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Ala. couple attributes flu recovery to technology, care, God's grace

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  • Ala. couple attributes flu recovery to technology, care, God's grace

    TUSCALOOSA, Alabama ? Robert Moore of Tuscaloosa was kept alive by machines in the intensive care unit for part of November and all of December ? his diagnosis: severe pneumonia and the H1N1 flu.

    Despite being on a respirator on full force at DCH Regional Medical Center, Moore's organs weren't responding, and his oxygen levels wouldn't stay up. There was a last option, if Moore was going to survive, doctors told his wife Rhonda: He could be taken to UAB for a "last resort" treatment that could save his life.

    "It was at that point that I realized how bad it was," said Rhonda Moore, his wife of 26 years. "'You mean he could die from this?' I asked. I was out of my head."

