Zhonghua Jie He He Hu Xi Za Zhi. 2020 Mar 12;43(3):199-202. doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1001-0939.2020.03.012.
[Expert consensus for bronchoscopy during the epidemic of 2019 novel coronavirus infection (Trial version)].
[Article in Chinese; Abstract available in Chinese from the publisher]
Group of Interventional Respiratory Medicine, Chinese Thoracic Society.
in English, Chinese
Infection with 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is mainly transmitted by respiratory droplets, airborne transmission and direct contact. However, conducting bronchoscopy on patients with 2019-nCoV is a high-risk procedure in which health care workers are directly exposed to the virus, and the protection and operation procedures need to be strictly regulated. According to the characteristics of bronchoscopy, it is necessary to formulate the procedure, requirements and precautions when conducting bronchoscopy in the current epidemic situation. Relevant standards for preventing from infections should be strictly implemented in the operation of bronchoscopy. It needs to emphasize that bronchoscopy should not be used as a routine means for the diagnosis of 2019-nCoV infection sampling. The indications for bronchoscopy for other diseases should be strictly mastered, and it is suggested that bronchoscopy should be postponed for those patients who is not in urgent situation.
2019 Novel Coronavirus infection; Bronchoscopy; Indications; Prevention and protection; Sampling