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Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis. Conventional and future diagnostics for avian influenza.

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  • Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis. Conventional and future diagnostics for avian influenza.

    Abstract. Conventional and future diagnostics for avian influenza.
    Copyright ? 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

    Conventional and future diagnostics for avian influenza

    Bruce Charlton a, Beate Crossley a and Sharon Hietal a - California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory System, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California Davis, Davis, CA 95616, USA

    Available online 29 April 2008.


    The significant and continued transboundary spread of Asian avian influenza H5N1 since 2003, paired with documented transmission from avian species to humans and other mammals, has focused global attention on avian influenza virus detection and diagnostic strategies.
    While the historic and conventional laboratory methods used for isolation and identification of the virus and for detection of specific antibodies continued to be widely applied, new and emerging technologies are rapidly being adapted to support avian influenza virus surveillance and diagnosis worldwide.
    Molecular tools in particular are advancing toward lab-on-chip and fully integrated technologies that are capable of same day detection, pathotyping, and phylogenetic characterization of influenza A viruses obtained from clinical specimens.
    The future of avian influenza diagnostics, rather than moving toward a single approach, is wisely adopting a strategy that takes advantage of the range of conventional and advancing technologies to be used in ?fit-for-purpose? testing.

    La propagation significative et continue de la souche asiatique de la grippe aviaire H5N1 par del? les fronti?res depuis 2003, combin?e ? la transmission av?r?e des oiseaux aux humains et autres mammif?res, a focalis? l?attention g?n?rale sur les strat?gies de diagnostic et de d?tection du virus de la grippe aviaire. ? c?t? des m?thodes conventionnelles et historiques utilis?es par les laboratoires pour isoler et identifier les virus, ainsi que d?tecter des anticorps sp?cifiques, de nouvelles technologies sont rapidement adapt?es au contr?le et au diagnostic de la grippe aviaire dans le monde entier. Les outils mol?culaires, en particulier, permettent d?am?liorer les technologies de laboratoire sur puce parfaitement int?gr?es permettant la d?tection, la d?termination du pathotype et la caract?risation phylog?n?tique de virus influenza de type A issus de sp?cimens cliniques. Plut?t que d?opter pour une approche unique, la tendance en mati?re de diagnostic de la grippe aviaire est plut?t ? l?adoption d?une strat?gie qui exploite les diff?rentes technologies conventionnelles et avanc?es afin de r?aliser des tests ? sur mesure ?.]

    Keywords: Avian influenza; Detection; Diagnosis; ?Fit-for-purpose?
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