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Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in North Sumatra (Air Batu, & Environs) Indonesia - Aug. 8 - Aug. 12, 2008

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  • #91
    Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in Indonesia Hospitalizes 13, 3 Suspected Deaths

    On Thursday, on August 07 2008 17:48 WIB Flu currently disturbing! Be on the alert
    Bird flu in Indonesia was increasingly worrying. The existence of the physical interaction between casualties (humankind) and the pig, the source of the other infection apart from the poultry, was the new development of the case of bird flu in Indonesia. {The rest is standard history lesson} ...This incident also made Indonesia become the country with the fatal case of highest bird flu in the world. The YANG MEMAKAN KORBAN HISTORY Uptil Now, flu was often regarded as the illness ecek-ecek. In fact, if scrutinising his history, actually since long ago flu has worried. Begun from the Spanish flu tragedy or ?La Grippe in 1918. According to information Dr. Lula Kamal M.Sc., the spokesperson Komnas Bird Flu, at that time Spanish flu that as a result of by strain (the kind/the descendants) the virus H1N1, became the pandemic (the spreading of the illness in several different territories in time that simultaneously) in the world. Flu that struck Europe, America, and the Middle East recorded casualties died totalling 50 million people. The flu pandemic that was not inferior cruel struck the world was Asian flu, with the virus kind H2N2, that the first time was found in China during 1957. As many as 70,000 people of casualties died in America. Hong Kongese flu, the first time was found in Hong Kong in 1968. The virus H3N2 this claimed casualties totalling 34,000 souls in America. Further, Russian flu with the virus H1N1 was found in 1977. There was no death resulting from this flu. Ten years afterwards, 1987, Hong Kong again became the first country the discovery of the influenza virus that was transmitted from the poultry to humankind. From 18 sufferers, six including dying. In 1999 and 2002, was found again by the new kind the influenza virus, that is H9N2 and H7N2. However, in these years was not reported by the fall of fatalities. The restless world when in 2003 suddenly emerged bird flu. Bird flu that also was mentioned A1 or Avian Influenza this, was caused by the virus kind H5N1. Vietnam became the first country that was attacked, with three cases that all of them ended the death. This case then widened to Thailand in 2004, then entered Indonesia in 2005. H5N1, KINI DI FASE KETIGA Proses of the "spread" of "bird flu happened from the poultry to the poultry, the poultry to the other animal, and from the poultry to humankind." From the last case in the Karo Regency, was not yet proven by the spread from humankind to humankind, explained Dr. Lula. Was based on the newest data from the Organisation of the Health of the World (WHO), to May 2006, Indonesia was recorded as the country with the fatal case of highest bird flu in the world, that is 76.7 percent. To be precise, was gotten by 43 cases, and his 33 sufferers died. Whereas Vietnam, the place country of the discovery of bird flu the first time, in the beginning of 2006 precisely was freest from this case. In fact the bird flu virus was easy to die. "This virus died with the detergent syringe and the liquid disinfektan, also with the process" of "ultraviolet radiation." That is why, the number of cases of bird flu in the rain season became higher, because of the condition for humid air, said Dr. Lula. However, be careful, this virus could move the hands by means of trivial. For example, from dirty shoes that entered the house, after beforehand you not deliberate stepped on the area that was contaminated by the bird flu virus. The FLU VACCINE = BODY RESISTANCE Although disturbing, according to Dr. Lula, did not yet have the effective prevention vaccine, because the influenza virus was easy to change genetic material in accordance with the condition for the environment. However, Dr. Lula stressed, for first-rate body resistance, you too much need not worry tertular the illness, including terseramg the bird flu virus. Body resistance could be maintained by means of relative was easy, in part: * Menerapkan the healthy lifestyle: ate was arranged, the rest was enough, routine sport, and avoided stress. * Rutin mengonsumsi food and the drink that contained vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc. * Manfaatkan the high fruit antioksidan, in part: the star fruit wuluh, the citrus fruit, and the guava. * Wortel, ginger, and the garlic could give immunity of the additional body. * Hindari the hands often-often touched the eyes, the nose, and the mouth, because the virus was easy to spread by means of this.


    • #92
      Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in Indonesia Hospitalizes 13, 3 Suspected Deaths

      The poultry that died Mendadak in Air Batu Positif Terserang Virus AI The range, (the Analysis) Was based on results of the fast inspection with did ravid test against a poultry that died suddenly property of the resident in the Air Batu Village 39 Air Batu subdistricts to be precise in Afdeling V PTPN IV Kebun Air Batu was stated positive was attacked by the bird flu virus or Asian Influenza (AI). ?Hasil the fast inspection with used ravid test against a poultry that died suddenly positive terinveksi the virus AI,? revealed Section Head Peternakan (Kadisnak) shavings Ir. Oktoni Ariyanto that was confirmed the Analysis went through Kasi Pencegahan, the control and the Eradication of the Hewan Illness drh. Yusnani, on Thursday (7/8) in his office. Yusnani explained, when his side got information about the virus to be precise, on Monday (4/8), the team at once descended to the location to identify at the same time sprayed disinfectant and in the afternoon him finally the team that was dropped off that found a poultry (the chicken) that died suddenly belonging to one of the residents. Was based on the clinical sign it was mentioned, when being found the poultry died suddenly good that was followed by the clinical sign other or not as the head increased, the cock's comb turned blue, foot and the palm foot became red like dikerok ought to be suspected the poultry was attacked by the virus H5N1 (AI) or Newcastle Deases (ND). ?Kita ought to suspect that because of being based on the clinical sign already mengarah,? he stated. The inspection Decisive that, his side at once carried out the fast inspection with did ravid test, evidently the poultry that was found died suddenly that was positive terserag the AI virus. ?Hasil the inspection ravid the test, positive was attacked vurus AI,? he stated. Anticipated the spreading, his side tonight carried out the socialisation of the control of the frightening virus. By involving the sub-district head, the village head, the resident and the plantation side finally the community agreed to carry out limited depopulation by means of in the piece and was burnt in one hole without hoping for the compensation fund. Totalling 286 poultries that depopulation. ? he revealed sembari was grateful for the community's participation that took part in preventing the spread of the virus. If the community insisted on getting the compensation fund, possibly Disnak Asahan will follow the other route considering, the fund was not allocated was increased again by the place service of the working just the calculation of the independent month. Now casualties suspect bird flu that at this time still was treated in the H Abd Public Hospital. Manan Simatupang Kisaran was still being treated, was not yet allowed to come home, although their condition has begun to be normal. The condition for the patient suspect bird flu has begun to improve, but to be not yet allowed to come home, said Director RS H. Abd Manan SIMATUPANG KISARAN


      • #93
        Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in Indonesia Hospitalizes 13, 3 Suspected Deaths

        Dinkes Tahan Pasien Suspect Flu Burung on Friday, on August 08 2008 the RANGE (SINDO) ?
        Sembilan the patient the Public Hospital of H Abdul Manan Simatupang that was expected terjangkit the bird flu virus was not allowed to come home yesterday although the condition completely was restored. The nine of them will be returned after the Centre of Health Research And Development (Puslitbangkes) the Department of the Health dismissed results of his research into the resident's body fluids of the Hut Damuli the Air Batu Village 39,Kecamatan Water Batu,Kabupaten shavings. ?Mereka was not yet permitted by us to come home although the condition for their health has been restored. For the time being they continued to be kept by us was waiting for results of the laboratory test against blood mereka,? the Kesehatan Service headword of the Asahan Armansyah Siregar Regency yesterday. This policy was carried out to anticipate penjangkitan the bird flu virus to the other resident. According to him, his side worried if results of this laboratory test were positive will increase the fall of new casualties. Armansyah said, the sample of body fluids that were sent by his side totalling 12 people, including two children who currently are treated in the Pemerintah Public Hospital (RSUP) H Adam Malik Medan. The case suspect bird flu that it was suspected claimed fatalities of three Air Batu villagers 39, the Air Batu Subdistrict did not only become attention in the Motherland. The United States consulate general (the USA) in Medan also asked about the situation and the last condition for the Damuli Hut community, the IV Village, the Air Batu Village of 39,Kecamatan Air Batu, this Regency. ?Kami still continued alert until had results of the test laboratorium,? ?Secara was separated, the team's medical Co-ordinator of the control command post of Air Batu Village bird flu 39 Dr Muhammad Hafiz said did not yet have the increase in the number of residents who was expected terjangkit the bird flu virus. The news spread him the case was suspected of by the bird flu making the resident who settled in the area PTPN4 that enthusiastic visited the command post. They brought his family that experienced the fever and the temperature of his body was hot to be checked by his health. As far as this is concerned did not have even one the resident who experienced the increase in the temperature of the body through to reached between 38?40 the Celsius level. ?Ha him demamdemam biasa,?kata him. According to Hafiz, till yesterday already 73 residents who came to the command post to be checked by his health. Generally they terindikasi was attacked by the cough, influenza, and the other illness. In the meantime, the condition for the two children FH, 7 years and MSM,7 bulan,warga the Air Batu Village 39 Damuli huts, the Water Subdistrict Batu,Kabupaten shavings, the patient suspect bird flu that was treated in RSUP H Adam the Medan Owner, has begun to be normal. ?Kondisi both of them have begun to be normal, the temperature of their body already has descended. Beforehand the temperature of their body reached 38?39 the Celsius level, now descends to 36 levels Celsius,? said public relations of RSUP H.Adam the Medan Owner the Ginting rays. The rays added, normal him the condition both of them differed. Like MSM, spotty available in paruparu him has begun to be lost, whereas FH was still being spotty but remained at a little. ?Kalau that the age 7 months (MSM), pneumonia or spotty- spotty available in paruparu him has been lost, whereas that was other (FH) spotty on his chest was not yet lost, remained at a little lagi,? he said. Although the condition both of them have been normal, FH and MSM were still being treated in the maintenance building of the bird flu isolation of RSUP H Adam Malik Medan. ?Tergantung the team, might come or not home. Now we continue to take the sample of blood both of them and continued to be sent by us to Puslitbangkes. Hoped by us results could be known as soon as possible in a week ini,? he explained. From the room of the maintenance isolation of bird flu of RSUP H Adam Malik Medan, the mother's appearance from MSM suckled the child both of them that. Both of them did not put on the mask like the previous day. Now the father MSM pay attention to from close to the window in this space. Kesehatan Sumut Chandra Syafe?i Section Head then visited the two patients suspect bird flu that was treated in RSUP H Adam the Owner Medan.Banyak him Air Batu villagers 39 Damuli huts, the Air Batu Subdistrict, the shavings Regency that suffered suspect bird flu, made his side determine the extraordinary incident (KLB) for the area. According to Chandra, this KLB determination because of the area of the Asahan Regency beforehand never terjangkit the virus H5N1. ?Daerah that was stated with the extraordinary status because beforehand bird flu had never happened, therefore in maintained the area of KLB flu burung,?ucap him. He justified the existence of the poultry that died suddenly and positively H5N1 after in checked by the Peternakan Service local. ?Dinas Kesehatan local has been assigned to make the health command post. Tamiflu medicine was also provided. So, if having the other resident who experienced the fever will be given medicine ini,? he said. Better the local government destroyed all the territory poultry that terjangkit the virus H5N1. ?Lebih good destroyed all the poultries, the regional government that the substitute, amankan,?kata Chandra Di the place was separated, the member People's Representative Council Idam suggested Regional Government (the Regional Government) fast shavings acted carried out the co-ordination in the matter of the acceleration produced by the sample inspection of blood 12 residents who were expected suspect bird flu. PDIP politicians from North Sumatra this expected the Health Minister immediately to equip equipment of the blood inspection and to give the authority to the Service of Kesehatan North Sumatra, even when needing the Regional Government health service/pemko. In the meantime, the Official together Kesehatan resident of shavings and the side PTPN4 only did not supply the requirement for the medicine, also formed the team of the hunting of the poultry to destroy all the kept livestock. The residents who generally are the employee of this company without being accompanied by the official from the Service of Peternakan Regional Government Asahan orbited the village, pursued and caught all the poultry and destroyed him. They carried the club and the air rifle. ?Hari this we have caught 80 tails of the poultry, including the chicken, the duck, and birds. All of them will be burnt by us to dimusnahkan,? said one of the residents who went with the team of this hunting


        • #94
          Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in Indonesia Hospitalizes 13, 3 Suspected Deaths

          Source: The World Bank
          News & Broadcast - Press Reviews

          Indonesia Probes Bird Flu 'Outbreak'

          ?Indonesia has rushed a team of specialists to a village in Sumatra to confirm a suspected outbreak of bird flu which has affected at least 13 people, a health official said Thursday.

          ?We suspect an outbreak of bird flu judging by the number of people who have fallen ill with bird flu symptoms,? North Sumatra provincial health office chief Chandra Syafei told AFP. ?We are now waiting for the results of blood samples we sent to Jakarta.?"

          For entire article:

          We were put on this earth to help and take care of one another.


          • #95
            Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in Indonesia Hospitalizes 13, 3 Suspected Deaths

            Updated current list of individuals --

            Desa Tiga Sembilan, Kabupaten Asahan, Sumatra Utara (post 71)

            Three individuals died earlier from suspected bird flu in Desa Tiga Sembilan -
            1.Misman,{Misnan}, (55, 70?), Died before August 1, 2008
            2.Rizki Gunawan bin Supian, {Riski} (5, 6?), Died Aug 1, 2008 son of #11 below? (post 77)
            3.Tejo Sujati bin Suyono, {Igo} (6, 4?), Died after Aug 1, 2008. Neighbor of Rizki?

            Dusun 4, Desa Airbatu, 39, Pondok Damuli Afdeling, 5, Kec. Airbatu, Kab. Asahan (post 77) Alternate: Pondok Damuli, Dusun IV, Desa Air Batu 39, Kecamatan Air Batu (post 93)

            Initial reports note 13 individuals being treated ...

            In insolation in Adam Malik Medan
            4. Fadillah Hanum {F, FH} (7,F)
            5. Muhammad Sani Muflih {MS} (8 months, M)

            Taken and treated at Asahan's Abdul Manan hospital early Wednesday (August 6) or early Tuesday (RSU H Abdul Manan S Kisaran)

            One of these may be the mother of Riski (post 71). Nine are still being treated, two (?) have been released. ?9 the resident who still was undergoing observation? (post 77).

            6. Retno Ayu Pratiwi, RAP (5),
            7. Indah Purnama Sari, IP (6),
            8. Dwi Yanti, DY (5),
            9. Ujang, US (39, 38?),
            10. Misniah, M (32, 35?),
            11. Darsiyem, D (32),
            12. Sudira, Sdr (39),
            13. Rindi, RM (8),
            14. Rama Agus Setiana, D? (2)
            15. Spr (33)
            16. ?


            • #96
              Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in Indonesia Hospitalizes 13, 3 Suspected Deaths

              Birds slaughtered as flu breaks out

              From correspondents in Jakarta - August 08, 2008 05:05pm

              HUNDREDS of chickens and ducks have been slaughtered to contain a suspected bird flu outbreak in Indonesia as 13 people with flu-like symptoms await laboratory results.

              Thirteen people were hospitalised earlier this week with fevers and respiratory problems after a large number of chickens died suddenly in their village in North Sumatra province.

              Two of them, a baby boy and a seven-year-old girl, have been put in a bird flu isolation unit at a hospital in the provincial capital Medan.

              "We have taken measures since Tuesday when we found strong indications of bird flu virus in some 100 chickens and ducks in several places in Air Batu village," said local husbandary office chief Oktoni Eryanto.

              At least 400 birds have been slaughtered and burned, and officials were continuing to spray backyard coops with disinfectant, he said.

              "We don't need to send samples from the poultry to a laboratory because it's pretty clear that the cause is the bird flu virus," he said.
              "Preventive action is more important to control it."

              A nurse at a local hospital said this week that three people had died in the village with flu-like symptoms, but health ministry officials have not been able to confirm any suspect deaths.

              The ministry, which has not confirmed the latest suspected outbreak, has stopped providing regular public updates on human bird flu deaths even though Indonesia is the country most affected with 112 confirmed cases.

              The deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu has killed more than 240 people worldwide since late 2003.

              The virus typically spreads from bird to human through direct contact, but experts fear it could mutate into a form easily transmissible between humans, with the potential to kill millions in a pandemic.



              • #97
                Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in Indonesia Hospitalizes 13, 3 Suspected Deaths

                <HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1> <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->
                Haven't got time right now to post full article

                Asked by the matter of the status of the community that died beforehand in the same village, that is Misnan (54) died (20/7), Gunawan fortune (5) died (2/8), and Yosi Tigo Sijati (6) died (4/8), Armansyah still could not confirm whether being attacked by bird flu or not. ?Kita still could not confirm that died that was affected by Suspect Flu Burung or not, because of being buried by the family before being carried out by the medical inspection. However in accordance with Protap, if having the person that menigggal, afterwards a week beforehand didaerah that had the chicken that died suddenly, then could have been categorised Suspect Flu burung,? he explained



                • #98
                  Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in Indonesia Hospitalizes 13, 3 Suspected Deaths

                  Sorry if this one is a duplicate as I was away from the keyboard for some weeks. From Liputan translated with TT

                  08/08/2008 12:26 of Burung Kasus Flu of Bird Flu in Jadi KLB shavings, Asahan: the Kesehatan Service of the North Sumatran Province determined the case of bird flu in shavings as the extraordinary incident (KLB) after three patients died and 12 other still was treated. In the Public Hospital of Abdul Manan Simatupang, Kisaran, some casualties were children. Whereas two patients from shavings also still were treated in isolation space of RSU Haji Adam Malik, Medan. Spread him the case of this bird flu made many Air Batu villagers become frightened. As many as 87 houses were left by his occupants who fled. The fear was natural, because of three villagers who were expected terjangkit bird flu died in a week. To prevent the spreading of the bird flu virus, several medical treatment command posts were built in the Damuli Village, Kecamatan Air Batu. (ADO/Tim of Coverage 6 SCTV)

                  [Note: there's a photograph on the article, a nurse holding a child's hand. The nurse has a mask, but she seems to wear no gloves]

                  [Question: "shavings"?????]


                  • #99
                    Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in Indonesia Hospitalizes 13, 3 Suspected Deaths

                    [Question: "shavings"?????]<!-- / message -->
                    <!-- controls -->
                    Asahan, the name of the Regency


                    • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in Indonesia Hospitalizes 13, 3 Suspected Deaths

                      Indonesia slaughters birds, awaits flu tests

                      MEDAN, Indonesia (AFP) -

                      Hundreds of chickens and ducks have been slaughtered to contain a suspected bird flu outbreak in Indonesia as 13 people with flu-like symptoms await laboratory results, officials said Friday.

                      Experts from the World Health Organisation (WHO) had arrived in the affected village in North Sumatra to help investigate the possible outbreak and the sudden death of three residents last week, a provincial health official said.

                      "They will be in the village of Air Batu for two days to investigate the source of the suspected bird flu virus in the area and to check on the death of three people in the village," the official, Suhadi, told AFP.

                      Thirteen people have been hospitalised with fevers and respiratory problems, two of whom, a baby boy and a seven-year-old girl, were still in a bird flu isolation unit at a hospital in the provincial capital Medan.

                      Adam Malik hospital spokesman Sinar Ginting said the two children in isolation had shaken off the symptoms.

                      "The two patients with suspected bird flu have recovered and are in normal condition. But as we haven't received results from the laboratory they remain in the isolation room," he said.

                      Local officials said work was continuing to sterilise the village.

                      "We have taken measures since Tuesday when we found strong indications of bird flu virus in some 100 chickens and ducks in several places in Air Batu village," local husbandry office chief Oktoni Eryanto said.

                      At least 400 birds have been slaughtered and burned, and officials are continuing to spray backyard coops with disinfectant, he said.

                      "We don't need to send samples from the poultry to a laboratory because it's pretty clear that the cause is the bird flu virus," he said.

                      "Preventive action is more important."

                      A nurse at a local hospital said earlier this week that three people had died in the village with flu-like symptoms, but health ministry officials have been unavailable to confirm any suspect deaths.

                      The ministry, which has not commented on the latest suspected outbreak, has stopped providing regular public updates on human bird-flu deaths even though Indonesia is the country most affected with 112 confirmed cases.

                      WHO officials were also unavailable to comment.

                      The deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu has killed more than 240 people worldwide since late 2003.

                      The virus typically spreads from bird to human through direct contact, but experts fear it could mutate into a form easily transmissible between humans, with the potential to kill millions in a pandemic.



                      • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in Indonesia Hospitalizes 13, 3 Suspected Deaths

                        Saturday, 9 Agustus 2008

                        WHO is Monitoring Bird Flu in Air Batu

                        The Head of the Health Section of the Province North Sumatran Candra Syafii in Medan, on Friday (8/8), said a team from the Organisation of the Health of the World (WHO) descended to monitor the development of the case of bird flu in Air Batu.

                        Some of the team's members saw directly the patient in RSUP Adam Malik, Medan, another part was in the Air Batu Village, Kecamatan Air Batu, Asahan.

                        They, said Candra, held investigation and the monitoring of the development of the illness (surveilans epidemiology). The team will be in North Sumatra until this case could be handled.

                        In the meantime, the Section Head Veteriner Dinas Peternakan North Sumatra Nurdin Lubis said, the extermination of the poultry has in the location been finished.

                        The team destroyed the poultry, especially in the radius one kilometre from the discovery of the positive case of the virus attack H5N1 in the village. ? We also has sprayed disinfectant in the pen and the settlement of the resident that we thought as the place of the development of the virus ,? he said.

                        The official of the combination, said Nurdin, continued to give the socialisation.


                        • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in Indonesia Hospitalizes 13, 3 Suspected Deaths

                          The two in hospital are ready to go home, if the test results, presumably negative, are back from Jakarta.

                          Two Suspect Bird Flu began to be Normal

                          The condition for two children FH (7 years), and MSN (7 months) , citizen of Desa Air Batu 39 Damuli huts, Kecamatan Air Bersih, Kabupaten Asahan, North Sumatra, the patient suspect bird flu that was treated in RSUP H Adam Malik Medan has begun to be normal.

                          The "Condition both of them have begun to improve and the temperature" of "their body has begun to be normal." When entering here three days ago the temperature of their body achieved 38-39 levels celcius, but now has descended to 36 levels celcius.

                          Public relations words of RSUP Adam Malik Medan, Sinar Ginting, in Medan, on Friday. He said, the condition for their body differed. MSN that beforehand had very spotty in and around the lungs has begun to be lost, whereas FH was still being but remained at a little.

                          Although both of them gradually have gotten normal, but both of them were still being treated in the maintenance building of the bird flu isolation of RSUP Adam Malik and were not yet being permitted to come home was waiting for the report from the Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Body .

                          We were still being waiting for results of the report on the sample of their blood that was sent by us to Puslitbangkes. If results of their new negative they can go home ,"he said. Health (Service,ed) North Sumatra Section Head, Chandra Syafe`i, said, his side maintained the Air Batu Village 39 Damuli huts, Kecamatan Air Batu, Kabupaten Asahan as the extraordinary incident (KLB), because of the number of villagers that suffered suspect bird flu.

                          "This Area was stated with the status" of the "extraordinary incident because beforehand the case" of "bird flu," he said had "never happened". He said, in order to prevents casualties's increase, his side assigned Dinkes (Health Service,ed) local to establish the health command post.

                          "Medicine tamiflu also has been provided, so if having the other resident who experienced the fever immediately will be given medicine tamiflu," he said.


                          • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in Indonesia Hospitalizes 13, 3 Suspected Deaths

                            Does anyone know the last known condition of the people in the other hospital the one that had like 10 or 11?


                            • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in Indonesia Hospitalizes 13, 3 Suspected Deaths

                              On Friday, on August 08 2008 12:40 WIB Flu Burung shadowed the Air Batu village 39
                              The RESIDENT of the IV Village, Afdeling V, of Desa Air Batu 39, Kec. The ice, Kab. Shavings, since Wednesday (6/8) restless as a result of beginning to become an epidemic him bird flu in the region. While the sub-district head and the related agency took the step in the prevention, destroyed the kept poultry the resident. "We could only reply, the sign was so as to be taken by the step" in the "early prevention involved the related agency." Jakarta that could conclude whether that bird flu or not, said Kabag Humas Setdakab Asahan, Rahmat Hidayat Siregar, on Wednesday (6/8). The similar matter was sent by the Head of RSU H Abdulmanan S the Range Dr H Bambang Wahyudi.Menurut he casualties who were reconciled to Medan still could not be ascertained resulting from bird flu. The "temperature" of "his body indeed rose precisely the sign" of "bird flu and on the official's suggestion" of the "health from Medan was reconciled to Medan," he said. He stressed, the related agency took the step carried out the mass extermination against the community's poultry. The decision
                              was taken was based on consideration and the well thought out research. There was the indication. But the resident who died was still being limited ?dihubungkan with the plague of bird flu, as being stated by Kabag Humas Rahmat Hidayat Siregar. That was uncertain two residents died positive resulting from bird flu. If being not destroyed it was predicted often will eliminate the life of villagers, and was open the possibility spread to the surrounding village. Air Batu villagers, raised poultries of one of the side activities to fulfil the family's livelihood, must be obedient with the provisions and the available rule. What can one do, the chicken that was maintained traditionally must be destroyed in fact among them certainly there are those that was prepared during the Ramadhan month and Lebaran. They wanted to stay raising like before the plague emergence of flu burung.Hal this of course became HOMEWORK for the government especially the technical agency was linked how the bird flu attack in the settlement region of the resident did not happen.



                              • Re: Suspected Bird Flu Outbreak in Indonesia Hospitalizes 13, 3 Suspected Deaths

                                Judge Siagian: the Government was asked Immediately to carry out the Step in Anticipation of two patients Suspect Bird Flu improved Medan, (the Analysis) The regional government and the related service were asked immediately to carry out steps in anticipation expanded him suspect bird flu in the Village Air Batu Pondok Damuli Kabupaten Asahan. This to prevent in order to not spread to the other area. Moreover, the government of the centre must also descend took part in helping his prevention, because this has been stated in the status of the Abnormality (KLB). ?Kasus this was very startling all the sides, because of rumours of bird flu almost were lost in North Sumatra. Because of this was asked by the government to carry out the handling and the prevention in a manner continued menerus,? said Justice Siagian SH MHum on arrival peered Ms (8 months) and FH (7) in RSUP Adam the Owner, on Friday (8/8). Hakin also delivered, although two patients suspect bird flu that was treated in RSUP H Adam Malik has begun to improve, was asked by the hospital side to continue to give the maintenance that was thorough until being stated by the negative. Politicians from the National Mandate Party Faction of DPRD North Sumatra this, and will advance to People's Representative Council RI in the general election 2009 this, considered RSUP Adam Malik was very good and had complete medical equipment, also the doctor that profesioanal. The socialisation Sent thank you and the salute to the Asahan Regency regional government and the hospital side that were exact took steps in this handling. However he asked that the socialisation towards this illness continued to be carried out continuously. Moreover for the community that lived in rural areas. To the community that found the family or his neighbour had the sign sespect bird flu to immediately carry him to the hospital. ?Mencegah better treated, said Justice. Director SDM and Education, RSUP Adam the Owner, Dr M Nur Rasyid Lubis SpB said, as the reconciliation hospital applied standart the handling that was appointed internationally, to have the special room suspect bird flu and stayed alert 24 hours. Explained, the condition for two patients has begun to improve and his fever has descended. Said, the hospital side has sent the specimen of his two times to the Department of the Health. It was slowest that three days have produced by his research been known. ?Jika results of the patient of the negative will be reconciled by us to the hospital terdekat,? Rasyid words. On that occasion Abdul Justice Siagian handed over help to the two patients itu


