years) suspected of having bird flu.
                  وقال الدكتور حسين صوفى أبوطالب، وكيل وزارة الصحة بالمحافظة، إن الحالة من قرية الناصرية، مركز إبشواى، ودخل المستشفى يعانى من ارتفاع شديد فى درجة الحرارة، وأخذت عينات منه لإرسالها للمعامل المركزية بالوزارة لبيان ما إذا كان مصاباً بالفيروس من عدمه.
                  "Said Dr Hussein Sophie Abutaleb, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Health to preserve, the situation of the village of Nasiriyah, Ibcoay Center, and was admitted to hospital suffering from a very high temperature, samples were taken from the plants to be sent to the central ministry to know whether he was infected with the virus or not.
                  وأشار الدكتور محمود جودة عقل، مدير عام الطب البيطرى بالمحافظة، إلى أنه تم تشكيل لجنة من المديرية انتقلت لمنزل المواطن، وقامت بإعدام الطيور المنزلية الموجودة به، وبالمنازل المجاورة، كإجراء وقائى بعد سحب عينات منها لتحليلها لبيان ما إذا كانت حاملة للفيروس من عدمه.
                  The quality of the mind, Dr. Mahmoud, Director of Veterinary Medicine in the government, was formed from the Directorate of the Commission moved to the house of the citizen, and the execution of the existing domestic birds, and the neighboring houses, as a precautionary measure following the withdrawal of samples for analysis to indicate whether the carrier of the virus or not.
                  وفى كفر الشيخ اعترف المحافظ المهندس أحمد زكى عابدين بإصابة بعض المزارع بأنفلونزا الطيور، وأشار أمام الجلسة الأخيرة لمجلس محلى المحافظة، رداً على السؤال المقدم من العضو أحمد النحاس، إلى ما يتردد من وجود إصابات بأنفلونزا الطيور بكثافة فى أنحاء المحافظة يتم التعتيم عليها من الجهاز التنفيذى، وأنه يتابع الحالة يومياً ويكلف الدكتور حسين عبدالعظيم، وكيل وزارة الطب البيطرى، بالانتقال بنفسه لأماكن الإصابة المبلغ عنها من الأهالى وآخرها بقرية سعفان بسيدى سالم، حيث اتضح إصابة مزرعة دواجن وتم إعدامها.
                  In Kafr el-Sheikh admitted conservative Abdin Ahmed Zaki injured some farms with bird flu, and pointed to the recent session of the local province, in response to a question submitted by a member Ahmed copper, to the rumors of the existence of bird flu in parts of heavily blacked out, is the preservation of the executive branch and that, following the situation daily and cost-Azim Al-Hussein, Undersecretary of the Ministry of veterinary medicine, the transition to self-reported places of infection of people, the latest Safan Sidi Salem village, where the injury turned out a poultry farm was destroyed.



                  • #54
                    Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                    "....‬ confirmed the central administration of the affairs of the Ministry of preventive health of suspected cases in the past five days in an unprecedented

                    * ‬, * ‬ registered lists of those suspected of having bird flu on Monday, * ‬ * ‬ 6 * ‬ April * ‬ 12 * ‬ case of two in the lake was in front of Damanhour fevers and cases of 4 * ‬ Menoufia placed Bhmyat Mnov, * ‬ and one each in Qena West, Menya, and olives in Cairo and Alexandria and Ameriya Bilbeis eastern region,

                    * ‬ The list of suspects injured on Tuesday * ‬ * ‬ 7 * ‬ April * ‬ 15 * ‬ case of them

                    * ‬ 4 * ‬ Menoufia cases and 3 * ‬ situations in the lake and two in Alexandria and two County * ‬ 6 * ‬ October and one each in Qena, Sohag and surged Bulaq in Cairo and Mahalla were meeting Sunday attended by the deposit of all cases of hospital personnel specialized *. ‬

                    recorded statements of the General Administration for the control of infectious diseases in the Ministry of Health of suspected injury * ‬ 16 * ‬ * ‬ case of Wednesday, * ‬ 8 * ‬ April were reported * ‬ placement and fever hospitals, including two provinces of the lake, Cairo, Port Said and Dakahlia, * ‬ and one in each of the governorates of Kafr El-Sheikh, Alexandria, Monoufia Qalubia, Menya, Qena and Aswan West *. ‬ and the Health Ministry * ‬ 12 * ‬ * ‬ suspected case on Thursday, * ‬ 9 * ‬ including two in April and two in Alexandria, Aswan, * ‬ and one each in Beni Suef, Qena, Sohag, Suez, Damietta, lake *. ‬ reached toll of suspected cases Friday * ‬ 10 * ‬ April five only two cases in the East and two in the Wadi Natrun Mehalla the lake and the state had been brought all the major hospitals


                    • #55
                      Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                      Incident had occurred in the Helwan .. بأمر الشرطة.. Order of Police .. A child holding a chicken infected with

                      Tuesday, April 14, 2009 - 11:21

                      Child Ibrahim Adel

                      الثلاثاء، 14 أبريل 2009 - 11:21

                      الطفل إبراهيم عادل
                      Child Ibrahim Adel
                      كتبت أميرة وهبة Written by Amira Wahba

                      تم اكتشاف بؤرة أنفلونزا الطيور بمنطقة حكر التبين بمحافظة حلون، وقد تم تشكيل حملة تفتيش من الإدارة البيطرية، وعلى رأسها نائب الإدارة، ومعه اثنان من أمناء الشرطة، مستقلين ميكروباص وقاموا باستغلال طفل يدعى إبراهيم عادل (10 سنوات)، يعمل تباعا على ميكروباص لحمل الدواجن المصابة بالمرض، بالرغم من أن الأطباء أنفسهم يحذرون من الاقتراب من الدواجن المصابة دون استخدام أدوات وقائية، لعدم إصابتهم بالمرض، إلا أنهم لم يهتموا ببراءة إبراهيم وبما يصاب به. Been the focus of the discovery of avian flu in the province Hlon identification monopoly, has been the formation of a search of the veterinary department, and chaired by the Vice-management, along with two secretaries and the police, independent microbuses and exploitation of a child who just named Ibrahim (10 years), working respectively on the microbus to get the poultry infected, although the doctors themselves warn of approaching the infected poultry without the use of preventive tools and, in the absence of illness, but they did not bother Ibrahim's innocence and catch it.

                      وتقدمت زينب خير، المدير التنفيذى للجمعية المصرية للحقوق الاقتصادية والاجتماعية، بشكوى رقم 56402، للخط الساخن على رقم "16 أ" لحماية الطفل حول الواقعة، كما تنوى تقديم شكوى لمحافظ حلوان محمد القويضى بصفته المحافظ، ورئيس لجنة حماية الطفولة فى المحافظة، ووفقا للقانون، لمنع حدوث مثل هذه الأمور وانتهاك حقوق الطفل. Advanced Zeinab Kheir, executive director of the Egyptian Society of economic and social rights, complaint No. 56402, the hotline number, "a 16" for the protection of the Child on the incident, also intends to file a complaint to the Governor of Helwan Alqweidy Muhammad as governor and Chairman of the Committee for the Protection of Children in the county, and in accordance with the law, to prevent the occurrence of such matters and violation of the rights of the child.


                      • #56
                        Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                        This thread is for Suspected Human cases now.

                        Confirmed Human cases here:


                        • #57
                          Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                          6443 * ‬ case of suspicion between the people and wounding 63 * ..
                          ‬ووفاة* ‬23* ‬حالة
                          And the death ‬ * ‬ 23 * ‬ case of
                          تحقيق*:‬ نادية مطاوع كالنار في الهشيم،* ‬انتشرت أنفلونزا الطيور خلال الأيام القليلة الماضية وراحت تحصد ضحاياها من البشر والطيور علي حد سواء،* ‬بل إنها اجتاحت كل محافظات مصر بما فيها محافظات الصعيد رغم ارتفاع حرارة الجو هناك،* ‬وكل يوم تطالعنا الصحف بخبر ظهور بؤرة جديدة للإصابة بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور،* ‬أو المزيد من حالات الاشتباه والإصابة بين البشر،* ‬حتي احتلت مصر المركز الأول بين دول العالم في الإصابة بالمرض خلال العام الحالي،* ‬وقد أدي صدور أكثرمن قرار بحظر بيع الدواجن الحية في الأسواق وكان آخرها القرار الذي أصدره الدكتور أحمد نظيف رئيس الوزراء يوم الأربعاء الماضي،* ‬إلي أثار سيئة علي سوق الدواجن وصناعتها تمثلت في ارتفاع أسعارهاأكثر مما هي عليه*.‬ ما أشبه اليوم بالبارحة*!!

                          Achieve *: ‬ Nadia Mutawe like wildfire, * ‬ spread of avian flu over the past few days, then harvested the victims of people
                          and birds alike, * ‬ but swept all over the governorates of Egypt, including the high level despite the hot weather there, * ‬ All newspapers tell us the news on the emergence of a new hotbed of bird flu, * ‬ or more suspected cases of infection among humans, * ‬ until Egypt was ranked first among the nations of the world in the incidence of the disease during the current year, * ‬ has resulted in the issuance of more than a decision to ban the sale of poultry living in the market, the most recent resolution issued by Dr. Ahmed Nazif, Prime Minister, last Wednesday, * ‬ to adverse effects on the market and poultry industry has been in the high than it is Osarhaokther *. ‬ today is like Balbarhp *!!

                          ‬فعندما ظهرت أنفلونزا الطيور لأول مرة في مصر في* ‬17* ‬فبراير* ‬2006* ‬انتشر الفيروس بسرعة،* ‬وكأنه كان ينتظر هذا الإعلان ليغزو مصر كلها،* ‬واليوم يتكرر السيناريو نفسه،* ‬فرغم أننا في شهرأبريل،* ‬حيث ترتفع درجات الحرارة،* ‬إلا أن كل محافظات مصر شهدت انتشاراً* ‬سريعاً* ‬لهذا الفيروس،* ‬حتي أنه وصل لمحافظة أسوان أقصي جنوب الجمهورية،* ‬حيث درجات الحرارة أعلي بكثير،* ‬وهو ما يؤكد أن خصائص فيروس الـH5* ‬المسبب لأنفلونزا الطيور بدأت في التغيير،* ‬وأصبحت أكثر قدرة علي مقاومة درجات الحرارة العليا،* ‬ليصبح المرض من الأمراض المتوطنة في مصر،* ‬التي تصيب البشر والطيور في أي وقت وفي أي مكان*.‬ وتؤكد الإحصاءات الرسمية لوزارة الصحة أن هناك* ‬6443* ‬حالة اشتباه بين البشر منذ ظهور المرض وحتي الآن منها* ‬63* ‬حالة إصابة مؤكدة توفي منها* ‬23* ‬حالة،* ‬وإذا كانت هذه هي الخسائر علي مستوي البشر،* ‬فالخسائر علي مستوي الطيور أكثر بكثير،* ‬فقد فشلت الحكومة في ترويض هذا الوحش أو التعامل معه بشكل جيد،* ‬فلجأت إلي أسهل الحلول وبدلاً* ‬من حماية الدواجن قتلتها حتي لا يصيبها المرض،* ‬وبذلك خسرت مصر أكثر من* ‬50٪* ‬من ثروتها الداجنة،* ‬وحوالي* ‬75٪* ‬من الجدود والأمهات وهو ما تجني ثماره مصر حتي الآن،* ‬حيث ارتفعت أسعار الدواجن بشكل* ‬غير مسبوق،* ‬وحتي بعد انخفاض أسعار الأعلاف مازالت أسعار الدواجن مرتفعة،* ‬نتيجة لارتفاع أسعار الكتاكيت،* ‬بعد أن قضي علي الأمهات،* ‬حتي وصل سعر الكتكوت إلي* ‬6* ‬جنيهات،* ‬وهو ما أدي إلي ارتفاع أسعار الدواجن حتي وصلت في الأسواق إلي* ‬14* ‬جنيهاً* ‬للكيلو*.‬ من ناحية أخري أصدر الدكتور أحمد نظيف عدة قرارات منها*: ‬حظر بيع الدواجن الحية ونقلها بين المحافظات،* ‬وإغلاق المزارع التي تقوم بالإبلاغ* ‬عن وجود إصابة بها بشكل مؤقت،* ‬أما المزارع التي لا يقوم أصحابها بالإبلاغ* ‬عن وجود حالات بها،* ‬مع ثبوت وجود إصابات فيها،* ‬فسيتم إغلاقها نهائياً،* ‬هذه القرارات أكد المربون أنها ستؤدي إلي مزيد من ارتفاع الأسعار،* ‬وهو ما أكده السباعي إبراهيم أحد المربين،* ‬مشيراً* ‬إلي أن هذه القرارات جعلت أصحاب المزارع يخشون الإبلاغ* ‬عن أي حالات لديهم،* ‬ويقومون بإعدام النافق من خلال الحرق في براميل خوفاً* ‬من إغلاق المزرعة،* ‬وأضاف أن صناعة الدواجن تعاني من ارتفاع مستلزمات الإنتاج،* ‬فرغم انخفاض أسعار الأعلاف إلا أن أسعار الكتاكيت في ارتفاع مستمر حتي وصلت إلي *٦ ‬جنيهات للأبيض،* ‬و4*.‬5* ‬للساسو،* ‬بالإضافة إلي زيادة أسعار اللقاحات والأمصال*.‬ ووصف علي محمود علي قرار إغلاق المزارع بأنه اغلاق لمنازل العاملين في هذه الصناعة التي يبلغ* ‬عدد العاملين فيها* ‬2*.‬5* ‬مليون عامل،* ‬وتتراوح استثماراتها من* ‬16* ‬ملياراً* ‬إلي* ‬18* ‬مليار جنيه،* ‬وقال*: ‬أنا عامل في مزرعة بالإضافة إلي عملي الأساسي كموظف وقرار إغلاق المزارع يعني عدم قدرتي علي إطعام زوجتي وأبنائي*.‬ أما شريف خليل أحد المربين فقد أكد أن أصحاب المزارع يعانون كل يوم من الخسائر،* ‬فتكلفة الإنتاج زادت،* ‬حيث إننا أصبحنا ندفع أكثر من* ‬6* ‬آلاف جنيه تحصينات بالإضافة إلي الأعلاف والخدمة وما إلي ذلك،* ‬ثم تأتي قرارات حظر البيع والتهديد بإغلاق المزارع لتزيد من معاناتنا*.‬ أمن حيوي ورغم أن كثيراً* ‬من المزارع لجأت إلي إجراءات الأمن الحيوي مثل وضع جير حي أمام المزارع وعدم دخول أي أفراد أو آلات إلي العنابر* ‬غير العاملين فيها،* ‬إلا أن فيروس أنفلونزا الطيور مازال نشطاً* ‬ويهدد الصناعة،* ‬ويري الدكتور ثروت الزيني المتحدث باسم اتحاد منتجي الدواجن أنه لكي تقضي الحكومة علي أنفلونزا الطيور،* ‬لابد من وجود صندوق للتعويضات يضمن تعويض المضاربين سواء كانوا من الفلاحين أو أصحاب المزارع،* ‬حتي يقوم المضارون بالإعلان عن حالات الإصابة لديهم،* ‬وبذلك يمكن حصر المرض وتحديد بؤر الإصابة والقضاء عليه،* ‬وأضاف أن الدولة تدعم الجميع الآن،* ‬فلماذا لا تقوم بتدعيم منتجي الدواجن عند ظهور إصابات لديهم؟*!
                          ‬ When avian flu emerged for the first time in Egypt in * ‬ 17 * ‬ February * ‬ 2006 * ‬ virus has spread rapidly, * ‬ as if it were waiting for this announcement for the invasion of Egypt in its entirety, * ‬ today and repeated the same scenario, * ‬ Chehroeril Although we are in, * ‬ where there are high temperatures, * ‬ but all over Egypt have seen the most rapid * ‬ * ‬ of this virus, * ‬ even reached the province of Aswan, the southernmost republic, * ‬ temperature is much higher, * ‬ This confirms that the characteristics of virus of H5 * ‬ strain of avian influenza began to change, * ‬ become more resistant to higher temperatures, * ‬ disease to become endemic in Egypt, * ‬ which infect humans and birds at any time and any place *. ‬ and that official statistics confirm Ministry of Health that there * ‬ 6443 * ‬ suspected case among humans since the emergence of the disease and thus far, * ‬ 63 * ‬ confirmed cases died, including * ‬ 23 * ‬ case of, * ‬ If this is the losses of human beings, * ‬ losses At the level of birds is much more, * ‬ government has failed to tame the beast, or dealing with him very well, * ‬ resorted to the easier solutions, * ‬ instead of the protection of poultry killed so do not get the disease, * ‬ Thus Egypt lost more than * ‬ 50% * ‬ from poultry, * ‬ and about * ‬ 75% * ‬ maternal grandparents and of which reap the fruit so far, * ‬ rising prices of poultry in the unprecedented * ‬, * ‬ Even after the decline in the prices of poultry feed prices remain high, * ‬ result of higher prices for chickens, * ‬ after serving on the mothers, * ‬ even the price of the Nestling * ‬ 6 * ‬ pounds, * ‬ which led to a rise in the prices of poultry and even reached the market * ‬ 14 * ‬ * pounds kilogram ‬ *. ‬ On the other hand, Dr. Ahmed Nazif issued several resolutions which *: ‬ ban the sale and transport of live poultry between governorates, * ‬ and the closure of farms reporting * ‬ on an injury, the temporary, * ‬ The farm, which is not their * ‬ reporting of cases by, * ‬ proven with the existence of the injury, * ‬ will be closed permanently, * ‬ educators these decisions confirmed that it will lead to further price rises, * ‬ This was confirmed by one of Ibrahim SBAI educators, * ‬ * pointing ‬ that these decisions have made the plantation owners feared * ‬ reporting no cases have, * ‬ The dead were executed by burning in barrels * ‬ fearing the closure of the farm, * ‬ He added that the poultry industry to suffer from high production requirements, * ‬ Despite low However, feed prices, the prices of chickens on the rise, reaching * 6 ‬ pounds of white, * ‬ and 4 *. ‬ 5 * ‬ of Sassou, * ‬ addition to the increase in the prices of vaccines and serums *. ‬ Mahmoud Ali described the decision to close the farm that the closure of homes workers in this industry, which is * ‬ workers * ‬ 2 *. ‬ 5 * ‬ million workers, * ‬ investments ranging from * ‬ 16 * ‬ * ‬ billion to * ‬ 18 * ‬ billion, * ‬ said *: ‬ I am working on a farm in addition to the practical and basic as the decision to close the farm means not being able to feed my wife and my children *. ‬ Khalil Sharif, one of the educators said that the farm owners suffer losses every day, * ‬ increased cost of production, * ‬ where we are pay more than * ‬ 6 * ‬ fortifications of thousands of pounds in addition to the feed and the service and so on, * ‬ decisions and then came the prohibition of the sale and the threat of closure of the farms to increase their suffering *. ‬ security is vital and although many * ‬ farms have resorted to bio-security measures such as Wajir district to the development of farm and non-entry of any personnel or equipment to the wards * ‬ non-employees, * ‬ except that the bird flu virus is still active * ‬ threatens industry, * ‬ sees Dr. Sarwat Zeini, spokesman for the poultry producers that in order to require the government to avian birds, * ‬ must the existence of a compensation fund to ensure compensation of traders, whether they are farmers or farm owners, * ‬ so affected by the announcement of the cases have, * ‬ and thus can limit the disease and to identify foci of infection and its eradication, * ‬ He added that the State supports all Now, * ‬ why not strengthen the poultry producers in the outbreak have? *!
                          ‬ ووصف إجراء الدعم بأنه أفضل من إغلاق المزارع،* ‬والوقوع في براثن المستوردين الذين يطعموننا دواجن لا نعلم كيف تم ذبحها،* ‬وأضاف*: ‬إنشاء مثل هذا الصندوق سيؤدي إلي عودة كثير من المربين مرة أخري لتربية الدواجن،* ‬وبالتالي سيزيد الإنتاج وتنخفض الأسعار*.‬ ويعلن الدكتور عبدالعزيز السيد رئيس شعبة تجار الدواجن باتحاد الغرف التجارية عن قرارات منع البيع قائلاً*: ‬منذ ظهور مرض أنفلونزا الطيور في* ‬2006* ‬صدر قرار بإغلاق محال بيع الدواجن وتحويل نشاطها إلي بيع المجمدات،* ‬ولكن هذا القرار لم يتم تفعيله،* ‬وكلما زادت حالات الإصابة زادت حالات الاستنفار العام وصدرت العديد من القرارات التي لا يتم تفعيلها،* ‬وللقضاء علي هذا المرض يجب أن تتبع الحكومة عدة إجراءات أولها*: ‬تطوير المزارع وإخراجها خارج الكتلة السكنية،* ‬ومد المربين والمصنعين بالقروض اللازمة وتوفير الأرض اللازمة لهم،* ‬وتخصيص منطقة صناعية لصناعة الدواجن،* ‬وإنشاء صندوق للتعويضات تراقبه الحكومة،* ‬وإنشاء عدد أكبر من المجازر وتحويل الدواجن إليها مباشرة،* ‬ومنع بيع الدواجن الحية*.‬ طلب إحاطة تقدم النائب سعد خليفة عضو مجلس الشعب،* ‬بطلب إحاطة إلي رئيس الوزراء ووزيري الصحة والزراعة حول مرض أنفلونز الطيور،* ‬أكد فيه أن هناك عجزاً* ‬يبلغ* ‬85٪* ‬في الاعتمادات المالية المخصصة لخطة المكافحة،* ‬حيث تم تخصيص مبلغ* ‬177* ‬مليون جنيه لمكافحة المرض في* ‬2009* ‬لم يتوفر منها سوي* ‬27* ‬مليون فقط،* ‬وفي العام الماضي خصصت الحكومة مبلغ* ‬188* ‬مليون جنيه لم يتوفر منها سوي* ‬36* ‬مليون فقط*.‬ وفي السياق نفسه فشلت الحكومة في توفير الاعتمادات المالية اللازمة لمكافحة المرض،* ‬حيث قدرت اعتمادات خطة المكافحة بـ350* ‬مليون دولار رصدت منها الحكومة* ‬240* ‬مليون جنيه من ميزانية وزارتي الصحة والزراعة تم إنفاقها في* ‬2006* ‬و2007،* ‬وفشلت الحكومة في توفير باقي الاعتمادات اللازمة خاصة بعد أن تناقص عدد الجهات المانحة من* ‬34* ‬إلي* ‬7* ‬جهات فقط*.‬ ونتيجة لهذا النقص الحاد في الاعتمادات المالية اللازمة للمكافحة أكد الدكتور حامد سماحة رئيس الهيئة العامة للخدمات البيطرية أن هذه المشكلة قد تعوق عملية المكافحة مما سيؤدي إلي استمرار توطن المرض في مصر*.‬ وأضاف أن الهيئة قامت خلال الفترة من* ‬2008*/‬11*/‬1* ‬حتي* ‬2008*/‬4*/‬7* ‬بتحصين ما يقرب من* ‬42* ‬مليون طائر بالمنازل،* ‬وحوالي* ‬9* ‬ملايين طائر بالمزارع،* ‬كما تم أخذ عينات من* ‬221* ‬مزرعة بإجمالي* ‬1858* ‬عينة بالإضافة إلي* ‬43* ‬عينة من المنازل وجاءت نتيجتها كلها سلبية،* ‬حيث تهتم الهيئة بالرصد النشط،* ‬لرصد أية حالات إصابة تظهر*.‬ ورغم تصريحات رئيس الهيئة فقد أكدت سيدات قرية البقاشين بكفر شكر بأنه لم تصلهن أية حملات لتطعيم الدواجن،* ‬سواء في المنازل أو الوحدة البيطرية*.‬ طوارئ دائمة وعلي الجانب الآخر،* ‬أكد الدكتور فتحي شبانة مدير مستشفي حميات إمبابة أن مرض أنفلونزا الطيور،* ‬أصبح أحد الأمراض المتوطئة في مصر مثل البلهارسيا،* ‬لذلك كل المستشفيات خاصة مستشفيات الحميات تعيش في حالة طوارئ دائمة*.‬ وأضاف أن كثرة حالات الاشتباه لا تعني وجود وباء لكننا نحتاط دائماً* ‬خوفاً* ‬من حدوث هذا،* ‬موضحاً* ‬أن ظهور الفيروس في الصيف لا يعني تحوره،* ‬ولكنه مجرد تغير في الصفات البيئية للفيروس،* ‬حيث إن هذا الفيروس من النوع الذي يغير نفسه مع طبيعة الجو،* ‬وأضاف أن كل ما نخشاه هو تحور الفيروس بحيث ينتقل بين البشر وهذا أسوأ ما في الأمر،* ‬لذلك لابد أن يلتزم الناس بالتعامل الآمن مع الطيور من خلال وضع كيس علي اليد،* ‬وتغطية الأنف وغسل اليدين بعد التعامل معها،* ‬وأشار إلي ضرورة اتباع هذه التدابير حتي لا يحدث اتحاد بين هذا الفيروس،* ‬وفيروس الأنفلونزا العادية،* ‬وهنا ستقع المصيبة الكبري التي نخشي منها جميعاً،* ‬والتي سيروح ضحيتها حوالي* ‬200* ‬مليون شخص علي مستوي العالم،* ‬وستكون أكثر الدول المضارة مصر وأندونيسيا*.‬
                          The procedure is described as the best support to the closure of farms, * ‬ and falling into the clutches of the importers of poultry feed us who do not know how they were slaughtered, * ‬ added *: ‬ establishment of such a fund would lead to the return of many educators once again to raise poultry, * ‬ and thus increase production and prices fall *. ‬ declares Dr. Abdulaziz President of the Division of poultry merchants from the Federation of Chambers of Commerce decisions to prevent the sale, saying *: ‬ since the outbreak of bird flu in * ‬ 2006 * ‬ issued a decision to shut down stores that sell chicken and transfer their activities to the sale Freezers, * ‬ But this resolution has not been activated, * ‬ The greater incidence of increased alert the public and issued many decisions which have not been activated, * ‬ and the eradication of this disease should be followed by the first of several actions the government *: ‬ develop farms and remove them out of the residential block, * ‬ educators, manufacturers and extending loans and providing the necessary land required for them, * ‬ and the allocation of an industrial area to the poultry industry, * ‬ and the establishment of a compensation fund monitored by the government, * ‬ and the establishment of a greater number of massacres and transfer directly to poultry, * ‬ and to prevent the sale of live poultry *. ‬ NOTIFICATIONS MP Saad Al-Khalifa, member of the People, * ‬ request a briefing to the Prime Minister and the ministers of health and agriculture on the bird flu disease, * ‬ stressed that there is a deficit * ‬ * ‬ 85% * ‬ in financial allocations to the control plan, * ‬ where allocation of $ * ‬ 177 * ‬ million pounds to fight the disease in * ‬ 2009 * ‬ not available only * ‬ 27 * ‬ million only, * ‬ In the past year, the Government has allocated an amount of * ‬ 188 * ‬ million pounds is not available only * ‬ 36 * ‬ million only *. ‬ In the same context, the government failed to provide the necessary funds to fight the disease, * ‬ where estimated appropriations control plan b 350 * ‬ million the government allocated * ‬ 240 * ‬ million pounds from the budget of the Ministries of Health and Agriculture have been spending in * ‬ 2006 * ‬ and 2007, * ‬ The government failed to provide the rest of the necessary funds, especially after the decrease in the number of donors * ‬ 34 * ‬ to * ‬ 7 * ‬ views only *. ‬ As a result of the acute shortage of funds for the fight against Dr. Hamed Samaha Chairman of the General Authority for Veterinary Services that the problem may hinder the process of control which would lead to the persistence of endemic disease in Egypt *. ‬ He added that the Authority during the period from * ‬ 2008 * / ‬ 11 * / ‬ 1 * ‬ * ‬ even 2008 * / ‬ 4 * / ‬ 7 * ‬ fortifying some * ‬ 42 * ‬ million domestic birds, * ‬ and about * ‬ 9 * ‬ millions of farm birds, * ‬ samples were also taken from * ‬ 221 * ‬ total farm * ‬ 1858 * ‬ sample in addition to the * ‬ 43 * ‬ sample of houses and the result was all negative, * ‬ where the body is actively monitoring, * ‬ monitor any of the cases show *. ‬ Despite statements by the President of the Board has confirmed the women's village in Kafr thanked Bakashin Tshin that he had not been any campaigns to vaccinate poultry, * ‬ both in the home or veterinary unit *. ‬ emergency lasting and on the other side, * ‬ Dr. Fathi Shabaneh Imbaba hospital director admitted that the bird flu, * ‬ disease has become one of Almtotip schistosomiasis in Egypt, such as , * ‬ to all hospitals, hospital diets, especially living in a permanent state of emergency *. ‬ He added that the high incidence of suspicion does not mean the presence of B, but we always pay attention * ‬ * ‬ fear of this happening, * ‬ * ‬ saying that the emergence of the virus in the summer does not mean mutate, * ‬ but merely a change in the environmental qualities of the virus, * ‬ as this virus from the same type, which changes with the nature of the atmosphere, * ‬ He added that all fear is the virus will mutate to spread between humans and this is the worst thing is, * ‬ therefore must be committed to the safe handling of people with the flu through the development of the hand bag, * ‬ and cover the nose and washing hands after handling them, * ‬ and noted the need to follow these measures so that there is no union between the virus, * ‬ regular influenza virus, * ‬ Here The sad thing will be great fear on all of them, * ‬ Serouh and killed about * ‬ 200 * ‬ million people in the world, * ‬ and will be more affected countries of Indonesia and Egypt *. ‬


                          • #58
                            Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                            64 case of bird flu .. Raises the possibility of disease transmission between humans

                            Thursday, April 16, 2009 - 16:36

                            Fears of the spread of bird flu in Egypt!

                            Written by Amira Abdel-Salam

                            No. 64 The situation of avian influenza is a question mark in this new file, which is run by the Ministry of Health and Agriculture in Egypt since the virus first surfaced in mid-2006, where it is the second case, which appeared within a month. Is bird flu becoming the specter of people fighting to sell the birds in the coming period?

                            With the latter case has been confirmed yesterday, Wednesday, Dr. Hatem el-Gabali, Minister of Health, the Ministry stands ready to face this disease, in case the virus mutates and human-to-human transmission, and stressed that his ministry to deal with bird flu, with full transparency, "or something to mask, and international organizations, praised the role of the ministry in the face of the disease, "warning of the danger of this stage, saying," We are ready with plans for the ".. But is the Minister's plans sufficient to meet the avian flu in the case of transition to a pandemic?

                            Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, spokesman for the Ministry of Health, confirmed that the stocks of Tamiflu, the existing surveillance and anticipation of the cases, raise the rate of disease control, pointing out that Egypt has dealt with utmost transparency internationally, all information related to the emergence of avian influenza infection in birds and humans, have been transferred explicitly to the public, and the World Health Organization, international organizations, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

                            Shaheen added that all the delegates to the Sixth International Conference on the fight against bird flu, which was held in Egypt in October of last year, hailed the Egyptian experience in combating avian flu and full transparency handled by the Egyptian government in the face of the disease.

                            Shaheen said that the State Department spokesman praised the actions taken by the Ministry of Health in Egypt, which helped to make the country one of the best six countries announced the stability of the bird flu, noting that Egypt is the lowest rate of mortality from this disease of any country in the world affected by . He added that "Egypt is a model in terms of the capacity of the Ministry of Health to raise awareness and educate rural families living in the life and health of their own, as well as early detection of a human case."

                            For his part, Dr. Amr Kandil, chairman of the central administration of the affairs of preventive, to monitor the outcome of the disease, confirm that the total number of cases of suspected bird flu at the level of the Republic amounted to
                            6443 cases, broken down as follows:
                            1991 cases in 2006, and
                            1829 cases in 2007, and
                            1907 cases in 2008, and
                            701 cases in 2009,

                            where he was detained and given the drug Tamiflu, the number was only 64 positive cases, and the rest of the cases negative for the bird flu virus.

                            The distribution of these positive cases as follows:
                            * 18 cases during 2006.
                            * 25 cases during 2007.
                            * 8 cases during 2008.
                            * 13 cases during 2009.

                            The jellyfish that the 64 positive in Egypt, including 2 cases of workers in poultry farms, and 61 cases of contact with domestic poultry, and the status of birds and one sells, and recovered 37 cases and 23 deaths, and there are four cases, including that of the hospital Oouhaltan critical regions, where the mortality rate in Egypt, 36.5%, compared with 63.5% in the world. There have been human cases of this disease since the beginning of 2006 so far in the 19 provinces.


                            • #59
                              Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                              The face of a savage new avian influenza aimed at children ..
                              Expert control: early detection and prompt treatment is the rescue
                              Required non-traditional outreach strategies .. And discipline in the application of the resistance
                              By: Amani Saleh
                              More than 3 years after the emergence of the first human case of bird flu in Egypt and still come under the preventive and awareness-raising efforts is suspected .. We recently Tal virus in the various targeted young, less than three years, "often" the last of the Muhammad Ali of Shubra al-Khaimah victim No. 63 for the flu by only two years old.
                              Preceded in the list of victims: Suleiman Abu Wafa "18 months of El," Israa Saad Shafi, "two and a half years" of Qena. Yusuf Mohamed Said, "two years" from the Fayoum. Abdullah Naji, "two years and 8 months" of Alexandria and the names of the other complementary to the case of 32 of the total 63 cases of the disease was true that all the previous cases of children of Ali Mohammed Ali, the failure fully recovered early detection and rapid treatment .. However, the recurrence of injuries among children and raises numerous concerns and points to an imbalance in the means of awareness-raising to the mother, which insists on escorting her during the feeding of birds or cleaning or disposal of dead birds with the result that the child is weak and vulnerable group many more likely to have infection.
                              In the next lines with experts discussing the causes of the phenomenon of bird flu infection in children and convey disregard warnings of the disease is endemic during the summer. Demanding the continuation of outreach efforts to change perceptions and behavior of human beings, especially to Egypt - and according to the World Health Organization - is ranked third globally in total injuries and a candidate for the virus mutates, "God forbid" to spread among humans.
                              Early detection
                              Dr. clarify at the outset. Mr. Nasrallah, Assistant Secretary for Health Affairs that the most protective of recent injuries to the children under the age of 3 years and the total casualties of bird flu, the situation of children all recovered 31 "as well as a few days ago discovered the situation of children of Shubra al-Muhammad," and refuses to d. Insist on the tone of pessimism in children, stressing that early detection of cases and in less than two days of the injury is not evidence of the success and credit of the conviction and the experience of the Egyptian - and still talk to him - to deal swiftly with such cases, which is the expected result of her mother near the nanny both during slaughter or disposal of waste .
                              120 suspected case
                              Hospital received Imbaba fevers alone since the outbreak of bird flu in Egypt three years ago, 120 cases of children suspected of being infected, two of which only positive. Mary in 2007 and finally, Sarah, "a year and a half year" .. D explains the large number of cases. Fathi Shabaneh Imbaba hospital director admitted that the step up to the mother and the baby gazelle Vtaatrkh on the ground, while the service is the birds and poultry, and children of the land near them more Altqata of infection close to the Sblp "bird feces" The other reason - according to Dr. Shabana - is for parents to adopt children in order to dead birds in the garbage.
                              Describes the director of the hospital medical diets to deal with suspected cases of access and start as soon as receiving the drug Tamiflu and the taking of a sample and the situation remains in an isolation ward after receiving treatment and 72 hours a second sample is taken to ensure a positive or negative situation. Positive situation, "infected" the side of receiving Tamiflu. Antibiotics to protect them from bacteria and respiratory infections.
                              Remain in isolation until negative samples taken 3 to ensure full recovery from the disease.
                              And d enough. Shabana, stressing that all children have been cured because of the deal with the rapid Valohl may Ithaonon in the case of the disease they are suffering, but they quickly go to the doctors in the motion, was the emergence of any symptoms of the children, stressing the need for attention to the symptoms of cold-like symptoms with the importance of going to the nearest hospital and doctors News clearly, "I have chicks or birds have died or with my daughter, etc. ..." Even doctors deal quickly and decisively with these situations.
                              D and enthusiasm. Fathi Shabaneh to raise the awareness of the seriousness of women of child-rearing poultry and convince them that the entrance to the maternity Istahbn gazelle and children are not children in a place where live poultry .. The interest of safety. He pointed out that the awareness and sound information is through the prevention message out to increase awareness of the expert opinion "doctors" with figures close to the people.
                              Not the causes of immune
                              And by virtue of his experience sees d. Nasr El Din Tantawi Epidemiology Consultant, World Health Organization earlier that the injuries of children and women represent the vast majority of cases in most countries affected by bird flu in Egypt, not only children love playing with pet birds and have no awareness of the need to avoid direct contact with birds. Confirming the absence of immunologic causes of female children, or distinguish them from men, or render them more susceptible to the disease.
                              He adds that the chances of multiple injuries is a mutation of the virus in the long run, which no one can predict where it arises, or keep an appointment or the type of virus that would cause a pandemic.
                              And evaluate control measures monitors the accuracy of the planning without the necessary discipline in the application of vaccination programs, both in domestic birds or in small farms or in the response of modern citizens with vaccination efforts. As well as obstacles in the process of disposal of birds in the vicinity of the infected focus and inadequate efforts to detect infected foci in poultry, which are often later for the detection of human cases is not unprecedented.
                              And Tantawi is to increase awareness of the continued provision of the newly infected poultry and exposure to illness and death, although without a change perceptions or behavior, which clearly indicates the importance of non-traditional educational strategies.
                              The attention to the obstacles met by the sector of veterinary surveillance programs such as the lack of manpower and the difficulty of transportation and which requires continuous efforts to raise the efficiency of monitoring programs and get rid of the birds and the speed of testing all elements of the national plan for responding to a pandemic.
                              It demands a consultant on epidemiology to overcome obstacles and continue to provide therapeutic properties and a higher degree of health sector preparedness for the rapid diagnosis and adequate training of physicians in critical care and infection control and awareness of citizens to change their behavior, taking into account that this is not taking place in the short term.
                              Third place
                              According to the World Health Organization, Egypt is still in third place globally in terms of bird flu infection rates, "the case of 63" and mortality "23 case".
                              Dr. clarify. John Gbor Medical Officer, Department of Epidemiology fight against the regional office of the World Health Organization said that Egypt comes after Vaitnam followed by Indonesia and China, stressing that the bird flu is no different in nature in any of these countries is the same strain HNS and the causes of injury from exposure to the near dead birds.
                              D see. Gbor crisis of bird flu in Egypt is difficult to control the education of the household sector, poultry farmers were able to strongly regulate its affairs and the protection of workers and influenza vaccination practices are human to the core of the problem is that women and children by 90% of the victims of the disease because women deal directly with the slaughter of birds and cleaning and children a result of playing with the birds and exposure to residues.
                              An international team
                              Refers to the medical officer and deal with the Ministry of Health in charge of bird flu will be the exchange of experiences and training at the provincial level and coordination with different sectors, which the participation of WHO, through its representative in the Higher Committee of the bird flu will be at the request of the Egyptian side to bring a team of international experts to provide technical support to contain more human cases.
                              He pointed out that Egypt and Indonesia, is a candidate to mutate the disease and its transmission among humans, it is necessary to curb the continuing work of the particular nature of Egypt and bring it closer to the geographical city of large open and here comes the difficulty of controlling the disease as compared to Indonesia, "a group of small islands."
                              Therefore strongly cautioned against any inaction in the face of disease, especially during the summer - less active - of the virus. Stressing the importance of awareness of human behavior and the wrong change.


                              • #60
                                Re: Egypt - Confirmed H5N1 in Humans April 15, 2009 +

                                [Where is this?]

                                6 injured in suspected cases of bird flu lake

                                Thursday, April 16, 2009 - 16:31
                                Lake - Fathy Shaaban
                                The hospital admitted Damanhour detain 6 suspected cases in the disease of bird flu virus after the emergence of symptoms of the disease are similar to them, with a high temperature, sore throat and difficulty in breathing, and suspected cases are: Kawther Abdul Raouf (50 years - housewife ), and Fawzia Mohammed (51 years - a housewife), and the faith of the whole of Ramadan (38 years) and her son, Ihab Abdul-Muttalib, Sarah Khalil (7 years), and Amr Abdel-Nasser (3 years).

                                The formation of a committee to examine the injured and the houses surrounding the houses and cleared, and was taking blood samples from the injured and sent to central laboratories for testing.

                                For his part, the governor, Major General Mohammed Sharawi the lake, the need for concerted efforts of all governmental and grass-roots and community, to address and combat bird flu, adding to the importance of educating citizens, the dangers of this disease and how to deal with it through the media, culture, mosques and houses of worship, associations and other civil society institutions Civil.

                                Sharawi has issued several resolutions, including: the Prohibition of the transfer or trading of live birds of all kinds, and the prohibition of the transfer of "Sblp" from the farm, which proved to act without authorization from the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine, and the need for campaigns to vendors for a surprise bird flu vaccines in the province, and took samples for analysis to ensure of integrity, in an ongoing basis, and the prohibition of the sale of birds in the shop, and the imposition of a fine of up to 1000 pounds, the 15-day closure of shops violation.
                                hat-tip Andy

