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Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 + April 6, 2009

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  • #91
    Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

    Boy in Ngawi hospital seems to be cleared from bird flu; his condition seems to worsen, because of pre-existing illnesses.

    Fever rose, could be expected by Bird Flu

    Ngawi | Surya-Bayu Widodo, 11, the class student 5 of SDN Ii Tambakboyo, the Mantingan Subdistrict, the Ngawi Regency was forced to have to be treated intensive in RSUD Dr Soeroto, the Ngawi Regency.

    His article, Putra the two couples Hariyanto, 38 and Suryati, 35 this suspect (was expected) bird flu with the condition for body immunity that increasingly weakened.

    Samiyem, 52 grandmothers Bayu that was on duty at the room the child's 04 spaces RSUD Dr Soeroto, Kabupaten Ngawi said, if the fever that was suffered by his grandchild has taken place around five days. According to him, the fever that was experienced by his grandchild day after day increasingly rose.

    Moreover, his grandchild also experienced breathless, and defecated not be fluent in. The assumption of this child was attacked by bird flu increasingly strengthened because around his residence was found by several chickens that died suddenly.

    However lucky the assumption was untrue. Dr Agnes Fitriani that treated the patient suspect this bird flu during it was confirmed about his patient, explained if initially indeed was suspect bird flu.

    But, after having the report from results of the laboratory and x-rayed showed casualties were stated by the negative from suspect bird flu. Because of results of the lab and x-rayed him was negative both of them.

    Kamungkinan he had the story of asthma and the disturbance of the liver in his side, he explained. In the meantime, the Head of the Kesehatan Field of the Animal, Dinas Peternakan Regional Government Ngawi, of Tri Wahyu in July stressed since two last weeks were in several livestock breeding points in small scale that his kept chickens died suddenly.

    However the case of the bird flu virus until spreading to the patient Bayu Widodo, according to Tri Wahyu in July did not yet have the report completely till at this time. That was clear in each subdistrict had the official, if indeed had the chicken died suddenly definitely will have his report, tandasnya.

    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


    • #92
      Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

      Indo: Confused was stated Suspect Bird Flu

      Selasa, 17-02-2009 14:05:13

      Ngawi-Expression Saimiyem,53,warga the Tambakboyo Village, the Subdistrict of Mantingan,Kebupaten Ngawi, was seen confused. His grandchild, Bayu Widodo was reconciled to RSUD Dr Soeroto as the patient suspect bird flu. Indeed my grandchild was breathless, afterwards was continued hot the fever but cooked bird flu, he said, yesterday (16/2). Bayu was placed in the ward of the child's space but was separated from the other patient. Since being reconciled from the Tambakboyo Community Health Centre, Mantingan, according to his grandmother, Bayu appeared fresher. He also according to when the nurse bermasker examined his body. Bayu was sick since Thursday (12/2) and finally was brought to this hospital, kta Samiyem. The matter of the connection with the bird flu, Samiyem claimed did not know. He also admitted to not maintaining the poultry anything in his house. Since was remained suami,saya did not maintain the poultry or the chicken anything, could not handle, said Samiyem. According to him, several neighbours in his house environment indeed maintained the nonpedigreed chicken and the possibility was that died suddenly. However I also did not know the amount, moreover I myself did not have the chicken one then in the house', he said.

      Bayu Widodo, 12 years, was the child of the two couples Suryati and Hariyanto. However Suryati was leaving home to Jakarta now the father to Sumatra. Samiyem claimed uptil now to be him that maintained dna was on duty at Bayu and his older brother that were new the class 2 SMP. Nggih 'confused how come critane even bird flu', he said. Bayu yesterday received the intensive maintenance in RSUD Dr Soeroto. He could invite attention from the reporter who heard the possibility suspect bird flu descended on the class pupil 5 SDN Tambakboyo 2 of Mantingan. Director RSUD Dr Soeroto drg Hendro Wahyudiono claimed after getting information from the paediatrician who observed Bayu, it was confirmed the patient not was affected by bird flu. Breathless 'him possibly because of having ISPA or asthma but ukan because of bird flu', he said. Because not became the bird flu patient also Bayu did not need the isolation that was super tight like the procedure continue to in the handling of the bird flu patient. Has been checked by all, so was ascertained not bird flu, if bird flu has certainly entered isolation space', katanya. (ari/rif)


      • #93
        Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

        Update from Bekasi

        The Potential location of Bird Flu was in Bekasi supervised

        On Tuesday, February 17 2009 | 19:19 of WIB

        The Interaktif TIME, Bekasi: the medical Team of the Health Service and the Livestock Service of Kabupaten Bekasi, West Java, carried out the tight supervision of the resident who lived in the potential territory the spreading of bird flu. The location was pacified by us specially, said Sri Utami, Section Head Kesehatan of the Bekasi Regency to the Time, on Tuesday (17/2).

        The potential territory was the settlement of the inhabitants in the Sukamulya Village, Kecamatan Sukatani, Kabupaten Bekasi. The supervision followed the existence of seven residents was suspected bird flu with the sign was sick the fever and hot high. Suspected by them contact was close to the positive chicken was infected by the virus avian influenza (AI) the kind H5N1.

        According to Sri, results of the temporary check-up against this resident his status influenza like illness. He appealed to the resident that suffered was sick with the similar sign segara reported to receive the medical maintenance. We have given the task to the Sukamulya Community Health Centre fast preceptive if having his resident who was sick, he said.

        The resident was expected by bird flu, Sri continued, only was treated the road. They were given Tamiflu medicine, and was monitored by his health every day.

        The sub-district head Sukatani Muhamad Shaleh Suhasbi, said the joint team from the Health Service and the Livestock Service carried out the supervision 24 hours. Health Officials was supervising his person, while the Animal Service supervised his livestock, he said.

        The Dinas team of Agriculture, Muhamad continued, confirmed the chicken belonging to the resident was not stabled and sold to the market. Do not have a chicken then slip off outside, he said.

        At this time, Muhamad continued, it was worried about the number of residents was suspected of by bird flu improving (increasing,ed). Because, the spread of the AI virus reached the radius 10 metre from the location of the beginning findings of the case of bird flu, with the number of potential households 6 households.

        "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

        ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


        • #94
          Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

          On February 18 2009
          the Resident alarmed the Spreading of Bird Flu Yogyakarta
          - since several days ago the plague of bird flu threatened Yogyakarta. That was just recently recorded by hundreds of chickens in Bantul and Sleman died. That was acknowledged positive was attacked resulting from the Avian virus influenza (bird flu). The condition was like this made the resident restless and concerned because already many chickens died suddenly good in two areas. Moreover so restless him until the owner of the chicken that died could be carried to RSUP Dr Sardjito, despite finally results were stated by the bird flu negative. Was based on the note and the calculation, from January to April was the alert month bird flu. Because of being estimated this virus will it was predicted spread. According to Chairman Tim of the Control of Bird Flu of RSUP Dr Sardjito the doctor Sumardi SpPD, so the virus did not only attack the animal but also humankind. This matter was sent by him, on Tuesday (17/2). Because, continued he, in the change in the season in the month January-this April the bird flu virus it was predicted more could spread and attack the animal as well as humankind So, the community was asked to be on the alert. Stated by Suspect It was further that he explained, the owner of the positive chicken bird flu could be with several of his relatives treated in RS Dr Sardjito because of experiencing signs like the fever, flu, and pain. They had also been stated suspect bird flu. However after being held by the laboratory test in RS Dr Sardjito or to Jakarta finally was stated by the negative and was permitted to come home.

          As is known, several days ago in Bantul hundreds of chickens died suddenly it was suspected was attacked by the bird flu virus. After that was followed by dozens of chickens belonging to the resident in the Krasakan Village, Jogotirto, Kecamatan Berbah, Sleman also died as a result of this virus attack. The head of the Health Post of the Animal (Poskeswan) Prambanan, Sleman Supra Setyaningrum said, the death of dozens of chickens in Berbah resulting from bird flu. Was based on results rapid test, showed positive was attacked by this virus. His side at that time at once carried out spraying of disinfectant and asked for the addition of the liquid to anticipate expanded him this illness attack. ??Kebetulan we were still having supplies so as direct we semprot,?? he explained. According to Supra, the bird flu attack there not the first time happened because beforehand the similar case had also stricken the Jogotirto Village, Berbah, Sleman.


          • #95
            Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

            On Wednesday, February 18 2009,
            ?Belum had the resident so suspect AI? Selogiri (Expose)

            two residents from the Sendangijo Village and Singodutan, Kecamatan Selogiri could experience the high fever when the virus avian influenza (AI) attacked two villages, some time before. Two residents were stated headed to influenza like illness (ILI), a condition for the health that was sick resulting from AI with the position under investigation and suspect AI. Dengan Demikian, did not yet have the resident who was expected (suspect) AI. Demikian was revealed by the Puskemas Selogiri Head, Dr Adhi Darma, when giving the explanation in being in a meeting of the co-ordination (Rakor) the AI handling and DBD in the Kecamatan Selogiri Office, on Tuesday (17/2). He explained, post AI that attacked the region of three villages in Selogiri, totalling 41 residents was at once checked to detect the possibility being attacked by the fever or influenza that headed to ILI. Dari this inspection, he said, two residents were stated suffered the fever. ?Namun, not yet until headed to suspect AI,? he explained.
            Adhi Darma explained, during 2008, his side carried out the inspection 43 residents to detect the fever illness or influenza that headed to ILI. Dalam this inspection, his side found eight residents from the Pare Village and Jendi, Kecamatan Selogiri that suffered the fever. Nevertheless, he added, did not yet have any was sick the resident who headed to suspect AI, moreover until claimed the life. ?Tahun 2008, that was checked by us had three villages. '
            This 2009, there were four villages that were checked by us, namely the Sendangijo Village, Singodutan, Nambangan and Pare. ? Sementara Itu, Camat Selogiri Bambang Haryanto asked all the village head and related equipment to ask his resident so that quick reported to the Kesehatan Service or the closest Community Health Centre when having the case of the poultry died suddenly. Apart from the rain season that caused the humid weather and became the growth of the AI virus, the Selogiri Subdistrict territory, he said, also to the endemic AI region since three years set. ?Kami will not be very bored to always remind the resident so that preceptive bird flu. Selogiri was the border territory that was susceptible to the spread penyakit,? he explained.



            • #96
              Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

              here is another translation of the above article using google:

              Selogiri (Espos) Two people of the Village of origin Sendangijo and Singodutan, District Selogiri had experienced a high fever when the virus avian influenza (AI) attacked two villages, some time ago.

              Two residents have expressed to the influenza like illness (ili), a condition due to ill health of AI with the position under investigation and suspect AI. Thus, no citizen who is suspected (suspect) AI.
              So disclosed Puskemas Head Selogiri, dr Adhi Darma, time to give an explanation in the coordination meeting (Rakor) AI handling and DBD in the District Office Selogiri, Tuesday (17 / 2).
              He explains, post-AI to attack three villages in the area Selogiri, as many as 41 people directly examined to detect the possibility of fever or influenza fell ill that leads to the ili. Of the examination, he said, two residents expressed suffering fever. "However, not until the suspect turned to AI," he said.
              Adhi Darma explain, in the year 2008, the conduct of inspections to 43 to detect fever or influenza disease that leads to the ili. In the examination, found the eight villages of origin and Jendi Pare, District Selogiri suffering fever.
              However, augment him, no one is sick of that leads to the suspect AI, let alone to be fatal. "In 2008, we check that there are three villages. This year 2009, there are four villages that we check, that is, the Village Sendangijo, Singodutan, Nambangan and Pare. "
              Meanwhile, the Head Selogiri Bambang Haryanto ask all village heads and related devices in order to encourage citizens to report to the heady Health Office or the nearest health clinic when the sudden case of dead birds.
              In addition to the rains which caused the humid weather and a growing AI virus, the District Selogiri, he said, also the AI endemic area since three years ago.
              "We will not be bored-bored to always remind people that bird flu response. Selogiri border region is vulnerable to the spread of disease, "he said. - By: asa


              • #97
                Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                From Bekasi

                Bird Flu Patients Apparently Influenza

                Bekasi -- six residents who were expected suspect bird flu, his status was stated by influenza like illness. That is sick that his characteristics as being sick flu, while being waiting for results rapid test that just went out two weeks more.

                The six of them were expected terinveksi the bird flu virus because of experiencing the sign was sick the fever and hot high. They also carried out contact was close to the positive chicken was infected by the virus avian influenza (AI) the kind H5N1. Sri Utami, Section Head Kesehatan of the Bekasi Regency, on Wednesday (18/2) said the Resident suspek this bird flu was only treated the road.

                They were given medicine tamiflu, and was monitored by his health every day. In the meantime the medical Team of the Health Service and the Service of Peternakan (Livestock,ed) Kabupaten Bekasi, West Java, carried out the tight supervision of the resident who lived in the potential territory the spreading of bird flu . Location was pacified by us specially, said Sri Utami.

                The potential territory was the settlement of villagers Sukamulya, Kecamatan Sukatani, of Kabupaten Bekasi. He appealed to the resident that suffered was sick with the similar sign segara reported to receive the medical maintenance. We have given the task to the Sukamulya Community Health Centre fast preceptive if having his resident who was sick, he said. -

                BEKASI -- Enam warga yang diduga suspect flu burung, statusnya dinyatakan influenza like illness. Yakni sakit yang cirinya seperti sakit flu, sementara menunggu hasil rapid test yang baru keluar dua pekan lagi.<br /><br />Keenamnya diduga terinveksi virus flu burung karena mengalami gejala sakit demam dan panas tinggi. Mereka juga melakukan kontak erat dengan ayam yang positif terinfeksi virus avian influenza (AI) jenis H5N1.<br /><br />Sri Utami, Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bekasi, Rabu (18/2) mengatakan Warga suspek flu burung tersebut hanya dirawat jalan. Mereka diberi obat tamiflu, dan dipantau kesehatannya setiap hari.<br /><br />Sementara itu Tim medis Dinas Kesehatan dan Dinas Peternakan Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat, melakukan pengawasan ketat terhadap warga yang tinggal di wilayah potensial penyebaran flu burung.Lokasi kami amankan secara khusus, kata Sri Utami. <br /><br />Wilayah potensial itu adalah pemukiman penduduk Desa Sukamulya, Kecamatan Sukatani, Kabupaten Bekasi. Dia menghimbau warga yang menderita sakit dengan gejala serupa segara melapor supaya mendapat perawatan medis .Kami sudah memberi tugas ke Puskesmas Sukamulya cepat tanggap jika ada warganya yang sakit, katanya. - c88/ahi<br />
                "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                • #98
                  Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                  Village Potential Bird Flu supervised

                  BEKASI -

                  Six people Sukamulya Village, District Sukatani, Kabupaten Bekasi, the suspect allegedly declared bird flu influenza like illness. Namely, that pain characteristics such as illness of flu. For certainty, the fate of the six are still awaiting results of a new rapid test out two weekends lagi.Keenam that people infected with the virus is suspected as having bird flu symptoms of fever, pain and high fever. They also make close contact with chickens infected with the virus positive Avian Influenza (AI) H5N1 type.

                  Sri Utami, head of Health District Office of Bekasi, on Wednesday (18 / 2), says, people suspect bird flu is only treated the road. They were given medicine tamiflu and monitored every hari.Sementara the health, medical teams and Public Health Animal Husbandry Bekasi Regency, West Java, to conduct strict supervision of residents who live in the area of potential spread of bird flu.

                  "Our location amankan special," said Sri Utami. Potential area is the settlement of the Village Sukamulya, District Sukatani, Kabupaten Bekasi. He mengimbau people who suffer similar symptoms with pain reported that ocean gets medical treatment. "We have a task to provide health Sukamulya so quick response if there are sick people," katanya.Camat Sukatani, Muhamad Shaleh Suhasbi, say, the combined team of Public Health and Animal Husbandry 24 hours to control. "Public Health oversees the residents, while the Department of Agriculture oversees livestock," he said.

                  Team Agriculture, said Muhamad, ensure the property of chicken dikandangkan and not sold to the market. "Do not have to sacrifice a chicken to even pass out," he said. Currently, Muhamad continue, residents feared the number of suspect bird flu increases. Because, of AI virus to reach a radius of 10 meters from the location of the findings of the early cases of bird flu with the potential number of households of six households.

                  Member of Commission B DPRD Kabupaten Bekasi, Munir Abas Buchori, ask Bekasi District Health Office quick response in handling cases of bird flu. In addition, he also requested that Dinkes more incentive to provide knowledge to the citizens of the dangers of bird flu. "Because the disease is very dangerous," katanya.Dia also ask that people want to do with preventive measures to destroy all chickens that died suddenly. "Do not sell ayamnya to the market," he said.

                  Cases of bird flu flare encourage Munir later to conduct the performance of the agencies concerned. "Moreover, the local budget was passed," he said. Although not mentioned the amount of budget can be perinci to this case, he explained, agencies must use the budget as possible. Residents, he said, should get their rights.



                  • #99
                    Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                    Originally posted by Sally View Post
                    bird flu influenza like illness. Namely, that pain characteristics such as illness of flu. For certainty, the fate of the six are still awaiting results of a new rapid test out two weekends
                    a new rapid test out two weekends ........ Does this mean they are being retested with a rapid test


                    • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                      Or perhaps the results have been delayed? They are not sending them away overseas for confirmation are they?
                      "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."


                      • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                        Two weeks waiting for results of a PCR-test is not unusual in Indonesia. Rapid test does not take 2 weeks.

                        Guess they were tested on the spot with a "rapid test" once or twice and tested negative.
                        "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                        ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                        • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                          Indo: Bogor: Don't panic but continued to be on the alert

                          Jumat, 20 Februari 2009

                          The rumor of the spreading of the bird flu virus went through the water media that could disturb the resident in and around the source of water that was expected dirtiest should not be abundant. This unrest could not be blamed because of the process of the spread of the virus H5NI from the poultry to humankind up to now still became the mystery. Moreover for ilmuan, the process of the spread of Al's virus to the patient suspect bird flu still in the debate. The "resident might not restless, but also continued to be on the alert because the spreading" of the "bird flu virus to humankind still must be guarded against," said Section Head Kesehatan of the Bogor City Dr Triwandha Elan. He explained, the sign of bird flu was the same as common flu.

                          However tended faster worsened and had the possibility of could happen pneumonia (the inflammation of the lungs - the lungs, red). Most was seen that was experienced by the sufferer was feverish more than 38?C, was sick the throat, the cough pilek, breathless, limp, had a headache, not appetite, vomited - vomited as well as stomach pain and diarrhoea. The "sign" of "this bird flu varied because not all the signs must be to the sufferer." Could be different - the difference in masing - masing the individual. The death of the patient is usually caused by the virus that attacked the lungs - the lungs and resulted in the lungs - the lungs did not function. The sufferer then failed did breathing. Therefore, Dodo-greeting close Triwandha Elan-appeal to the community stayed preceptive towards the spread of the bird flu virus. He considered the community should not panic precisely must be on the alert and care to prevent the spreading of the bird flu virus so that did not worry. "So, carried out the prevention from the poultry first, because the source" of "the virus came from the poultry," he said.

                          Kasi Kesmavet Distan Kota Bogor Drh Arif Mukti said, to confirm how the virus H5N1 could tertular to humankind still must be researched further. In the theory must have direct contact the patient with the poultry that terjangkit. "Went through the waste media" of the "poultry or even mucus." That definitely must have direct contact the patient with the poultry and could not through the air intermediary or other, stressed Arif. Nevertheless, he explained, in several cases named the patient suspect bird flu did not have the story carried out direct contact with the poultry. So that up to now still must be investigated. Because in his thinking, really the incubation of the revolving virus 1-7 days necessarily could have traced from where the virus came. If not having direct contact, his risk was very small.

                          "Bird flu to the animal till now to infect his possibility humankind was small or risky low." But kenyataa him that continued to happen, he said to the Bogor Radar just recently. The Head of Sector P3KL Dinkes the Bogor City Dr Sri Pinantari then joined in explained, the spread method usually from the poultry to the poultry and from the poultry to humankind. However up to now the spread from humankind to humankind is not yet proven. The spread could through the waste or sekreta the poultry that polluted the hands penjamah. In the view of him, the high risk group that must be guarded against including the worker in livestock breeding or pemprosesan the poultry (including the veterinary surgeon and the official of livestock breeding), the laboratory worker who processed the sample of the patient or the poultry that terjangkit, the livestock breeding visitor or pemprosesan the poultry for the last one weeks as well as the difficult flu patient who had the story of contact with the poultry of the bird flu sufferer.

                          Avoided the individual tertular, Sri explained, the matter that must be done by the risky groups high was by means of washing the hands sesering possibly with disinfectant (gasohol 70 percent) and for the official was obliged to use APP (the individual's protective equipment) like gloves, the spectacles, the mask and other equipment. He said, must be carried out by the vaccination of the virus of human flu for that terindikasi. With the aim of not happening two joint infections of the virus and bird flu of human flu in one person so as enabled the new kind emergence the bird flu virus that could be spread from humankind to humankind. "They who were susceptible like the child - the child, lansia, the heart disease sufferer, or even the pulmonary disease sufferer - the lungs it was hoped avoided the place" of "poultry livestock breeding", "he said." The resident's unrest invited the member the D Ani Sumarni Commission to believe.

                          Spread him bird flu must be responded to. The community should not panic, but must be on the alert. According to him, if must be waiting for Regional Regulations first apparently needed a long time. He explained, was needed by the preventive aspect towards the government by localising the spreading of the AI virus in several territories suspect. Be not enough from the government, to be needed by synergy between the community officially related. Will "not mean what - what if the government worked without help from the community," he added. Ani hoped, the government could dismiss the policy by means of carrying out discussions with the official of the country unuk discussed the stopping of the spreading and the re-emergence bird flu. "Be not enough only worrying." Now already during him took fast measures, pungkas him.


                          • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                            Originally posted by kiwibird View Post
                            Or perhaps the results have been delayed? They are not sending them away overseas for confirmation are they?
                            Indonesia lo longer sends samples out for confirmation. All testing is internal.


                            • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                              The Jakarta Post - Two Buleleng residents not infected with bird flu
                              Two Buleleng residents not infected with bird flu


                              Buleleng Health Agency head I Made Pustaka said Thursday his office was upbeat that two residents, previously suspected of having contracted the bird flu virus, were not infected, despite reports of the sudden deaths of dozens of chickens in the area.

                              "We have treated the two and are now monitoring their health condition," he said.

                              "It was a common fever, and not caused by the bird flu virus."

                              The two residents of Sumberkelampok village in Gerokgak district suffered from high fever after 67 chickens owned by 15 families died suddenly on Wednesday. The residents then reported the case to health authorities.

                              The Buleleng Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Agency has culled remaining chickens in the vicinity as a preventive measure.

                              Pustaka said he could understand residents' concern over the case, adding his agency was cooperating with the agriculture agency to monitor Sumberkelampok village.

                              "We are thankful for the residents' quick response," he said.

                              - JP
                              <cite cite="">The Jakarta Post - Two Buleleng residents not infected with bird flu</cite>


                              • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                                Originally posted by ironorehopper View Post
                                The Jakarta Post - Two Buleleng residents not infected with bird flu
                                Two Buleleng residents not infected with bird flu


                                "We have treated the two and are now monitoring their health condition," he said.

                                "It was a common fever, and not caused by the bird flu virus."

                                The two residents of Sumberkelampok village in Gerokgak district suffered from high fever after 67 chickens owned by 15 families died suddenly on Wednesday.
                                "We are thankful for the residents' quick response," he said.

                                - JP
                                <cite cite="">The Jakarta Post - Two Buleleng residents not infected with bird flu</cite>
                                "Common fever" is NOT a diagnosis. In Indonesia, H5N1 patients that recover from treatment generally test negative or are never tested, especially if they recover after home treatment with Tamiflu, which is why their case fatality rate is near 80% and has been near 80% since the first cases in 2005.

