The boss of Epidemiolog?a, Roberto T?rrez, he confirmed the sixth case of Flu TO H1N1 in Santa Cruz, which carrier is a 48-year-old woman who did not receive the dose of the vaccine against the Flu, and has complications of Obesity and Breast cancer, has already received the treatment, at present it is evolving favorably.
Making use of the events it asked the population to vaccinate against this illness, since the persons who have not vaccinated and infected by the Flu To, will have irreversible complications.
Of equal way he announced that the campaign of vaccination against the Flu To, finishes this July 31, but that there might be extended if there exists the sufficient demand of persons who need it.
It indicated that up to the date more than 130 thousand persons have already vaccinated and none of them has had any adverse effect, out of the light pain of arm for the prick.
It mentioned that the case of Flu To, was brought in a 48-year-old woman who did not receive the vaccine against the Flu To, y that is interned in the unit of intensive therapy of a clinic deprived of the capital cruce?a.

? The lady of the last case of Flu To, had no contact with foreign persons and neither it went out on the outside, happily the family circle is already vaccinated, and also they realize the protection measurements, we ask the whole population for the proper thing, do not want that the Flu TO H1N1 attacks us surprisingly, like the previous year ? exhibited T?rrez.
It pointed out that to avoid some complication, it will have to bear in mind the measurements of prevention, as use barbijo in case of cold or suspicion of Flu, to wash his/her/its hands often, on having sneezed, having wrapped the mouth up with angle of the arm and not with the hand, in case of presenting Flu, consulting with a doctor and not automedicarse.
On the other hand the information of Respiratory Sharp Infections You Will (go), in the week 28 one registered a whole of seven thousand 312 and 13 thousand 136 cases of pneumonia in the department cruce?o, of which 60 % corresponds to children younger than five years.
? With these numbers, he does not want to say that we should be in an epidemic, but yes in a phase of remembering constantly the persons on the measurements of prevention and protection ? T?rrez showed.