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US - Minnesota - Role of wild birds disputed one year after America's deadliest avian flu outbreak

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  • US - Minnesota - Role of wild birds disputed one year after America's deadliest avian flu outbreak

    Role of wild birds disputed in avian flu outbreak mystery

    Health Lorna Benson ? Mar 1, 2016
    Last year, in a massive hunt for the source of bird flu, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources tested more than 6,200 wild bird samples, mostly droppings, for signs of the virus.

    The search turned up only two infected birds and neither was a waterfowl.

    "We certainly did the best that we could using the tools that we had to describe infection. We just didn't find it," said Lou Cornicelli, wildlife research manager at the DNR.
    "Despite the industry pointing its finger at the wild birds, it's just not there," said Michael Osterholm, who directs the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. "It was not the source of widespread transmission to many operations throughout the Upper Midwest."
    Backyard poultry flocks should have been hit hardest because those birds were most exposed to migrating waterfowl. Instead, those birds were largely spared, he said.

    Osterholm also said the lone Pope County case popped up before wild ducks and geese had even traveled through the area.
    Osterholm said that points to a different theory worth checking ? that a non-fatal version of the virus circulated undetected among flocks that aren't tested frequently, such as layer hens. And then at some point mutated to the highly pathogenic H5N2 that laid millions of birds to waste.
    University of Minnesota avian flu expert Carol Cardona has come to agree the idea that migrating ducks and geese brought bird flu to Minnesota isn't holding up.

    On the other hand, Cardona rejects the notion that the deadly virus came out of the industry's poultry barns.

    Under that scenario, she said there would have been much less genetic variation in the bugs that caused more than 100 flock infections.

    "It wasn't just a static thing. There was evolution in the virus," Cardona said.

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture identified dozens of different versions of the virus that popped up in Minnesota.

    Cardona said it's still possible the virus traveled in another wild bird species that hasn't been tested yet.

    One year after America's deadliest avian flu outbreak on record, scientists are still flummoxed over the role of wild birds.
    "Safety and security don't just happen, they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear."
    -Nelson Mandela

  • #2

    Search for highly pathogenic bird flu grows cold

    The highly pathogenic strain of Eurasian bird flu that ravaged the U.S. poultry industry last year has so far been a no-show this winter.

    Don Jenkins Capital Press

    Published on February 17, 2016 8:36AM
    Last changed on February 17, 2016 11:12AM

    The highly pathogenic bird flu virus that spread from South Korea to North America and claimed 48 million American chickens and turkeys last year has not resurfaced in the U.S. so far this winter, a vanishing act that Washington State Veterinarian Joe Baker calls a ?sweet mystery.?
    ?We?ll take the relief from it, whatever the reason,? he said Tuesday.
    Eurasian bird flu ? sometimes mixing with milder North American strains ? hit 15 states between late 2014 and mid-2015. Besides commercial and non-commercial poultry flocks, the disease showed up in ducks, geese, falcons, eagles and owls.
    The interplay in the wild between Eurasian and North American bird flu strains created viruses never seen before in the U.S. Bird flu evaporated over the summer as waterfowl, virus reservoirs, migrated north. Anticipating bird flu?s return, officials made extensive plans to test wild birds, euthanize infected flocks and maybe vaccinate poultry.
    The USDA and other agencies have sampled more than 43,000 wild birds nationwide since July. Two mallard ducks ? in Oregon and Utah ? were carrying Eurasian bird flu viruses, but tests were inconclusive as to whether the viruses were highly pathogenic or far less dangerous low pathogenic strains.
    In Washington, where the Eurasian virus first appeared in the U.S. in ducks in Whatcom County in December 2014, more than 1,200 wild birds have been tested without a trace of bird flu.
    ?I was totally expecting a repeat after last year, but it didn?t happen,? Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife veterinarian Kristen Mansfield said. ?I think a lot of us are scratching our heads.?..

    Ask Congress to Investigate COVID Origins and Government Response to Pandemic.

    i love myself. the quietest. simplest. most powerful. revolution ever. ---- nayyirah waheed

    "...there’s an obvious contest that’s happening between different sectors of the colonial ruling class in this country. And they would, if they could, lump us into their beef, their struggle." ---- Omali Yeshitela, African People’s Socialist Party

    (My posts are not intended as advice or professional assessments of any kind.)
    Never forget Excalibur.


    • #3

      j'ai pos? une question sur le commerce d'animaux et de produits animaux vivants, je suis v?t?rinaire et, entre autre, zootechnicien,:

      Source: Role of wild birds in US H5N2 outbreaks questioned Filed Under: Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) Robert Roos | News Editor | CIDRAP News | Mar 18, 2015 The

      pas de r?ponse ? ce stade .

      j'ai des poules pondeuses ( lohman brown),

      dans mon potager, en permaculture, mais j'ai aussi des cannes colverts sauvages qui viennent pondre et couver:

      la Vie attire la Vie

      Si les colverts ?taient porteurs et excr?taient, en toutes circonstances, des virus, en France, j'aurai eu une s?rieuse baisse de ponte ( mes poules ne sont pas vaccin?es pour les influenzas), ou pire, mais rien, ? ce stade.

      Maintenant sur la validit? et pertinence de vos faits produits, allons voir un autre dossier, celui des prions:

      ce n'est pas simple de prouver certaines hypoth?ses et il faut ?tre tr?s respectueux pour ceux qui ont apport? cette pierre importante.

      Enfin et sans aucune agressivit?, je trouve plus pertinent les ?tudes sur le d?tenu que le sauvage.

      Dit autrement c'est par l'?levage que l'on a entrevu bien des fonctionnements biologiques et des solutions, car cela peut ?tre fait de fa?on scientifique .

      Dans le cas du sauvage, on nous pr?sente des chiffres mais ils ont quelle pertinence?

      pour appuyer mes propos, un exemple concret et am?ricain :

      "avian influenza has never been found in wild turkeys. "

      Le dindon sauvage am?ricain ne serait pas sensible aux influenzas aviaires et donc jamais porteur de rien ?

      si la r?ponse est vraiment oui , il faut supprimer tous les autres dindons et de suite, vu les co?ts...



      • #4
        Thanks for commenting, Bertrand. I'm relying on a machine translation but I think I am generally understanding you. (Maybe Sharon or someone else fluent in French and English can help out if needed?)

        I did see your news about CWD appearing in reindeer in Norway the other thread. I am very, very sorry to hear about that and have been reading up on the topic.

        Originally posted by bertrand789 View Post


        Maintenant sur la validit? et pertinence de vos faits produits, allons voir un autre dossier, celui des prions:

        Thank you for letting us know about this. It has not been in the news yet here - I see just a couple of US hunting forums discussing it. I will start a thread for the topic in the emerging animal disease forum:


        Ask Congress to Investigate COVID Origins and Government Response to Pandemic.

        i love myself. the quietest. simplest. most powerful. revolution ever. ---- nayyirah waheed

        "...there’s an obvious contest that’s happening between different sectors of the colonial ruling class in this country. And they would, if they could, lump us into their beef, their struggle." ---- Omali Yeshitela, African People’s Socialist Party

        (My posts are not intended as advice or professional assessments of any kind.)
        Never forget Excalibur.


        • #5

          d?sol? mais j'aime cette langue et je je c?toie des allemands qui n'osent pas user, d'une autre langue, que la leur, pour des propos compliqu?s, donc s?rieux. On plaisante en fran?ais, mais il use de l'allemand sur les sujets importants.

          De plus, j'ai eu, en son temps, le bonheur de dialoguer avec les
          fondateurs de ceci:

          L'initiateur me semble un des piliers de l'enseignement du droit constitutionnel am?ricain.

          En effet les juristes am?ricains se doivent de conna?tre le fran?ais et son histoire pour interpr?ter un des textes fondateurs des Etats Unis...

          Concernant le C.W.D, j'ai pass? bien du temps sur ces dossiers. En son temps j'ai ?mis l'hypoth?se valid?e, par ce grand homme : Dominique Dormont, que le meilleur moyen de ..., cela n'a jamais ?t? les farines animales , mais les lacto remplaceurs:

          Ces prot?ines sont lipidophiles , donc quand on remplace les graisses normales par des graisses d'?quarissage sans prendre le temps d'une vraie centrifugation et de plus avec un traitement thermique faible on obtient ce qui a g?n?r? un co?t gigantesque.


          sur des dossiers complexes , sans de vraies fiches de dangers , mis ? jour de fa?on collective, la gestion des crises est souvent un gigantesque enfumage.


          • #6
            Merci, Bertrand. This is a very magnificent tool for scholars and it is wonderful that it is free to use:

            I'm working on translating the comment about lacto remplaceurs, but may understand you are talking about this:

            The SVS has come up with two options of transmitting BSE to the CzechRep. The first says that meat-and-bone meal which, in spite of certification, was not adequately processed was added to the mixtures for cattle at mixing plants.
            The other option, which the SVS is inclined to believe, says that the cow was infected at the time it was still a calf and consumed the imported milk replacer, in which milk fat was replaced with fat from carcass disposal plants.

            Ask Congress to Investigate COVID Origins and Government Response to Pandemic.

            i love myself. the quietest. simplest. most powerful. revolution ever. ---- nayyirah waheed

            "...there’s an obvious contest that’s happening between different sectors of the colonial ruling class in this country. And they would, if they could, lump us into their beef, their struggle." ---- Omali Yeshitela, African People’s Socialist Party

            (My posts are not intended as advice or professional assessments of any kind.)
            Never forget Excalibur.


            • #7

              quand on sait qu'une bonne et vraie centrifugation des graisses produites aurait pu ?viter ces g?chis, c'est vraiment dommage.

              Pour avoir ?tudi? l'histoire de bien des crises agricoles et agroalimentaires depuis plus de trente ans, il est habituel que pour diverses raisons quand un sc?nario de gestion de crise non pertinent est mis en ?uvre, les structures politiques et autres ont bien du mal ? reconnaitre leurs erreurs. La m?thode HACCP est l'outil , qui vient de la nuit des temps, et qui permet l'efficience soci?tale. Elle est, pour moi, ce qui a justifi? la cr?ation du corps des v?t?rinaires. Sauf que, son maniement demande, outre le fait d'avoir acc?s aux donn?es, ce qui souvent est impossible, une tr?s grande humilit?.

              Cela permet des moments rares , comme celui de pouvoir s'entretenir avec des hommes, hors du commun, comme Dominique Dormont. Il avait valid?, l'hypoth?se ?voqu?e, mais, m?me, avec son statut et sa fonction, il a du laisser dire ce qui ne se devait pas .

              Ceci se produit en ce moment en France , dans le dossier des influenzas et cela me d?sole.

