This reporting protocol is intended for reporting national case-based data for surveillance of monkeypox from all the countries and areas of the WHO European Region, including the 27 countries of the European Union (EU) and the additional three countries of the European Economic Area (EEA), to the European level.

Data are submitted through the case-based record type MPX to the European Surveillance System (TESSy) database hosted at ECDC.

Data can be reported to TESSy either manually, for entry of single cases, or through metadata- standardised CSV or XML files for multiple cases (please see technical annex).

Case data including retrospective updates to cases already in TESSy should be reported
weekly, Tuesdays by 10:00AM.

This reporting protocol is supplemented by a technical annex, which contains updated generic information for data submission.
First cases should be reported to WHO/ECDC through IHR/EWRS mechanisms. Any additional cases should be reported to TESSy only. Please note that all data are collected jointly with the World Health Organisation – Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe) to fulfil Member States reporting requirements to WHO. Duplicate reporting is therefore not required.

Case definition
Probable and confirmed cases should be reported according to the current WHO case definition for monkeypox (Annex 2). Information on the case definition used should be provided in the variable CaseDefinition. If a national case definition is used this information should also be provided in the variable CaseDefinition.

To support the timely and complete reporting of key information on monkeypox epidemiology in the countries and areas of the WHO European Region, including the 27 countries of the European Union (EU) and the additional three countries of the European Economic Area (EEA).

Surveillance Objectives
  1. Monitor the intensity and geographical spread of the monkeypox virus in the population in time, place and person;
  2. To understand the natural history and epidemiology of the disease including risk factors for infection in order to assess its impact and prepare accordingly
  3. To describe the population at highest risk of infection and severe outcomes in order to target preventive or control measures
  4. Assess the impact of any control and prevention measures.