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Brazil - Outbreak of respiratory syndromes in Amapa, 16 cities enter an emergency situation

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  • Brazil - Outbreak of respiratory syndromes in Amapa, 16 cities enter an emergency situation

    Translation Google

    Brazil: an influenza epidemic is devastating in Amapa

    The governor of Amapa, Luis Clecio, had to ask the Ministry of Health for additional human and material resources to deal with the flu epidemic which is raging in his state. This flu syndrome particularly affects children. More than 180 children affected by acute respiratory syndromes were hospitalized last weekend.

    Catherine Lama • Published on May 16, 2023 at 3:48 p.m.

    Health reinforcements arrived on May 16 in Macapa on the orders of the Ministry of Health to help local teams cope with the influx of patients in the hospital sector since last week. In this team there are resuscitators and emergency doctors.

    This weekend, 3 children died as a result of their flu and still according to the local press, 32 had to be intubated. In total, they were 182 to be dispatched in the various medical units of the amapaense capital including in the university hospital .

    A national mobilization to curb the epidemic

    Additional beds had to be made available in the intensive care units and 94 other beds should be provided within the week.

    For Governor Luìs Clécio, the urgency is to stop this epidemic and prevent other victims. Several laboratories from different states are mobilized to help resolve this health crisis in Amapa.
    In addition to Macapa, Santana, the nearest town but in other municipalities such as Pedra Branca, the sick are numerous.

    The authorities are asking parents to vaccinate their children as a preventive measure and above all not to send sick children to school.

  • #2
    Translation Google

    Ministry of Health sends teams and medicines to support Amapá after an increase in hospitalizations of children

    Pasta recommends vaccination against Influenza and Covid-19 to avoid further hospitalizations. Analysis of samples for diagnosis will be carried out by Instituto Evandro Chagas

    Published on 5/16/2023 6:34 pm Updated on 5/17/2023 11:35 am

    The Ministry of Health provides necessary assistance to Amapá after the state declared a public health emergency, due to the increase in cases and hospitalizations due to Influenza Syndrome (SG) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in children. This Tuesday (16), a team of 10 technicians from Pasta arrived in Macapá, the state capital, to reinforce the local Emergency Operations Center (COE) in emergency management. In addition, technicians will provide support to the state's epidemiological surveillance team in investigating the outbreak.

    This Tuesday (16), the state authorities were at the headquarters of the Ministry of Health, in Brasília (DF), to discuss actions to face the emergency. “We are going to mobilize mayors and municipal secretaries for a big campaign to vaccinate. We have low vaccination coverage across the state and we will provide full support on all fronts, such as in the laboratory issue, technical support and resources, in addition to caring for children and adults who are sick”, highlighted the secretary of Specialized Health Care at the Ministry of Health, Helvécio Magalhães, after the meeting.

    Vaccination against influenza and Covid-19 will be intensified in the state, especially in areas of difficult access, with the aim of expanding the population's vaccination coverage. The recommendation of the Ministry of Health is that all children have an up-to-date vaccination record to avoid further hospitalizations and the consequent overload of the health system.

    Throughout the week, more specialists will be deployed to Amapá, with 20 volunteers from the National Force of the SUS already mobilized, including pediatricians, intensivists, nurses and physiotherapists. The Ministry also provided laboratory analysis kits and medication to reinforce local actions and is in permanent contact with the state health authorities.

    To expand the laboratory investigation, 180 samples for examination were sent to the Regional Reference Laboratory, Instituto Evandro Chagas (IEC), in Belém (PA). The site will also provide support for the diagnosis of suspected cases. The laboratories of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) and the Adolpho Lutz Institute are also available to collaborate in the analyses.

    Ministry of Health


    • #3
      Translation Google

      Government declares emergency in Amapá due to flu outbreak

      State, which has 100% of beds occupied, has already recorded the death of six children with the disease

      BandNews FM
      05/23/2023 • 3:05 pm

      The Ministry of Integration and Regional Development decreed, this Tuesday (23), an emergency situation in Amapá due to the flu outbreak in the state. The decision has already been published in the Official Gazette of the Union and is signed by the National Secretariat for Protection and Civil Defense. At least six children have died of the flu in the state since the outbreak began on the 13th.

      According to data from the state health department, more than 200 children are hospitalized with respiratory syndromes in the state. Amapá has 100% of pediatric beds occupied as a result of the epidemic.

      Over 100,000 vaccines against the disease were sent to Amapá. The state has one of the lowest immunization rates in the country against the flu.

      The Navy also sent oxygen tanks to the region. The objective is to avoid the eventual shortage of the input. The Health Department reported that the measure is preventive.

      "The oxygen supply inside our hospitals is normal. This Navy ship that is arriving with oxygen tanks is necessary for the new HU beds to start working. Normally it would take more than 45 days to arrive, but Pará had material available for forwarding. Currently, we are very stable with our stock, but we are already prepared for any change in this demand", said the state secretary of Health, Silvana Vedovelli.

      The tanks will supply 30 new beds at the University Hospital, 10 of which in the Intensive Care Unit.


      • #4
        Translation Google

        In Amapá, 16 cities enter an emergency situation due to respiratory syndromes

        Population has suffered from an outbreak of diseases caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza A and B and covid-19

        Published on 05/23/2023 1:17 pm

        Brasília (DF) – The Ministry of Integration and Regional Development (MIDR), through the National Civil Defense, recognized the emergency situation in the 16 municipalities of the state of Amapá due to an outbreak of respiratory diseases caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) ), in addition to influenza A and B and covid-19.

        The cities of Amapá, Calçoene, Cutias, Ferreira Gomes, Itaubal, Laranjal do Jari, Macapá, Mazagão, Oiapoque, Pedra Branca do Amapari, Porto Grande, Pracuuba, Santana, Serra do Navio, Tartarugalzinho and Vitória do Jari are on the list.

        The ordinance that makes the measure official was published in the edition of the Official Gazette this Tuesday (23). Click this link to access.

        “On Saturday, the governor of Amapá, Clécio Luís, made the demand to the National Civil Defense and already on Monday we signed the decree recognizing the emergency situation so that the MIDR, the Ministry of Health and other federal bodies can act in the resolution of the problem”, highlighted the Minister of Integration and Regional Development, Waldez Góes.

        In a meeting this Monday with minister Waldez Góes, the deputy governor of Amapá, Antônio Teles Júnior, thanked the Federal Government for its prompt support. “Many thanks to the representatives of the Federal Government who are in Amapá helping the state government and the sensitivity of President Lula and the government in acting, in a coordinated manner, with the Brazilian states. It is essential that we have this support to face this situation”, he said.

        At the moment, 1,493 cities across the country are in an emergency situation due to disasters and can request federal funds for civil defense actions.

        How to apply for federal funds for civil defense actions

        Cities in an emergency situation or state of public calamity recognized by the National Civil Defense are able to request resources from the Ministry of Integration and Regional Development to assist the affected population.

        Actions involve relief, assistance to victims, restoration of essential services and reconstruction of destroyed or damaged infrastructure. The request must be made through the Integrated Disaster Information System (S2iD) .

        Based on the information sent, the National Civil Defense technical team evaluates the targets and amounts requested. With the approval, an ordinance is published in the DOU with the amount to be released.

        National Civil Defense Capabilities

        The National Civil Defense offers a series of distance courses to enable and qualify municipal and state agents to use the S2iD. The training focuses on civil defense and protection agents in the three spheres of government. Check this link for the complete list of courses.


        • #5
          Sesab opens 39 pediatric beds to attend discharge of respiratory diseases


          In the midst of the period in which, historically, there is an increase in hospitalizations in children, a result, above all, of respiratory diseases, the State Department of Health (Sesab) has been increasing the attention to small Bahians.


          In Bahia, in 2023, until epidemiological week (SE) 19, 3,350 cases of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) were reported. Of this total number of cases, 369 were confirmed for Covid-19, 259 cases for Influenza, 760 for other respiratory viruses, 22 for another etiological agent. In 1,587 cases the etiological agent was not identified and 353 are in the process of investigation/blank. 208 deaths were recorded.

          Among the respiratory viruses that caused the cases of SARS in 2023, with the exception of the Covid-19 virus, the Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Rhinovirus, Influenza B and Influenza H1N1 stand out. The highest incidence coefficient was verified in the age group of children under 1 year.

          Em meio ao período em que, historicamente, há uma elevação das internações em crianças, resultado, sobretudo, das doenças respiratórias, a Secretaria da Saúde do Estado (Sesab) vem aumentando a atenção aos pequenos baianos. 


          • #6
            Translation Google


            Federal government opens beds and sends oxygen to Amapá. Ministry of Health supports state with diagnosis of children

            Of the 188 samples collected and sent for analysis, 96 were positive for respiratory syncytial virus

            Published on 5/24/2023 11:30 am Updated on 5/24/2023 12:55 pm

            Since last Tuesday (16), the federal government, through the Ministry of Health, has been providing assistance to Amapá, due to the public health emergency due to the increase in cases and hospitalizations due to Gripal Syndrome (SG) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in children. The folder sent technicians to Macapá, the state capital, with the aim of expanding the activities of the local Emergency Operations Center (COE). Medicines and inputs for laboratory tests were also sent. Of the 188 samples collected in Amapá and sent for analysis at Instituto Evandro Chagas, in Belém (PA), 96 were positive for respiratory syncytial virus.

            20 new infirmary beds and 10 pediatric ICU beds were also opened, in partnership with the Brazilian Company of Hospital Services, linked to the Ministry of Education. On Monday (22), the first team of professionals, coming from the University Hospital of the Federal University of Maranhão (HU-UFMA), arrived in Macapá to help open new beds. To supply this opening, the Navy delivered, this Tuesday (23), 32.695 cubic meters of oxygen.

            Immunization against the flu and Covid-19 is being intensified in the state, especially in areas of difficult access, with the aim of expanding the population's vaccination coverage. The recommendation of the Ministry of Health is that all children have an up-to-date vaccination record to avoid further hospitalizations and the consequent overload of the health system.

            Respiratory Syncytial Virus

            RSV can strike people of any age, including adults. The most common symptoms are nasal obstruction, hyaline coryza, cough, fever, food refusal and irritability. It is important to be aware of other warning signs, such as high fever, persistent cough, difficulty breathing, wheezing, cyanosis, moaning, chest retraction, apnea, hypoactivity and prostration. In the appearance of these alert symptoms, the recommendation is to seek a health service for care.

            To reduce the risk of infection, the Ministry of Health reinforces non-pharmacological preventive measures, such as avoiding contact or exposure to people with flu-like symptoms, practicing hand hygiene with soap and water or a 70% alcoholic solution, following respiratory etiquette (covering nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing with a forearm or disposable scarf), cleaning objects that may be contaminated (such as toys), physical distancing and avoiding closed and crowded environments, especially by children under two years of age.

            Ministry of Health


            • #7
              Translation Google

              AP registers 12 deaths of children due to flu syndromes; 119 are hospitalized in the public network

              A 4-month-old baby was admitted to the HCA and died this Monday (12), in Macapá. The victim was from the municipality of Pedra Branca do Amapari.

              By Rafael Aleixo, g1 AP — Macapá
              06/13/2023 5:55 pm Updated17 hours ago

              This Monday (12) Amapá recorded the 12th death of a child from severe acute respiratory syndrome since the beginning of the flu outbreak in the state , on May 13. The baby was 4 months old and was born in the municipality of Pedra Branca do Amapari .

              All the children who died were under 6 years old and were hospitalized at the Children's Emergency Room (PAI) and at the Children and Adolescents Hospital (HCA), in Macapá .

              Until this Tuesday (13) hospitals registered the admission of 119 hospitalizations , 87 in clinical beds and 32 in Intensive Care Units (ICUs).

              The deaths occurred between May 13, when the state government declared a public health emergency , and this Monday (12).

              The deaths were detailed in a new government bulletin:

              May 13 - 2 year old girl (Macapá)
              May 14 - 4-year-old boy (indigenous from Pedra Branca do Amapari)
              May 15th - one month old girl ( Tartarugalzinho )
              May 17 - three-month-old girl (Macapá)
              May 20 - 8-month-old boy (Macapá)
              May 20 - 2 month old boy (Macapá)
              May 29 - 10 month old girl ( Porto Grande )
              May 30 - 5 month old girl (Macapá)
              June 1st - 3 month old boy ( Santana )
              June 1 - 2 month old boy (Macapá)
              June 5 - 5 month old boy (Macapá)
              June 12 - 4-month-old boy (Pedra Branca do Amapari)


              Tuesday, June 13, 2023 - 12:39 pm

              Children's Hospital and Children's Emergency Room record 119 hospitalizations due to respiratory syndromes

              Survey was released earlier this Tuesday afternoon, 13, by the Secretary of State for Health.

              By: From the Editor

              The Children and Adolescents Hospital (HCA) and the Children's Emergency Room (PAI) register 119 hospitalizations due to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The survey was released in the early afternoon of Tuesday, 13, by the State Department of Health (Sesa). Of this total, 87 children occupy clinical beds in the HCA and PAI wards and another 32 are in beds in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), with 24-hour monitoring by a multidisciplinary team.

              Since the public health emergency situation was declared due to the outbreak, Amapá has already recorded 12 deaths of children, all under six years of age. The killings took place from May 13 to June 12 at the HCA. According to the hospital survey, 34 patients are in the PAI and are still waiting for clinical and ICU beds.

              Respiratory syndromes

              On May 13, the Government of Amapá declared an emergency situation due to the increase in cases of respiratory diseases caused by the syncytial virus and influenza, in addition to the new coronavirus. Children under six years of age have been the most affected by the disease.

              To contain the outbreak, the State Government implements emergency measures, such as the expansion of beds and articulation with the Ministry of Health to reinforce professionals such as doctors, nurses and physiotherapists to assist in patient care.

              The Government of Amapá also transferred R$ 2.7 million to municipalities to reinforce basic care, especially flu vaccinations.


              Last edited by sharon sanders; June 15, 2023, 07:08 AM. Reason: added link, scroll down the page to see this item


              • #8
                Translation Google

                Brazil: in Amapa the flu epidemic continues

                In the state of Amapa, a flu epidemic has been raging for months. The situation forced Governor Clécio Luis to declare a state of health emergency on May 13. This flu mainly affects young children, 14 of them died.

                Catherine Lama • Published on June 22, 2023 at 06:21

                It is an acute respiratory syndrome which is at the origin of this epidemic in Amapa. This is mainly RSV, the respiratory syncytial virus, a highly contagious virus which particularly affects the infant population. According to the Seles Nafes website, the latest figures from the State Secretariat for Health show a very slight improvement but there are still many hospitalizations, mainly children (236) aged 28 days to 11 years, including 47 in intensive care.

                As a reminder, 14 children have died since the declaration of a state of health emergency on May 13.

                A major flu vaccination campaign for children was launched at the same time. The entire infant population would now be vaccinated but it still takes time to achieve immunity. The vaccine takes 15 days to produce its protective effects.

                Dans l’état de l’Amapa, une épidémie de grippe sévit depuis des mois. La situation a contraint le 13 mai dernier, le gouverneur Clécio Luis à déclarer l’état d’urgence sanitaire. Cette grippe touche principalement les enfants en bas âge, 14 d’entre eux sont décédés.

