Woman gives birth while in a coma fighting H1N1 flu
Posted on: 5:00 pm, January 23, 2014, by Meryl Lin McKean, updated on: 05:09pm, January 23, 2014
OVERLAND PARK, Kan. ? A mother?s weak, trembling hand touched her baby for the first time on Thursday.
?I think the only reason I?ve made it as far as I have as quickly as I have is because of him,? said Abby Unruh of Osawatomie.
Unruh is still in the intensive care unit of Overland Park Regional Medical Center. Her baby boy, Douglas, was visiting from the neonatal intensive care unit. Unruh, age 19, became ill in late December and was treated for bronchitis.
But the illness worsened. She passed out on New Year?s Eve, and was transferred to Overland Park Regional. It turns out she had pneumonia resulting from H1N1 flu...