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Indonesia BF - 06/05 - 06/10
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Re: Indonesia BF - 06/05
Source of Human H5N1 Bird Flu In Indonesia Unclear
Recombinomics Commentary
June 5, 2006
for the source of the spread, 23 percent of the bird flu sufferer had direct contact with with the chicken or the poultry that died, 25 percent contact indirectly (the chicken or the poultry around the sufferer's positive house H5N1), 2 percent contact with fertiliser that came from the waste of the animal and totalling 17 percent was not yet known by the source of his spread.
The "case of bird flu in Indonesia most happened to the man compared to the woman." This illness not only attacked the adult, but also children. Twenty-two percent of the case of bird flu happened to children, twenty percent to the student, eight percent happened to the worker in livestock breeding, four percent happened to the worker in the traditional market, said Steven.
The above translation on human H5N1 bird flu infections in Indonesia raises additional questions about the source of the infections. As noted above, the majority of confirmed cases are not directly linked to poultry. Poultry outbreaks are widespread in Indonesia (see map), and don't always coincide with human cases (see map).
The amount of sequence information from H5N1 human cases in Indonesia is limited to two sequences (HA and NA) from one isolate, A/Indonesia/5/2005 (deposited at Los Alamos on August 1, 2005). WHO updates have descriptions of that isolate as well as the isolate from the second confirmed case, and recent isolates from the north Sumatra cluster. Additional information in an Effect Measure report, as well as Declan Butler's report in association with a Nature news story suggests there are three distinct H5N1's isolated from human cases and none match the public poultry sequences from Indonesia.
The most common sequence is public. It has a novel cleavage site as well as a novel glycosylation site. Although it is closely related to a subset of Indonesian poultry isolates, the cleavage site is not found in any other public H5N1 sequence. However, it does match most of the human H5N1 in the West Java region and was also present in a cat isolate from the area. The absence of this sequence from the public H5N1 poultry sequences raises questions about the origin of the human infections.
The second human H5N1 isolate described in the WHO update appeared to be more closely related to bird isolates. It had a wild-type cleavage sie and was sensitive to both classes of anti-virals. However, it had PB2 E627K, which allowed H5N1 to grow at lower temperatures and be more virulent, Most humans infected with H5N1 with PB2 E627K died, as did the 2nd confirmed patient. E627K was not found in bird H5N1 until it was isolated from infected birds at Qinghai Lake. However, the Qinghai strain was easily distinguished from the Indonesian strain of H5N1. Thus, the E627K could have been acquired via reassortment, random mutation, or recombination.
The most recent description of human H5N1 from Indonesia is from the large cluster in North Sumatra. Those isolates also had a wild type cleavage site, but were amantadine resistant. Moreover the patients were said t have higher levels of H5N1 in their nose and throat, suggesting they had E627K, which could make H5N1 more easily transmissible, which would be consistent with the large number of cases (eight) coupled with the high fatality rate, 87%.
Thus, there at least three distinct versions of H5N1 in humans in Indonesia. The genetic relationship of these isolates with Indonesia birds is not public. Only two of the eight gene segments have been released for the isolate from the index case, and no sequences have been released from the other isolates, which remain sequestered in WHO's private database.
Release of the sequences would allow for more detailed analysis of the origins of these isolates and their relationship to local birds. More isolates from both domestic and wild birds in Indonesia would expand the H5N1 database and make more accurate determination of the source of the human cases in Indonesia. More detailed analysis would also allow for more accurate predicts of new sequences and better vaccine targets.
The growing number of clusters in Indonesia dictates a more aggressive screening program and release of the existing data being hoarded by WHO. Recent statements by representatives of the Indonesian government indicated that these sequences could be released, which should be done immediately.
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Indramayu in West Java to be focus of bf research in Indonesia
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Indramayu was the object of the Research of the Bird Flu Virus
June 06, 2006
The Indramayu regency was chosen to the place of the study and the matter research of the spreading of the bird flu illness (Avian influenza, AI) in Indonesia. This research was monitored directly by WHO and the agency the headquartered international health in the United States (the USA) [the CDC?].
The activity the national research of the illness of level bird flu that for the first time since bird flu became an epidemic in Indonesia, began to be done on Wednesday (7/6). The object of the occurring research in Kec. Cantigi, with two villages that were chosen, namely the Cantigi Wetan Village and Cangkring.
The head of the Eradication of infectious diseases (P2M) the Department of Health, Hari Santoso, to "HOMEWORK", on Monday (5/6) raised the research that also was monitored by this international health agency being helped by a special team from the Department of Health. Was said, through this research, will be looked for the model surveilans towards the spreading of the AI virus that was based on the community comprehensively (integral). His aim he to create the alert AI village model that involved all of the government's component of the village and the community.
"Our object he looked for the model surveilans AI the based integration of the community headed the alert village AI. from many areas that put forward, evidently that was chosen by him Indramayu, especially in Cantigi Wetan and Cangkring, Kec Cantigi." Beforehand, Central Java asked that the research was carried out in his territory, but we finally chose in West Java, to be precise in Indramayu, said Hari.
Headed the research activity, the team of the researcher already bersosialisasi and coordinated with the element muspika. They could meet the Sub-district Head Cantigi, Aris Tarmidi, S. H. and the related subdistrict agency like KCD Agriculture, Education, the Community Health Centre and the agency that was related directly to the community's activity.
Hari explained, was chosen by him Cantigi be based on to the note in the Department of Health against the area all over Indonesia that became endemic the bird flu virus.
Apparently, the community's Cantigi efficiency, especially Cantigi Wetan and Cangkring, could ward off the spreading of this virus.
"We recorded, the citizen Cantigi proaktif during in his area emerged the case of bird flu. Because efficient and fast lapor, the handling could be faster so as anticipation could be carried out earlier. The community's attitude became the note for the Department of Health until Cantigi was chosen to the object of the national research that the first time was carried out," said he.
Another thing, the community's solidarity became special added value. Including the fast attitude preceptive from the government in the level of the subdistrict, the village and the related agency that descended to the field like that accepted the report had the indication of the spreading of the bird flu virus in his area.
...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes
Jonnes Ginting not permitted home yet
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Jonnes Ginting was not yet permitted to come home
06/06/2006 08:25
Photo caption: Although the condition increasingly improved, Jonnes Ginting, up to now still is undergoing the maintenance in RS Adam the Owner. This decision was dismissed by the medical team of the handling of local bird flu after holding the meeting.
Liputan6.com, Medan: Jonnes Ginting, the positive patient bird flu, up to now or Monday (5/6) still underwent the maintenance in Space Adam of the Isolation of the Pilgrim's Hospital the Owner, Medan, North Sumatra. The patient that could bolt twice this the condition for his health increasingly improved and the temperature of his body increasingly approaching normal.
According to results of the medical team of the meeting of RS Adam the Owner, the North Sumatran Health Service, and the Health Body of the World (WHO), Jonnes still necessary the maintenance. Because 20 percent in his part of the lungs still was found very spotty white that was expected resulting from pneumonia that was suffered by him. Jonnes could come home if the medical team stated he really recovered the total [read: Jonnes Ginting began to be Obedient].
Was based on SCTV observation, Jonnes had been treated since entering isolation space on May 8 set. Since could try to bolt twice, the man from this Karo Land was taken care of tightly [read: wanted to drink Coffee, Jonnes Ginting Again bolted].
...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes
Anang Prasetyo discharged
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The Bird Flu patient was in RSUD Dr Soetomo permitted by Pulang
June 06, 2006
Surabaya-RoL -- Anang Prasetyo (18), villagers Doko, the Gampengrejo Subdistrict, of the Kediri Regency, East Java, that underwent the maintenance in RSUD Dr Soetomo since the middle of May 2006 as a result of being attacked by the bird flu virus, have been permitted to come home because his condition was stated recovered.
"The team of the doctor stated the condition for the health of the patient has recovered, so as to be permitted to come home," said the Chairman of the Forum for the Press of RSUD Dr Soetomo Dr Urip Murtedjo SpB to the reporter in Surabaya, on Tuesday. He explained, while undergoing the maintenance in the biggest hospital in the East Indonesian Region (KTI) that, the Anang condition that initially experienced hot high was accompanied breathless and had an opportunity to not make himself aware, gradually improved and recovered.
Moreover several last days, he has been permitted to leave maintenance space for only a roads took a walk in the fresh air and weakened muscles. "Medically he has been stated recovered the total. But the doctor continued to ask him to be on the alert and be careful so that not tertular again," he said. The TECHNICAL COLLEGE OF MACHINERY student in Kediri that underwent the maintenance very intensive in RSUD Dr Soetomo more than two weeks, came home to his native village by being picked up by the family.
Anang personally very happy to be able to have recovered and come home. Before undergoing the maintenance in Surabaya, Anang could be treated in RS Muhammadiyah Kediri for three days. However, because the condition for his body will never improve and the doctor warned was affected by the bird flu virus, Anang was afterwards reconciled to Surabaya.
The assumption of the couple's child Purwanto and Sulastri were affected by the virus Avian influenza increasingly strong, because of the background of the work of his sideline in the house that gathered chicken hairs for the production raw material "shuttlecock". The "doctor did not ban me the work gathered chicken hairs, provided that be careful and did not forget with the mask," said Anang that just learned himself was affected by bird flu after was informed his older brother gazed at returning.
In the meantime, both Purwanto and Sulastri (parents Anang Prasetyo) said, very grateful his child has been stated again healthy and could come home. "Initially we indeed could worry with his condition, but fortunately he could be again healthy. I said thank you for help of the doctors here," said Purwanto.
...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes
Re: Indonesia BF - 06/05
Originally posted by GaudiaRayWhat is the latest update on the 54 people in Sumatra being treated with Tamiflu?...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes
Duck egg production numbers down / the ducks aren't laying as many eggs as usual
Anybody know if a drop in egg laying is a symptom of bf in ducks? (Follow the link to see a photo of a duck farmer and his ducks in Indonesia...).
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The production of the Egg descended
June 07, 2006
Duck breeders in the Compreng Kec Village. Compreng Kab.
Subang complained about the decline in the production of the duck egg that was cultivated by him. As being revealed by Ropidin (42), one of the breeders, the decline in the production of the duck egg that reached 60% was enabled resulting from the condition for the weather that uncertain, that is still the existence of rain when necessarily has the dry season.
...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes
Re: Duck egg production numbers down / the ducks aren't laying as many eggs as usual
Originally posted by Theresa42[I]Anybody know if a drop in egg laying is a symptom of bf in ducks?
BF review from Indonesia / more from Dr. Nidom
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Special Report
Teka Teki gazed at the Pandemic
June 08, 2006
Although officially the spread antarmanusia in the level kluster still became the mystery, spesifitas the receptor alfa 2,6 that enabled the bird flu virus to move from humankind to humankind has been found. Must be attentive seriously so that the pandemic that usually claims many casualties could be avoided.
The influenza VIRUS H5N1 the first time infecting humankind in Hong Kong in 1997. In December 2003 began to be determined this virus infection in humankind that had contact with the poultry was sick.
Since that time till June 6 2006 WHO accepted the report 225 cases of the spread of the virus H5N1 with 128 died in 10 Asian countries, Africa as far as Europe. Indonesia was in the second level of the number of most cases in the world after Vietnam with 49 cases and 37 died.
From 49 patients who it was confirmed were infected by the bird flu virus, 17 among them was in the West Javanese Province. As many as 15 people from 49 patients died. Now from 17 patients in West Java, seven including being treated in the Handsome Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung, two people were stated recovered.
Saw this reality, did at this time the world head the new pandemic? The organisation of the health of the world (WHO) stated the spread of bird flu at this time was to stage 3: pandemic alert. Meaning that, has had the infection in humankind but was not yet proven had the spread antarmanusia.
Needed two stages more before being categorised experienced the pandemic. The stage 4 was proven had the spread antarmanusia in the group (cluster) small and the stage 5 spreads antarmanusia in the big group (larger).
The world had experienced three influenza pandemics in this age. Spanish influenza happened in 1918 that killed 40-50 million people all over the world. Asian influenza in 1957 killed 2 million world's populations and Hong Kong influenza (1968) with 1 million fatalities.
The pandemic happened when emerging a new virus and spread semudah normal influenza. The chairman Tim the Control of Bird Flu of RSHS Bandung, Dr. Hadi Jusuf Sp. P. D (K), KPTI mentioned the condition as "spreading semudah normal flu by sneezing and deadly was as cruel as bird flu".
Dr. drh. C. A. Nidom, M. Sc, the researcher of the bird flu virus from the University of Airlangga Surabaya, said the spread of bird flu antarmanusia very possibly happened. Was based on the research that the implementation since last March 2006, spesifitas the receptor alfa 2,6 available to humankind could spread antarmanusia. And spesifitas the receptor has been found in the field (read: the special interview).
Moreover the characteristics of this virus really were easy to adapt and stable in the human body. Nidom had in fact carried out the isolation and results not all that was infected by this virus experienced was sick.
"Therefore, I had the hypothesis if the Jakarta citizen was done surveilans by means of isolating the virus (not the antibodies test), not not all that the figure 70% brought this virus without caused was sick. I believed that Jakarta was the epicentre of bird flu. For Bandung, only gods that knew," he said.
The matter of the spread antarmanusia in the group (kluster), also still became the mystery. The case kluster that it was reported happened in the Sembilang Fortification Village, the Subdistrict of three bows, the Regency Karo the North Sumatran Province was that biggest in the world till at this time. Nine people who had affinity relations were infected by the bird flu virus and 7 including dying.
WHO said continued to research the possibility of the spread of bird flu antarmanusia in Indonesia including the existence kluster this. The statement was hurriedly denied Menkes RI, Siti Fadilah Supari and the Director General of the Control of the Illness and environmental Sanitation Department of Health RI I Nyoman Kandun. Since July 2005 Indonesia had six cases kluster.
"According to me, something that naive if the number cluster that happened already a large number of in Indonesia and the form of the virus already 2,6 still was said the spread did not happen antarmanusia and still was said only tertular from the poultry," said Nidom.
Slow him the handling of the government especially in the poultry breeding arrangement was said by Nidom to one of the starting points continued to expand him this illness. As far as this is concerned, apparently the handling in the sector of poultry breeding still was reactive including the clear rule lack about the vaccine that was used.
Up to the middle of this year, has 19 regencies/the city in West Java that his poultry tertular the bird flu virus. Six regencies/the other city was threatened because was pressed by the area was infected.
Drh. Sri Mudjiartiningsih from Labkesda West Java in the training of coverage of bird flu that was spread out by Internews acknowledged the indolence. According to the veterinary surgeon who had been treated as suspect this bird flu, the handling that did not touch the community happened because of his motor only the Service of province Livestock Breeding. "Disnak the regency/the city did not have the colleague's fund for that," he said.
The matter of the vaccination also did not yet spread everywhere was done. In fact, the poultry that has divaksin then only had maximal optimal immunity four months. That was significant, the vaccination must be repeated routinely minimal three times in a year. "Must him together like the PIN," he said again.
Apart from the vaccine H5N1, to the front Disnak will also use the vaccine H5N2. The same vaccine kind that currently often is worn by the poultry breeding industry in the homeland.
The matter, Nidom also commented loud. According to him, the vaccine that was used must be matched with the available virus in the field. "If the available virus in the field was the virus H5N1 that seed the vaccine, yes must H5N1." Except if indeed has changed his virus, his vaccine must then change. Likewise seed the vaccine vaccine must be always controlled, he said.
Government indolence was also observed in the insignificance of the socialisation against the community. Adang (35) villagers Cinunuk the Bandung Regency that lost his two nephews of AT (10) and AC (18) that was stated positive bird flu, claimed confused.
He admitted to not knowing the characteristics of the poultry that was infected by bird flu and the sign of the deadly illness. "If from the beginning knew his sign like that, let alone having nine chickens that died, definitely we anticipation," he said.
In fact, the distance of the residence Block and the NY family C that his two sweethearts were "achieved by" bird flu with the village office and the community health centre not more than 15 trip minutes by the taxi bike. But, knowledge concerning the illness that diributkan all the worlds were not obtained by them.
Various bitter realities that happened ought to make the government more efficient took the step. The sector arrangement of poultry breeding, the comprehensive research with the sample 49 positive cases available until giving the upper answer of millions of the community's questions.
The occurrence opportunity of the spread antarmanusia with the discovery spesifitas the receptor alfa 2,6 in the field, the number of cases kluster, pointed out the pandemic already in front of the eyes. Would and when the pandemic happened, indeed could not be predicted.
If in the pandemic beforehand the virus surrounded the earth in time 6-9 months together with the international trip through the ship. WHO said, it was at this time not impossible for the virus to be able to spread faster in fact infected all the continents only in three months.
Saw the history, the death rate for the pandemic really varied depended the number of people that was infected, the virulence of the virus, the character, and the sensitivity was infected from the population and the effectiveness from the step in the prevention. So, before the report on the case from 10 countries changed to the pandemic, let's began to do the prevention.
(Wilda Nurlianti/PR)
...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes
Dr. Nidom on the use of vaccines in Indo / also on herbal treatments
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The government must supervise the Circulation Vaksin
Should not panic faced Bird Flu
June 08, 2006
The community must guard against the spreading of bird flu (H5N1), but don't panic because of this virus in fact could die only with disinfektan. On the other hand, the government must be more serious did the sector arrangement of poultry breeding, including the circulation of the vaccine.
Was like this it was proposed the expert in molecular biology from the University of Airlangga Surabaya, Dr. drh. C. A. Nidom, M.Sc. In the interview through the e-mail, on Wednesday (7/6).
"Steps in the prevention of bird flu must be matched with the character of this virus. Each development, must have taken part in with the change in the prevention. This virus his characteristics really were easy to die. Used disinfektan that simplest then, could have overcome the bird flu virus," he said.
Moreover, said Nidom, the virus H5N1 will die only with soap or second-hand detergent the washing. The problem is, this virus was very clever. If being used disinfektan that equally continually, this virus will dodge.
According to Nidom, the understanding biosekuriti not only sprayed disinfectant, but an attitude from all over the community's component to prevent the entry of an illness agency into the population's region.
"The animal population or humankind, must have the same attitude. Meaning that, the attitude bounced this that always must we got up, to all of us," he said.
Nidom said, the vaccination for bird flu in fact some keterpaksaan was done in Indonesia. He believed, the best method was with 'stamping out'. But, because late, then 'stamping out' had the social impact of economics that very big if being done at that time.
He also focussed on the insignificance of the supervision of the circulation of the vaccine. At this time, often circulated the vaccine that not necessarily was suitable for the virus in Indonesia.
Plants herbal
As the step in the prevention for the community, Nidom said had plants herbal like the crocodile tongue (Aloe verra) that contained Aloe emodin with the function as anti-neuraminidase.
"If the community consumed him, most could not avoid the bird flu virus. Whereas other plants that could be made the alternative that is the group of spices, among them "te you the joke" [in Indonesian: di antaranya temu lawak], ginger, turmeric et cetera, said Nidom.
He explained, spices contained turmeric that could press the oxidant resulting from the bird flu infection so as to be able to reduce the impact samping of the bird flu infection. Only, in a manner details of the crop herbal this was researched.
...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes
Governor of N. Sumatra: culling chickens wrong policy / chickens may not be to blame
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Governor LIRA Sumut:
The Extermination of the Chicken in Karo the Wrong policy
June 08, 2006
Medan, (Analisa)
The statement about the extermination of the chicken in the Karo Land with the aim of interrupting the spreading link of bird flu in North Sumatra was the disturbing statement the community and the wrong policy.
Because till at this time did not yet have the official decision from the government or the health agency that stated the chicken as the cause of the spreading of the bird flu virus in Karo.
"Was not justified and too early the extermination action of the chicken livestock in Karo without the existence of the study that deeper," said Lumbung Informasi Rakyat Governor (LIRA) North Sumatra, Drs H Halomoan Sitompul MM to the reporter, on Tuesday (6/6) in the House LIRA.
Said, the case of bird flu in Karo that claimed the fatalities, departeman agriculture and the department of the health till at this time were still cross the opinion. WHO Personally in pernyataa him the cause of the spreading of the deadly virus through between humankind.
Halomoan considered, the government, both Pemrovsu and the government of the centre were impressed not serious in handling bird flu that was stated biggest in Asia. There was no official statement from the government. Even that emerged was the statement and the discourse.
"The community currently confused with the opinion and the discourse that emerged. What must be done by the community in the situation at this time. The government not even looked for the best solution, but even created the disturbing atmosphere the community," said Halomoan.
Did not want TAHU
It was further, the Health Minister personally was impressed did not want knew with the case that happened in the Karo Regency. The community was allowed to look for his solution personally. This was proven with the situation of RS Adam the Owner that handled casualties that terjangkit bird flu.
In connection with the extermination of the chicken in Karo, Halomoan believed, LIRA North Sumatra really regretted the regional government's attitude that immediately concluded to destroy all the poultries of the chicken kind.
Because until this did not yet have the research that stated the chicken as the cause of the spreading of the bird flu virus in Karo.
"Let us hope not this only games of the project. Because of the budget in APBD for bird flu very big," said Halomoan.
We not berburuk the idea, he continued, but the action that was judged reckless this will eat the cost that was big enough. Because of this, before deciding the action must be thought about by the effect of the negative and positive him for the community.
If the extermination was carried out, the community will incur a loss. There were the community's efforts that closed down and lost the livelihood. "Don't with the pretext of number regulations 4/1984, the government intimidated the people," he said.
On the other hand, Halomoan believed, if having the research scientifically that was acknowledged by his truth that the chicken was the source of the spreading of bird flu in Karo, then his side did not object to dilakaukan the extermination. Moreover, LIRA urgent so that immediately was destroyed.
However his problem was, did not yet have the official agency that stated the chicken as the spreading of the bird flu virus in Karo, the regional government has concluded to be done by the extermination.
"This the wrong policy," stressed Halomoan Sitompul, was accompanied Sekda LIRA Rizal Sihombing SH.
...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes