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Indonesia HUMAN Cases - March 26, 2008 to April 9, 2008

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  • Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/26/2008+

    Some more on Mulyanti, the 16 yo girl from Depok region, now in hospital in Jakarta. She seems to do OK.


    • Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/26/2008+

      Translated Post #120

      After killing the pupil the PRIMARY SCHOOL, Muhammad Ibnu Yusuf (9) last January, bird flu again attacked the Depok resident, this time the student SMK Negeri Depok, Mulyanti (16) must receive the maintenance in the Penyakit Infeksi Sulianti Soroso Hospital (RSPI-SS), in Jakarta Utara.

      "Earlier my brother only went to the doctor around the house, because of only coughs and the fever", "and the doctor's words only experienced the stomach upset and the inflammation tenggorakan," said casualties's older brother, Suhandi, in Depok, on Thursday (3/4).
      He said, because never recovered Yanti the Mulyanti nickname, finally had taken medicine to the Bahkti Yuda Hospital, Depok since Monday (31/3).
      After receiving the maintenance selam two nights finally on Wednesday night (2/4) Yanti was reconciled to RSPI-SS, because of being diagnosed suffered bird flu.
      According to him, his residence environment in Street xxxxxx Earth Housing the Beautiful Atmosphere, the Depok City was organised was neat enough only several residents who maintained birds.
      However was not far from this location or around 200 metre had the piece poultry farm, available since 1999, whereas this housing was just occupied around 2004.
      After learning the existence of the Depok resident who again was attacked by bird flu, of the Pertanian Service, on Thursday early afternoon at once visited the location of the incident to carry out spraying disinfektan and melakuan rapid test against the poultry that was around casualties's house.
      "Results" of the "negative."
      The poultry that was around casualties's freest house from bird flu, the Section's headword of the Health of the Animal and the Health of the Veteriner Community, Dinas Pertanian Kota Depok, of Deddy Sudjadi.
      He said, at this time just one sample of birds that was carried out by the test.
      "We will carry out the re-test against the other poultry that was around casualties's house," he said.
      Deddy made a plea to the resident to always maintain the cleanliness of the environment, so that the bird flu virus does not increasingly spread.
      Was based on the Regional Government's note, three Depok residents died resulting from bird flu, first during 2006, namely Yasinto (22 years), the resident of the Pangkalan Jati District, Kecamatan Limo and Yuliana, (30) the resident of the Cilangkap District, Kecamatan Cimanggis.


      • Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/26/2008+

        Central Java, Kendal, region with a recent H5N1 outbreak in poultry.

        Report says: 7 suspects.

        This website is for sale! is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!


        • Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/26/2008+

          toggletext down..


          • Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/26/2008+

            Working at the translation, but I have to go in 15 minutes.

            Seven villagers Kedungsari, Kec Singorojo, of Kab Kendal were suspected to be infected by the bird flu virus.

            The seven suspect AI residents have the initials AR , 45 , WH, 24 , SN , 35 , JM , 40 , DP , 9 , HN , 35 , dan KS , 34 .

            edit: TT is not easy today, have to go now.


            • Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/26/2008+

              7 Warga Suspect Flu Burung
              Sabtu, 05/04/2008

              Seven villagers Kedungsari, Kec Singorojo, of Kab Kendal were suspected tertular the bird flu virus (avian influenza/AI).
              The seven residents suspect AI berinisialAr,45,Wh,24,Sn,35, Jm, 40,Dp, 9, Hn, 35, and Ks, 34.Dinas Kesehatan (Dinkes) suspected them tertular the virus H5N1 because all the victim experienced the sign similar to bird flu like the cough, breathless, the temperature of the body on 38 Celcius levels, had a headache, and pilek.

              At this time, the casualties were still undergoing the intensive maintenance in the Singorojo Community Health Centre.
              Said, was based on the clinical sign of the bird flu illness, to seven residents indeed mirip.Namun to ascertain him, his side was still being waiting for the incubation period 3-5 days.
              Because of that for the incubation period, they continued to receive the tight supervision.

              Dinkes at this time still was opening the complaint command post till yesterday.

              "Posko had a function of giving the briefing and the complaint from the related resident of the illness," he said.
              It was further that Siswanto explained, to anticipate the AI attack, his side has provided 200 medicine tablets tamiflu in each Community Health Centre.
              Stock tamiflu that was had still sufficient.

              In the meantime, RSUD Dr H Soewondo Kendal has prepared the room of the special isolation for the sufferer AI. Kamar especially of the isolation could accommodate four pasien.Peralatan, the nurse, and the team of the doctor who will handle the patient suspect AI has been prepared at the south of the hospital.
              "Rumah Sakit has been ready if when time had the consignment of the patient AI here," clear Deputy Director Pelayanan Medik RSUD Dr H Soewondo Dr Sri Mulyani.

              Separately, Section Head Peternakan Perikanan and Marine Kab Kendal drh Khumaedi explained, there were five subdistricts that entered the endemic area of bird flu.
              The five subdistricts were Kec Limbangan, Sukorejo, Patean, Weleri, and Kendal.
              The subdistrict that entered the endemic category did not experience the change since several last years.
              "Memang the subdistrict in the upper area relative more often was compared in the low area," obviously him.

              This website is for sale! is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!


              • Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/26/2008+

                7 residents Suspect Bird Flu on Saturday, 05/04/2008

                According to Siswanto, Dinkes carried out the supervision of the condition for seven residents regarding the death of dozens of tails of the chicken in several last days in the residence mereka.

                Warga available his connection with the death of the chicken suddenly did not enter the category of the supervision.

                Said, was based on the clinical sign of the bird flu illness, to seven residents indeed mirip.

                Namun to ascertain him, his side was still being waiting for the incubation period 3-5 days.

                Because of that for the incubation period, they continued to receive the tight supervision.

                Dinkes at this time still was opening the complaint command post till yesterday.

                This website is for sale! is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!



                • Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/26/2008+



                  • Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/26/2008+

                    Pixie 'West Java Expected AI, Yanti Reconciled to RSPI

                    Sabtu, 05/04/2008

                    Depok (SINDO) - Mulyanti, 16, citizen of Earth Housing the Beautiful Atmosphere Street Garuda the Bloc of D2 No7 RT5/10,akhirnya was reconciled to RSPI Sulianti Saroso, Sunter, Jakarta North after beforehand was treated in RS Yudha's service the Depok City.

                    This adolescent ditenggarai suspect bird flu. According to casualties's older brother, Suhandi, the side of RS Bhakti Yudha reconciled his brother to RSPI Sulianti Saroso because of suffering the sign similar to bird flu.

                    One of the nurses RS Bhakti Yudha that asked his name to be not stated said, the hospital side referred Yanti-nickname Mulyanti-to RSPI Sulianti Saroso. "The reason is, said the nurse to confirm whether true Yanti suspect or not. The temporary diagnosis like that, but although definitely the patient was reconciled to RSPI," obviously him.

                    Be based on pan-the host around casualties's house, many of the resident's houses that maintained the poultry. Around 200 metre from his residence of Yanti, there was a piece poultry farm that has operated since 1999.

                    Casualties's house really close to the location of the piece poultry farm that could be protested against by this resident. The section head the Health of the Animal and the Health of the Veteriner Dinas Pertanian Community (Distan) the City Depok Dedi Sujadi said, was based on results rapid test against the available poultry around casualties's house evidently results of bird flu of the negative.

                    Nevertheless, according to Dedi, the possibility of the existence of bird flu always was available.



                    • Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/26/2008+

                      <TABLE style="WIDTH: 775px; COLOR: rgb(190,5,1); FONT-FAMILY: helvetica,arial,sans-serif; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: top; WIDTH: 40px">
                      </TD><TD style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: top; WIDTH: 515px" colSpan=5><BIG><BIG>Commentary </BIG></BIG>

                      Large Suspect H5N1Cluster in Central Java Indonesia

                      Recombinomics Commentary 14:34
                      April 5, 2008

                      The seven residents suspect AI have the initials Ar,45, Wh,24, Sn,35, Jm, 40, Dp, 9, Hn, 35, and Ks, 34. Dinas Kesehatan (Dinkes) suspected them tertular the virus H5N1 because all the victim experienced the sign similar to bird flu like the cough, breathless, the temperature of the body on 38 Celcius levels, had a headache, and pilek.

                      At this time, the casualties were still undergoing the intensive maintenance in the Singorojo Community Health Centre.

                      The above translation describes the hospitalization of seven suspect bird flu patients in Kendal in Central Java, Indonesia. Large clusters are common in Indonesia, and confirmation is limited by Tamiflu treatment. The largest confirmed cluster reported to date in Indonesia was the Karo cluster in Sumatra. The largest unconfirmed cluster was the Garut cluster in West Java

                      In the past testing and treatment was largely limited to patients transferred to large infectious disease hospitals. Distribution of Tamiflu to community center, such as the one described above, allows for earlier treatment, but may decrease the number of confirmed cases.



                      • Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/26/2008+

                        Map showing the general location of Desa Kedungsari in Kendal Regency where seven individuals are suspected H5N1 cases.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Indonesia Kedungsari 20080405.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	115.7 KB
ID:	648964


                        • Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/26/2008+


                          PATIENT Presumed to have BIRD FLU IN RSPI died

                          The patient was suspected of by bird flu having the initials MY, on Saturday (5-4), died in the Pusat Hospital of the Infection (RSPI) Sulianti Saroso, Jakarta.

                          The sobbing of crying of the patient's family broke in Perawatan RSPI Sulianti
                          Saroso Space.

                          MY died after being treated for three days in this hospital.
                          MY was 16 years old. She suffered breathless and pneumonia.

                          MY could be treated in the Hospital of Bakti Yudha Depok.
                          Before being brought to the MY hospital experienced hot for three weeks more. For that he was only treated in the house.

                          Near the MY residence had the chicken abattoir.
                          However, was not yet known is there direct contact between MY and chickens in this place.

                          The father MY, Tisna, said, did not know his child suffered bird flu or not.
                          Because of results of the MY blood test just outside the following Monday.


                          • Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/26/2008+

                            More on the death of Mulyanti, from Depok, Central Java.

                            Again the Patient Bird Flu died

                            The bird flu virus again claimed casualties.

                            Ml, 16 years, the resident of the BSI complex, Kelurahan Pengasinan, of Kecamatan Sawangan, Depok dies today in the Hospital of Penyakit Infeksi Dr Sulianti Saroso.

                            Moments before dying, the patient had difficulty breathing, said Director RSPI Sardikin Giriputro when being contacted the Time today.

                            Then the doctor moved Ml to space of ICU. Kondisinya was increasingly critical, said Tuti Hendrarmurtopo, Deputy Director Pelayanan Rspi. Sekitar struck 15,40 WIB, Ml died.

                            The trip Ml was welcomed by relatives's crying and the family that paid a condolence call for the death of him at the hospital.

                            Sutisna, 50 years, casualties's father said, the illness that was contracted by the child the three of them that began to show the sign since Tuesday (1-4) then.

                            At that time, ML often the cough and was difficult to breathe.
                            The temperature of his body was also high, said the father from four children. Then Ml was brought to the Hospital of Bhakti Yudha, Depok.

                            The RS side then recommended the maintenance in an inap manner.

                            The detection of the bird flu illness was just known two days afterwards.
                            Further, Ml was reconciled to RSPI Dr Sulianti Saroso the same day.

                            The illness that was suffered by Mulianti quick seized attention of the Depok Health of the Service.

                            Yesterday, said Sutisna, several officials came to his residence environment.
                            Several positive livestock animals infected by the plague of bird flu.


                            • Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/26/2008+

                              Tangerang: a 45 year old woman suspected to have bird flu

                              Again, Suspect Bird Flu Patient Treated In RSUD Tangerang

                              Tangerang, on Saturday - A woman had the initials Nur (45) the resident of the Village of Poncol Rt the District Kunciran the Penang Subdistrict the Tangerang City that it was suspected suffered bird flu was treated in the regional Public Hospital (RSUD) Tangerang.

                              The sign of casualties headed was infected by bird flu, said Pelayanan RSUD Tangerang Deputy Director, Bambang Wisnubroto to Antara, on Saturday.
                              Wisnubroto said, initially casualties were carried to RS Mulya, Penang but afterwards the doctor reconciled Nur to undergo the maintenance in RSUD Tangerang on Friday (4-5) the night around struck 20,00 WIB.

                              Upon arrival at RSUD Tangerang, casualties experienced the sign of the high fever, breathless that was accompanied by the difficult cough so as the doctor decided that Nur underwent the maintenance in space of the isolation of the bird flu sufferer.

                              The doctor then took the sample of casualties's blood to be checked in the
                              Departemen Laboratory of the Health, Jakarta and results of the conclusion of casualties was infected by bird flu or will not be known on Saturday (5-4) the night or on Sunday (6-4) after the blood inspection was finished was carried out.

                              Wisnubroto explained, the last condition for casualties was still stable with the level of the good awareness and breathing did not use aids.

                              RSUD Tangerang has informed to the Health Service local that there is the resident who it was suspected was affected by this deadly virus with the aim so that his handling is followed up.

                              In the meantime, one of casualties's children, Fikri said his mother had not been touching with the poultry and the resident also not there are those that maintained the poultry around his house.

                              The family became most startled after receiving information had the indication infected by the bird flu virus, said Fikri.

                              The Dinas Kesehatan (Health Service,ed) note of the Tangerang City till March 2008, the resident who was affected by the bird flu virus achieved eight cases consisted of seven people died and one sufferer could be rescued.


                              • Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/26/2008+

                                Update from Pandang, West Sumatra; 2 patients , Etriani a nurse, she seems to do OK; Alifah a young child, is slowly improving, lost a lot of weight.
                                testresults still pending.

                                Despite since the beginning the condition for the patient suspect Etriani bird flu (29) better, was compared by two patients suspect other bird flu, but he continued to undergo the maintenance in isolation space.

                                This was caused before getting the fever illness that was accompanied by the cough, the nurse RSSN Bukittinggi this could contact with one of the patients who died, Edi Satria (21) the older brother from the positive patient bird flu, Alifah.

                                At this time, Etriani was still being waiting for results swab the throat that was sent to Research And Development Department of Health RI several days ago.

                                Whereas Afifah (2) that also suspect bird flu also still was waiting for results of the inspection of Research And Development Department of Health RI.

                                Generally from the beginning, the Etriani condition did not show the sign that referred in bird flu because the temperature of his body was not too high and he did not experience breathless.

                                Produced by Rapid test early of the negative, but we were still carrying out the inspection at the request of the Department of Health so as his maintenance still in Irna C Penyakit Dalam isolation space, said the Head of the Medik Service RSUP M. Djamil Padang, Irayanti to Padang Ekspres, on Friday (4-4) yesterday.

                                He also said at this time the Etriani condition gradually also improved, he only suffered the fever for three days after getting the maintenance.

                                Since the beginning the number of leucocytes (blue blood) also normal revolved between 900 and 1,000 leucocytes, as well as did not experience breathless.

                                Etriani also did not use the medical implement like the infusion and oxygen like two other patients.

                                Whereas Afifah (2) the resident Palupuh Kab Agam that also suffered suspect Bird Flu, although being not yet too normal, but continuing to show the development.

                                If during the first time being treated by the temperature of his body achieved 39 Celsius levels, then at this time descended to 37 Celsius levels.

                                Nevertheless at this time according to the IRA, Afifah was still suffering the cough but no longer was accompanied breathless. Whereas the number of his leucocytes also again was normal.

                                The improvement of the condition for the patient, could be seen from the temperature of his body, suffered the cough or breathless as well as the number of leucocytes.

                                Normal leucocytes reached 900 as far as 1000 leucocytes whereas cramps in fact not was the sign of bird flu, but this matter could happen was resulted in because of the condition for the increasingly weak body, he said.

                                While Alifah, despite his condition continued to improve, but his weight at this time descended drastic.

                                This was caused during early of the maintenance, this female child could undergo the fast in order to undergo the inspection.

                                Although being stated positive, at this time Alifah was still continuing to undergo the PCR inspection (Polimerace Chain Reaction) because if being seen from his condition continued to improve, so as the possibility of recovering from this illness was not closed.

                                In estimated results of this inspection will go out in one this Sunday so as two sufferers suspect bird flu got the assurance about his fate.

                                - snip -

