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Brazil - Cases - 1,175 - Deaths - 20

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  • tropicalgirl
    Re: Brasil : 20 suspect cases

    Thank you!:-)

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  • sharon sanders
    Re: Brasil : 20 suspect cases

    Welcome Tropicalgirl and Mbeltran!

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  • sharon sanders
    Re: Brasil : 20 suspect cases

    Muito obrigado. N?s realmente aprecio voc?.

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  • mbeltran
    Re: Brasil : 20 suspect cases

    O governo brasileiro n?o est? tomando as provid?ncias necess?rias para conter o avan?o do H1N1 no pa?s.
    Infelizmente no Brasil a imprensa s? noticia os casos internacionais e n?o alerta a popula??o para os perigos da transmiss?o do H1N1 no pa?s.
    O povo brasileiro tem uma cultura que n?o acredita em desastres, e n?o leva nada a s?rio.
    Acredito que apenas a partir de amanh?, quando ent?o ficar?o dispon?veis os exames que est?o sendo realizados no CDC, e tenho certeza, ser?o positivos, ? que a imprensa dever? informar a popula??o, mas infelizmente ? tarde demais.
    Eu tenho um blog onde tento alertar a popula??o, e em conjunto com amigos estamos montando um outro site para alertar a popula??o, mas ? muito dif?cil convencer o povo brasileiro dos perigos de uma pandemia iminente.
    ---------------- ==----------

    (sorry for my english ok ?)

    The Brazilian government is not taking the necessary measures to contain the advance of the H1N1 in the country.
    In Brazil the press unfortunately only reported the cases in other countries and not alert the iinternal public to the dangers of transmission of H1N1 in the country.
    The Brazilian people have a culture that does not believe in disaster, and not take anything seriously.
    I believe only from tomorrow, then will be available when the tests being conducted at CDC, and I'm sure will be positive, is that the press should inform the population, but unfortunately it is too late.
    I have a blog ( where I try to warn the population, and together with friends we are building another site ( to alert the population, but it is very difficult to convince the population of the dangers of an imminent pandemic.

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  • tropicalgirl
    Re: Brasil tem 15 casos suspeitos e 44 casos monitorados

    Too bad I don't rely on this information... Authorities does not confirm any case in São Paulo or Rio which is very unlikely to be, but the numbers of suspect cases are bigger every day... both cities have big contat with foreign countries... They don't say either if they are waiting for tests results (which is my best bet... or they are simply hidding the thruth for "political" reasons... which would be my other bet - not so unreal considering our history).
    Anyways, I'm searching for more reliable information and I'm concerned on what can happen here since we are just starting our winter...

    If anyone want a brazilian map, these are some links of brazilian media... (last update 05/02),56142.htm (last update 05/03 14:20 gmt -3 In here they say we have 58 suspect/observation in Brazil)

    Thanks for any better information.

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  • mbeltran
    Brasil tem 15 casos suspeitos e 44 casos monitorados

    S?O PAULO - O minist?rio da Sa?de informou neste domingo, 3, que chegaram a 15 os casos suspeitos acompanhados de gripe su?na no Brasil. S?o seis casos em S?o Paulo, tr?s no Rio de Janeiro, tr?s em Minas Gerais, e um no Mato Grosso do Sul, Esp?rito Santo e Distrito Federal. H? ainda 44 casos em monitoramento em outros 17 Estados do Pa?s.


    S?O PAULO - The Ministry of Health reported this Sunday, 3, which reached 15 with suspected cases of swine influenza in Brazil. There are six cases in S?o Paulo, three in Rio de Janeiro, three in Minas Gerais, and one in Mato Grosso do Sul, Esp?rito Santo and Federal District. There are still 44 cases in 17 other states in monitoring the countr

    ---- Fontes:

    As principais e as últimas notícias do Brasil e do mundo com credibilidade na informação sobre política, economia, esportes, cultura, tecnologia, estilo de vida e muito mais.

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  • mbeltran
    Re: Brasil : 20 suspect cases


    Many links have the same information.

    Another example is the following:


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  • HenryN
    Re: Brasil : 20 suspect cases

    <script type="text/javascript"> GLB.addDOMLoadEvent(GLB.common.thumbImage.init); GLB.addDOMLoadEvent(GLB.common.materia.searchInit) ; &#160;</script>
    O Portal de Not&#237;cias da Globo
    The Portal of the Globo News

    <abbr class="published" title="09-05-02T15: 18:00">02/05/09 - 15h18</abbr> - Atualizado em <abbr class="updated" title="09-05-02T20: 14:00">02/05/09 - 20h14</abbr>
    <abbr class="published" title="09-05-02T15: 18:00">02/05/09 - 15h18</abbr> - Atualizado em <abbr class="updated" title="09-05-02T20: 14:00">02/05/09 - 20h14</abbr>

    Dobra o n&#250;mero de casos suspeitos de gripe su&#237;na no Brasil
    Fold the number of suspected cases of swine influenza in Brazil

    N&#250;mero de casos suspeitos passa de sete para 14 em 24 horas.
    Number of suspected cases increased from seven to 14 in 24 hours.
    Segundo o Minist&#233;rio da Sa&#250;de, 37 casos est&#227;o sendo monitorados.
    According to the Ministry of Health, 37 cases are being monitored.

    Diego Abreu e Fausto Carneiro Do G1, em Bras&#237;lia
    Diego Abreu and Fausto Carneiro Do G1, em Bras&#237;lia

    Tamanho da letra

    O Minist&#233;rio da Sa&#250;de informou neste s&#225;bado (2) que o n&#250;mero de pessoas com suspeita de ter contra&#237;do gripe su&#237;na no Brasil subiu de sete para 14. Os casos suspeitos est&#227;o sendo investigados em quatro estados, todos da Regi&#227;o Sudeste: S&#227;o Paulo (6), Rio de Janeiro (4), Minas Gerais (3) e Esp&#237;rito Santo (1).
    The Ministry of Health reported this Saturday (2) that the number of people with suspected of having contracted avian swine in Brazil rose from seven to 14. The suspected cases are being investigated in four states, all of the Southeast: S&#227;o Paulo (6) , Rio de Janeiro (4), Minas Gerais (3) and Holy Spirit (1).
    Outros 37 casos est&#227;o sendo monitorados pelo minist&#233;rio em 15 estados: Esp&#237;rito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Norte e Santa Catarina (quatro cada), seguidos de Bahia e Paran&#225; (tr&#234;s cada), Amazonas, Mato Grosso do Sul, Para&#237;ba, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina e S&#227;o Paulo (dois cada), Cear&#225;, Pernambuco e Rio Grande do Sul (um cada).
    37 other cases are being monitored by the ministry in 15 states: Esp&#237;rito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Norte and Santa Catarina (four each), followed by Bahia and Paran&#225; (three each), Amazonas, Mato Grosso do Sul, Para&#237;ba, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina and S&#227;o Paulo (two each), Cear&#225;, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Sul (one each).
    See complete coverage of the disease
    O minist&#233;rio informou ainda que 38 casos que estavam sendo monitorados foram descartados –21 deles em S&#227;o Paulo.
    The ministry also informed that 38 cases that were being monitored were discarded -21 of them in S&#227;o Paulo.
    O &#243;rg&#227;o alertou que o Gabinete Permanente de Emerg&#234;ncias alterou os crit&#233;rios para a defini&#231;&#227;o de caso suspeito, a fim de ampliar a vigil&#226;ncia da circula&#231;&#227;o do v&#237;rus no pa&#237;s.
    The agency warned that the Office of Permanent Emergencies changed the criteria for the definition of suspected cases in order to expand the surveillance of virus circulation in the country.
    saiba mais

    <hr class="off">
    De acordo com os novos crit&#233;rios, passam a ser consideradas suspeitas as pessoas que estiveram em qualquer &#225;rea dos pa&#237;ses que confirmaram casos e que apresentem sintomas do Influenza A, e tamb&#233;m as que tenham tido contato pr&#243;ximo com pessoas infectadas.
    Under the new criteria, will be considered suspicious people who were in any area of the countries that have confirmed cases and showing symptoms of influenza A, and also those who have had close contact with infected people.
    At&#233; sexta, eram destacadas como poss&#237;veis suspeitas apenas as pessoas que vinham de &#225;reas ou estados afetados dentro desses pa&#237;ses com casos j&#225; confirmados da doen&#231;a. Segundo nota divulgada &#224; imprensa, a mudan&#231;a ocorreu a partir da amplia&#231;&#227;o do n&#250;mero de pa&#237;ses com confirma&#231;&#245;es de casos da doen&#231;a e, ainda, o aumento de &#225;reas afetadas pelo v&#237;rus dentro dos pa&#237;ses.
    Until the sixth, were highlighted as possible suspects only people coming from affected areas or states within those countries with confirmed cases of the disease. According to the press note released, the change occurred from the expansion of the number of countries with confirmed cases of disease, and also the increase in areas affected by the virus within the country.
    O diretor de Vigil&#226;ncia Epidemiol&#243;gica do Minist&#233;rio da Sa&#250;de, Eduardo Hage, afirmou que nenhum dos pacientes com suspeita da doen&#231;a est&#225; em estado grave.
    The Director of Epidemiological Surveillance Ministry of Health, Eduardo Hage, said that none of the patients suspected of the disease is in serious condition.
    Segundo ele, todos os 14 suspeitos de terem contra&#237;do o influenza A estiveram nos &#250;ltimos dias em pa&#237;ses j&#225; afetados pelo v&#237;rus H1N1.
    According to him, all the 14 suspected of having contracted the influenza A have been in recent days in countries already affected by the virus H1N1.

    Hage acrescentou que t&#227;o logo o Brasil receba os insumos capazes de fazer diagn&#243;sticos espec&#237;ficos para a doen&#231;a, em cerca de 48 horas ser&#225; poss&#237;vel detectar se entre os suspeitos h&#225; algum caso confirmado da doen&#231;a.
    Hage said that once the country receives the inputs able to make specific diagnoses for the disease in about 48 hours if you can detect some of the suspects confirmed case of the disease.
    WHO sees possibility of producing vaccine
    Brazilian government warns against self

    A representa&#231;&#227;o da Organiza&#231;&#227;o Mundial da Sa&#250;de (OMS) no Brasil informou que o pais deve receber em breve kits de diagn&#243;stico da doen&#231;a.
    The representation of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Brazil reported that the parents should receive soon kits for the diagnosis of disease.
    Os kits permitiriam detectar a atual cepa (linhagem) do v&#237;rus da gripe de dois a tr&#234;s dias, contra at&#233; 15 dias dos exames realizados atualmente.
    The kits would detect the current strain (strain) of influenza virus from two to three days against 15 days of examinations performed today.

    Eduardo Hage atribui o expressivo aumento na quantidade de casos suspeitos no pa&#237;s &#224; atua&#231;&#227;o da Vigil&#226;ncia San&#237;t&#225;ria nos aeroportos brasileiros.
    Eduardo Hage attributes the significant increase in the number of suspected cases in the country the performance of health monitoring in the Brazilian airports.
    "&#192; medida que aumenta o n&#250;mero de casos nos pa&#237;ses, aumenta o alerta em rela&#231;&#227;o &#224; doen&#231;a", disse o diretor.
    "As we increase the number of countries, raises the alert on the disease," said the director.

    Na sexta-feira (1&#186, o Minist&#233;rio da Sa&#250;de monitorava sete casos suspeitos no Brasil : tr&#234;s em Minas Gerais, dois em S&#227;o Paulo, um no Rio de Janeiro e um no Esp&#237;rito Santo.
    On Friday (1), the Ministry of Health monitored seven suspected cases in Brazil: three in Brazil, two in Sao Paulo, one in Rio de Janeiro and one in the Holy Spirit.
    Ainda havia 41 casos investigados em 13 estados.
    Although there were 41 cases investigated in 13 states.
    Alguns estados e empresas est&#227;o adotando medidas extras para se prevenir contra a doen&#231;a. O governo de Minas Gerais, por exemplo, decretou situa&#231;&#227;o de emerg&#234;ncia , para facilitar a libera&#231;&#227;o de recursos no caso de haver necessidade de compra de materiais e aumento da infraestrutura para o combate da gripe su&#237;na .
    Some states and companies are adopting additional measures to prevent the disease. The government of Minas Gerais, for example, declared the emergency to facilitate the release of resources in case of need to purchase materials and increase the infrastructure for the combating swine flu.
    Apesar do decreto, a administra&#231;&#227;o ressalta o estado "vive um momento de relativa tranquilidade" em rela&#231;&#227;o &#224; doen&#231;a. "Minas n&#227;o vive uma situa&#231;&#227;o emergencial; a situa&#231;&#227;o &#233; de vigil&#226;ncia permanente. O decreto nos oferece mecanismos para respondermos prontamente a uma eventualidade”, disse o secret&#225;rio adjunto de Sa&#250;de, Ant&#244;nio Jorge Souza Marques.
    Despite the decree, the administration says the state "living a moment of relative calm" in relation to disease. "Mine does not live an emergency situation, the situation is monitored. The decree gives us mechanisms to respond promptly to an event," said Assistant Secretary of Health, Jorge Antonio Souza Marques.
    Nesta sexta, a companhia a&#233;rea Gol determinou o uso de m&#225;scaras aos funcion&#225;rios que atuam na &#225;rea do desembarque e conex&#245;es de v&#244;os internacionais e na se&#231;&#227;o de bagagens perdidas de Guarulhos, Florian&#243;polis, Porto Alegre, Campo Grande, Bras&#237;lia, Curitiba, Gale&#227;o (RJ) e Confins (BH).
    This Friday, the airline Gol determined the use of masks to employees who work in the area of land and connections to international flights and lost baggage section of Guarulhos, Florian&#243;polis, Porto Alegre, Campo Grande, Bras&#237;lia, Curitiba, Galeao (RJ) Confins and (BH).
    Pelo mundo
    The world
    Neste s&#225;bado, a OMS contabilizava 658 pessoas contaminadas em 16 pa&#237;ses , com registro de 17 mortes. O M&#233;xico lidera o ranking entre os pa&#237;ses que mais registraram casos da doen&#231;a: foram 397 confirma&#231;&#245;es, com 16 mortes.
    In this Saturday, the WHO recorded 658 people infected in 16 countries, with record of 17 deaths. Mexico leads the ranking among the countries that recorded more cases of the disease: 397 were confirmed, with 16 deaths.
    Na seq&#252;&#234;ncia, est&#227;o os Estados Unidos, com 160 casos e uma morte.
    Following are the United States, with 160 cases and one death.

    A It&#225;lia confirmou tamb&#233;m neste s&#225;bado seu primeiro caso de gripe H1N1, mas afirmou que o paciente se recuperou depois de apresentar sintomas bastante leves do novo v&#237;rus.
    Italy also confirmed Saturday that its first case of H1N1 flu, but said the patient recovered after a very mild symptoms of the new virus.
    O paciente, um homem de 50 anos, tinha sido hospitalizado na cidade de Massa, na regi&#227;o da Toscana, em 27 de abril depois de retornar da Cidade do M&#233;xico.
    The patient, a man of 50 years, had been hospitalized in the city of Massa, in the region of Tuscany, on April 27 after returning from Mexico City.
    Ele foi tratado com antivirais e se recuperou.
    He was treated with antivirals and has recovered.
    O pa&#237;s tem outros 13 casos suspeitos.
    The country has 13 other suspected cases.

    De acordo com a OMS, tamb&#233;m verificaram pessoas infectadas com o v&#237;rus, Canad&#225; (51), Reino Unido (15), Espanha (13), Alemanha (6), Nova Zel&#226;ndia (4), Israel (2), Fran&#231;a (1), China (1), Costa Rica (1), Dinamarca (1), Holanda (1), Cor&#233;ia do Sul (1), &#193;ustria (1) e Su&#237;&#231;a (1).
    According to WHO, also found people infected with the virus, Canada (51), United Kingdom (15), Spain (13), Germany (6), New Zealand (4), Israel (2), France (1) , China (1), Costa Rica (1), Denmark (1), Netherlands (1), South Korea (1), Austria (1) and Switzerland (1).

    A OMS reiterou que n&#227;o recomenda a restri&#231;&#227;o de viagens regulares eo fechamento de fronteiras.
    Reiterated that WHO does not recommend the restriction of travel and the regular closure of borders.
    Por&#233;m, a organiza&#231;&#227;o disse considerar “oportuno que as pessoas doentes adiem viagens internacionais”, e que aqueles que desenvolvam sintomas e tenham estado no exterior recentemente busquem atendimento m&#233;dico.
    However, said the organization considers "appropriate that people postpone travel international patients," and those who develop symptoms and have recently been abroad seeking medical care.
    Carne imune
    Beef immune
    A OMS assegura que n&#227;o h&#225; risco de infec&#231;&#227;o pelo consumo de carne de porco bem cozida ou de produtos provenientes do animal.
    WHO ensures that there is no risk of infection by the consumption of pork and beef or products derived from animals.
    A organiza&#231;&#227;o insiste tamb&#233;m para que as pessoas reforcem as medidas de higiene pessoal, especialmente lavar as m&#227;os frequentemente com sab&#227;o.
    The organization also urges people to strengthen the measures for personal hygiene, especially washing hands frequently with soap.

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  • HenryN
    Re: Brasil : 20 suspect cases

    Originally posted by mbeltran View Post
    02 de maio - 21:33 hor?rio local:Casos Suspeitos e Monitorados

    No Brasil s?o 14 casos suspeitos que est?o sendo investigados em quatro estados, todos da Regi?o Sudeste: S?o Paulo (6), Rio de Janeiro (4), Minas Gerais (3) e Esp?rito Santo (1).

    Outros 37 casos est?o sendo monitorados pelo minist?rio em 15 estados: Esp?rito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Norte e Santa Catarina (quatro cada), seguidos de Bahia e Paran? (tr?s cada), Amazonas, Mato Grosso do Sul, Para?ba, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina e S?o Paulo (dois cada), Cear?, Pernambuco e Rio Grande do Sul (um cada).


    May 02 - 21:33 brazilian local time: (GMT -3) - Suspect and Monitores cases

    Brazil are 14 suspected cases being investigated in four states, all of the Southeast: S?o Paulo (6), Rio de Janeiro (4), Minas Gerais (3) and Espirito Santo (1).

    37 other cases are being monitored by the ministry in 15 states: Esp?rito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Norte and Santa Catarina (four each), followed by Bahia and Paran? (three each), Amazonas, Mato Grosso do Sul, Para?ba, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina and S?o Paulo (two each), Cear?, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Sul (one each).
    Is there a link for this story?

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  • mbeltran
    Re: Brasil : 20 suspect cases

    02 de maio - 21:33 hor?rio local:Casos Suspeitos e Monitorados

    No Brasil s?o 14 casos suspeitos que est?o sendo investigados em quatro estados, todos da Regi?o Sudeste: S?o Paulo (6), Rio de Janeiro (4), Minas Gerais (3) e Esp?rito Santo (1).

    Outros 37 casos est?o sendo monitorados pelo minist?rio em 15 estados: Esp?rito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Norte e Santa Catarina (quatro cada), seguidos de Bahia e Paran? (tr?s cada), Amazonas, Mato Grosso do Sul, Para?ba, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina e S?o Paulo (dois cada), Cear?, Pernambuco e Rio Grande do Sul (um cada).


    May 02 - 21:33 brazilian local time: (GMT -3) - Suspect and Monitores cases

    Brazil are 14 suspected cases being investigated in four states, all of the Southeast: S?o Paulo (6), Rio de Janeiro (4), Minas Gerais (3) and Espirito Santo (1).

    37 other cases are being monitored by the ministry in 15 states: Esp?rito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Norte and Santa Catarina (four each), followed by Bahia and Paran? (three each), Amazonas, Mato Grosso do Sul, Para?ba, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina and S?o Paulo (two each), Cear?, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Sul (one each).

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  • Gert van der Hoek
    Re: Brasil : more suspect cases

    28/04/2009 -- 15h51

    Ministry of Health monitors 20 people with symptoms of swine flu in Brazil

    the Folha Online

    The Health Ministry confirmed on the afternoon of Tuesday that 20 people are being monitored after symptoms of swine flu in Brazil. According to agency, however, there is still no confirmation of any case in the country, and also monitored cases are not considered suspects by the criteria of WHO (World Health Organization).

    For a case to be considered suspect, is that the person must submit all symptoms of the disease - fever of at least 38 ? C, accompanied by cough, headache, pain in the body and joints, and respiratory distress - and that has recently returned from affected countries.

    According to the ministry, the number of people monitored reached 22, however, the State of S?o Paulo discarded the diagnosis of swine influenza in two. With this, 20 people are under observation by the Ministry.

    At least eight states have records of cases in point: three people in the Amazon, two in Bahia, Minas three, one in Par?, Paran? four, two in Rio, two in Rio Grande do Norte, and three in Santa Catarina.

    Since last Sunday (26), a woman of 44 years is admitted in the hospital Copa D'Or in Rio, with symptoms of swine flu. Coming from the United States, where he spent ten days, the patient arrived Saturday in Rio with fever and pain in the body.

    Preliminary blood tests and CT of the lung showed that she is with pneumonia. As a precaution, the Health Surveillance has been thrown, and this Tuesday, we collected samples of blood, secretions and tissues of women.

    Another case is monitored for a man of 40 years who also recently returned from a trip to the United States. This Monday (27), he was admitted to a hospital in Salvador (BA) with symptoms of the disease.

    Already in Minas, three people were hospitalized after symptoms of the disease. Among them, a couple who spent the honeymoon in Cancun, Mexico, and a businessman from the United States. All are hospitalized in an isolation ward of the Hospital das Clinicas in Belo Horizonte.

    By the afternoon of today, 79 people had been infected by the virus of swine influenza in the world, according to WHO. In all, 40 cases were registered in the United States, 26 in Mexico, six in Canada, two in Spain, two in the UK and three in New Zealand. So far, 22 deaths were recorded, all in Mexico, where the outbreak began.


    This Tuesday, the Ministry of Health also released a list of the 51 hospitals in all States and the Federal District prepared to answer any cases of swine flu.

    Dial attendants of Health Ministry of Health were trained to ask questions of people about the disease. The number is 0800-61-1997.

    The choice of the 51 hospitals followed the criterion of reference. They get this name as they have structure in order to detect early symptoms of disease, provide treatment and isolation if necessary. Below is the list of hospitals.

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  • Gert van der Hoek
    Re: Brasil : 2 suspect cases not confirmed


    28/04/2009 -- 11h13

    Woman is hospitalized with symptoms of swine flu in Rio, Brazil more monitors 12 cases

    A woman of 44 years is hospitalized since Sunday (26) in the Copa D'Or hospital in Rio, with symptoms of swine flu. Coming from New York (United States), where he spent ten days, the patient arrived Saturday in Rio with fever and pain in the body.

    Preliminary blood tests and CT of the lung showed that she is with pneumonia. As a precaution, the Health Surveillance has been thrown, and this Tuesday, we collected samples of blood, secretions and tissues of women.
    The surveillance itself forward the material for laboratory analysis. The patient remains hospitalized in the hospital under observation.

    This is the 13th event monitored in the country so far and the third yesterday in Rio (27), a man of 40 years from Miami, also in the United States, was admitted to a hospital in Salvador (BA) with symptoms of the disease. Complaining of pain in the body, with cough and high fever, the patient was admitted to hospital Ot?vio Mangabeira soon after landing in the city and remains under observation in this Tuesday.

    In the second, the Ministry of Health released information sheet that accompanies the state of health of people who came from countries affected by the disease with symptoms suspicious. According to the agency, however, no cases had been confirmed until the night of yesterday. "So far, no such person meets the definition of suspected cases according to the criteria established by the Ministry of Health, reported.

    According to the ministry, three cases are being investigated in Minas, two in the Amazon, two in Rio Grande do Norte, one in S?o Paulo and Par? in the last People are being monitored by their state departments of Health

    This Tuesday, the office of monitoring the swine flu, made by technicians of the Ministries of Health and Agriculture and Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency), will meet throughout the day to assess the situation.

    In Brazil, land around 7000 passengers daily from Mexico, the United States and Canada. Are 19 direct flights from the U.S. to Cumbica (SP), two for the Galeao (RJ), two to Manaus (AM), one for Salvador (BA) and one for Fortaleza (CE) and two direct flights from Mexico to Sao Paulo .


    The Anvisa were sent 20 thousand educational brochures on the disease to the airport in Guarulhos (SP), 20 thousand for the Galeao (RJ), another 20 thousand to Confins (MG) and 20 thousand to Salvador.

    The leaflets, in Portuguese, Spanish and English, list the symptoms of the disease and guide the people who came from Mexico, the United States or Canada to seek the hospital. In all, there will be 1 million pamphlets.

    In addition, warnings are being tied in the three airports and in Salvador, Fortaleza and Recife warning about the disease and aircraft leaving Mexico, the United States and Canada to the Brazil received the determination to guide the passengers.

    The Ministry of Health reported that, in this Monday, attendants of the Dial Health - which operates in the number 0800-61-1997 - were trained to ask questions of people about the disease.


    The swine flu is a respiratory disease caused by influenza A virus, called H1N1. It is transmitted from person to person and has symptoms similar to common flu, with fever over 38 ? C, cough, severe headache, muscle pain and joints, irritation of the eyes and nasal flow.

    To diagnose the infection, a respiratory sample should be collected in four or five days of illness when infected person spreads the virus, and examined in the laboratory. The antigripais Tamiflu and Relenza, already used against avian influenza are effective against the H1N1 virus, according to laboratory tests, and appear to give practical result, according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control United States).

    International Alert

    Only on Monday, the outbreak worsened in Mexico - more than 1,600 people were affected by the disease and suspicious deaths reached 149 -, and cases in the U.S. doubled and reached 40, Canada confirmed seven cases and was the first time, cases in another continent, Europe: a case in Spain and two in Scotland.

    In total, 11 countries - Colombia, Switzerland, Denmark, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Israel, Sweden, Hong Kong, France, Peru and Germany - to investigate suspected cases of swine flu, always involving passengers who were in transit in Mexico or people who have had direct contact with the passengers.

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  • FrenchieGirl
    Re: Brasil : 2 suspect cases not confirmed,361248,0.htm

    segunda-feira, 27 de abril de 2009, 13:55 | Online
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    Casal ? internado com suspeita de gripe su?na em MG
    SOLANGE SPIGLIATTI - Agencia Estado Tamanho do texto? A A A A

    S?O PAULO - Um casal que voltava da lua de mel em Canc?n, no M?xico, foi internado na manh? de hoje no Hospital das Cl?nicas de Belo Horizonte com suspeita de ter contra?do gripe su?na. A informa??o ? da Secretaria da Sa?de do Estado. O casal, que mora em Santa Luzia, na regi?o metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, desembarcou por volta das 4 horas no Aeroporto Internacional Tancredo Neves, em Confins. Os dois passam por exames ap?s sentirem os sintomas da doen?a.

    Hoje o Gabinete Permanente de Emerg?ncia, que re?ne t?cnicos dos minist?rios da Sa?de e da Agricultura e da Ag?ncia Nacional de Vigil?ncia Sanit?ria (Anvisa), est? reunido no Minist?rio da Sa?de para avaliar os riscos no Brasil do surto de gripe su?na detectado no M?xico. O gabinete foi institu?do no ?ltimo s?bado "para monitorar a situa??o da gripe su?na e indicar medidas adequadas." O grupo, segundo nota divulgada ontem ? noite pelo Minist?rio da Sa?de, se reunir? diariamente para avalia??o.

    De acordo com a nota do Minist?rio, at? o momento n?o h? evid?ncias da circula??o do v?rus da influenza su?na em humanos no Brasil. Dois casos verificados em S?o Paulo, est?o sendo investigados para identificar a causa do quadro cl?nico, mas, segundo a nota, "n?o atendem ? defini??o de caso suspeito de influenza su?na por n?o apresentarem sinais e sintomas compat?veis com a doen?a".

    O Minist?rio acrescenta que foi institu?do nos aeroportos brasileiros o monitoramento dos viajantes procedentes das ?reas afetadas. "Todas as provid?ncias est?o sendo adotadas para que as tripula??es das aeronaves orientem os passageiros, ainda durante o voo, sobre sinais e sintomas da influenza su?na. Passageiros com os sintomas dever?o se identificar ? tripula??o e receber?o orienta??es da Anvisa no aeroporto de desembarque".

    Google translation

    Monday, April 27, 2009, 13:55 | Online
    Young is hospitalized with suspected avian swine at MG
    Solange SPIGLIATTI - Agencia Estado Tamanho do texto? A A A A
    S?O PAULO - A couple who returned from the Honeymoon in Cancun, Mexico, was hospitalized in the morning today at the Hospital das Clinicas in Belo Horizonte with suspected of having contracted avian swine. The information is the Department of Health of the State. The couple, who lives in Santa Luzia, in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, landed at around 4 o'clock in the Tancredo Neves International Airport in Confins. The two pass examinations after feeling the symptoms of the disease.

    Today the Office of Permanent Emergency, which brings together experts from ministries of Health and Agriculture and the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), is meeting in the Ministry of Health to assess the risks in Brazil's outbreak of swine flu detected in Mexico. The office was established last Saturday "to monitor the situation of avian and swine indicate appropriate measures." The group, according to notes released last night by the Ministry of Health will meet daily to review.

    According to the note from the Ministry, so far no evidence of movement of swine influenza virus in humans in Brazil. Two cases in S?o Paulo, are being investigated to identify the cause of symptoms, but according to the note, "do not meet the definition of suspected cases of swine influenza because they did not have signs and symptoms consistent with the disease."

    The Ministry adds that was established in the Brazilian airports monitoring travelers coming from affected areas. "All measures are being adopted to guide the crews of aircraft passengers, even during flight, on signs and symptoms of swine influenza. Passengers with symptoms should be identified to the crew and receive guidance from Anvisa landing at the airport."

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  • Gert van der Hoek
    started a topic Brazil - Cases - 1,175 - Deaths - 20

    Brazil - Cases - 1,175 - Deaths - 20

    google translated

    Sunday, April 26, 2009, 15:14 | Online

    Emilio Ribas examines suspected cases of swine influenza in Brazil

    Two patients were brought from Mexico over the weekend in hospital with some symptoms of the disease

    S?O PAULO - The Hospital Emilio Ribas, S?o Paulo, has two patients with suspected avian swine. The information was confirmed this Sunday, 26, during the XIV Pan American Congress of Infectious Diseases, the director of the hospital David infectology UIP.

    He attended the conference that since Friday is held in Campos do Jord?o (SP), 173 kilometers from S?o Paulo. The patients came from Mexico and have a high fever. "We are vigilant, monitoring, mainly on account of what is happening in Mexico, but the two patients have not met the minimum items to confirm the swine flu," he said in an interview with David UIP state.

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