Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+
Perlu pendekatan ekstra hati-hati, dr Reviono SpP, Ketua Tim Medis Penanggulangan Flu Burung RSUD dr Moewardi Solo
This one doctor really familiar in the reporter's circle, both the print media and electronics.
He that always to jujugan every time had the case avian influenza (AI) or bird flu that was reconciled to RSUD Dr Moewardi Solo.
Including the case suspect AI that fall on YES, 13, the resident Giritontro, Wonogiri that up to now still is treated in isolation space.
The total had 41 patients suspect AI that has been handled by the specialist doctor of the lung lungs had the full name Dr Reviono SpP this since the first time was promoted as Chairman Tim Medis of the Control of AI RSUD Dr Moewardi Solo the end 2005 then.
There are those that finally had recovered, but there are those that could not be rescued.
All of them caused deep emotions.
"Ada the sad and disappointed feeling that was deep every time had my patient who died.
Disappointed because felt could not help," clear Reviono, when being met Expose in his office, on Wednesday (4/6).
Seen from his task trip as the specialist of the lung lungs who just walked around five years, could be counted indeed was not yet too long.
However, his capacity need not be in this field doubted again.
Before being appointed as the chairman of the medical team of the AI control, he also held the office of the chairman of the team of the control tubercolusis (the TB) the strategy of DOTS RSUD Dr Moewardi.
The position that also still is carried out by him now.
Moreover, he also often was believed became the informant in various counselling and the training of the AI control by the Kesehatan Service of the Central Javan Province and UNICEF.
Then was not wrong if RSUD Dr Moewardi entrusted responsibility as the chairman of the team of the AI control to the father of one child.
In this matter, responsibility that must be carried out by Reviono indeed really heavy.
Because, the illness that was spread through this poultry at this time was becoming the spectre in the community.
Many members of casualties's family that did not receive if being given by the diagnosis of AI. Sehingga needed the approach that extra hearts of the heart and giving of information that was complete with the language that was easy to be understood.
That not was easy, at first if the relevant patient evidently could not be rescued.
"Kebanyakan the patient who could not be rescued as a result of the delay of the diagnosis, experienced failed the breath and the acute inflammation."
Namun Demikian, as far as this is concerned, the Bojonegoro birth man, in the last 42 years apparently really enjoyed his work.
He currently lives in the Vila Sounding Lead of Nusa Indah Ii Malangjiwan, Colomadu, Karanganyar.
Apart from being assigned in RSUD Dr Moewardi he also often was in RSI Islam Kustati
shs - 5/6/2008
Perlu pendekatan ekstra hati-hati, dr Reviono SpP, Ketua Tim Medis Penanggulangan Flu Burung RSUD dr Moewardi Solo
This one doctor really familiar in the reporter's circle, both the print media and electronics.
He that always to jujugan every time had the case avian influenza (AI) or bird flu that was reconciled to RSUD Dr Moewardi Solo.
Including the case suspect AI that fall on YES, 13, the resident Giritontro, Wonogiri that up to now still is treated in isolation space.
The total had 41 patients suspect AI that has been handled by the specialist doctor of the lung lungs had the full name Dr Reviono SpP this since the first time was promoted as Chairman Tim Medis of the Control of AI RSUD Dr Moewardi Solo the end 2005 then.
There are those that finally had recovered, but there are those that could not be rescued.
All of them caused deep emotions.
"Ada the sad and disappointed feeling that was deep every time had my patient who died.
Disappointed because felt could not help," clear Reviono, when being met Expose in his office, on Wednesday (4/6).
Seen from his task trip as the specialist of the lung lungs who just walked around five years, could be counted indeed was not yet too long.
However, his capacity need not be in this field doubted again.
Before being appointed as the chairman of the medical team of the AI control, he also held the office of the chairman of the team of the control tubercolusis (the TB) the strategy of DOTS RSUD Dr Moewardi.
The position that also still is carried out by him now.
Moreover, he also often was believed became the informant in various counselling and the training of the AI control by the Kesehatan Service of the Central Javan Province and UNICEF.
Then was not wrong if RSUD Dr Moewardi entrusted responsibility as the chairman of the team of the AI control to the father of one child.
In this matter, responsibility that must be carried out by Reviono indeed really heavy.
Because, the illness that was spread through this poultry at this time was becoming the spectre in the community.
Many members of casualties's family that did not receive if being given by the diagnosis of AI. Sehingga needed the approach that extra hearts of the heart and giving of information that was complete with the language that was easy to be understood.
That not was easy, at first if the relevant patient evidently could not be rescued.
"Kebanyakan the patient who could not be rescued as a result of the delay of the diagnosis, experienced failed the breath and the acute inflammation."
Namun Demikian, as far as this is concerned, the Bojonegoro birth man, in the last 42 years apparently really enjoyed his work.
He currently lives in the Vila Sounding Lead of Nusa Indah Ii Malangjiwan, Colomadu, Karanganyar.
Apart from being assigned in RSUD Dr Moewardi he also often was in RSI Islam Kustati
shs - 5/6/2008