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Indonesia BF - 06/05 - 06/10

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  • #16
    Re: Duck egg production numbers down / the ducks aren't laying as many eggs as usual

    Originally posted by JJackson
    Fall off in laying is a common symptom of LP AI in poultry and H5N1 shows low virulence in some waterfowl so it seems quite possible, but I know of no one who has experimentaly keep H5N1 infected birds to see if they lay well!
    Thanks, JJ and AnneZ.

    Someone pointed out to me that a decrease in egg production in domestic ducks and geese is, in face, one complication of H5N1 in these birds:


    Incubation period
    3-7 days

    Clinical signs
    —Signs of depression, inappetence, and diarrhea similar to those seen in layers
    —Swollen sinuses
    —Neurologic signs in younger birds

    —Decrease in egg production
    —Sudden death
    —Surviving birds are in poor condition and resume laying only after a period of several weeks

    Case-fatality rate
    As high as 100%

    Adapted from Aeillo 1998, APHIS, Beard 1998, Capua 2001, OIE 2002, PHS) (see References).

    ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


    • #17
      New bf suspect / a pre-schooler from [sounds like] the city of Medan, Sumatra

      Can't get access to the full article. is not the most reliable of sites....

      toggletext-ed from Indonesian:

      Pre-schoolers Suspect Bird Flu
      June 08, 2006

      One of the citizen's pre-schoolers Street. Sisingamangaraja Medan is currently treated in RSUP H Adam the Medan Owner resulting from Suspect bird flu. Casualties were reconciled from RS Elisabeth, on Wednesday (7/6). According to the Chairman Kordinator treated inap suspect bird flu of Dr. Adlin Adnan was accompanied by Ginting rays public relations, SE mentioned, casualties had the initials the JAS was 2 years at this time old experienced the high fever, pilek, the cough and breathless....

      ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


      • #18
        Re: New bf suspect / a pre-schooler from [sounds like] the city of Medan, Sumatra

        Originally posted by Theresa42
        Can't get access to the full article. is not the most reliable of sites....

        toggletext-ed from Indonesian:

        Pre-schoolers Suspect Bird Flu
        June 08, 2006

        One of the citizen's pre-schoolers Street. Sisingamangaraja Medan is currently treated in RSUP H Adam the Medan Owner resulting from Suspect bird flu. Casualties were reconciled from RS Elisabeth, on Wednesday (7/6). According to the Chairman Kordinator treated inap suspect bird flu of Dr. Adlin Adnan was accompanied by Ginting rays public relations, SE mentioned, casualties had the initials the JAS was 2 years at this time old experienced the high fever, pilek, the cough and breathless....
        The rest...

        Casualties were treated intensively in the room of the Longing of A RSUP H Adam the Medan Owner. Whereas the team of the doctor has taken sample blood, the nose liquid and the throat to be checked in the Laboratory. In the temporary inspection, the temperature of casualties's body achieved 38 levels celsius and did not have appetite ate as well as the condition for the weak body. However, casualties according to the latest report still in the maintenance stage and did not yet make use of the other equipment like respiratory aids (the Ventilator).

        "During at this time casualties were not yet installed respiratory aids, but Adam's side the Owner continue to supervised for 24 hours about the development of the condition for casualties. If being seen from the sign that was experienced by casualties, almost was the same as the condition for the citizen of the Simbelang Fortification the patient of the bird flu sufferer," said Adnan.

        In the meantime, the Jones Ginting condition the patient of the bird flu sufferer increasingly improved. The temperature of casualties's body has been stable, appetite ate increased and the photograph thorak has been good. The possibility in the near future Ginting will come home. "The temperature of the temperature of his body at this time 36,9 levels celsius, breathing 24x per the minute, blood pressure 130/75 and the medical team tiak still made use of the personal protection implement when checking the Jones condition into the room." According to WHO information, said Adnan, the Jones condition at this time did not endanger again and only tingal recuperation. Whereas according to the team of the expert, Jones no longer need to eat Tamiflu medicine.
        ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


        • #19
          Re: BF review from Indonesia / more from Dr. Nidom

          Post 13
          Originally posted by Theresa42
          "Therefore, I had the hypothesis if the Jakarta citizen was done surveilans by means of isolating the virus (not the antibodies test), not not all that the figure 70% brought this virus without caused was sick. I believed that Jakarta was the epicentre of bird flu. For Bandung, only gods that knew," he said.
          Is he saying there is Low Path in Jakarta?


          • #20
            Re: Indonesia BF - 06/05

            Commentary at


            • #21
              Re: Indonesia BF - 06/05


              <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=400 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffee>

              Jones Ginting the Bird Flu Sufferer in RS Adam the Owner recovered was written by editorial staff on Thursday, on June 08 2006 Medan (SIB) Jones Ginting the bird flu patient that was treated diruang the isolation RSU the Centre H Adamthe Medan Owner was stated recovered, after Tim from the Health Body.The world (WHO) and Tim the Expert mentioned the patient has been free from the virus H5N1.At this time Jones was still being treated because of experiencing the infection skunder and his plan could come home this week.After getting the maintenance of the media, since last May, Jones Ginting the only bird flu patient cluster biggest that remained because the attack of the bird flu virus had finally been stated recovered.Results x-rayed and the last inspection of the blood test showed the Jones lungs have been clean from Feunomia and midle.Because his condition continued to improve, at this time the Jones family has been permitted treated without making use of the protective mask.Likewise Tim Doctor no longer puts on special clothes in the procedure of the bird flu patient.Tim our Expert also has broken that not making use of the complete protective mask to check him (Jones Ginting red), said Tim medical to the Reporter Breakingprep last Tuesday (6/6).Jones said one from eight people as a family that was attacked by the bird flu virus.The BIRD FLU SUFFERER was in East Java stated SEMBUHthe bird flu Patient that was treated in RSUD Dr Sutomo Surabaya, on Tuesday early afternoon (6/6) was stated recovered.Crying confused and hugs and kisses coloured the child's returning Anang Pratuleo (18) the bird flu sufferer from the village of the Subdistrict Pendant of Gantengrejo Kediri East Java.Anang was stated recovered the total and free from the bird flu virus after being treated for 21 days in isolation space of RSUD Dr Sutomo Surabaya.However after coming home from Kediri, Anang must continue to undergo several medical inspections in RSUD Kediri, nevertheless Anang continued to be sure himself could come back went to school and gathered again with his friends.Pre-schoolers Suspect Bird Flu entered RSUP H Adam MalikIn The Meantime, a male pre-schooler (2 years) the patient suspect the citizen's bird flu Street Sisingamangaraja Medan, entered RSUP H</PRE>
              </TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


              • #22
                Re: Indonesia BF - 06/05


                The patient Suspect Bird Flu improved in MedanMedan -- MIOL: A pre-schooler, the COAT, 2, suspect the citizen's bird flu Street Sisingamaharaja, Km 6,5, Marendal, Medan, North Sumatra (North Sumatra), was treated in Space of the Longing Isolation A the Public Hospital (RSU) Adam the Owner.The COAT was brought by his family, on Tuesday (6/6), struck 21.30 WIB to RS Adam the Owner was based on the reconciliation letter from the child's specialist doctor in RS Elisabet Medan that said the patient suspect bird flu because of suffering the high fever to 38 Celcius and his lungs were affected pneuomia.Bidang Pelayanan Medis Deputy Director and Education RS Adam the Owner, Nurasyid Lubis to the Indonesian Media, on Thursday (8/5), confirmed had the patient who entered was based on reconciliation that said suspect bird flu.The "patient still in the inspection, because of having the possibility he not yet suspect bird flu because saw the level of blood below 16 thousand, whereas suspect bird flu below five thousand," he said.However, his side continued to take the sample of blood from these pre-schoolers to be sent to the Body of Health Research And Development (Balitbang Cash), the Department of the Health.In the meantime, the Jonnes condition, 25, the patient that was stated positive was affected by the AI virus in the case cluster biggest was stated was free from the virus H5N1.The team of the doctor currently supervises the secondary development of the infection that still was suffered by villagers the Fortification Simbelang the Regency Karo North Sumatra.The "condition for the Jones health increasingly improved."There were not again the high fever and pneumonia.Was based on the inspection specimen blood and the nose liquid and the last throat, he has been negative AI, said Nurasyid.However, he still could not confirm when Jones left RS Adam the Owner, because still must be waiting to be in a meeting of the co-ordination from the North Sumatran Health Service, the Health Service of the Karo Regency, Tim the Expert Bird Flu and Tim the doctor.The "meeting was needed to consider the possibility and the impact if he was returned, good from the aspect of psychological the patient, villagers, the control system that was carried out and how took medicine the running," he said.Jones was the only positive patient bird flu from cluster biggest that was stated freest from the deadly virus.Whereas his seven relatives died in a beruntunmanner</PRE>


                • #23
                  Re: Indonesia BF - 06/05 - 06/08

                  <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=400 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffee>

                  Jakarta - the Researcher Avian influenza (AI) or Bird Flu from Surabaya Dr drh CA Nidom Ms believed in the AI spread or Bird Flu antarmanusia in Indonesia has been available.However, that need not be responded to in a manner panicked."I was convinced was available, because of the development of the virus H3N2 and H1N1 that was the descendants of the virus H5N1 with alpha 2,6 has been found."Afterwards the infection in humankind that came from the poultry also was unproven since the case of Iwan's death from Tangerang, he said in gaps of the Bird Flu seminar today.The researcher to TDC (Tropical Disease Centre) the Medical Faculty (FK) the Airlangga University (Unair) Surabaya proposed that was related the existence of the official's statement WHO. the Spread of Bird Flu antarmanusia was found in the Simbelang Fortification Village, the Karo Land, North Sulawesi, Indonesia."Epidemiolog WHO carried out observation of the field."They did not find the assumption of sources that could be suspected as the spreading, whereas seven between nine casualties died had the family's relations (cluster) and suffered the same sign, said the spokesperson WHO Peter Cordingley in press information some time before.However, the WHO signal was denied by Menkes Siti Fadilah Supari."Cluster bird flu still could not be in the Karo Land said by the spread of bird flu antarmanusia, because of not yet having existence proof of the DNA mutation the identical virus in the virus H5N1 that infected to-nine casualties but also did not have proof of spread epidemiology antarmanusia," said Menkes.According to Nidom that also the lecturer FK Unair Surabaya, the statement from WHO was natural, because of AI like the normal flu illness, because that need not be responded to in a manner panicked."I had sent the assumption in Pontianak to last April," he said.He stressed that the community could respond to Bird Flu with two steps that is increasing body resistance through the gown crop like temulawak and turmeric that contained curcuma or the crocodile tongue that contained emodin.The "other step was the community in the RT level (the neighbourhood association) could do spraying of disinfectant routinely a week very much in his environment, moreover the price of the disinfectant was cheapenough"</PRE>
                  </TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


                  • #24
                    Re: Indonesia BF - 06/05 - 06/08

                    Apart from discussing the handling of bird flu by DrH Esti M. K, the Bird Flu Seminar that was held by the Association of the Student ITS Biology, on Friday early afternoon (26/5) also asked the community and the government to change the paradigm towards the spread of bird flu that uptil now was believed in only through the poultry. the Rectorate building, ITS Online - the Government has necessarily changed the paradigm that the spread of bird flu only happened through the poultry.Because from several cases of bird flu casualties, both that died and that not, the indication of the spread from the poultry very minimal, said Dr drh C A Nidom Ms, the bird flu researcher from the University of Airlangga Surabaya, in the agenda of the Bird Flu seminar, on Friday (26/5).Said by Nidom, the possibility of the spread of bird flu between the humankind was very big happened.Was based on the research that once the implementation since last March 2006, spesifitas the receptor alfa 26 available to humankind could spread between humankind.Even so to the pig that also had spesifitas the receptor that was the same as humankind.At this time I was testing spesifitas the receptor to the cat, he said.With this assumption, very possibly the case of bird flu that happened in Indonesia uptil now happened because of the spread factor between humankind.Nevertheless, he suggested that the community did not too much panic.Because the mutation of the gene like that was the matter that very normal.Enabled, the virus H5N1 eventually will become was used to it to the human body.And, pengidap the virus not always to the person who has been sick.But the person that was seen healthy then very possibly in his body has had the bird flu virus.If being done by the inspection, I was convinced in Jakarta 60 through to 70 percent of the person there in his body has had the bird flu virus, he stressed.Nidom afterwards stressed that the characteristics of the virus in the body really were easy to carry out the mutation and to be easy to adapt, including bird flu (Avian influenza/AI).So as the mutation alfa 23 available to the poultry would bermutasi with alfa 26 to the non poultry.This influenza virus was the virus that had fregmentasi




                    • #25
                      Re: Indonesia BF - 06/05 - 06/08

                      Originally posted by niman
                      If being done by the inspection, I was convinced in Jakarta 60 through to 70 percent of the person there in his body has had the bird flu virus, he stressed.Nidom afterwards stressed that the characteristics of the virus in the body really were easy to carry out the mutation and to be easy to adapt, including bird flu (Avian influenza/AI).So as the mutation alfa 23 available to the poultry would bermutasi with alfa 26 to the non poultry.This influenza virus was the virus that had fregmentasi
                      I have read this a few times and am still not sure what he is saying.

                      Is he saying 60 to 70% have been exposed but not infected due to receptor binding incompatibility or natural immunity or have been infected but asymptomatically? And what is he saying on the probability of adaption to alpha 2, 6 ? that is highly probable?


                      • #26
                        Re: Indonesia BF - 06/05 - 06/08


                        <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=400 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffee>

                        Teka Teki gazed at the Pandemic Although officially the spread antarmanusia in the level kluster still became the mystery, spesifitas the receptor alfa 2,6 that enabled the bird flu virus to move from humankind to humankind has been found.Must be attentive seriously so that the pandemic that usually claims many casualties could be avoided.The influenza VIRUS H5N1 the first time infecting humankind in Hong Kong in 1997.In December 2003 began to be determined this virus infection in humankind that had contact with the poultry was sick.A official from the Health Service of the Bandung City took the sample of blood from one of the patient's neighbours "suspect" bird flu, the RN (22 months), in the Cigagak Kel Village.Cipadung Kec.Cibiru the Bandung City, on Monday (27/2).M. the SAPTA TUMULT/HOMEWORK Since That Time till June 6 2006 WHO accepted the report 225 cases of the spread of the virus H5N1 with 128 died in 10 Asian countries, Africa as far as Europe.Indonesia was in the second level of the number of most cases in the world after Vietnam with 49 cases and 37 died.From 49 patients who it was confirmed were infected by the bird flu virus, 17 among them was in the West Javanese Province.As many as 15 people from 49 patients died.Now from 17 patients in West Java, seven including being treated in the Handsome Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung, two people were stated recovered.Saw this reality, did at this time the world head the new pandemic?The organisation of the health of the world (WHO) stated the spread of bird flu at this time was to stage 3: pandemic alert.Meaning that, has had the infection in humankind but was not yet proven had the spread antarmanusia.Needed two stages more before being categorised experienced the pandemic.The stage 4 was proven had the spread antarmanusia in the group (cluster) small and the stage 5 spreads antarmanusia in the big group (larger).The world had experienced three influenza pandemics in this age.Spanish influenza happened in 1918 that killed 40-50 million people all over the world.Asian influenza in 1957 killed 2 million world's populations and Hong Kong influenza (1968) with 1</PRE>
                        </TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>


                        • #27
                          Re: Indonesia BF - 06/05 - 06/08

                          WHO said continued to research the possibility of the spread of bird flu antarmanusia in Indonesia including the existence kluster this.The statement was hurriedly denied Menkes RI, Siti Fadilah Supari and the Director General of the Control of the Illness and environmental Sanitation Department of Health RI I Nyoman Kandun.Since July 2005 Indonesia had six cases kluster."According to me, something that naive if the number cluster that happened already a large number of in Indonesia and the form of the virus already 2,6 still was said the spread did not happen antarmanusia and still was said only tertular from the poultry," said Nidom.Slow him the handling of the government especially in the poultry breeding arrangement was said by Nidom to one of the starting points continued to expand him this illness.As far as this is concerned, apparently the handling in the sector of poultry breeding still was reactive including the clear rule lack about the vaccine that was used.Up to the middle of this year, has 19 regencies/the city in West Java that his poultry tertular the bird flu virus.Six regencies/the other city was threatened because was pressed by the area was infected.Drh.Sri Mudjiartiningsih from Labkesda West Java in the training of coverage of bird flu that was spread out by Internews acknowledged the indolence.According to the veterinary surgeon who had been treated as suspect this bird flu, the handling that did not touch the community happened because of his motor only the Service of province Livestock Breeding."Disnak the regency/the city did not have the colleague's fund for that," he said.The matter of the vaccination also did not yet spread everywhere was done.In fact, the poultry that has divaksin then only had maximal optimal immunity four months.That was significant, the vaccination must be repeated routinely minimal three times in a year."Must him together like the PIN," he said again.Apart from the vaccine H5N1, to the front Disnak will also use the vaccine H5N2.The same vaccine kind that currently often is worn by the poultry breeding industry in the homeland.The matter, Nidom also commented loud.According to him, the vaccine that was used must be matched with the available virus in the field."If the available virus in the field was the virus H5N1 that seed the vaccine, yes must H5N1."Except if indeed has changed his virus, his vaccine must then change.Likewise seed the vaccine vaccine must be always controlled, he said.</PRE>


                          • #28
                            Re: Indonesia BF - 06/05 - 06/08

                            Same machine-translation above, just "cleaned up" a bit:

                            ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                            • #29
                              Re: Indonesia BF - 06/05 - 06/08


                              Are there 4 distinct views on the situations in Indonesia?

                              1. Indonesian officials who think poultry is no problem

                              2. WHO officials who say H5N1 still can't do much harm to human

                              3. Indonesian doctors who think H5N1 is spreading among human

                              4. Niman who thinks P4 is here on way to P5

                              With all these patients, the Indonesian doctors should have the best feel on what is happening. What do you think?



                              • #30
                                Re: Indonesia BF - 06/05 - 06/08

                                Originally posted by NY1

                                Are there 4 distinct views on the situations in Indonesia?

                                1. Indonesian officials who think poultry is no problem

                                2. WHO officials who say H5N1 still can't do much harm to human

                                3. Indonesian doctors who think H5N1 is spreading among human

                                4. Niman who thinks P4 is here on way to P5

                                With all these patients, the Indonesian doctors should have the best feel on what is happening. What do you think?

                                I just don't know -- I feel it's so hard to know because all the players have some sort of interest to protect or agenda or have their hands tied or whatever. I mean, of course some of the Indo officials are going to deny there's a problem with poultry -- especially the local officials. What kind of chaos is that going to create if all the small (and large) farmers have to cull their chickens? And who's going to pay for it?

                                Re. the WHO -- if you head over to you can read all about how the WHO's hands are tied due to all the national/international politics involved.

                                I would think, like you, that the Indonesian doctors ought to know what they're talking about since they're on the ground there -- although, I haven't heard much of what the doctors who are actually treating bf patients there have to say. Maybe someone else has. Dr. Nidom (I think he's a microbiologist -- he's an Indonesian flu researcher, anyway) certainly thinks that H5N1 has acquired some worrying changes:

                                As far as Dr. Niman goes -- he's been right about a lot of things in the past regarding H5N1 -- I wouldn't be surprised at all if he's pretty close to the mark this time around, too.
                                ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes

