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General discussion of One Health concept

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  • General discussion of One Health concept

    The Bria Fund funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars into FIPS research, only to face this strange resistance from Gilead. If anyone has any idea why the successful use of a precursor drug to treat cats would bias the FDA against approving the human form, I'd be interested to know. GS-441542 is described as a systemic metabolite of remdesivir in humans, so in my mind, safe successful use in cats would be a plus, not a negative.

    "Every day, Gingrich said, she thinks, "What can I do to end FIP today?" Fifteen years after Bria's death, "It's still my main goal in life," she said.

    A political activist in Tennessee, Gingrich founded the Bria Fund in 2005, with a donation from her brother, Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. Working through the Winn Feline Foundation, a 50-year-old not-for-profit dedicated to improving feline health through research and education, the Bria Fund began in 2008 to support research into FIP. That research includes efforts to prevent transmission and to develop a diagnostic blood test, vaccine and treatments, including GS-441524 and GC376. These antiviral therapies interrupt the virus's ability to replicate, and in clinical trials have reversed FIP in some cats."

    UC Davis researcher:
    Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is a disease that kills 1 in 100 to 1 in 300 of all cats under ages 3-5. The incidence can be five to 10 times greater

    "We were hopeful that our collaboration with Gilead Sciences would ultimately lead to an FDA approved, commercially available antiviral drug treatment for the many thousands of cats from around the world that are dying from FIP each year. We felt that our results from laboratory and field supported this outcome. Unfortunately, Gilead’s directors concluded at the last minute that something about GS-441524’s use in cats would endanger their ability to get FDA approval for a closely related drug called Remdesivir for humans. Although we strongly pleaded our case for the use of GS-441524 in veterinary medicine, their decision has remained firm."
    Last edited by Emily; April 11, 2020, 01:35 AM.

    Ask Congress to Investigate COVID Origins and Government Response to Pandemic.

    i love myself. the quietest. simplest. most powerful. revolution ever. ---- nayyirah waheed

    "...there’s an obvious contest that’s happening between different sectors of the colonial ruling class in this country. And they would, if they could, lump us into their beef, their struggle." ---- Omali Yeshitela, African People’s Socialist Party

    (My posts are not intended as advice or professional assessments of any kind.)
    Never forget Excalibur.

  • #2
    Have to say that seems a sensible decision.
    Remdesivir has allegedly been promising in tests as a treatment of nCoV, it would be irresponsible to dilute the certification effort with a separate pet treatment application.


    • Emily
      Emily commented
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      Thanks for your comment, etudiant. I have to admit I am still puzzled about how the two paths would be in conflict. I just hope Gilead is not afraid that there would be some sort of speciest cultural taboo that would come into play where people would shun using a 'pet med.' Or maybe they are worried that people would confuse the long-term infusions that FIPS requires with the minimal treatment the new human coronavirus seems to require.
      Whatever the case, I hope they can allow veterinary use soon.

  • #3
    China does a trial now,
    I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
    my current links: ILI-charts:


    • Emily
      Emily commented
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      Good news, gsgs! I hope it goes well. The drug certainly has a good reputation for putting a much more difficult disease in cats into remission.

  • #4
    Je n'aurai pas utilis? ces mots, mais je partage ce point vue. Les chats sont certes des animaux charmant, ce sont aussi bien trop souvent les pires ennemis de la Vie. D?tenir des animaux sains est possible sans ce type de traitement. Voir ces animaux saprophyte de l'homme, en bien des lieux, permettre le maintien de ce type de pathog?ne est pour une situation qui doit ?tre regarde avec soin. Si j'appr?cie certains cocktails, ce n'est peut ?tre pas soutaitable, de le faire avec ce type de virus...


    • #5
      Pour ?tre plus pr?cis, certains recommandent de maintenir des chattes non identifi?es ni suivies m?dicalement, ni nourries correctement, pour limiter les population de rongeurs. J'ai vu cela, notamment chez des producteurs en agriculture biologique. On m'a dit, ce ne sont pas des animaux de production. Il me semble temps de regarder ce genre de situation, certes avec courtoisie, mais aussi rigueur. Surtout que ce sont souvent des personnes qui se permettent de dr?les de propos envers ceux qui souhaitent respecter la Vie.


      • Emily
        Emily commented
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        I very much agree with what I think you are saying about prevention being best, bertrand. Unfortunately a lot of people adopt cats and find out their cats are ill afterwards. Their prescription ends up being a broken heart.

    • #6
      Je connais trop bien cette maladie et les drames que cela occasionne. C'est bien pour cela qu'il faut faire ce qu'il faut pour que ces situations soient de plus en plus rare,mais sans ce type de produit...


      • #7
        Our species may have its own version of FIP now. Treyfish found this:

        Rare coronavirus patient’s mild symptoms but long illness may point to ‘chronic’ mutation: researchers Potential ‘chronic patients’ may have prolonged ability to infect their surroundings, Chinese researchers warn ‘The virus and the host may even form a symbiotic relationship,’ they

        "The pathogenic phenomena described here may not be limited to FIP but likely bear relevance to the immunobiology and pathogenesis of other chronic CoV infections, in particular of SARS, for which acute T-cell lymphopenia, multiphasic disease, and viral persistence have been previously reported"

        Ask Congress to Investigate COVID Origins and Government Response to Pandemic.

        i love myself. the quietest. simplest. most powerful. revolution ever. ---- nayyirah waheed

        "...there’s an obvious contest that’s happening between different sectors of the colonial ruling class in this country. And they would, if they could, lump us into their beef, their struggle." ---- Omali Yeshitela, African People’s Socialist Party

        (My posts are not intended as advice or professional assessments of any kind.)
        Never forget Excalibur.


        • #8
          Merci, j'avais vu, et maintenant on propose quoi, dans des villes, comme, par exemple, NW ?
          Le dossier chat va ?tre regard? comment aux U.S.A ?


          • Emily
            Emily commented
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            Google translate might be failing me, but my thought here is that COVID-19 might evolve into a chronic illness the way feline coronavirus evolved into FIP somehow. That could make for tough cases even with Remdesivir.

        • #9
          That exact situation was reported by 'tetano' earlier, reporting a case from China of a man who was fine except for low fever, copiously shedding CoVid virus for 37 days.
          The paper spoke of him being in 'symbiosis' with the virus.
          He was successfully treated with antibodies from a fully recovered patient.


          • #10
            merci, si l'on parlait un peu de l'organe important dans ce dossier, donc du microbiome :
            Certes il y a ce point : mais il y que cela ? dire ?


            • #11
              donc nous avons, d'un cot? une zoonose avec la consommation de 4 00 000 de chat par ans sans aucun pr?l?vement, de l'autre des prescriptions de m?decine traditionnelle chinoise avec un danger av?r? , les crottes de chauves souris, et dans les deux cas , l'Etat chinois ne peut produire aucune donn?es historiques:

              les deux probl?mes sont donc :

              - une production de viande l?gale ( je ne parle pas des ill?gales ) sans aucun suivi

              - une production de m?decine traditionnelle, qui poss?de des institutions, qui fait des publications pertinentes, mais qui ne peut produire aucune analyse de contr?le du non risque de ses produits ...

              Tout comme, nous ne savons qui a trouv? le premier mouton ? laine m?rinos, ce qui arrange tout le monde, nous ne saurons pas, ou et comment, cela est advenu de fa?on multi-centrique, donc sans patient z?ro, mais, avec des patients z?ros. Mais, en revanche:

              - un ?tat membre de l' O.I.E peut produire un certain type de viande, sans avoir mis en oeuvre, une ma?trise des dangers, bas?e sur, au moins, des pr?l?vements statistiquement acceptable ?

              - un ?tat, membre de l'O.M.S peut produire des m?dicaments de m?decine traditionnelle, sans mettre en oeuvre des contr?les qualit?s accessible, au moins de l'O.M.S ?

              Comme ces deux instances avaient connaissance de la situation, si des proc?dures doivent ?tre mises en oeuvre, ce ne peut pas ?tre que contre un ?tat , car il n'est que coresponsable de cette situation , que je consid?re comme inadmissible vu les faits produits ...


              • #12
                Evidence does not support cat consumption as the culprit in this outbreak. Wuhan is in northern China. Cat consumption is popular in southern China. Cat consumption is popular in countries other than China, too.
                So why China and why Wuhan in northern China? The topic of this thread points to the unique risk there: the laboratories.

                Southern, not northern China:

                Again, southern, not northern China (AND a French grocery chain was involved.)

                Ask Congress to Investigate COVID Origins and Government Response to Pandemic.

                i love myself. the quietest. simplest. most powerful. revolution ever. ---- nayyirah waheed

                "...there’s an obvious contest that’s happening between different sectors of the colonial ruling class in this country. And they would, if they could, lump us into their beef, their struggle." ---- Omali Yeshitela, African People’s Socialist Party

                (My posts are not intended as advice or professional assessments of any kind.)
                Never forget Excalibur.


                • #13
                  Un post qui me met de tr?s bonne humeur. Si Tetano nous ?claire vraiment sur le concept ONE HEALTH , alors cela peut aller beaucoup mieux ...


                  • #14
                    A mon avis , ce sont les chinois qui vont nous ?clairer. En tout cas, ils ont pris des d?cisions et ce ne doit pas ?tre sans raison. J'aime beaucoup les textes qui parlent de la consommation du lapin, du cochon d'inde, des rats, des chevaux , etc ...

                    En France, pour ceux qui aiment le droit, je crois me souvenir que ce qui est interdit c'est la production de viande humaine, pas sa cuisine ... Les valises diplomatiques peuvent servir ? bien des transports, et les ambassades , sont des lieux bien particulier...

                    Ah cette crise de la vache folle, elle a permis d'en voir des choses ...


                    • #15
                      Par cons?quent, il est extr?mement important de d?couvrir le r?servoir de ce nouveau coronavirus au sein des autres animaux, y compris les oiseaux migrateurs, le cas ?ch?ant

                      bien, si l'on commen?ait par faire la liste des animaux saprophytes locaux, domestiques ou non, potentiels. Si les autorit?s chinoises sont fond?es, pour leur image, de ma?triser la qualit? des publications sur ce sujet important, les v?t?rinaires chinois sont autoris?s ? publier quoi ?

