Up to 46 deaths from H1N1 flu in Bolivia
A total of 46 people died in Bolivia, from January to date, by the influenza A (H1N1), 17 more than the last report provided earlier this month, said Wednesday the Health Minister Ariana Campero. "A level national're with a report confirmed by a (H1N1) 1027 cases, and the report we have a total of 46 dead, "said the health authority in a press conference. The deaths were recorded in seven of the nine departments of Bolivia, since early a?o.En the previous report of the Ministry of Health the number of people killed by influenza reached 29, according to official count. This report also mentioned that previously had 740 infected.
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Bolivia, influenza 2016: 46 fatalities
Oruro: A woman is the fourth victim of H1N1
A woman of about 56 years is the fourth victim of a related type AH1N1 influenza, death in Oruro department, reported Radio Pius XII ERBOL.El Network Director Departmental Health Service (Headquarters), Jose Ignacio, he said that this person already had an underlying disease complicated with influenza. The death was reported in the clinical Natividad.Las first two deaths from the H1N1 were reported in June with people from 68 to 72 years. The third death from this cause was last week, when the victim was an adult over 68 years.
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A woman dies; H1N1 suspect
Early Wednesday killed a woman of 33 years in the hospital of the Villa Primero de Mayo and the family suspects that his death was caused by the influenza.Allegados of the deceased say the young mother of two children-had no underlying disease and was twice hospital because he felt bad, but there just was given painkillers and sent home. The third time I went to the same hospital on Tuesday, but at dawn Wednesday muri?.El departmental chief of Epidemiology, Roberto Torrez, said he has no information about this case, but promised to investigate. From January to date in Santa Cruz 21 people died from influenza
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Raises to 21 the number of deaths from influenza in Santa Cruz
An adult and a pregnant woman are the two new victims of influenza in the department of Santa Cruz, according to data released yesterday by the director of the Departmental Health Service (Headquarters), Joaqu?n Monastery.
The victims were not immunized and are a man of 66, who lived in the North Satellite (Warnes), it was a chronic smoker and died in San Juan de Dios hospital on July 14. The other person was a woman of 29 years of the community of Ribera Palacios, located in the town of Mora (municipality of Cabezas), with 24 weeks of pregnancy. She had no underlying disease, but died on July 18 at a private clinic. She was admitted to a health center in your area for an acute respiratory infection, but given the seriousness of his condition was referred to a private clinic where he died six days later. Through studies it was found that her baby had died in the womb of the mother the day before she died.
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Confirmed a new death from influenza in Santa Cruz
director Departmental Health Service (Headquarters) Joaquin Monasterio confirmed the death of a man of 55 years for influenza, bringing up to 15 the number of deaths from influenza A H1N1.Se is a person who He did not have the flu vaccine and had chagas and pacemaker. He was hospitalized for 20 d?as.En this time is nine patients in ICU (five suspects and four positive) and 34 other internees (29 suspects and five positive). The Scientific Committee is reviewing the cases of deaths, although there has been an arrest in the epidemiological curve regarding cases positivos.El latest report notes that in the department there are 549 cases of influenza, of which 495 are A H1N1 35 19 A H3N2 and type B.
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The first person dies from influenza in the Capital
As a man who had heart problems underlying pathology tier four died with influenza, after spending three days in intensive care. Day passes, flu cases are rising in Chuquisaca: there are 81 suspected cases of which 23 were given positivo.La information was confirmed by the head of the Epidemiology Unit of the Departmental Health Service (SEDES) Chuquisaca, Jhonny Camacho, who said that the first victim of influenza in Chuquisaca is a man of 54 years of edad.Camacho said the patient was first treated at the University hospital and then transferred to the hospital Santa Barbara where he was admitted with symptoms of heart difficulty grade four and influenza. Unfortunately he could not leave that state and died.
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In 2 departments have influenza-related deaths
Departmental health services in Santa Cruz and Chuquisaca Thursday reported two new cases related to influenza.El head of Epidemiology Headquarters Chuquisaca, Roberto Torres deaths, said a 50, who had tested positive for H1N1 , died but said that influenza was not the main cause of death, but complicated a condition in the heart that resulted is a heart infection descompensada.Seg?n the official, interviewed by Radio Aclo of ERBOL Red, in this department recorded so far 22 confirmed cases of H1N1, two in Monteagudo and the rest in Sucre.En Santa Cruz, the head of Epidemiology, Roberto Torres, reported that a 55 year old man who suffered from Chagas disease, and was not vaccinated, he died with influenza. In the eastern province, they are recorded in total 549 cases of influenza, most of which correspond to the type H1N1. Torres said based on these data that the mortality rate is 2.8%, as reported by Radio Santa Cruz.
En Santa Cruz, el jefe de Epidemiología, Roberto Torres, informó que un hombre de 55 años que padecía el mal de chagas, y que no estaba vacunado, falleció con influenza.
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Ninth in Cochabamba died because of H1N1
The regional head of epidemiological surveillance, Ruben Castillo, reported Wednesday in the city of Cochabamba ninth died because of the H1N1 flu, a man of 57 years was recorded. "We had a new died from H1N1. It is a male patient 57 years. In that case we have nine deaths so far," he said in statements to the ABI. Castillo said that person died last week in a medical facility, where, he said, he was hospitalized for five days. He said a preliminary report on the case established that the patient had a pulmonary fibrosis and asthma as underlying diseases that were aggravated by the influenza virus. "This gentleman had begun to have symptoms of the flu about two weeks before his hospitalization," added Castillo. The authority also stated that in Cochabamba there are still 63 positive cases of H1N1 and 311 suspects.
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Five people in intensive care for influenza
The director of the Departmental Health Service (Headquarters), Joaquin Monasterio, reported that influenza has begun to decline, but at this time there are five people in intensive care with this gripe.Record? which remains at 14 the death toll, although the number may vary because there are cases that are being discussed and others who are sensitive to salud.Recomend? continue prevention measures and asked to pharmacies and private schools where they sell the vaccine beware fr?o.Monasterio chain indicated that vaccination for risk groups continues in health centers habilitados.En the department has 526 confirmed cases of influenza, of which 472 are of a H1N1.
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1.4 million people are registered with IRAS
Bolivia has 1.4 million acute respiratory infections (SARI) and 894 influenza A H1N1, according to the report of the Minister of Health, Ariana Campero. La Paz and Santa Cruz are the regions where most people sick existen.Indic? that continue to be cases of H1N1 and the concern is that still have the risk population, who have more deaths. "There are 35 people who died," said the autoridad.De case according to detail; Tarija, Pando and Beni reported in 2, while Potosi barely reached 1; 59 Cochabamba, Oruro and Chuquisaca 30 15. Santa Cruz, with 442, and La Paz, 341.Campero also anticipated that request a report to the Departmental Health Service (Headquarters) of Santa Cruz territory, given the lack of information vaccines in some centers medical. "Santa Cruz has it accountable," he said, in time to detail that are acquired 1.4 million injections by the Government, with an investment of 22 million bolivianos / JA
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35 flu fatalities
The deaths of influenza A-H1N1 added 35 and the region of Santa Cruz, is where most cases occur. Health authorities summoned the population at risk to access the doses being well distributed in health centers and in campaigns m?viles.Algunas units authorities questioned that vaccines have been distributed too late for application as to take effect should I go from 20 to 30 days after application. "it is true that it is best applied before, but we are applying stage of epidemic. always the trend is that, people are not so responsible and does not come when it should go," he said the head of the Epidemiology Unit of the Ministry of Health, Rodolfo Rocabado.
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Flu deaths rise to 14 in Santa Cruz and reach the record high of 2009
The director of Epidemiology Department Health Service (SEDES) Santa Cruz, Roberto Torrez, said Friday that the number of deaths from influenza rose to 14 in that region, a figure which reached the record high recorded in 2009. "We are talking about 14 cases, the Scientific Committee has confirmed two more cases, with analysis of each case so that Santa Cruz has equaled the number of deaths in the 2009 pandemic, "he said explic?.T?rrez all deaths correspond to the type H1N1 and in most cases it is people with underlying diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and chagas.La health authority added that the total number of flu cases exceed 420 of which 356 are for H1N1, and the remainder to H3N2 and B.
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Cobija confirms first death from H1N1 and population on the border is on alert
The Government of Pando, Bolivian state that borders Acre confirmed the first death due to H1N1 flu. The report was made by social networks and a woman, a victim of the disease, have died in the ICU of the General Hospital of the city of Cobija, the state capital.
With the situation, the government intensifies prevention and calls the population to be vaccinated against the virus. Initially, the government aims to immunize two priority groups: children under five years and adults from 55 years. The government also asks the population to feed well and try to keep the immune system strengthened.
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39 deaths from the H1N1 influenza virus - Ministry of Health
The Ministry of Health carries out the vaccination campaign against influenza with an investment of 22,431,491 bolivianos for the purchase of 1,400,000 doses of vaccine, of which 870,900 are intended for adults and 583,990 for ni?os.Joaqu?n Monastery, director of Departmental Health service (Headquarters) mentioned that "has done everything possible to save his life." In Oruro work for three days from yesterday Saturday until Monday morning, 260 brigades at fixed points as the square "10 de Febrero", markets and squares, plus health centers in each area, fulfilling a work schedule drawn up by the Epidemiologia.De staff according to the Headquarters, the epidemic has affected 409 people and has spread in 12 municipalities of the department.
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Santa Cruz brings to 12 the death toll from H1N1
The director of the Departmental Health Service (SEDES), Joaquin Monasterio, reported Tuesday that the number of deaths from influenza H1N1 rose to 12 in Santa Cruz. "We have a new died from H1N1, is a patient of 81 years old I was not vaccinated who had a baseline heart disease and was hospitalized since June 13, laying did everything possible to save his life, "dijo.En Santa Cruz have been registered so far 409 confirmed cases of influenza , of which 356 are H1N1, H3N2 34 and 19 by the strain B, according to the headquarters. (7/5/2016)
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