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Bolivia, influenza 2016: 46 fatalities

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  • Bolivia, influenza 2016: 46 fatalities

    A woman dies with H1N1 and reinforce measures

    A woman of 45 years died in Cochabamba last with H1N1 week, the head of Surveillance and Epidemiology Department Health Service (SEDES), Ruben Castillo.La victim was treated at the Viedma Hospital and had an underlying condition, was diab?tica.Con this case, five people have died in Bolivia and 12 are in intensive care because of the flu, the Ministry of Health, the agency EFE.En Cochabamba, cases of this flu amounted to 13 from May 2016 to ayer.De the five deaths, three occurred in Santa Cruz, one in Cochabamba and another in Oruro.Las dead people were between 21 and 72 years, none had been vaccinated against the H1N1 virus and all had pathology chronic basis, such as diabetes, morbid obesity, or ischemic heart disease, he told pace?os means the national chief of Epidemiology, Ministry of Health, Rodolfo Rocabado.
    Last edited by tetano; June 14, 2016, 01:26 AM.

  • #2
    Confirmed three deaths from influenza AH1N1 in La Paz

    The Departmental Health Service (SEDES) of La Paz confirmed that three people with underlying diseases died of influenza in the northern department. There is a fourth case is still under analysis. Reiterate the recommendation to be vaccinated against the virus. "Of the four deaths were reported in suspected of having influenza, three AH1N1 were confirmed. All patients had underlying diseases," the head of the Epidemiology Unit HEADQUARTERS, Jhonny Ayll?n. One patient had bronchial asthma as underlying disease, the other had a kidney condition the third was elderly and suffered the consequences of previous surgery the fourth death are still awaiting lab results to confirm whether it was due to AH1N1...


    • #3
      32 confirmed cases of H1N1 and four are critical in Cochabamba

      Cases of H1N1 flu almost tripled in Cochabamba and in five days rose from 12 to 32. Of that group, four people are in critical condition and receiving care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), according to the Ministry of Health .Hace five days, the regional leadership of the Departmental Health Service (SEDES) reported that Cochabamba was 12 cases, but the figure has tripled in a few horas.En Bolivia, there are 343 cases, said the head of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health, Rodolfo Rocabado, who explained that the H1N1 flu epidemic has grown by several factors, mainly by low temperatures.


      • #4
        12 A-H1N1 deaths in Bolivia

        La Paz, June 13 (PL) The death toll due to influenza AH1N1 increased to 12 in Bolivia, confirmed today the Minister of Health, Ariana Campero, who urged people to go to the vaccination centers authorized by the Government. at a press conference, the Minister said that the deaths were reported in the departments of Santa Cruz (four), Oruro (one), La Paz (four) and Cochabamba (three) .Asimismo, reported that the total number of patients in the country amounts to 356 and 16 of them are in state grave.Instamos the entire population to be vaccinated at any of our establishments, especially persons belonging to risk groups such as pregnant women, children under two years and adults over 65, he claimed.


        • #5
          Alert and campaign for another death from influenza

          Authorities Departmental Health Service (Headquarters) instructed the health network Northern Integrated strengthen vaccination campaign against influenza A H1N1, since the fourth death this year occurred Montero.Se bad about a man, 52 years of occupation and carrier that had not been immunized against the disease. He died in hospital Gumucio Reyes city north of Santa Cruz, after several days of being admitted. He was a patient at risk, because he suffered from obesidad.La death of this person and the number of seriously ill patients that are in different hospitals centers shot yellow alert, in order to have the regional health system mobilized to improve vaccination coverage . So far this year only 30,000 people have received the vaccine and 270,000 doses remain available.


          • #6
            Health confirmed four deaths from influenza A H1N1 in Cochabamba

            Cochabamba (El Diario) .- The Departmental Health Service (Headquarters) yesterday confirmed the death of four people in Cochabamba by human influenza type A H1N1, plus 13 positive cases that are under surveillance. 19,118 cases of resfriados.La Venues director, Lidia Astrona are also recorded, it reported that cases were recorded in recent weeks in the municipality of Cercado so the epidemiological alert was activated at the departmental level for a raking and monitoring patients with this type of pathology. "The first two cases died earlier this month, it is a 49 year old woman and a boy of 27 years. The third one corresponds to a baby a month and have a lady of 68 years would be the fourth case, "he said.


            • #7
              More severe influenza patients in hospitals

              This week increased from five to eight the number of patients in serious condition in hospitals in the capital Santa Cruz, according to the Departmental Health Service (Headquarters) .This situation worries health authorities, because so far there are already four deaths for this cause in the departamento.Dorian Jimenez of Headquarters, he reported that those affected by the influenza virus are elderly people with underlying disease and also had not done vacunar.Dijo also that despite activation of the yellow alert for the increase in cases and the media campaign are promoting is still little interest in the population to be inmunizar.Piden that especially those under five years and those over 50, attend health centers to be immunized.


              • #8
                Flu death toll rises to 14

                The Ministry of Health confirmed 409 cases of influenza A H1N1 and 1.3 million cases of acute respiratory infections (ARI). Between Santa Cruz, La Paz and Cochabamba amount to 14 victims fatal.This Friday in the department of Santa Cruz the death of a 50 year old man affected by the influenza virus A H1N1 was confirmed, being the fifth fatality in that region. The director of the Departmental Health Service (SEDES) Santa Cruz, Joaqu?n Monasterios, warned that a progressive increase of positive cases is noted. "We are not willing to wait for a stronger epidemic. We stress the need for vaccination. We have one of 71,800 people who have received the vaccine. " He said that in Santa Cruz there are more than 100 infected with the virus, several patients are in serious condition, two of them are minors, who are in intensive care.



                • #9
                  Influenza causes fifth death in Santa Cruz

                  A life has claimed influenza in the department of Santa Cruz and the victim, a 50 year old man who died in the San Juan hospital of God, and suffer from renal failure, had not done vaccination to prevent this disease. In this case, in so far this year, and added five deaths and there are seven other people in serious condition, including two under edad.Joaqu?n Monastery, head of the Departmental Health Service (Headquarters) has again insisted on the need to be immunized against this evil and also take preventive measures such as frequent hand washing and isolation of people who contract the virus. To generate awareness among the population stressed that both the deceased and those who are in intensive care are people who are part of the risk groups, ie, under five and over 50.


                  • #10
                    One more death is confirmed by H1N1 in La Paz

                    The Ministry of Health and the Department of Health Services La Paz, through its Epidemiology Unit, yesterday reported a new death, by the A H1N1, with pathology victim base.La 16 virus was influenza A H1N1 woman 28 years old, was in intensive care in a hospital in the city of El Alto for five days.The national head of epidemiology, Rodolfo Rocabado, in an interview with El Diario, he said that, nationally, were confirmed and 524 cases of influenza a H1N1, and 400,000 thousand 1. Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) .Until now, officially, has 16 cases of people killed by the influenza virus. The last reported yesterday, in the department of La Paz, Rocabado said.


                    • #11
                      In Cochabamba report fifth died of H1N1

                      The regional head of epidemiological surveillance, Ruben Castillo, reported Wednesday in Cochabamba fifth died because of the H1N1 flu, a woman of 68 years was recorded. "We have had a fifth case of H1N1 influenza died and was a senior female adult patient of 68 years," he said. Castillo explained that the virus aggravated a medical chart of obesity and asthma suffered by the victim for years. "Women, on the other hand, has never had a flu shot, not timely went to a health way and let the disease to develop for a long time," he said. According to Castillo, H1N1 affects other 64 people are treated in Cochabamba, of which nine are in intensive care units. In addition, 139 suspected cases have been reported, he said.


                      • #12
                        Declare red alert in Santa Cruz by increasing cases of H1N1

                        The director of the Departmental Health Service (Headquarters) of Santa Cruz, Joaquin Monasterio, declared red alert for the increase in cases of H1N1 flu in the poblaci?n.Monasterio held in Santa Cruz there are seven deaths and at least 252 positive cases of H1N1 in the first half of the year, representing an increase compared to 2015. the director asked the population to be vaccinated against the flu, especially those who have some underlying disease such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, cardio-respiratory diseases, between otras.La Health Minister Ariana Campero, he said Thursday that the country recorded 17 deaths from influenza, of which six are from Santa Cruz, six of La Paz, Cochabamba and one four in Oruro.


                        • #13
                          SEDES reports seventh AH1N1 death in La Paz and 21 nationwide

                          The department of La Paz recorded its seventh died from the H1N1 flu and the twenty-first nationally, reported the head of the Epidemiology Unit of the Departmental Health Service (SEDES) La Paz, Jhonny Ayll?n .The first fatality child Bolivia influenza in a baby is a year old. "The child was born with a malformation of the corazoncito; was delicate and belonged to a vulnerable group but unfortunately not vaccinated, "the day before the funcionario.Por the declared epidemic, health authorities decided to strengthen vaccination campaigns. 1, 2 and 3 July intensify cross-vaccination with mobile brigades and fixed points across the country


                          • #14
                            In three days reported six deaths from influenza A

                            Between Saturday and Monday killed six people in three departments as a result of the H1N1 virus were reported and none of them received the vaccine against this virus despite having an underlying disease, reports today reason in its print edition. this weekend, more than 4,000 mobile teams will visit the homes of the country to immunize bolivianos.Tres people in Cochabamba, two in Santa Cruz and one in La Paz died from the disease, according to reports of the Departmental Health Service (Headquarters ) of these regions. Meanwhile, there are 600 patients who tested positive for influenza. According to national data, until yesterday 25 fatalities, most with underlying conditions were recorded.


                            • #15
                              29 deaths from influenza in the country

                              The death of 22 people from complications of H1N1 influenza has alerted health authorities in Bolivia by the vaccine shortage in the eastern region of Santa Cruz, the hardest hit by the epidemic, officials said on Tuesday. The vaccine will be placed, protects against Influenza A (H1N1), A (H3N2) and influenza Estacional.Adem?s the doctor recommended to the population that is important personal and family commitment that if children have cold symptoms not send schools, it is best to attend health facilities for medical care. Meanwhile, 406 patients remain hospitalized for these tables. In Arequipa they have increased the number of cases of acute respiratory diseases for children under 5 years are 3 000 678 cases, and for people over 6 years, nearly 11,000 patients are coming due to low temperatures.

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