Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+
From Sumedang, West Java; first local test results point to H5N1 infection for TS (Tini Suhartini) , 54 yo; TS died on may 9; testresults from Dep of Health are pending.
This blog proved to be a serious newssource in the past .
Results of the Laboratory Inspection of Lab of Health Service West Java Of The Deceased Tini Were stated Positive H5
Results of the Laboratorium Health Hall inspection (BLK) Dinkes (Health Service, ed) West Java on the sample of blood and the suspect's liquid suspect bird flu, late Tini Suhartini (54) from the Babakan Asem Village, Desa Ranjeng, Kecamatan Cisitu, Kabupaten Sumedang, was stated positive H5 bird flu of Avian Influenza-AI).
Was like this it was proposed Dr Hilman Taufik Ws, MKes, Kepala Dinkes Sumedang when being met EndyNews, on Sunday (18-5).
Results of BLK this was indeed positive H5.
Only the research must be still being followed up in Balitbangkes (laboratory, ed) Departemen of the Health, and results still we were waiting, he said.
Named, from the inspection with rapid test against the poultry that died was stated positive H5N1. That would results rapid test.
Nah, from the inspection throat liquid and the sample of the suspect's blood suspect AI while being stated positive H5. Here we must watch out, he stressed.
According to Hilman, results of the final of the laboratory inspection in Indonesia towards the case of this bird flu adalag in Balitbangkes Department of Health. Results, could poisitif H5N1 or could happen also was negative AI.The research in the centre utilised the more sophisticated implement he revealed.
Despite that, added Dr Hilman, in order to anticipates the possibility of positive AI results, the Dinkes Sumedang rank carried out the supervision and the taking of the sample of blood of 27 people that once physical contact with almahurmah Tini Suhartini.
Not only from the family, also officials of private enterprise's clinic, the doctor in RSU Sumedang including the nurse, the administrative power and six students AKPER that was undergoing parkatek the field in RSUD Sumedang, he revealed.
For to 27 people that once physical contact with casualties, currently in the serious supervision.
We have given Tamiflu medicine of the bird flu preventive.
Praise the Lord until this the condition for their health was good enough.
And, we continued to carry out the supervision, he stressed.
Moreover the Dinkes side then several times has carried out counselling and including asking for the resident to pen all the poultry there.
Unfortunately, evidently still many poultries that were released from the pen, he said.
Hilman said, in the condition like at this time, masyaraat was expected to have to not panic. Whereas that was needed at the moment namely depopulation (culling) the poultry. This the task and the authority of the Lifestock Service.
And from the side of the health of the community, this depopulation of one of the important alternatives as the method of eradicating the spreading of the bird flu virus, said boss BRITIS (the Tiger Sumedang Brigade) this.
From Sumedang, West Java; first local test results point to H5N1 infection for TS (Tini Suhartini) , 54 yo; TS died on may 9; testresults from Dep of Health are pending.
This blog proved to be a serious newssource in the past .
Results of the Laboratory Inspection of Lab of Health Service West Java Of The Deceased Tini Were stated Positive H5
Results of the Laboratorium Health Hall inspection (BLK) Dinkes (Health Service, ed) West Java on the sample of blood and the suspect's liquid suspect bird flu, late Tini Suhartini (54) from the Babakan Asem Village, Desa Ranjeng, Kecamatan Cisitu, Kabupaten Sumedang, was stated positive H5 bird flu of Avian Influenza-AI).
Was like this it was proposed Dr Hilman Taufik Ws, MKes, Kepala Dinkes Sumedang when being met EndyNews, on Sunday (18-5).
Results of BLK this was indeed positive H5.
Only the research must be still being followed up in Balitbangkes (laboratory, ed) Departemen of the Health, and results still we were waiting, he said.
Named, from the inspection with rapid test against the poultry that died was stated positive H5N1. That would results rapid test.
Nah, from the inspection throat liquid and the sample of the suspect's blood suspect AI while being stated positive H5. Here we must watch out, he stressed.
According to Hilman, results of the final of the laboratory inspection in Indonesia towards the case of this bird flu adalag in Balitbangkes Department of Health. Results, could poisitif H5N1 or could happen also was negative AI.The research in the centre utilised the more sophisticated implement he revealed.
Despite that, added Dr Hilman, in order to anticipates the possibility of positive AI results, the Dinkes Sumedang rank carried out the supervision and the taking of the sample of blood of 27 people that once physical contact with almahurmah Tini Suhartini.
Not only from the family, also officials of private enterprise's clinic, the doctor in RSU Sumedang including the nurse, the administrative power and six students AKPER that was undergoing parkatek the field in RSUD Sumedang, he revealed.
For to 27 people that once physical contact with casualties, currently in the serious supervision.
We have given Tamiflu medicine of the bird flu preventive.
Praise the Lord until this the condition for their health was good enough.
And, we continued to carry out the supervision, he stressed.
Moreover the Dinkes side then several times has carried out counselling and including asking for the resident to pen all the poultry there.
Unfortunately, evidently still many poultries that were released from the pen, he said.
Hilman said, in the condition like at this time, masyaraat was expected to have to not panic. Whereas that was needed at the moment namely depopulation (culling) the poultry. This the task and the authority of the Lifestock Service.
And from the side of the health of the community, this depopulation of one of the important alternatives as the method of eradicating the spreading of the bird flu virus, said boss BRITIS (the Tiger Sumedang Brigade) this.