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African swine fever question

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  • African swine fever question

    it is you who opened the ball by evoking a country which uses and abuses with the support of the O.I.E of the virological war to control the rabbits. Moreover, who by daring to put water on the stock market, supposedly for an ecological reason, opened the door to the destabilization of all its agricultural sectors, if I have respect for their geneticists, who in his time congratulated me, they do a lot of stupidity too ...
    You speak on an American forum which seems to have used African swine fever in Cuba.

    From there to imagine, that African swine fever in China was used to clean up traditional productions, given their portages in many things including coronaviruses, we could, also not?

    Where are the Chinese data, following the last porcine coronavirus event?

    For young people who do not know, the English at the time of the mad cow crisis had to consider a small epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease to clean their homes?

    We've never been in a world of care bears, and frankly I'm not sure the Chinese are the worst?

    By the way, the Australian virological weapon magically was in Switzerland. In other words, the rabbit, the grain growers don't like it and they always find a way for what works to circulate ...

    Which means, European rabbit producers and conservationists can congratulate O.I.E, right?

    It may take a little African swine fever in the USA, which now has a vaccine to clean up their brown pigs. It's easy, some sausages chosen in the right place and Oops

  • #2
    To complete the joke, this year there was unwanted reception of seeds in x places, which terrified some, because the same joke with "good cold cuts", what's going on?

    This is to say that we should not play with certain subjects.

    The American African swine fever vaccine producer would be very happy ...


    • #3
      Sorry, a link was missing:

      It is a country where we do not want to hunt it, because it has nothing to do there, but we hunt its protected wild fauna:

      By the way, you, whom I like a lot, what do you think of the new African swine fever variants that have emerged, following the misuse of an African swine fever vaccine, among some of their producers?

      This is to say, that if certain countries have their own uses at home, this must be done in such a way that it does not create a mess elsewhere.

      With the Australians, we had myxomatosis, but it was not enough. By the way, have they been made financially responsible for their actions ?

      Did they stop?


      • #4
        PPA Allemagne : plus de 1.000 cas confirm?s chez des sangliers

        Le nombre total de cas de peste porcine africaine dans le Brandebourg et la Saxe s'élève désormais à 1.016.

        c'est 1000 cas de trop...


        • #5
          Quand on sait les valeurs biologiques de l'ancienne fronti?re entre les deux Allemagne, ne pas avoir promu le concept de zone blanche avec la Russie, et ou la Pologne, par exemple, est La faute .

          Les russes auraient respect? cette demande, m?me si, pour eux, ils ont choisi d'autres strat?gies.

          Au lieu de cela, on a eu droit ? ceci :

          Cela a permis de gaver des fonctionnaires et des scientifiques, mais avec les r?sultats que l'on sait ...

          Si les travaux allemands sur les cadavres ont permis d'entrevoir les enjeux. Entre entrevoir les enjeux et produire du sens , il y a un foss? ...

          Il faut des zones fronti?res formalis?es et cog?r?es, pour certains pathog?nes. Pour un animal, comme le sanglier, le trait doit devenir une bande .

          Pour les pathog?nes transport?s par les oiseaux , il faut d'autres concepts , comme ceux de couloir migratoire.

          "L'OIE faillit cependant dispara?tre apr?s la Seconde Guerre mondiale lorsque l'ONU cr?a la FAO en 1946 et l'Organisation mondiale de la sant? (OMS) en 1948, dont les comp?tences empi?taient largement sur celles de l'OIE. Des accords officiels furent sign?s par la suite avec la FAO en 1952 et avec l'OMS en 1960. Rebaptis? Organisation mondiale de la sant? animale, l'organisme conserve toutefois son sigle OIE.

          L'OIE compte actuellement 182 pays et territoires membres2."

          Mince, l'O.M.S est plus jeune, je me demande pourquoi ?

