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Indonesia - Ministry of Health Human Bird Flu Reports: 2007 to 2009

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  • #91
    Re: Indonesia: Health Ministry Summary of Bird Flu Cases September 9, 2008 - Current

    RI = Republic of Indonesia


    Jakarta 23/9/2008 (Kominfo-Newsroom) – Total of avian flu cases in Indonesia up to Aug. 2008 comes to 137, with 112 fatalities.

    Avian Influenza (AI) cases are found in 12 of 33 provinces. And sufferers are 51% male and 49% female, according to Erna Tresnaningsih, Director of Control of Diseases caused by Animals, Health Ministry, here Tuesday (23/8).

    Highest incidence of AI is in Tangerang. Intensive efforst aimed at surmounting the disease are pooled there. This includes training of officers to manage AI and procurement of medical instruments and equipment and medicines.

    High rate of fatalities, she said, is due to shortage of AI knowledge among residents.

    Also, most AI patients go to private hospitals in which AI medicine is not available.

    AI medicines are only available in state hospitals or Puskesmas (public health centers).

    Tamiflu is not available at private hospitals and dispensaries. The government is afraid they might be exploited by irresponsible business circles.
    Understandably, medical officers and nurses in private hospitals are not well trained in the treatment of AI patients. (T.jul/mul/toeb/ton)


    • #92
      Re: Indonesia: Health Ministry Summary of Bird Flu Cases - Current as of 24 September 2008

      KOMNAS FBPI has updated their map (counting till sept 8, 2008):

      Click image for larger version

Name:	situationupdate sept 08 08.jpg
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ID:	649275

      The number of human cases in Indonesia has reached 137, of which 112 have died.

      Province, # pos human cases , # deaths

      1 West Java 33 27

      2 DKI Jakarta 32 28

      3 Banten 25 25

      4 North Sumatera 8 7

      5 East Java 7 5

      6 Central Java 11 10

      7 West Sumatera 4 1

      8 Lampung 3 0

      9 South Sulawesi 1 1

      10 South Sumatera 1 1

      11 Riau 6 5

      12 Bali 2 2

      Total 137 112


      • #93
        Re: Indonesia: Health Ministry Summary of Bird Flu Cases - Current as of 24 September 2008

        Press release Department of Health

        machinetranslated; Google

        Reports Bird Flu Until Now

        10 Dec 2008

        Until now, transmission of bird flu was from poultry to humans. Based on the examination of the specimens of all contacts of cases, showed negative, which means that there has been no transmission between humans.

        Development from January - early December 2008 indicate the trend of decrease in the number of cases. The highest peak of AI cases recorded in May 2007 finding that 18 cases positive cluster Bird Flu in Karo regency with 7 cases.

        Such reports Bird Flu Information Center with the Ministry of Health until early December 2008 that received the Ministry of Public Communication Center.

        Bird Flu Information Center notes, from 12 provinces infected with Bird Flu in humans, with up to 9 December 2008, there are 6 provinces found no more cases of bird flu, namely Lampung (infection of 22 September 2005), South Sulawesi (infection of 18 June 2006), South Sumatra Province (infection on March 10, 2007), East Java (infection on March 19), North Sumatra Province (infection on May 3, 2007), and the Province of Bali (infection of 14 August 2007).

        In November 2008, there were two additional positive cases of bird flu, namely N (P, 9 yo) District of origin. Pelalawan, Prov. Riau and PVZ (P, 2.9 years) the origin of East Jakarta, Prov. Jakarta.

        N, onset 7 November 2008, with symptoms of fever, cough, vomiting, shortness of breath. Before the pain (on 2 / 11) 7 persons dead chickens and buried by his father. 7 - 10 November go to midwives.

        Because the disease is not cured visit, the date of 11 November diperiksakan to the Santa Maria Hospital on 12 November and treated in hospital.

        Date 14 November referred to Arifin Achmad. Conditions are now treated at the Arifin Achmad hospital in Pekanbaru. Based on the results of the Lab. Agency Litbangkes 18 November 2008 and the Lab. Eijkman positive of bird flu.

        PVZ, onset 19 November 2008 with symptoms of fever, shortness of breath. Before sick PVZ invited to go to the market to buy fish nearby that there are many chicken seller.

        Date 26 November to hospitals for treatment Omni Medical Center and November 28, referred to the RSPI Sulianti Saroso.

        On 30 November 2008 died in RSPI-SS. The results of lab examination, RT-PCR positive H5N1.

        Activities conducted by the government in handling the cases of Bird Flu is a specimen examination, the BSL3 laboratory Litbangkes Agency, the investigation confirmed cases, an observation confirmed cases of contact, do counseling, free treatment in hospitals in cases of suspect and positive Bird Flu including pemulasaraan corpse.

        Provision of drug oseltamivir in the health, Referral Hospital, and the District Health Office and the Province. Training spokesman Bird Flu 12 regional final, the Regional Bali in August 2008. Communication and Information Bird Flu prevention through mass media. Table top simulation of pandemic influenza countermeasures Epicenter in August in Palu, Central Sulawesi Province.

        Conducting a survey of knowledge, attitudes and behavior / KAP bird flu in the village of Jurug, Kec. Mojosongo, Kab. Featherston, communications and information to counter the bird flu through various media and others.

        In addition, the government also has Module Management Plan Contingencies Epicenter for Pandemic Influenza district / city and province. Epidemiology Research Training Team for Fast Motion / TGC provincial and regency. Asesment performance of TGC and officers Surveillans District / City (DSO / District Surveillance Officer). Recruitment of prospective students S2 Epidemiology Field / Field Epidemiology Training Program FETP Indonesia in Jakarta and the University of Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta.

        Not only efforts in the country, the government also conduct international cooperation with developing countries and the Movement of Non-Block produce a resolution the World Health Assembly (WHA 60.28) in May 2007 on measures to increase transparency, justice and equality in the utilization of information, diagnosis, medicines, vaccines and other technologies.

        Non-permanent representatives of the movement Block on 27 June 2008 has adopted a Declaration of the Movement of Non-Block "Practices respect for the sharing of Avian influenza viruses and Benefits Sharing" with a line of information exchange, sharing of virus justice, equal and open access to the vaccine for developing countries , And follow the Sixth Ministerial Conference on Avian Influenza and Pandemic Influenza in Egypt in October 2008.

        This information is by the Center for Public Communication, Secretariat General of the Department of Health. For more information, contact via phone number / fax: 021-52921669 and 5223002, or e-mail address puskom.publik @


        • #94
          Re: Indonesia: Health Ministry Summary of Bird Flu Cases - Current as of December 10, 2008

          From Department of Health

          A new human avian flu case is reported: NAD, 5,6 years old. She was from Bekasi, near Jakarta and treated in Sulianti Saroso Hospital. Hardly any bird flu news comes out of this hospital.

          The Bird Flu situation Up To The Middle Of January 2009

          Jan's 21 2009

          Up to the middle of January 2009, the spread of bird flu was still coming from the poultry to humankind. Proven with the specimen inspection of all case contact showed the negative. That, meant to not yet have the spread between humankind. Cases happened in 12 provinces, did not spread to the other province. Was like this the report that will be accepted by the Centre of Publik Communication of the Flu Burung Departemen Command Post of the Health to mid January 2009.

          To press the number of cases FB, various efforts have been made, the complete facilities 100
          FB Referral Hospital (to hospitals in Jakarta, in addition to RSPI Sulianti Saroso Hospital and
          Friendship also RSPAD Gatoto Subroto). Complement and enable 2 Lab. Reference
          National FB (Balitbangkes & Eijkman), 8 Lab. Regional Lab and 34. Sub-Regional. Increased
          Human resources (trained Surveilance District Officer (DSO), TGC (rapid movement team), training / socialization FB
          on the basis of health, training, spokesman FB, FB on the socialization of industry, etc.).

          In addition, FB counseling is also done to the community through various media such as the
          listed in the FB Facing Preparedness and pandemic influenza.
          Providing oseltamivir, in addition to stockpiling in the MOH and the province, also distributed to
          Health Office, Hospital reference FB, RSUD District, private hospitals that treat
          cases and health throughout the country. Provision of self-protective equipment (APD) and the investigation kit
          for officers in the field, and the implementation of the pilot project in the city and FB Kab

          Not only efforts in the country, at the global level is also done. Abroad, Menkes RI
          spearhead the struggle of the virus sharing mechanism in which the WHO has run for
          50 years into the mechanism of fair, transparent and equitable. Indonesia also struggle
          supported countries that joined in the movement and also the Non Blok developed countries
          other then that the World Health Assembly resolution (WHA 60.28) on
          measures to increase transparency, fairness and equality in the utilization of information,
          diagnostics, medicines, vaccines and other technologies.

          Deputy permanent movement Non Blok on 27 June 2008 has been ratify the Declaration of Non Movement
          Block about "responsible for sharing Practices of Avian Influenza Viruses and Benefits Sharing"
          with the exchange of information, sharing of virus berkeadilan, transparent and equitable
          in access to vaccines for developing countries, and follow the Sixth Ministerial
          Conference on Avian Influenza and Pandemic Influenza in Egypt, in October 2008.

          The Bird Flu Command Post recorded, from 12 provinces that were infected by FB to humankind, to January 16 2009 was gotten 6 provinces were not found again by the case of bird flu that is the Lampung Province (the infection on September 22 2005), the South Sulawesi Province (the infection on June 18 2006), the South Sumatra Province (the infection on March 10 2007), the East Java Province (the infection on March 19), the North Sumatran Province (the infection on May 3 2007), and the Balinese Province (the infection on August 14 2007).

          The FB situation in November 2008 – mid January 2009, was gotten by the addition of two cases just was positive bird flu that is Sut (F, 29 yo) from Kab. Tanggerang, Banten and Nad (F, 5.9 yo) from Bekasi, West Java.

          SUT (the resident Tenggerang) began to be sick 11/12/2008, with the sign of the fever, the cough, pilek, breathless. Before being sick Sut went to the market near his house. On December 12 entered RS Pantai Indah Kapuk. On December 15 2008 was moved to RS Sari Asih Cileduk and on December 16 died. To pemulasaraan the body, was carried out in RSUD Tanggerang. Was based on results of the Lab inspection. The Litbangkes body on December 20 2008 and the Lab. Eijkman Sut was stated positive bird flu.

          NAD (the Bekasi resident) began to be sick 23/12/2008, with the sign of the high fever, the cough, breathless. Before being sick, Na was asked by his parents to go to the market bought the chicken. Her cat died after eating the chicken that was bought by her. On December 27 2008 entered RS Hermina Bekasi. On January 2 2009 was reconciled to RSPI-Sulianti Saroso and finally died. Was based on results of the Lab inspection. The Litbangkes body on January 5 2009 and the Lab. Eijkman NAD was stated positive bird flu.

          News is broadcast by Public Communication Center, the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Health.

          For more information can contact via phone number / fax: 021-52921669 and
          5223002, or e-mail address puskom.publik @

          machinetranslation, partly TT, partly Google


          • #95
            Re: Indonesia: Health Ministry Summary of Bird Flu Cases - Current as of January 21, 2009

            From Komnas FBPI, via dr Nidom.

            Indonesia case summary update (Komnas Flu burung, 2009)

            January 30, 2009

            Avian influenza human infection cases up to 2009 update issued by Indonesia Ministry of Health.

            Kindly contributed by Dr C. A. Nidom of Avian Influenza Laboratory, Institute of Tropical Disease Surabaya Indonesia.


            Click image for larger version

Name:	bird flu indonesia 01 30 2009.bmp.png
Views:	1
Size:	442.8 KB
ID:	649325


            • #96
              Re: Indonesia: Health Ministry Summary of Bird Flu Cases - Current as of January 21, 2009

              Dep of Health does not update regularly, here an update from what seems a reliable source. Sorry for the ugly Google translation.
              Four more cases confirmed.

              Waspadai Bird Flu pandemic

              Wednesday, 11 February 2009

              BATU (Sindo) - Society Jatim be required to further increase awareness merebaknya against H5N1 virus or avian influenza / flu burung.Pasalnya, the virus that spread through poultry at any time can attack the human body.

              Deputy Coordinator of the Ministry of People's Welfare Coordination of Population Health and the Environment Emil Agustiono explains, in addition to the threat of diseases that kill, that should also be a very bird flu pandemic. "The virus is a bird flu pandemic of the bird flu virus from human to human," he said in the Handling of Bird Flu pandemic in East Java, in the City of Stone kemarin.Hadir in this event, among others, the Chairman of Unicef for the East Java, Bali, NTB, and NTT , Jinung D Kritanto.

              He explains, in a world known health flu.Pertama three types of virus, the virus flumusiman, virusinibiasamenyerang the human body, is not dangerous, but quickly menular.Kedua, namely burung/H5N1 flu virus, does not easily spread, but very dangerous because it can kill the body manusia.Yang last is the type of flu virus that originated from the bird flu virus mutation. "For the third category, the type of dangerous virusnya and death.

              East Java province ranks to national-6 in this case. Eight people from bird flu, killed five people, "said Emil. He also reminded the local officials in order to continue observing the development of the spread of this H5N1 virus. Can the local government (local government), he said, among other birds to do the restructuring, to make regulations on the sale of poultry, and most importantly, continue to remind the community to continue to keep the cage unggasnya.

              Head of Unicef for the East Java, Bali, NTB, and NTT, Jinung D Kritanto added, Unicef continues to actively participate in prevention efforts to the spread of bird flu. Basic steps are carried out the program within the community to continue cautious spread of the virus is vicious. "We just want to add that local governments in the area of concern that the traditional market becek.Sebab, the spread of bird flu virus is more easily in humid areas and tarnish," he said.

              He explains, according to the Ministry of Health of RI 2005-2009, the number of people with bird flu reached 145 inhabitants and 119 patients declared dead.

              At the beginning of the spread of H5N1 virus in Indonesia is concentrated in 12 provincial areas. But in its development, the possibility has been spread on the area outside the 12 areas that have been classified as endemic bird flu virus is.

              "We imbau to the people who have poultry in order to continue to keep the water kandangnya.Cukup with the rest of the washing detergent can be used for poultry cage clean. Nature of water detergent can kill virus H5N1, "a Jinung. (adi Saputro maman)

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              • #97
                Re: Indonesia: Health Ministry Summary of Bird Flu Cases - Current as of January 21, 2009

                Confirmation from Koran Tempo on the number of confirmed human cases in Indonesia mentioned in the previous, apparently they went to the same press conference.

                - snip -

                Emil's words, Indonesia was in the first level from five countries that were attacked by the bird flu illness. Since 2005 is till now recorded had 145 sufferers of the bird flu illness in Indonesia, 119 people or among them died. It was worrying, around 60-70 percent of the person of the sufferer still children.

                Emil = Emil Agustiono, Vice Chairman Executive Committee of Komnas FBPI

                KOMNAS FBPI is a special government body to deal with avian flu.

                Dr. Bayu Krisnamurthi is the first in line, Emil Agustiono is the 2nd man of Komnas FBPI .


                • #98
                  Re: Indonesia: Health Ministry Summary of Bird Flu Cases - Current as of January 21, 2009

                  Toggletext of above link -

                  Batu -- the East Java inhabitants were asked to participate was active in the handling of the bird flu illness. Without having the co-operation from the government and the community, it was estimated fatalities resulting from the ferocity of the illness that was spread by the virus H5N1 will improve. "The fact is, we now become the country with the number of living sufferers and died most resulting from bird flu in the world," said Emil Agustiono, Vice Chairman Pelaksana Harian the Nasional Pengendalian Committee of Bird Flu and Menghadapi Pandemi Influenza Preparedness (Komnas FBPI) in the implementation press conference of the Nasional Simulasi Workshop of the Pandemi Influenza Response in the Batu City yesterday. Emil's words, Indonesia was in the first level from five countries that were attacked by the bird flu illness. Since 2005 is till now recorded had 145 sufferers of the bird flu illness in Indonesia, 119 people or among them died. It was worrying, around 60-70 percent of the person of the sufferer still children. Especially in Indonesia, East Java participation was considered best. From 12 provinces that were attacked by the bird flu illness, East Java was in the sixth place,

                  In the first place, West Java, with the sufferer totalling 37 people, 31 people including dying. The Special Capital District of Jakarta in the second place with 34 sufferers and died 30 people. Followed by Banten with 29 sufferers, 26 people including dying, afterwards Central Java with 11 sufferers and that died 10 people. "East Java including that was most preceptive in giving the report" on the "case findings" of "bird flu so as the workshop was carried here out," said Emil. According to Sinung D. Kritianto, Kepala of Unicef Delegation for East Java and the West Nusa Tenggara, added that Unicef will continue to support Komnas FBPI. Dukungan that was given including taking the form of the aid fund. For the socialisation activity and the pandemic of the bird flu illness in East Java, for example, Unicef gave US$ 300 thousand. The Purmono servant


                  • #99
                    Re: Indonesia: Health Ministry Summary of Bird Flu Cases - Current as of January 21, 2009

                    Originally posted by Florida1 View Post
                    In the first place, West Java, with the sufferer totalling 37 people, 31 people including dying. The Special Capital District of Jakarta in the second place with 34 sufferers and died 30 people. Followed by Banten with 29 sufferers, 26 people including dying, afterwards Central Java with 11 sufferers and that died 10 people.
                    Comparing this quote with the table in post #95 indicates that three of the yet unconfirmed cases (by WHO) are from West Java and the fourth is from DKI Jakarata. (Athough the total from the Special Captial District should be 35 if there is one additional person who died.)


                    • Re: Indonesia: Health Ministry Summary of Bird Flu Cases - Current as of January 21, 2009

                      News Clippings from Depkes dated February 27, 2009

                      February 24, 2009

                      P10 DISEASES

                      Bird Flu

                      ?One killed, one treated in? Tangerang-Dua. The Tangerang resident diindikasi infected with the bird flu virus. One of them died on Sunday (February 22, 2009), whereas the other person up to now is still undergoing the intensive treatment in special room for bird flu in RSUD Tangerang. The victim that died was Kaila Nabila (3), the resident of the Cilenggang Village, Rt 02/04 Kec.Serpong, the Tangerang City South, whereas the suspect bird flu victim that is currently undergoing treatment was Maya Suparni (15) resident of Desa Mekar Jaya, Kec.Sepatan, Kab.Tangerang. (Sinar Harapan, Suara Pembaruan, 23/2-09)

                      ?Hundreds of Chicken Flu birds fell ill?

                      Hundreds of Majalengka-Ratusan chickens died suddenly in three villages, in the Majalengka Regency, Java Bara. The three villages were the Candrajaya Village, Desa Tenjolayar, and the Cipicung Village. The Head of Kab. Section Animal Agriculture Majalengka, Hari Iman Santoso, said, hundreds of chickens that died suddenly were positive for the virus avian influence (AI) or bird flu. Burning and the burial of the chicken that died suddenly also were carried out. (around Indonesia, 24/2-2009)

                      <gosong berkulit="" bocah=""> ?Komnas PA would Pidanakan Wali of the Depok? National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA) would mempidanakan Wali Kota Depok Nur Mahmudi Ismail Sehubungan the assumption malapraktik the official of the health of the community health centre (the Community Health Centre) Kel.Tugu, Depok. Resulting from ketidaktelitian the official of the health of the Community Health Centre when giving the immunization in one of the religious school's schools in the Cimanggis region, Depok a pupil of Class II there was sick serious. The class pupil that currently is at home sick at Sentra Medika, Depok. The condition for the victim?s body skin, from the neck to the thigh, was like a blister. The color of his skin was burnt out burnt. In the meantime, parents of victim were not yet prepared to give the explanation to the press. He asked for the Government of the Depok City should not be freed of the responsibility for the Saidiyah suffering. (the Reform Voice 23/2-09)



                      • Re: Indonesia: Health Ministry Summary of Bird Flu Cases - Current as of January 21, 2009

                        Snip from Jakarta Post, april 4 2009

                        quote from Coordinator of Surveillance and Monitoring at the National Commission on Bird Flu Control and Awareness on Influenza Pandemic (Komnas FBPI) Heru Setijanto ,

                        Data at the Health Ministry showed 121 of the 145 patients diagnosed as infected with the virus had died, a very high fatality rate.

                        There is a need to raise awareness of bird flu because of a real threat: It could turn into something much more frightening than the H5N1 virus


                        • Indonesia: Health Ministry Summary of Bird Flu Cases - Current as of December 28, 2009

                          Edit: this report can be found on the new MOH website:
                          Note this is the first official announcement of human H5N1 cases in Indonesia in 2009. These cases have not yet been reported by WHO. With 19 deaths out of 20 infected individuals, the CFR in Indonesia this year for H5N1 is .95.

                          Avian Flu Situation In 2009

                          28 Dec 2009

                          From January 1 to December 28, 2009, there were 20 cases of H5N1 in Indonesia, 19 people died. The first H5N1 case occurred on January 9, in Bogor, while the last case was found on September 23, 2009 in South Jakarta.

                          Thus, cumulatively, the total number of H5N1 cases [in Indonesia] since the year 2005 to 2009 amounted to 161 cases of 134 people died.

                          This information is published by the Center for Public Communication, Secretariat General of the Ministry of Health. For further information please contact via telephone numbers: 021-52907416-9, fax: 52921669, Call Center: 021-30413700, or e-mail address puskom.publik @, info@puskom.depkes.go. id,

                          <table class="newspaneopen" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100&#37;"><tbody><tr><td class="articlehead" width="90%">Situasi Flu Burung Tahun 2009</td> <td align="right">
                          </td> <td align="right">
                          </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="small">28 Dec 2009</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" width="100%">
                          Sejak 1 Januari hingga 28 Desember 2009, terdapat 20 kasus H5N1 di Indonesia, 19 diantaranya meninggal dunia. Kasus H5N1 pertama terjadi pada tanggal 9 Januari di Bogor, sementara kasus terakhir ditemukan tanggal 23 September 2009 di Jakarta Selatan.
                          Dengan demikian secara kumulatif, total kasus H5N1 sejak tahun 2005 – 2009 berjumlah 161 kasus 134 diantaranya meninggal dunia.

                          Berita ini disiarkan oleh Pusat Komunikasi Publik, Sekretariat Jenderal Departemen Kesehatan. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi melalui nomor telepon: 021-52907416-9, faks: 52921669, Call Center: 021-30413700, atau alamat e-mail,,


                          to dbg
                          Last edited by Gert van der Hoek; August 16, 2010, 03:26 AM. Reason: add new link


                          • Re: Indonesia: Health Ministry Summary of Bird Flu Cases - Current as of December 28, 2009


                            The DEPKES links in the posts in this thread are no longer functioning. It seems that when DEPKES shifted to a new web format, possibly based on Joomla, all of the links to the old web site went dead.
                            <o:p> </o:p>
                            Specific case information about some of the H5N1 infected individuals (in Bahasa Indonesia) reported in this thread can still be found in archived posts at KOMNAS FBPI, <o:p></o:p>another Indonesian government agency. The archive KOMNAS FBPI posts, from 2006 to 2010, can be found at this link. This is a link to the original Bahasa Indonesia web pages. There is a button in the upper right hand corner for an English translation, but at least of couple of news reports in Bahasa Indonesia did not make the translation jump to English.

                            It also seems that current human H5N1 cases in Indonesia are not being reported by KOMNAS FBPI. For concerned flu bloggers, it might be worthwhile to download and capture these earlier, original Bahasa Indonesia news reports with information on human H5N1 cases before these too disappear from the web.


                            • Re: Indonesia: Health Ministry Summary of Bird Flu Cases - Current as of December 28, 2009

                              The KOMNAS FBPI project ended last march, a new project started: "KOMNAS Zoonosis". No more updates to be expected of the Komnas FBPI website.

                              After the transition I did not hear anything from the new Komnas, no website either. I could have missed it.

                              One of the posters of Komnas FBPI - Andika Pambudi - started a new blog this spring, mostly in Indonesian:

                              The blog is about "bird flu, swine flu and pandemic flu".


