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AI surveillance training

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  • AI surveillance training


    On Monday, June 23 2008 20:33 WIB
    2008, 8 casualties was killed Terinfeksi Flu Burung in North

    Istimewah (Tebing Tinggi) - till 2008, the infection of Avian Influensa alias bird flu to humankind in North Sumatra, killed eight people.
    The biggest case happened in 2006, where six residents in the Karo Regency to casualties, the rest of one in Kab.
    Deli Serdang and other in Kab.
    Serdang Bedagai.
    For the Tebing Tinggi City, the newest case of bird flu was still being detected in April 2008 in Kel.

    Blossomed Peaceful, Kec.
    The rambutan.
    Where several poultries died suddenly with the sign similar to bird flu.
    The official of the Tracing and the Control of the Flu Burung Illness or Participatory Disease Of Surveylance Response (PDSR) the Service of Pertanian Kota Tebing Tinggi Tigor Simarmata, S.Pt, stated that in gaps of the Control of Bird Flu of the training agenda, on Sunday (22/6), in the hall of TC Sosial, Street RS UMUM.
    Admitted by Tigor Simarmata, at this time attention of the community to the bird flu danger began to decrease.
    The training that was held by the MUHAMMADIYAH CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE by taking the location of the Tebing Tinggi City, according to Master Training M. Basir Hasibuan, SPd was accompanied by Amrizal SPd.I, because of seeing the location of the strategic city.
    The training, obviously he, was followed by 35 volunteers from each district.
    The aim is, gave the understanding to the volunteer how detected the sign of bird flu as well as prevention efforts that must be carried out before the illness spread the area.

    Training material as provisions to the volunteer, continued Basir, covered Dasar Knowledge of Bird Flu, Teori of Communication, Mapping and the Search for the Data, Peran Muhammadiyah Dalam Penanggulangan of Bird Flu, SOP and PPE as well as the Practice of the Field.
    After the training, all the volunteer will be spread to their respective district carried out the monitoring towards the spreading of bird flu.
    Eventually, the work of the volunteers will be evaluated per three months very much to be had action taken against him lanjuti if being found had cases in lapangan. (a08) [wns]