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Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008 - 20th June 2008

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  • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

    From Sumedang, West Java; first local test results point to H5N1 infection for TS (Tini Suhartini) , 54 yo; TS died on may 9; testresults from Dep of Health are pending.

    This blog proved to be a serious newssource in the past .

    Results of the Laboratory Inspection of Lab of Health Service West Java 
Of The Deceased Tini Were stated Positive H5

    Results of the Laboratorium Health Hall inspection (BLK) Dinkes (Health Service, ed) West Java on the sample of blood and the suspect's liquid suspect bird flu, late Tini Suhartini (54) from the Babakan Asem Village, Desa Ranjeng, Kecamatan Cisitu, Kabupaten Sumedang, was stated positive H5 bird flu of Avian Influenza-AI).

    Was like this it was proposed Dr Hilman Taufik Ws, MKes, Kepala Dinkes Sumedang when being met EndyNews, on Sunday (18-5).
    Results of BLK this was indeed positive H5.

    Only the research must be still being followed up in Balitbangkes (laboratory, ed) Departemen of the Health, and results still we were waiting, he said.

    Named, from the inspection with rapid test against the poultry that died was stated positive H5N1. That would results rapid test.

    Nah, from the inspection throat liquid and the sample of the suspect's blood suspect AI while being stated positive H5. Here we must watch out, he stressed.

    According to Hilman, results of the final of the laboratory inspection in Indonesia towards the case of this bird flu adalag in Balitbangkes Department of Health. Results, could poisitif H5N1 or could happen also was negative AI.The research in the centre utilised the more sophisticated implement he revealed.

    Despite that, added Dr Hilman, in order to anticipates the possibility of positive AI results, the Dinkes Sumedang rank carried out the supervision and the taking of the sample of blood of 27 people that once physical contact with almahurmah Tini Suhartini.

    Not only from the family, also officials of private enterprise's clinic, the doctor in RSU Sumedang including the nurse, the administrative power and six students AKPER that was undergoing parkatek the field in RSUD Sumedang, he revealed.

    For to 27 people that once physical contact with casualties, currently in the serious supervision.

    We have given Tamiflu medicine of the bird flu preventive.
    Praise the Lord until this the condition for their health was good enough.
    And, we continued to carry out the supervision, he stressed.

    Moreover the Dinkes side then several times has carried out counselling and including asking for the resident to pen all the poultry there.

    Unfortunately, evidently still many poultries that were released from the pen, he said.

    Hilman said, in the condition like at this time, masyaraat was expected to have to not panic. Whereas that was needed at the moment namely depopulation (culling) the poultry. This the task and the authority of the Lifestock Service.

    And from the side of the health of the community, this depopulation of one of the important alternatives as the method of eradicating the spreading of the bird flu virus, said boss BRITIS (the Tiger Sumedang Brigade) this.


    • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+


      The patient was expected (suspect) bird flu that died in the maintenance in RSUD Sumedang, on Friday last week, positive tertular the Avian virus influenza (AI).
      That was said by Section Head Kesehatan (Dinkes) Sumedang Dr. H. Hilman Taufik, on Sunday (18/5).
      The patient was suspected of by AI being meant that personally, namely NY.
      Mr (54), the resident of the Babakan Asem Village, Desa Ranjeng, of Kecamatan Cisitu, Sumedang.
      The mother had three children that died in the maintenance as the patient was expected by AI in RSUD Sumedang, on Friday (9/5).
      Hilman Taufik mentioned, the official report on results of the sample inspection of NY blood.
      Mr, from the Balitbangkes laboratory, has been accepted by his side through the facsimile on Friday (16/5).
      "Results, the sample" of the "patient's blood was positive H5, but not specific H5N1."
      Positive H5, he said.

      H5 that personally, said Hilman, meaning that influenza.
      "The influenza his kind sorts."
      Beginning with H5N1, H5N2, et cetera up to H5N15.
      Whereas bird flu or AI personally the entry in the category H5N1.
      However, for the case of the patient was expected by AI that died that, despite only was stated positive H5, we took the maximal risk of considering the patient was affected by AI, he said.
      Therefore, for the prevention and the control of the spreading as well as the AI spread in and around the NY address.
      Mr, his side will carry out the procedure continue to the control of AI. Di Antara -nya, Dinkes carried out the co-ordination Officially Peternakan and fisheries to carry out depopulation or the extermination against the kept poultry the inhabitants in the Ranjeng Village.

      In the meantime, Section Head Peternakan and fisheries Kabupaten Sumedang Ir. Ade Guntara, was contacted was separated on Sunday (18/5), said, for the step in depopulation of the poultry in the Ranjeng Village, his side will spread first out the socialisation to the Ranjeng Village community.
      "The socialisation was spread out in the Ranjeng Village, on Tuesday (20/5)," he said. - Media Jawa Barat, Media Nasional, Media Bandung, Indonesia dan Dunia Terkini Hari Ini, Update Harian Terbaru Fakta Terpercaya Terlengkap Politik, Ekonomi, Travel, Teknologi, Otomotif, Bola


      • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

        Originally posted by Commonground View Post

        The patient was expected (suspect) bird flu that died in the maintenance in RSUD Sumedang, on Friday last week, positive tertular the Avian virus influenza (AI).
        That was said by Section Head Kesehatan (Dinkes) Sumedang Dr. H. Hilman Taufik, on Sunday (18/5).
        The patient was suspected of by AI being meant that personally, namely NY.
        Mr (54), the resident of the Babakan Asem Village, Desa Ranjeng, of Kecamatan Cisitu, Sumedang.
        The mother had three children that died in the maintenance as the patient was expected by AI in RSUD Sumedang, on Friday (9/5).
        Hilman Taufik mentioned, the official report on results of the sample inspection of NY blood.
        Mr, from the Balitbangkes laboratory, has been accepted by his side through the facsimile on Friday (16/5).
        "Results, the sample" of the "patient's blood was positive H5, but not specific H5N1."
        Positive H5, he said.

        H5 that personally, said Hilman, meaning that influenza.
        "The influenza his kind sorts."
        Beginning with H5N1, H5N2, et cetera up to H5N15.
        Whereas bird flu or AI personally the entry in the category H5N1.
        However, for the case of the patient was expected by AI that died that, despite only was stated positive H5, we took the maximal risk of considering the patient was affected by AI, he said.
        Therefore, for the prevention and the control of the spreading as well as the AI spread in and around the NY address.
        Mr, his side will carry out the procedure continue to the control of AI. Di Antara -nya, Dinkes carried out the co-ordination Officially Peternakan and fisheries to carry out depopulation or the extermination against the kept poultry the inhabitants in the Ranjeng Village.

        In the meantime, Section Head Peternakan and fisheries Kabupaten Sumedang Ir. Ade Guntara, was contacted was separated on Sunday (18/5), said, for the step in depopulation of the poultry in the Ranjeng Village, his side will spread first out the socialisation to the Ranjeng Village community.
        "The socialisation was spread out in the Ranjeng Village, on Tuesday (20/5)," he said.
        There are only 9 N serotypes (not 15 as implied above).


        • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

          I thought it was odd.


          • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

            [In on sentence, it states they are recovering because of "fast medical help". In another sentence, it says they were feverish & breathless for 2 weeks...]

            Negatively, Rapid Test the Patient Suspect Bird Flu

            The condition for the two patients suspect bird flu from the Pua Kabupaten Agam River increasingly improved.
            Moreover results rapid test that was carried out against the two patients also was stated by the negative.
            Nevertheless, results polymerace (PCR) that was sent to Balitbang Kesehatan Department of Health RI till at this time was not yet accepted by the side RSUP M. Djamil Padang.

            "Alhamdulillah, Nurul (3.5) and the Blessing (1.5) his condition continued to experience the quite pleasing development.
            This because they fast got medical help, so as fast recovered again.
            Everything was based on results rapid test, both of them were stated by the negative," said the Head of the Layanan Medik Field RSUP M. Djamil Padang Dr Irayanti SPM that was contacted Padang Ekspres, on Sunday (18/5).

            The opportunity of the two patients was stated by the negative contracted the bird flu illness, according to the IRA, was high enough.
            Because of being based on patients's experience beforehand that could be stated positive bird flu, the high and breathless fever that was experienced for quite a long time, in fact till two weeks.
            Whereas the two patients the hose one day got the maintenance, immediately improved.

            This condition also that made oxygen and the infusion hose that could be used while one day is no longer needed.
            Only both of them were still continuing to get the intensive maintenance in the room of the Irna C Isolation the internal disease to be waiting produced by PCR. Sebab, till at this time results of the sample of blood of the two patients for the PCR inspection to Balitbang Kesehatan Department of Health RI, were not yet accepted by the side RSUP M. Djamil Padang.

            If the condition for the two patients continued to improve, according to the IRA, the possibility will not be waiting for results of the test of PCR. Meskipun Demikian, the two patients must undergo the series of the repeated inspection again towards his physical condition and really was stated healthy.
            Was based on observation Padang Ekspres in the room of the RSUP Isolation M. Djamil Padang, the two appearance patients recovered.
            Each one was seen joked with his two parents.
            As usual, the two parents of the patient who still was having your relations continued to not use the Proteksi Diri Implement (APD).
            For the last three years, the number of patients suspect bird flu that was treated in the room RSUP M. Djamil Padang numbering 54 people, three including being positive and one person died.


            • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+



              Will keep looking.
              ETA: Here it is:
              [5 people suspect flu burung in Kendari, Sulawesi Southeast, in isolation at RSUD Sulawesi Tenggara. I'll try to get TT to translate]

              Lima Warga Kendari "Suspect" Flu Burung

              KENDARI: Lima warga dalam satu kelurahan di Kota Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara, suspect Flu Burung, Selasa (20/5).

              Kelima warga Kelurahan Sanua, Kecamatan Kendari Barat, itu dirawat itensif di ruangan isolasi flu burung Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Sulawesi Tenggara. Mereka terdiri dari empat anak-anak dan satu orang dewasa.

              Salah seorang dokrer RSUD Sulawesi Tenggara saat dimintai konfirmasi membenarkan adanya lima warga yang suspect flu burung. Tetapi ia merahasiakan identitas kelima warga yang diduga terinveksi flu burung tersebut, hanya disebutkan inisial mereka adalah AR, 8, HA, 4, SH, 10, AA,1, dan SE, 43. Kondisi mereka kini demam tinggi, batuk, dan sesak napas.


              • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                Originally posted by Commonground View Post


                Will keep looking
                Toggletexts transaltion:

                Five Kendari inhabitants, Sulteng was put into SPACE of the PATIENT's ISOLATION was expected by BIRD FLU in RSUD Sulteng


                • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                  Five Kendari residents of "Suspect" Burung Flu

                  Kendari: Five members of one family of one district in the Kendari City, South-East Sulawesi, suspect Bird Flu, on Tuesday (20/5).
                  The five residents of the Sanua District, Kecamatan Kendari Barat, that was treated itensif in the room of the Daerah isolation of Public Hospital bird flu (RSUD) South-East Sulawesi.
                  They consisted of four children and one adult.
                  Someone dokrer RSUD South-East Sulawesi when being asked by confirmation to justify the existence of five residents that suspect bird flu.
                  But he kept the identity of the five residents who were expected secret terinveksi this bird flu, only was named their initials were AR, 8, HA, 4, SH, 10, AA,1, and SE, 43.
                  Their condition currently the high fever, the cough, and breathless.

                  Before experiencing this sign, around their residence was gotten by 80 chickens died suddenly


                  • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                    5 Kendari residents Suspect Bird Flu

                    Lima (5) the person of the Kendari inhabitants respectively, AR (8), NH (4), SH (10), AA (1), and SE (43), on Tuesday (20/5/2008) dimasukan into space of the patient's isolation suspect Public Hospital bird flu of Daerah South-East Sulawesi.
                    The five patients flat weak in two adjacent rooms.
                    According to Doctor Musyawarah, SPa, that the five patients experienced the sign that almost same, like the Fever, coughs in fact were until was affected by malaria.
                    At this time the team of RSUD South-East Sulawesi was still being waiting for results of the laboratory test in Jakarta on the case of five patients.
                    With clothes pelingdung from on top of the head through to foot, was used by the nurses in fact every few minutes continued to check the condition for the five patients that suspect this.


                    • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                      coughs in fact were until was affected by malaria.
                      word translation w/dictionary:
                      "cough-cough yes/moreover to possess yet hit by malaria."


                      • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                        Originally posted by Commonground View Post
                        word translation w/dictionary:
                        "cough-cough yes/moreover to possess yet hit by malaria."
                        Suggestion: ''the five patients are already malaria affected...''


                        • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                          Thanks ioh.


                          • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+


                            • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                              <HR style="COLOR: #cccccc" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->
                              There were some suspected human cases from Kendari City in 2006, but none was ever confirmed. The only confirmed case from Sulawesi was Akira Wisnuliyanti, a 14 year old girl, from Makassar in South Sulawesi who died on June 24th, 2006. However, several other family members of Akira were also sick and died, but were never confirmed for H5N1.

                              Map of location of Kendari City.
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	indonesia map -Sulawesi.jpg
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                              Click image for larger version

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                              Last edited by Laidback Al; May 20, 2008, 02:45 PM. Reason: fixed links


                              • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                                Man, these suspect cases are popping up like wildfire, I wonder if this means that a pandemic is iniment?

