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Guyana in alert before new sprout of AH1N1

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  • Guyana in alert before new sprout of AH1N1

    When it is a question of the virus AH1N1 ? Guyana is still in alert, it is more, never the authorities have lowered the custody ?, did not hesitate to make sure the doctor Carlos Basanta, doctor sanitarista, concerning the "controlled" sprouts that have caused deaths in any states of the country. According to the World Organization of the health, the flu A H1N1 is a respiratory sharp infection of easy contagion, caused by someone of different virus gripales of type A of this species. This one comes from viruses gripales animal and does not keep relation with the viruses H1N1 of the seasonal flu that have circulated widely between the human beings from 1977; before the epidemic of 2009, it had never been identified as cause of infections in the human beings.

    The minister of the Popular Power for the Health, Eugenia Sader, informed yesterday that the school activities in Merida would be suspended in Basic, Preschool Education, the Simoncitos and the Day cares, after confirming 56 cases of the flu in the state. To sorrow that the new sprout located in the Andean entity, the specialist in health made sure that the virus not only can return to Guyana, but, perhaps, it has never gone away. ? The possibilities that it comes to Guyana are very high; first for his mechanism of transmission, and second because it can be in the phase of incubation and any person can possess it, thinking that it has a normal flu, and spread it ? Here we had cases in the past sprout and they were treated. These viruses come to remain, which it spends is that the persons acquire immunity and they do not even find out that it is in contact with him ?.
