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Crit Rev Anal Chem . Analytical Methods for the Determination of Major Drugs Used for the Treatment of COVID-19. A Review

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  • Crit Rev Anal Chem . Analytical Methods for the Determination of Major Drugs Used for the Treatment of COVID-19. A Review

    Crit Rev Anal Chem

    . 2022 Feb 23;1-35.
    doi: 10.1080/10408347.2022.2039094. Online ahead of print.
    Analytical Methods for the Determination of Major Drugs Used for the Treatment of COVID-19. A Review

    Jessica Da Ruos 1 , M Antonietta Baldo 1 , Salvatore Daniele 1



    At the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak (end 2019 - 2020), therapeutic treatments based on approved drugs have been the fastest approaches to combat the new coronavirus pandemic. Nowadays several vaccines are available. However, the worldwide vaccination program is going to take a long time and its success will depend on the vaccine public's acceptance. Therefore, outside of vaccination, the repurposing of existing antiviral, anti-inflammatory and other types of drugs, have been considered an alternative medical strategy for the COVI-19 infection. Due to the broad clinical potential of the drugs, but also to their possible side effects, analytical methods are needed to monitor the drug concentrations in biological fluids and pharmaceutical products. This review deals with analytical methods developed in the period 2015 - July 2021 to detect potential drugs that, according to a literature survey, have been taken into consideration for the treatment of COVID-19. The drugs considered here have been selected on the basis of the number of articles published in the period January 2020-July 2021, using the combination of the keywords: COVID-19 and drugs or SARS-CoV-2 and drugs. A section is also devoted to monoclonal antibodies. Over the period considered, the analytical methods have been employed in a variety of real samples, such as body fluids (plasma, blood and urine), pharmaceutical products, environmental matrices and food.

    Keywords: Analytical methods; Covid-19 treatment; SARS-CoV-2; drugs detection.
