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EGYPT - 11? susp cases in Bani Suwayf, Al Gharbiyah & Ash Sharqiyah governorates
Re: EGYPT - 10? susp cases in Bani Suwayf, Al Gharbiyah [& Ash Sharqiyah] governorates
4-ABBA asks: How many different towns in Egypt have current cases?
Good question. I haven't sorted that out (yet). Anybody have any idea?
Edit: Just a note -- the 3 current confirmed cases (all of whom have now died) are from one village/town. The remainder are suspected cases awaiting test results.
...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes
Re: EGYPT - 10? susp cases in Bani Suwayf, Al Gharbiyah [& Ash Sharqiyah] governorate
Originally posted by Theresa42
4-ABBA asks: How many different towns in Egypt have current cases?
Good question. I haven't sorted that out (yet). Anybody have any idea?
Edit: Just a note -- the 3 current confirmed cases (all of whom have now died) are from one village/town. The remainder are suspected cases awaiting test results.
Actually, there are four confirmed cases and all have died. The first case was hospitalized Sept 30 and died Oct 30, but she (39F) was from Samanoud, which is adjacent to the Nile River and about 12 miles north of Hanut Kafr wich is the location of the 3 family members. They are just north of Zitfa (pop 94K). Hanut Kafr is 15 miles east of Tanta (pop 408K and capital of Al Ghabiyah). There are 5 suspect cases in Tanta from 4 villages.
There are two suspect cases from Sanamoud, which is location of first case. Sanamud is just a few mles east of Mahalla el Kubra (pop 434K - largest city in Al Ghabiyah). It is just 15 miles north of Tanta and has four suspect patients from three villages (including the two suspect cases from Sanamoud).
There are also two patients in Zigazig (pop 287K) which is about 35 miles southeast of Tanta.
Thus, there are 4 confirmed (and fatal) cases and 11 suspect cases. 9 of the suspect cases are with a 15 mile radius from Tanta (or within 15 miles of the four confirmed cases). The other two are within a 35 mile radius of Tanta (or within a 20 mile radius of the three family members).
Re: EGYPT - 10? susp cases in Bani Suwayf, Al Gharbiyah [& Ash Sharqiyah] governorate
Originally posted by niman
Actually, there are four confirmed cases and all have died. The first case was hospitalized Sept 30 and died Oct 30, but she (39F) was from Samanoud, which is adjacent to the Nile River and about 12 miles north of Hanut Kafr wich is the location of the 3 family members.
Yeah, that's right. I was just thinking of the current cases.
...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes
Re: EGYPT - 11? susp cases in Bani Suwayf, Al Gharbiyah & Ash Sharqiyah governorates
Originally posted by post #12
Doctor Al Sayed Al Hussein said the Ministry of Health deputy by the western [Al Gharbiyah]: we transferred three patients to the hospital of Tanta fevers and they [are]: (1) Nura Saleh Abdul Moneim 25 years - housewife from Sbtas village in Tanta district....
There's a Sibtas (سبطاس) just outside Tanta city -- could be the place where this woman is from...
Re: EGYPT - 10? susp cases in Bani Suwayf, Al Gharbiyah [& Ash Sharqiyah] governorate
Originally posted by niman
Actually, there are four confirmed cases and all have died. The first case was hospitalized Sept 30 and died Oct 30, but she (39F) was from Samanoud, which is adjacent to the Nile River and about 12 miles north of Hanut Kafr wich is the location of the 3 family members. They are just north of Zitfa (pop 94K). Hanut Kafr is 15 miles east of Tanta (pop 408K and capital of Al Ghabiyah). There are 5 suspect cases in Tanta from 4 villages.
There are two suspect cases from Sanamoud, which is location of first case. Sanamud is just a few mles east of Mahalla el Kubra (pop 434K - largest city in Al Ghabiyah). It is just 15 miles north of Tanta and has four suspect patients from three villages (including the two suspect cases from Sanamoud).
There are also two patients in Zigazig (pop 287K) which is about 35 miles southeast of Tanta.
Thus, there are 4 confirmed (and fatal) cases and 11 suspect cases. 9 of the suspect cases are with a 15 mile radius from Tanta (or within 15 miles of the four confirmed cases). The other two are within a 35 mile radius of Tanta (or within a 20 mile radius of the three family members).
Dr. Niman,
Well, isn't this just creepy! Creepier than Indonesia's slow simmer. If these suspected cases are confirmed, could this be a case of B2H made easier by all the dangerous polymorphisms that you have been describing in your updates? It's hard to imagine that these particular individuals in various villages have been directly infecting each other despite the relative closeness of the villages. Is this a mild first wave where there are a number of geographically-dispersed cases all around Tantra that have escaped official confirmation? Can you suggest how this type of geographic dispersion could have occurred?
Re: EGYPT - 10? susp cases in Bani Suwayf, Al Gharbiyah [& Ash Sharqiyah] governorate
Originally posted by Dark Horse
Dr. Niman,
Well, isn't this just creepy! Creepier than Indonesia's slow simmer. If these suspected cases are confirmed, could this be a case of B2H made easier by all the dangerous polymorphisms that you have been describing in your updates? It's hard to imagine that these particular individuals in various villages have been directly infecting each other despite the relative closeness of the villages. Is this a mild first wave where there are a number of geographically-dispersed cases all around Tantra that have escaped official confirmation? Can you suggest how this type of geographic dispersion could have occurred?
Marilyn Bardsley
All of these cases are in the Nile Delta which is frequented by migratory birds. US NAMRU recently published H5 sequences from teal in the Nile Delta in December, 2005. One was Qinghai and the other has low path H5.
The birds migrating through Europe, the Middle East, and Africa have Qinghai H5N1 and they recombine with local birds that are infected. The recent sequence (from the October fatal case) had the "Qinghai Egyptian" markers, but had new acquisitions from other Qinghai isolates.
Ths "new" version had M230I, which is a clear concern. US NAMRU has at least 2 positives from the family of three and I would expect the sequences to be public in the next week or two. So far the "new" version has killed all confirmed cases and the cluster of 3 is the largest reported to date in Egypt, so transmission to humans appears to have become more efficient.
Last edited by AlaskaDenise; December 28, 2006, 12:29 AM.
Reason: typos
Re: EGYPT - 10? susp cases in Bani Suwayf, Al Gharbiyah [& Ash Sharqiyah] governorate
Originally posted by niman
All of these cases are in the Nile Delta which is frequented by migrator birds. US NAMRU recently publihsed H5 sequences from teal in the Nile Delta in December, 2005. One was Qinghai and the other has low path H5.
The birds migrationg through Europe, the Middle East, and Africa have Qingai H5N1 and they recombine with local birds that are infected. The recent sequence (from the October fatal case) had the "Qinghai Egyptian" markers, but had new acquisitions from otehr Qinghai isolates.
Ths "new" version had M230I, which is a clear concern. US NAMRU has at least 2 positievs from the family of three and I would expect the seuqneces to be public in the next week or two. Sio far the "new" version has killed all confirmed cases and the cluster of 3 is the largest reported to date in Egypt, so transmission to humans appears to have become more efficient.
Re: EGYPT - 11? susp cases in Bani Suwayf, Al Gharbiyah & Ash Sharqiyah governorates
Ok. Here's a map of the villages where I *think* all of the latest confirmed & suspected cases from Al Gharbiyah and Ash Sharqiyah come from. Note that there are also two suspected cases reported from Bani Suwayf governorate which is ca. 100 km south of Cairo.
The 3 confirmed, deceased Farid family members were from Kafr Hanut >>
(3) Hanem Ahmed Fattouh the sponsor (51F) - homemaker from Shubra Waqqas, in Al-Santa district
Didn't find 'Shubra Waqqas' but marked Al-Santa/As-Santah on the map >>
Zagazig Fevers Hospital:
in the eastern [Ash Sharqiyah governorate] about
(6) Amal Hassan Fawzi's transfer from the region of "the triumphant station" [Mansoura She] in Zagazig
(7) its daughter "Fathiya Said" to the hospital of Zagazig fevers.
Not sure where "Mansoura She" is, but indicated Zagazig on the map.
...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes
Re: EGYPT - 11? susp cases in Bani Suwayf, Al Gharbiyah & Ash Sharqiyah governorates
So there we have it, at this point:
four confirmed patients (all dead) and 11 suspected patients (the ones that Theresa mentions below plus two she didn't mention--in Beni Suef--mentioned earlier:
Re: EGYPT - 11? susp cases in Bani Suwayf, Al Gharbiyah & Ash Sharqiyah governorates
Originally posted by Sharpe
Note that Hoda Abdel-Hamid has the same surname as the confirmed family.
Ah. Surnames in Egypt. Now there's a tricky one, 'cause Egyptians don't actually have surnames! Not usually, anyway.
Egyptian naming is interesting. You don't get a family surname -- you get a given name (eg. Theresa) -- and then you tack on the (first) name of your father and the (first) name of your grandfather (so, in Egypt I would be Theresa Thomas Thomas!):
... in Egypt ... there is no such thing as a surname. In Egypt you simply list your forename, followed by your father's forename and then your grandfather's forename. Some families then add a surname, but this is optional. Most people are known simply by their forename followed by their father's forename ....
So, the person in Beni Suef with the names "Abdel-Hamid" is unlikely to be related to the family in Al Gharbiyah.
Also, the family in Al Gharbiyah with the 3 deaths has been referred in the Western press as the Farid family as if that's their surname, but that's probably not correct.
Finally -- if I am not mistaken -- women in the Arab/Muslim world often changed their name when they have a son to "So-and-so's mother" -- for instance, if a woman was to have a son named Reza, she would become "Reza's mother" or something like that. This may not apply to Egypt, though.
Thanks for summing up, Sharpe!
...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes
ارتفع عدد الحالات البشرية المشتبه في إصابتها بأنفلونزا الطيور إلي ٧ حالات جديدة في الغربية والشرقية أمس.قال الدكتور السيد الحسيني، وكيل وزارة الصحة بالغربية: نقلنا ثلاث مريضات إلي مستشفي حميات طنطا وهن: نورا صالح عبدالمنعم ?٢٥ سنة ـ ربة منزل? من قرية سبطاس بمركز طنطا،
The number of suspected human cases infected with avian influenza in the seven new cases in the Western and Eastern yesterday. Said Mr. Husseini, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health enough : We reported three patients to the hospital in Tanta They regimens : Nura Saleh Abdel-Moneim ?25? housewife from the village of Tanta Sptas status,
وآمال مصيلحي إسماعيل ?٢٨ سنة ـ ربة منزل? ، وهانم أحمد فتوح الراعي ?٥١ سنة ـ ربة منزل? من شبرا قاص، بمركز السنطة، لأخذ عينات وإرسالها للمعامل المركزية، كما تم أخذ عينات من ٣٣ فردا من أسرة انتصار فريد عبدالحميد من قرية كفر حانون مركز زفتي، التي توفيت أمس الأول، ويرقد شقيقها ?رضا? ٢٦ سنة، وابنة شقيقها ?شفية عبدالحليم? ١٦ سنة في مستشفي صدر العباسية.
And hopes of the possibility of Ismail ?28 years homemaker?, ma'am Ahmed Fatuh sponsor ?51 years homemaker? from Shubra Waqqas, the status Alsentah, sampling and sent to the labs Central, has also been taking samples from 33 members of a family victory Farid Abdul Hamid of the village of Kafr Hanoun Center Main, who died yesterday, and buried her brother ?Reza? 26 years, and his son, brother ?Shafih saying? 16 years in the hospital issued Abbasiya.
وأعلن الدكتور محمد الرجبي مدير مستشفي حميات المحلة عن احتجاز حالتين للاشتباه فيإصابتهما بأنفلونزا الطيور هما: سونة محمد النجار ?٥٥ سنة? من قرية صفط التراب، وإفراج السيد محمد ?٥٢ سنة? من قرية شبرا بابل، وإرسال عينات منهما للمعامل المركزية.
Dr. Mohamed Al-Rajabi hospital director pathogenesis of Mahala on the detention of two suspected avian influenza Fayasapthma are : Suna Mohammad Najjar ?? 55 years of the village of Soft soil, and the release of Mr. Mohamed ?? 52 years of the village of Shubra Babylon, and sending samples of their central labs.
وشيع مواطنو ?كفر حانون? جثمان ?انتصار? أمس الأول، وسط أحزان أسرتها، التي كانت تستعد لإقامة حفل زفاف ابنة شقيقها المريضة ?شافية?. كما أعلن الدكتور عطية عبدالعزيز، مدير مديرية الطب البيطري في الشرقية عن نقل أمل حسن فوزي من منطقة موقف المنصورة بالزقازيق، وابنتها ?فتحية سعيد? إلي مستشفي حميات الزقازيق.
And so many of the citizens of Kafr Hanoun ?? ?victory? body yesterday, amid the grief of her family, which was preparing for a wedding ceremony in his ailing brother ?satisfactory?. Also, Dr. Attiya Aziz, Director of the Directorate of veterinary medicine in the eastern hope Hassan Fawzi transfer from the position of Mansoura She, and her daughter, Fathiya Said ?? to the hospital pathogenesis of Zagazig.
وفي الغربية قرر المحافظ الشافعي الدكروري استمرار غلق محال بيع الدواجن الحية وحظر تداولها في الأسواق. وأعلنت محافظات عديدة حالة استنفار لمواجهة أنفلونزا الطيور.
In Western governor decided Shafie Aldkruri continued closure of shops selling live chickens and ban circulated in the markets. Declared several provinces alert to cope with avian flu.
6 or 7 additional suspected cases from Tanta & Mahallah
6 or 7 additional suspected cases from Tanta & Mahallah (the article says 7, but names only 6 as far as I can tell) -- 4 from one family....
Machine translated from Arabic:
Shop hamlet it says goodbye to the tenth victim to the bird flu
The reservation of 7 (6?) new cases by the fevers of Tanta and Mahala for the suspicion of their injury by the disease
Dec 29, 2006
Tanta - Hani Atef: Bid farewell - yesterday - a village "shop hamlet" with my wedding procession of Reda Farid Al Badawi - 30 years body and that took his breaths the last inside chest hospital Abbasid affected by its injury by the bird flu disease so that "a victory" catches its sister - 26 years - and its nephew [niece?/cousin] "Shfia". And that they preceded to their final resting place a few hours ago affected by the same disease. The funeral of the tenth victim took place on the republic level in its family cemeteries in the village. The village turned to a mourning tent after the declaration of a death "Reda" and the families surrounded the house of the affected family and that lost is three of its fleshes and blood in less than 48 hours because of this epidemic that was called it the village people is "the age plague". "The delegation" lived hard moments inside a house "Reda" who in it the cries rose and the women started lamenting over in it the share of this miserable family that what was about to burying each victim until they hear the news of the other death.
We met its father "Farid Al Badawi" 80 years, he said and the tears flow from his eyes Reda was kind and the only breadwinner of the family where he was helping his brothers and contributes to a treatment its old mother, and he added that it was injured by the disease after its participation in the slaughter of a number of the ducks and the poultry in preparation to a wedding "Shfia" who the fate is not written to it the happiness or the joy and died by the same disease.
We went to the mother "Shfia Rizk" 63 years, that deteriorated its condition totally after a death we polish it "Shfia"'s satisfaction, a victory and its granddaughter especially and it is injured by the paralysis that sat beside her and she started looking to us and cries and says "I satisfied with the God's decree, a satisfaction have been undertaking my treatment because two husbands do not get, a proper of 60 pounds monthly as a life and this is not enough to the purchase of a single medicine and entered weeping fit and started calling its fleshes and blood a satisfaction and a victory and we could not keep in the house and turned leaving behind us a greatest family tragedy she needs the intervention of the western governor for the work of a permanent life to this affected family.
And the village peoples demanded the necessity of the carrying out of the executive institutions by its duty for the blockade of this disease, and the fear spread between the citizens in the cities and the villages of the governorate a special and the three last conditions took their breaths in less than 48 hours which confirms the failure of Health Department in the preservation in the dealing with the disease.
On the other hand yesterday the reservation of 7 new cases in the hospitals of Tanta fevers and Mahala from them took place 4 of a single family for the suspicion of their injury by the bird flu and they are (12) Ehab Abdul Samie - 35 years, (13) Enas Anwar - 33 years, (14) Mohamed Ehab Abdul Samie - 11 years, and (15) Abdul Samie Ehab - 16 years from Santa City -- and (16) Ahmed Al Feqi - 51 years mother is house lord [housewife] and resident in Kafr Al-Sheikh village Salim belonging to Tanta center and (17) Nahed Al Amrousi - 35 years is house lord [housewife] from a village by us Abu Seer belonging to the district center. And that after their feeling of severe pains in the bones and a severe rise in the temperature and an inflammation by the throat.
And hence the number of the cases suspect of their injury by the disease rise in the governorate [Al Gharbiyah] through the last period to 54 case that the analyses confirmed the positivity of 4 conditions from them three of a single family you all fulfil Al Sadr's hospital by the Abbasid.
On the other hand, were yesterday seizure of seven new cases hospitals pathogenesis of Tanta and Mahala including four from one family to suspect them of avian influenza They Ihab Abdalsmia-35 years - and Inas Anwar-33 years - and, Ehab Abdalsmia-11 years - and Abdalsmia Ihab-16 years - from the city Alsentah Umm Ahmed Fiqi-51-year - housewife and resides in the village of Kafr Sheikh Salim of the Center for Tanta and does Alomarosi-35-year - housewife from the village of us Aboussir of the Center for the place. And after feeling severe pain in the bones, and very high temperature and inflammation of the throat.
...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes