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Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008 - 20th June 2008

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  • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

    Perlu pendekatan ekstra hati-hati, dr Reviono SpP, Ketua Tim Medis Penanggulangan Flu Burung RSUD dr Moewardi Solo

    This one doctor really familiar in the reporter's circle, both the print media and electronics.
    He that always to jujugan every time had the case avian influenza (AI) or bird flu that was reconciled to RSUD Dr Moewardi Solo.
    Including the case suspect AI that fall on YES, 13, the resident Giritontro, Wonogiri that up to now still is treated in isolation space.

    The total had 41 patients suspect AI that has been handled by the specialist doctor of the lung lungs had the full name Dr Reviono SpP this since the first time was promoted as Chairman Tim Medis of the Control of AI RSUD Dr Moewardi Solo the end 2005 then.
    There are those that finally had recovered, but there are those that could not be rescued.
    All of them caused deep emotions.
    "Ada the sad and disappointed feeling that was deep every time had my patient who died.
    Disappointed because felt could not help," clear Reviono, when being met Expose in his office, on Wednesday (4/6).
    Seen from his task trip as the specialist of the lung lungs who just walked around five years, could be counted indeed was not yet too long.
    However, his capacity need not be in this field doubted again.
    Before being appointed as the chairman of the medical team of the AI control, he also held the office of the chairman of the team of the control tubercolusis (the TB) the strategy of DOTS RSUD Dr Moewardi.
    The position that also still is carried out by him now.

    Moreover, he also often was believed became the informant in various counselling and the training of the AI control by the Kesehatan Service of the Central Javan Province and UNICEF.
    Then was not wrong if RSUD Dr Moewardi entrusted responsibility as the chairman of the team of the AI control to the father of one child.
    In this matter, responsibility that must be carried out by Reviono indeed really heavy.
    Because, the illness that was spread through this poultry at this time was becoming the spectre in the community.

    Many members of casualties's family that did not receive if being given by the diagnosis of AI. Sehingga needed the approach that extra hearts of the heart and giving of information that was complete with the language that was easy to be understood.
    That not was easy, at first if the relevant patient evidently could not be rescued.
    "Kebanyakan the patient who could not be rescued as a result of the delay of the diagnosis, experienced failed the breath and the acute inflammation."

    Namun Demikian, as far as this is concerned, the Bojonegoro birth man, in the last 42 years apparently really enjoyed his work.
    He currently lives in the Vila Sounding Lead of Nusa Indah Ii Malangjiwan, Colomadu, Karanganyar.
    Apart from being assigned in RSUD Dr Moewardi he also often was in RSI Islam Kustati

    shs - 5/6/2008


    • Re: Indonesia says it will no longer formally announce bird flu deaths

      Originally posted by Florida1 View Post
      I would like to thank the news analysts who search, translate, and report the news daily:



      Flu Wiki

      bgw in Mt
      History Lover



      A grateful world thanks you!
      Yes, thank you all for your time and hard work.
      Media reports may be all we have if Supari carries out her threat.
      Separate the wheat from the chaff


      • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

        You're all very welcome
        There is not much reported in the Indonesian media lately.


        • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

          From Padang, West Sumatra.

          Toggeltext is out here, may be someone can translate.

          A young child , with initials HAP, 1 year 3 months, is brought to the hospital by its parents. The child displayed bird flu symptoms. Before HAP developed high fever, chickens died suddenly. Family has to use PPE.

          Again Suspect Bird Flu Discovered

          Edit, translation from dbg, PFI:

          Suspect Bird Flu Was Again Found

          Monday, 09 June 2008

          Padang, Padek - RSUP M. Djamil Padang again received the patient suspect bird flu. The patient from the Village [Kampung] Penang, Village [Kelurahan] Bungus Timur, Kota Padang had the initials HAP (1.3). Was based on information from the patient's family, Hendri beforehand had the story of contact with the chicken that suddenly died suddenly. "This patient was carried [by] his parents on Friday (6/6) in the condition for the high and breathless fever. Initially he got the maintenance in the child's ward.

          However because of being seen by his clinical sign resembled bird flu, then he was immediately moved to the room of the Irna C Penyakit Dalam isolation," said the Head of the Service Medic Field RSUP M. Djamil Padang Irayanti to Padang Ekspres, yesterday.

          Concern this pre-schooler was infected by the virus H5N1, said Irayanti increased after being discovered information from his parents. According to his family, before HAP the high fever, indeed had the chicken died suddenly in his residence environment.

          At this time his condition was still feverish high. "The patient also got help of oxygen because he was breathless that was suffered by him. The temperature bada him at this time achieved 38 levels celisius," explained Irayanti.

          The side of RSUP M.Djamil Padang at this time took the sample of the patient's blood to be carried out by the inspection and immediately in sent to Balitbang Department of Health RI. Be planned today also will be taken swab the throat, to know the clinical sign available to mucus.

          Appropriate protap (= PPE, ed) the handling of the bird flu patient while being stated suspect, the patient's family that accompanied must use the protection implement himself, took the form of the mask, sterile clothes and the cover of the head. Whereas the clinical sign of the bird flu patient, breathless and feverish high more than 37 Celsius levels.


          • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

            West Sumatra, Padang

            The Patient Was Still Breathless

            Selasa, 10 Juni 2008

            Padang, Padek - The condition for pre-schoolers suspect bird flu had the initials HAP (15 months) that lying down in RS M. Djamil was still being weak. The infusion hose was still coiling around his wrist. Even so with the oxygen hose that adhered to his nose.

            "At this time the patient was still suffering the fever and breathless. It did not yet have the quite significant development," said the Head of the Field of Pelayanan Medis RSUP M. Djamil Padang, Irayanti was contacted Padang Ekspres, yesterday.

            His side personally at this time took swap the throat to be checked in the laboratory. Whereas the sample of blood that will be sent to Balitbang Department of Health RI, today was just taken.

            Because of beforehand the patient's family refused to be taken the patient's blood. The problem was, misunderstand the patient's family about the procedure of the patient's inspection suspect bird flu.

            However the blessing of the nurse and the doctor of the team's patience informed the importance of the taking of blood to be sent to Balitbang Department of Health RI to be carried out by the test of PCR.

            "Test this to know was not him the virus H5NI in the content of the patient's blood. Expected in the near future, produced by PCR immediately to be known so as the assurance about the patient also immediately was known," he said.

            Still Could Not Be Ascertained

            Separately, Head of Sector Illness Prevention Control (P2P) the City Health Service (DKK) Padang Dr Devi said still could not ascertain the patient suspect bird flu or not.

            The problem was, the clinical sign did not further indicate the patient suspect bird flu. "We did not yet get the assurance from the side RS M. Djamil whether the patient suspect or not. But earlier, the patient never again the high fever," he said.

            The patient, HAP have an address in the Village[Kampung] Penang, Village [Kelurahan] Bungus Timur, Subdistrict Bungus Telukkabung was carried his parents, on Friday (6/6) to RS M. Djamil the hot reason high exceeded 38 derejat celcius.

            The RS side M. Djamil handled him was proper for the patient suspect bird flu, resulting from these pre-schoolers showed the clinical sign like breathless and hot high.

            However unfortunately, till Monday (9/6), the side DKK (Livestock-serviece,ed) did not yet take the action anything, because indeed did not yet get information and the report about this patient.

            The head of the Bungus Community Health Centre, Almu Muhammad said appropriate protap that was agreed to in consensus with the Health Service of the Province, the patient suspect bird flu was sent to RS, must in accordance with reconciliation from the community health centre. That was meant, so that the handling of the patient is really maximal.

            "If having the report, we that sent with means that were owned by us. We also prepared the place was earlier in M. Djamil before the patient came with the aim of sterilising the location. But till yesterday we did not get the report and information anything," Almu covering.

            Was based on the data, said Dr Devi, the case suspect bird flu was in the Padang City recorded, 24 cases. In 2006 had three patients, but was the consignment patient from Jakarta. In 2007 was 21 suspect bird flu, but results of the negative. In 2008, DKK did not yet record the occurrence of the case.

            Negatively Bird Flu

            The head of Agriculture Padang City, Asnel said, after carrying out the survey of the field, there was no chicken that was infected by the bird flu virus. "After in the cheque, not there is any the chicken that was at this time sick," said Asnel.

            However indeed, 15 days ago, there was a chicken died suddenly. Nevertheless, was believed in by Asnel this chicken not the chicken that had the bird flu virus, because other chickens that at this time still were living not there are those that was sick.

            If indeed the chicken that died this the bird flu chicken, then must have the chicken that was sick at this time. "In fact not. The chicken a pen, none was sick," he said again.

            Nevertheless, Agriculture continued to carry out spraying of the radius 1 kilometre from the patient's house. Spraying was carried out for anticipation and calmed the community.

            translation dbg


            • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

              Some details from Padang, West Sumatra. The family doesn?t trust the hospital. Not clear why.

              The child seems to display all clinical symptoms of bird flu.

              A lot of direct contacts before the child was brought to the isolation ward.

              Pre-schoolers Suspect Bird Flu, Family refused to be checked

              Padang - Dugaan the suspect bird flu was aimed at a pre-schooler was 1 years and 3 months old had the initials HAP, was threatened with could not be handled by the official RS. M. Djamil Padang because of the family refused for the inspection of the patient's blood, on Monday (9 - 6).

              This refusal was brought forward without the clear reason.

              According to information of the hospital side, to confirm whether this patient suffered bird flu or not, must join several inspections swab the throat, that was useful to know the clinical sign available to mucus and the sample inspection of blood. But the family was always silent.

              Hendri, parents of the patient, said, on Monday (2/6) previous, his child could be carried to the Puti Midwife in the Laban Bungus Market.

              Kamudian was carried to the other midwife, but never recovered to the end was brought to RS.M.Djamil last Friday (6/6).

              These pre-schoolers could be treated for 2 hours in the Childrens Ward the hospital.

              Hendri startled when the official said his child's illness was similar to the sign of bird flu, because beforehand he only thought his child only suffered the common fever.

              On the official's suggestion, finally Hendri prepared his child was moved to the room of the Irna C Penyakit Dalam Isolation.

              After experiencing the beginning inspection, the official found the indication of early that was similar to the sign of bird flu.

              This assumption was reinforced by information of casualties's family, that said the kept chicken casualties's family had died suddenly, 4 days after the pre-schoolers suffered the fever.

              Resulting from the family's refusal, the process of the patient's recuperation with the step in early took the sample of the patient's blood to be carried out by the inspection that would in sent to Balitbang Department of Health RI to was hindered.

              Observation up until today, several members of the family of the appearance patient accompanied casualties by using the protection implement himself, took the form of the mask, sterile clothes and the cover of the head, appropriate protap the handling of the bird flu patient while being stated suspect.


              • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                Two snips from Padang, Sumatra, on the young child, suspected to have bird fu.

                A child falling ill, having high fever and displaying symptoms of "breathlessness" is not extraordinary, it is normal.

                (Again) some delay of the publication of the testresults.


                - snip -

                In Friday last week that, he said, And cried and hot his body was rather other. There was no assumption what what with his child's illness.

                Moreover, Epi (32) the father And only expected his child the common fever. If in our village, that was named breathless normally, that was not extraordinary.

                But, it is hoped true not bird flu, said the woman again.

                The matter of the cost, he said, indeed must not pay in RS M. Djamil.

                But, to stay long in the hospital certainly was not good, would much money that went out to eat in two kitchens.

                Yesterday the doctor's words today (yesterday) results of his test were finished.

                - snip -

                The head of the Pelayanan Medik Field RSUP M. Djamil Padang, Dr Irayanti that was contacted mentioned, up until Tuesday (10/6) results of the test of the patient's blood that was expected to be infected by the virus H5NI that did not yet go out. Possibly 5 or 6 days more.

                It was clear, the patient will continue to be treated intensively here, said Irayanti while mentioning, the sample of blood was still being checked in Balitbang Department of Health RI.

                translation Influentia2


                • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                  Some more snips from Padang Hopital, Sumatra

                  The child HAP seems to improve.

                  "Rapid test" said "negative", however these teste have an accuracy of 50%.

                  The doctors had trouble with taking samples, only after 2 days of treatment the parents allowed it. Would not be surprising if the results of the PCR-test would be negative too.

                  The Sample Of Blood Was Sent To The Department Of Health

                  Rabu, 11 Juni 2008

                  Padang, Padek - After three days underwent the maintenance in the room of the isolation of RSUP M. Djamil Padang, "HAP" (15 months) the patient suspect bird flu gradually from Bungus Kota Padang improved.

                  This condition was seen with the fall of the temperature of the body of the male child from 39 levels celsius became 37 levels celsius. Nevertheless, this patient still experienced breathless so as still needed help of breathing with oxygen.

                  "Generally the condition for his body was still weak, everything of the number of his leucocytes was also high, this matter signalled the existence of the infection in the patient's body. From results rapid the test that was carried out in RSUP M. Djamil Padang, results of the negative.

                  However in accordance with the procedure, that will become the reference was results of the PCR test, that is results of blood that verified in Balitbang Department of Health RI, said the Head of the Layanan Medik Field RSUP M. Djamil Padang, to Padang Ekspres, yesterday.

                  transalation dbg


                  • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                    Long report from website Department of Health on Bird Flu Cases, January - May 2008

                    TT is out here.


                    • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                      Post #264:

                      Based on examinatiion virologist with method analyzing (genetic sequencing) by means of Badan Research and Development Health (Balitbangkes) Depkes and Organization Biology Molecular Eijkman in Jakarta, up until now virus flu burung that attack human being still [consistent/fixed/stable] H5N1. And thus, infection virus flu burung in Indonesia still from poultry toward humans. Karana that, society was appealed toward avoiding contact with poultry that sick or died suddenly and environment that polluted feces poultry. Not tend poultry in surrounding settlement when there is poultry that is sick or dead in surroundings around, immediately report to Ketua RT RW local Masyarakat also urged always to carry out behavior live clean and healthy (PHBS), look after cleanliness surroundings and guard against sign Flu, because frequently times too late patient seek service medical enhance risk death. Matter
                      concerning those passed on dr I Nyoman Kendun MPH Dirjen Pengendalian Disease and Sanitation Lengkungan Depkes linked by evolution handling flu burung.

                      According to dr Nyoman Kandun in handling flu burung government already to carry out various endeavors towards suppress number illness and death. Among to prepare house sick referral Flu Burung from formerly 44 RS become 100 RS in entire Indonesia to participate in treatment method free of charge for medical patient that anticipated suspect Flu Burung until result inspection completed done Badan Research & Development in Eijkman.

                      Not translated:
                      Sedangkan untuk mempercepat pemeriksaan sampel dilakukan penguatan laboratorium rujukan nasional dan 8 laboratorium regional. Pemeriksaan sampel yang semula dilakukan di laboratorium rujukan WHO di Hongkong dan CDC Atlanta Amerika (sejak 2005 sampai awal Agustus 2006) maka mulai 8 Agustus 2006 penentuan konfirmasi kasus Flu burung dapat dilakukan di dalam negeri yaitu laboratorium Badan Litbangkes dan Lembaga Eijkman. Pada saat bersamaan, Menkes RI juga menetapkan bahwa data virus Flu Burung dimasukkan dalam Genebank sehingga dapat diakses oleh para ilmuan internasional.

                      Selain itu, pemerintah juga menyediakan obat Oseltamivir di sarana pelayanan kesehatan pemerintah seperti Puskesmas dan RS rujukan. Sedangkan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan petugas, telah dilakukan berbagai pelatihan penanggulangan Flu Burung bagi petugas medis dan paramedis serta Tim Gerak Cepat Flu Burung, kata dr. Nyoman Kandun.

                      Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam mengantisipasi kemungkinan pandemi influenza, telah diselenggarakan simulasi penanggulangan pandemi influenza di Jembrana, Bali tanggal 25-27 April 2008 yang melibatkan Puskesmas, RS, desa wilayah penanggulangan, Bandara dan jejaring kesehatan lainnya. Ini adalah simulasi penanggulangan komprehensif pertama di dunia, dihadiri pengamat dari dalam dan luar negeri, tambah dr. Nyoman Kandun.
                      In period of time January - May year 2008 Depkes already to do check suspect Flu Burung to be in succession go along with 198 cases and 483 specimen. In period that same for year 2007, already carried out investigation suspect toward 479 cases and 1,025 specimen. For the moment at period of time that equal year 2006, already carried out investigation suspect flu burung sequential 302 cases and 714 specimen. Besides that also carried out investigation laboratory contact research inquiry cases confirm Flu Burung, monitoring contact cases confirmand counseling to community through various channels information which available.

                      Toward month May 2008, cases positive Flu Burung indicate descent 50% compared cases Flu Burung in month May 2007 and descent that sharp that is to say 88.8% compared cases Flu Burung in month May 2006. Peak highest cases flu burung found in month May 2007 because situation cluster Flu Burung largest Kabupaten Karo.

                      Not Translated:
                      Dari 12 provinsi yang terinfeksi Flu Burung, terdapat 5 provinsi yang tidak ditemukan lagi kasus Flu Burung yaitu :

                      Provinsi Lampung : Infeksi tahun 2005, 2 tahun 5 bulan lebih tidak ditemukan kasus
                      Provinsi Sulsel : Infeksi tahun 2006, 17 bulan lebih tidak ditemukan kasus
                      Provinsi Sumsel : infeksi tahun 2007, 5 bulan lebih tak ada lagi kasus
                      Provinsi Riau : Infekksi tahun -2007, 5 bulan tak ada kasus
                      Provinsi Bali : Infeksi bln November 2007, 6 bulan tak ada kasus.
                      Informasi perkembangan penanggulangan dan kasus Flu Burung, akan disampaikan secara berkala sebulan sekali. Dengan demikian masyarakat dan seluruh pemangku kepentingan dapat mengetahui upaya-upaya menyeluruh yang telah dilakukan dalam periode tersebut. Informasi akan disampaikan melalui situs

                      Berita ini disiarkan oleh Pusat Komunikasi Publik, Sekretariat Jenderal Departemen Kesehatan. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi melalui nomor telepon/faks:021-5223002 dan 52960661, atau e-mail dan


                      • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                        Thank you!


                        • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+


                          WHO says Indonesia has given assurances it will report bird flu cases

                          TORONTO ? A senior official of the World Health Organization says the global health agency has been assured Indonesia will continue to report human cases of, and deaths from, H5N1 avian flu as they occur.

                          The WHO had sought clarification from Indonesia after Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari said last week that her country would in future only report H5N1 deaths sporadically, perhaps at six month intervals.

                          The suggestion was met with dismay and with warnings that Indonesia would be in violation of the International Health Regulations if Supari carries through on her threat.

                          That international treaty requires prompt reporting of cases of diseases such as H5N1 that have been designated as global health threats. Indonesia is a signatory to the treaty.

                          "We've received official notice at our WHO office in Jakarta that the minister will continue - as she has been - notifying WHO on confirmed infections under the International Health Regulations," Dr. David Heymann, assistant director general for health security and environment, said from Geneva.

                          "She's been clear ... that she has no intention of not conforming to the International Health Regulations. She knows what they are. She's been told what those regulations require."

                          Despite the assurances, it seems Indonesia may not have formally notified the WHO yet of an H5N1 death that occurred nearly a month ago.

                          In an interview with the Associated Press last week, Supari revealed that a teenage girl died on May 14, but the government decided not to announce her death right away.

                          "How does it help us to announce these deaths?" she asked in the interview.

                          The most recent death Indonesia reported to the WHO occurred on April 23. As of Thursday, the WHO's official case count for Indonesia was 108 deaths out of 133 confirmed cases - the highest toll of any country afflicted with the H5N1 virus.

                          Heymann said the WHO's country office in Jakarta may have been notified Thursday of the death and was putting the information through channels. But if that's not the case, the WHO will be asking questions.

                          "If that was a confirmed case, we will have to work to understand what went wrong" in the notification process, he said.

                          The International Health Regulations stipulate that countries must report new H5N1 cases within 24 hours of confirmation and must report important related information, such as deaths, in a timely manner.

                          The WHO needs the information to make an assessment of the risk the event poses. Changes in the H5N1 death rate, for instance, could signal that the virus has mutated and experts would want to study sample viruses to look for what triggered the shift.

                          Indonesia has been enmeshed in a dispute with the WHO for more than a year, refusing to allow outside scientists to study sample viruses until it receives assurance it will get a share of any vaccine produced from Indonesian viruses.


                          • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                            Department of Health in Indonesia stands up to defend their bird flu policy.

                            - Number of suspect cases descended sharply, short summary presented;
                            - Government invested a lot of money in special referral hospitals, training of medics, local laboratories;
                            - Two national lab's do a lot of testing; no signs of bird flu going H2H;
                            - Offering free medical treatment for suspect bird flu patients and offering Tamiflu to local Health Centres and Hospitals;
                            - More counseling in local communities.

                            Number of Bird Flu Suspects Descended 50%

                            Jakarta - government efforts to deal with the bird flu virus began to show results.

                            Although still was gotten by the positive case of the virus infection H5N1, the amount descended significant when against the same period last year.

                            From the data that was owned by the Department of the Health, the period January-May 2008 the Department of Health carried out the inspection suspect bird flu was endless towards 198 cases and 483 specimens.

                            In fact, in the same period 2007, the Department of Health checked suspect towards 479 cases and 1,025 specimens.

                            The director general of the Control of the Illness and Sanitation of Lingkungan Department of Health Dr I Nyoman Kandun MPH said, in May 2008, the positive case of bird flu descended 50 percent compared with the case of bird flu in May 2007.

                            Moreover, descended sharply (88, 8 percent) when compared with the case in May 2006.The peak was highest the case of bird flu happened in May 2007 because of the existence klaster biggest bird flu in the Karo Regency (North Sumatra), he said in Jakarta yesterday (12-6).

                            According to Kandun, in the control of bird flu, the government carried out various efforts to press the pain figure and the death. (Morbidity and mortality, ed).

                            Among them, prepared the reconciliation hospital from 44 to 100 hospitals all over Indonesia.

                            Including the free maintenance for the patient who was expected (suspect) bird flu was through to results of the inspection of being finished carried out the Litbang Body and Eijkman, he continued.

                            Moreover, was carried out by the inspection of the contact laboratory, case investigation konfirm bird flu, observation of case contact confirm, and counselling to the community through various information channels that were available.

                            Was based on the inspection virologis with the genetic analysis method by Balitbangkes Department of Health and the Biologi Molekuler Eijkman Agency in Jakarta, up to now the bird flu virus that attacked humankind still continue to H5N1.

                            Therefore, the spread of the bird flu virus in Indonesia still from the poultry to humankind.

                            He appealed to the community to avoid contact with the poultry that was sick or died suddenly and the most polluted environment the waste of the poultry.

                            If having the poultry that was sick or died in the environment around, immediately was reported to the local chairman RT RW, mentioned he.

                            At this time, said he, the government also provided Oseltamivir medicine in means of the government of the health service like the community health centre and RS reconciliation.

                            To increase the official's capacity, the Department of Health carried out various trainings of the control of bird flu for the medical officials and the paramedic as well as the Team of the Cepat Movement of Bird Flu.

                            Indopos Online News, Newspaper Jakarta : IBARAT air mengalir atau jam berdetak. Media siber indopos lahir dari rahim seorang ‘ibu’ digitalisasi.

                            For Original Press Release Dep of Health in Indonesian:

                            Press release in English is expected in a few days.

                            Preliminary translation here:

                            List of 100 bird flu referral hospitals in Indonesia here:


                            • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                              Metro TV reporting on "HAP" , the child in Padang Hospital, West Sumatra.

                              This reports mentions a grand total of 63 (suspect) patients, with 2 fatalities.

                              Official count by Dep of Health is 4 confirmed cases, 1 died:

                    , Padang ; One patient suspect bird flu was treated in the Daerah Public Hospital (RSUD) Muhammad Djamil Padang, West Sumatra.

                              He was Hendra Andika, 1 year, the resident of the Penang village, Kelurahan Bungus Timur, of Kecamatan Bungus Telukkabung, West Sumatra.

                              Currently, his condition gradually improved but he was still using the infusion as well as respiratory aids.

                              The head of the Pelayanan Medik Field RSUD Muhammad Djamil, Irayanti said Hendra was treated after experiencing the sign of the high fever, breathless, the cough cough and flu.

                              His side also still was waiting for results to crush Hendra blood from the Department of Health laboratory in Jakarta. Hendra had the story of contact with the poultry.

                              During the last three years, RSUD Muhammad Djamil treated 63 patients, two including dying. The bird flu sufferer in general from various cities and the regency in West Sumatra and most in the Padang City, Dharmasraya, and the South Coast.


                              • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                                Update on HAP from local Padang press.

                                Aids does NOT refer to HIV, but to artificial feeding , oxygen and infusion; earlier reports said the child was very light and the girl has difficulties with swallowing food. Medicine is added (Tamiflu?).

                                The condition of the girl seems to improve. Lab of Dep of Health promised to report the test results by telephone as soon as possible.

                                The patient Suspect Bird Flu with Aids

                                On Friday, June 13 2008 Padang, Padek Pasien suspect bird flu had the initials "HAP" (15 months), got help nasograstik (NGT) took the form of the hose that dimasukan in the throat, as aids memasukan food in the body, yesterday.

                                This policy was taken by the team of the doctor, because of pre-schoolers from the Village Penang Kecamatan Bungus Telukkabung this was difficult to swallow food.

                                Although then was like this, generally the patient experienced the development of the temperature of the body began to be normal.

                                At this time indeed 'HAP', got NGT help.

                                This implement to help so that asupan the nutrient that was important for his body continued to be able to be fulfilled.

                                Because of the last three days, he had difficulty swallowing food, said the Head of the Layanan Medik Field RSUP M. Djamil Padang Irayanti to Padang Ekspres, yesterday.

                                This implement also helped the sweetheart this Epi Bachelor to memasukan medicine in his body.

                                So as ditubuh small these pre-schoolers were increasingly filled health aids.

                                Because of beforehand he also got help of breathing through oxygen.

                                In the meantime the coil of the infusion on his arms also still was installed sbagai the entry road of the liquid in his body.

                                Till at this time the development really was significant in the temperature of his body that no longer experiences the fever.

                                To breathless that was experienced by him also began to decrease, but still experienced the cough.

                                The RSUP side M. Djamil Padang was still being waiting for results of the PCR test that was sent the sample of his blood two days ago.

                                Be based on protap the handling of the bird flu patient, usually if indeed the positive patient suffered bird flu, then the side of Balitbang Department of Health immediately telephoned RSUP, to in took the special action.

