Smallpox virus detected in 300-year-old Siberian mummy
By Eryn Brown Los Angeles Times
November 21, 2012, 2:15 p.m.
Thanks to vaccination efforts, smallpox ? killer of hundreds of millions people around the world over the course of the 20th century alone ? was eradicated in 1979. But even today the lethal variola virus, which causes the disease, is not completely impossible to come by.
A team of French and Russian researchers recently found new snippets of smallpox DNA in 300-year-old mummies from Siberia, according to an article in the New England Journal of Medicine released Wednesday...
Smallpox virus detected in 300-year-old Siberian mummy
By Eryn Brown Los Angeles Times
November 21, 2012, 2:15 p.m.
Thanks to vaccination efforts, smallpox ? killer of hundreds of millions people around the world over the course of the 20th century alone ? was eradicated in 1979. But even today the lethal variola virus, which causes the disease, is not completely impossible to come by.
A team of French and Russian researchers recently found new snippets of smallpox DNA in 300-year-old mummies from Siberia, according to an article in the New England Journal of Medicine released Wednesday...