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Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008 - 20th June 2008

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  • Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008 - 20th June 2008

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  • #2
    Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

    From Java

    "Grandfather 72 years old, It Was Suspected were affected by Bird Flu"

    A patient suspect bird flu from the Wareng Village, Desa Beran, Kecamatan Ngawi, Kabupaten Ngawi was named Hadi Sumarno (72) was treated in the Public Hospital Dr Soedono, Madiun.

    The affected sign of the bird flu illness was experienced by Hadi since Wednesday (9-4) and he also initially was carried to RSU Dr Suroto, Ngawi.

    One of the doctors who handled the patient, Dr Bambang Subarno, said on Sunday (6-4) the night, several chickens that died belonging to Hadi were burnt.

    Three days afterwards, on Wednesday (9-4), Hadi experienced breathless and the cough, so as he was carried to RSU Dr Suroto, Ngawi.

    After knew had the chicken that died, the Service of Kehewanan Ngawi checked the chickens and found if the chicken was affected by the virus H5N1.

    Further Hadi was carried to the hospital of reconciliation of the bird flu patient in Madiun, Rumah Sakit Umum Dr Soedono.

    In this hospital, he was treated in the room of the isolation in Penyakit Menular Space.

    Medical treatment against the patient then was treated as the patient was affected by bird flu, one of them was given tamiflu.

    To know whether the true patient was affected by bird flu or not, we sent the sample of blood to the Regional Health Laboratory in Surabaya.
    Possibly two to three days have in the future had results.

    Nevertheless, the condition for the patient now continues to improve, said Bambang.


    • #3
      Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

      From Central Java, Solo region, child 9 yo - ER - in hospital

      SD Student Suspected of Having Avian Influenza

      April 10, 2008,

      Wonogiri - Er, 9, a resident ***, Dusun Piken, Pulutan Wetan, Wuryantoro, Wonogiri, yesterday (9/4) is under treatment in the isolation unit at RSUD Wonogiri. The student at SDN Pulutan Wetan II was under suspicion of having contracted avian influenza or bird flu.

      Concerning this previously she suffered a high fever and constricted breathing, last Monday afternoon (8/4) Er came into contact with poultry.

      Sukeni, 27, the mother of Er who yesterday was waiting for her child, said that originally her daughter's fever began at the time she was in school.

      "At the time she went to school, my child was ok. Just around 10,00 she felt breathless, had a cough, and her body was hot," said Sukeni.

      To ascertain the health of her child, Sukeni brought Er to the Wuryantoro Community Health Centre. The head of the Wuryantoro Community Health Centre, Titik Setyaningsih, confirmed her justification. "Er just this morning (yesterday) was checked at the Community Health Centre."

      At that time, the family told about the existence dead poultry in their environment. "We did not want to lose her."

      "As for preventive action, the patient was sent by us to RSUD," said Titik. For early handling while in the Community Health Centre, Er was given Tamiflu tablets and was x-rayed. Results of the chest x-rays, said Titik, showed Er was AI negative. "But once more we dared not speculate. Er was reconciled by us to RSUD. We also immediately carried out checks in the field," he explained.

      Beforehand, the cousin's older brother of Er, who is named the EC, 12, also was carried to the community health centre because of a high fever. However, after being treated, EC tended to improve.

      Now while in RSUD yesterday, Sukeni and other relatives of Er said that Er's has been tested, and she has undergone several other inspection stages.

      "From early results, the doctor said my child had bronchitis. But tomorrow, (today) there will be more tests. The results of the tests will be sent to Jakarta and Thailand," said Sukeni.

      According to them, yesterday afternoon, Er's fever tended to descend, but the child was still limp. The AI vigilance procedure applied against Er was quite appropriate. It was reported that in the last two weeks, more than 100 poultries, especially nonpedigreed chickens and ducks, died in the Piken Village. Er's family had no less than 40 nonpedigreed chickens.

      "Now all of them are destroyed. Only two remained alive this morning (yesterday). Immediately they were thrown away," said Harmanto, 53, one of Er's neighbors.

      That made many personnel increasingly suspicious that last Tuesday morning, Er had directly touched poultry. Sukeni and Er's grandmother, who is named the Queen, 60, said that Er had a pet rooster. Last Tuesday morning, the child was still putting her pet rooster into the pen. Yesterday morning, the chicken died.

      "It was a sudden death. Beforehand the chicken was not sick. Suddenly klepek-klepek for a moment, and then he continued to die," explained the Queen. Harmanto said that apart from the Sukeni family, a local resident named Kartono lost notless than 30 nonpedigreed chickens.

      "The number of poultries that died in Piken reached the hundreds, but these incidents were in stages.Sometimes two died, sometimes three died. And, if their poultry died, the resident mostly threw them away," he related.

      Almost all the owners of the poultry there did not pen their poultry on their property. The village head Pulutan Wetan, Yanta, when being contacted, justified the occurrence about the poultry in the Piken Village.

      "This incident already happened since last week, but just today I get the report. I immediately take further by reporting to the related agency. Today, (yesterday) at least two chickens still died," said he.

      thanks to bgw in Mt and History Lover


      • #4
        Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

        Beforehand, the cousin's older brother of Er, who is named the EC, 12, also was carried to the community health centre because of a high fever. However, after being treated, EC tended to improve.
        Last edited by Sally Furniss; June 20, 2008, 03:32 AM. Reason: link


        • #5
          Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

          From Central Java; this is (not?) on the reported 7 suspects? ; this story says: 2 suspects in 2008, tested negative; grand total of suspects was 7.

          7 residents Klaten Suspect Bird Flu

          Klaten (KR) - Although the case afian influenza (AI) or bird flu was contagious in Klaten and several residents had been stated suspect (was suspected of being affected), but still many residents who did not yet realise this deadly illness danger.

          As a result still many residents that his days worked by means of direct contact with the poultry without using the safety device.

          The workers in the poultry farm but also the sellers of the living chicken in Klaten, on Wednesday (9-4) yesterday said heard about the bird flu illness, but they were not too restless with the illness danger.

          This was caused by their life depended on the poultry.
          Had heard also.But if not holding the chicken, my family could not eat, said Mulyadi, the seller of the chicken.

          In the direct box with the poultry, Mulyadi admitted to not using the mask or the other safety device. In fact the chicken feathers and the waste flew around it.

          The same thing was done by Wahyuningsih, that also had not used the mask in direct contact with the poultry that became his merchandise.

          Was separated, Asisten Ii Sekda Klaten Joko Sutrisno, in the "Wargaku Halo" agenda about the AI control to humankind in space of B1 Regional Government Klaten, on Tuesday (8-4) suggested, while the case emergence of the bird flu illness has in Klaten been received by seven residents who were stated suspect AI.

          Namely four people during 2006, one person during 2007, and two people during 2008.

          It was further that Joko Sutrisno suggested, for the prevention of this illness of the Klaten Regional Government carried out nine activity kinds.

          That is the implementation biosecurity tightly, depopulation, the vaccination, the control of the poultry traffic, surveilans, the increase in the awareness of the community, the refilling, pemusanahan the poultry comprehensively in the area tertular, as well as monitoring and the evaluation.

          In connection with the AI case emergence that also attacked humankind and resulted in the death,, Joko hoped for all the sides more was on the alert as well as increased the prevention activity, the control and the AI eradication.
          In Klaten, suspect bird flu was since 2006.

          At that time was gotten by four patients suspect, whereas in 2007 totalling one person.

          Now in March 2008, the case emerged still resulted in two residents Kedungampel Cawas being stated suspect.

          However after being carried out by the research, both of them were stated by the negative, said Joko Sutrisno.


          • #6
            Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

            Now in March 2008, the case emerged still resulted in two residents Kedungampel Cawas being stated suspect.
            Odd that in the first article they gave initials and ages. They don't usually do that if they are going back a year or two. Also, I have the location of the seven as "Kedungsari, Singorojo, Kendal".


            • #7
              Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

              In the 2nd half of this report, an other suspect patient (in Tangerang) is mentioned: "Nur". Earlier reports said she was tested negative. I saw an other report on "Nur" with some details, I will see if I can find it.

              Suspected AI patient admitted to Madiun hospital

              Edit: see also

              Madiun, East Java (ANTARA News) - A 72-year old man with suspected bird flu (Avian Influenza/AI) symptoms was admitted to Soedono General Hospital in Madiun district, East Java, on Wednesday, a hospital spokesman said.

              The patient, identified as Hadi Suprapto from Ngawi district, was being treated in the hospital`s isolation room for suspected bird flu patients, Dr. Achmad Thamrin, one of the hospital`s physicians, said.

              Hadi Suprapto was earlier admitted to Suroto General Hospital in Ngawi but becaue the hospital lacked the needed equipment to treat him, he was transferred to the Soedono General Hospital on Wednesday.

              Thamrin said the patient had breathing difficulty when he arrived at the hospital but his temperature was normal.

              "In a preliminary examination conducted by a hospital team, it was found that the patient had had direct contact with dead poultry near his house before being admitted to the hospital," Achmad Thamrin said.

              Meanwhile, in Tangerang district, Banten province, over the weekend, a 45-year old woman with suspected bird flu symptoms was also hospitalized on Friday.

              Tangerang General Hospital spokesman Bambang Wisnusubroto said there were indications the woman, identified by the initials Nur, had been infected with the bird flu virus.

              He said because Nur had high fever, a cough and breathing difficulty, she was put in the hospital`s isolation room for bird flu patients.

              Doctors then took samples of her blood which would be sent to the Health Ministry`s laboratory in Jakarta for tests. The results of the tests would be known either on Saturday night or Sunday morning, Bambang said. (*)

              Last edited by Sally Furniss; June 20, 2008, 03:33 AM. Reason: link


              • #8
                Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                Originally posted by Commonground View Post

                Odd that in the first article they gave initials and ages. They don't usually do that if they are going back a year or two. Also, I have the location of the seven as "Kedungsari, Singorojo, Kendal".
                At this moment, I feel we are talking about other people, the latest article is looking back 3 years;

                The previous artcle gave initials and names, like you said and says:

                At this time, the casualties were still undergoing the intensive maintenance in the Singorojo Community Health Centre



                • #9
                  Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                  Re: post #8

                  That is the article that gave me concern because of the incubation period. I always thought the latest estimated incubation was 7-11 days? Now this article says 3-5 days.

                  Namun to ascertain him, his side was still being waiting for the incubation period 3-5 days.
                  Because of that for the incubation period, they continued to receive the tight supervision.
                  I will be surprised if we hear anymore on the 7 suspected cases. I do feel that we are talking about 2 different episodes. The article does not mention if they are hospitalized. I will check on the towns, and see if I can pull them up on a map.


                  • #10
                    Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                    Yes, they are two different locations. Zoom in once.




                    • #11
                      Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                      More on the 9 or 10 yo, and his older brother, see post # 3

                      100 poultries in Pulutan died suddenly


                      A student the Primary School (the PRIMARY SCHOOL) was forced to be reconciled to RSUD Wonogiri, on Wednesday (9-4), because suffered hot high was accompanied by the cough, following the death around one hundred tails of the poultry around his residence in the Piken RT Desa Pulutan Wetan Village, Wuryantoro.

                      Information that succeeded in being assembled Expose, mentioned the existence of the death of the poultry took the form of the chicken and was unable to go any further in this region happened around last week.

                      Just today I could the report and direct I the act lanjuti by reporting to the related service, obviously the Village Head Pulutan Wetan, Yanta.

                      The sudden death of one hundred poultries, just was known after one of the residents that is Erik, 10, the resident Piken, , took medicine to the local Community Health Centre with the hot complaint high and the cough.

                      Beforehand the older brother Erik, Echa, 12, it was known also could suffer the similar complaint but improved.

                      Was separated, Kasubdin Kesehatan of the Dinas Kehewanan Perikanan Animal and Marine (Diswanperla), drh Ismaryati Budiningsih justified the existence of the report on the death of one hundred poultries in Pulutan Wetan.

                      We still could not confirm whether the poultries died because of the AI virus (Avian Influenza), stressed he.

                      In the meantime, Kasubdin Pemberantasan of infectious diseases and the Protection of the Community (P2MPL), Dr Widodo claimed still could not confirm whether the patient who was reconciled to this RSUD suffered AI or not.

                      Results x-rayed also did not yet head in AI, so we still observation, he ended.


                      • #12
                        Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                        Metro TV on the 72 yo man - called Hadi Suprapto or Hadi Sumarno - in Madiun Hospital, East Java

                        A resident of the Beran District, Kecamatan Ngawi, of Kabupaten Ngawi, East Java, was it was suspected infected by the bird flu virus.

                        Casualties have the initials HS now was treated in the Hospital of Sudono Madiun, East Java.

                        HS it was known had the story of contact with the positive chicken bird flu.
                        Before being reconciled to RS Sudono, HS could be treated in one hospital in Ngawi.

                        The medical RS Sudono team explained, HS experienced gelaja clinical the public as the sufferer suspect bird flu like the high fever, breathless, and coughs.


                        • #13
                          Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                          More on Hadi Sumarno (72), from East Java

                          The patient was expected to be infected by Bird Flu in RS Soedono Madiun

                          It was other that the patient was suspected of by bird flu entering the Provinsi Public Hospital (RSUP) Dr Soedono, Kota Madiun, East Java.

                          The patient was named Hadi Sumarno (72), villagers Beran, Kec-Kab Ngawi, this was the 16th patient that underwent the maintenance in RSUP isolation space Dr Soedono because of being expected terjangkit the deadly virus H5NI.

                          Year round 2007 then, RSUP Dr Soedono, Kota Madiun, that was appointed as the hospital of bird flu of handling reconciliation was recorded received 15 patients suspect bird flu.

                          However, after being carried out by the laboratory test against the sample of blood of the 15 patients suspect this bird flu was stated by the negative.

                          Whereas, in 2008 this just one patient suspect bird flu that entered.

                          Hadi Sumarno, it was other that the patient was suspected of being infected by bird flu entering the Provinsi Public Hospital (RSUP) Dr Soedono, Kota Madiun, East Java.

                          The patient was named Hadi Sumarno (72), villagers Beran, Kec. Kab Ngawi, this was the underwent the intensive maintenance in special RSUP isolation space Dr Soedono.

                          He experienced the breathless sign was accompanied by the cough.

                          Whereas, the temperature of the body and blood pressure him was normal.

                          The condition and the development he continued to be monitored through the monitor implement and continued to be monitored by the medical team that handled him.

                          According to Chairman Tim of the Handling of the Patient RSUP Bird Flu Dr Soedono, Bambang Soebarno, the patient was suspected of by this bird flu being the reconciliation patient from RSU Dr Soeroto, Ngawi.

                          Beforehand, said he, the patient had the story of contact with the poultry that died suddenly and was stated positive infected by the bird flu virus.


                          • #14
                            Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                            [Does anyone think these positive results were from the initial test when he first entered, of the thorat and nose?]


                            Supect AI EnterRSUP dr Soedono

                            Hadi Sumarno, 70, villagers Beran, Kec/Kab Ngawi, must undergo the intensive maintenance of the Provinsi Public Hospital (RSUP) Dr Soedono, Kota Madiun, because of being expected terjangkit the illness that was caused by the virus H5NI.

                            When the patient entered, the team of the doctor at once carried out observation by checking the throat caress and mucus on the nose.
                            The patient suspect this bird flu was also given Tamiflu medicine and antibiotik to anticipate if he was correctly true positive terjangkit the virus of H5NI. "But, as far as this is concerned the condition for the patient suspect this bird flu was good enough," he said.
                            Yesterday, the sample of the patient's blood suspect this bird flu had been taken and sent to the laboratory in Surabaya to be checked.
                            After being checked by the official, positive results were affected by bird flu.
                            My father could at that time take part in burying and burning the chicken that died suddenly itu. Namun, a day later he at once was sick breathless and coughs that not wanted to stop," he said when being met

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                            • #15
                              Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                              [More on Hadi]

                              On Thursday, April 10 2008 16:16 WIB
                              One Pasien was expected by Flu Burung Dirujuk to RSUPP Madiun
                              A patient was expected by bird flu, was reconciled RSUD Ngawi to the Pusat Public Hospital of the Province (RSUPP) East Java in the Madiun City.
                              Dr Bambang Subarno the lung specialist to RSUPP Dr Soedono when it was confirmed the Indonesian Media on Thursday (10/4), said the patient who was named Hadi Sumarno, 72, that was reconciled on Wednesday (9/4) and currently was treated in isolation space of Wujaya Kusuma Ii RSUPP Dr Soedono.
                              Said when coming the patient that beralamat in the Beran Village, Kecamatan Kota, Kabupaten Ngawi with the cough complaint and breathless.
                              The "temperature" of the "body when being checked by us 36,5," said Bambang.

                              According to him, his side carried out the inspection and took mucus/the available liquid to the patient's throat.
                              "We have done twice and has been sent by us to Surabaya for the inspection in the laboratory," he said.
                              Here's a word for word dictionary translation on the exact same quote:
                              "We already finished an instruction to do it two times and done us to send to Surabaya to use examining in laboratory," he said.
                              Said for the mucus inspection/the patient's liquid was expected by bird flu in East Java, his inspection might not ladi in Jakarta, but in Surabaya.

                              "To begin this year the inspection could have been carried out in Surabaya," clear Bambang.

