The Departmental Health Service (Headquarters), confirmed three new deaths, making a total of 10 deaths in the year because the influenza virus H1N1 and influenza A/H3N2. Unlike last year the number of victims has been superseded and therefore, the statement of orange alert is maintained. Roberto T?rrez, chief of epidemiology of the Headquarters, explained that in all cases, the victims were not vaccinated against this deadly virus and also suffered from chronic diseases of base, which made it more vulnerable to collapse this evil. The latter were the case, that would be a 6-year-old boy who had infantile paralysis. Despite these results, the health authority pointed out that the epidemiological curve of the system is in decline because the winter is dissipated and allows the entry of the spring. For its part, Joaquin Monastery, director of this institution emphasized that "the chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, cancer, kidney problems among other ills are easy targets so that they can collapse this deadly virus". I therefore urge that reactivate the epidemiological control filters that must start from the parents in the home before I leave his son, the second is the keeper or regent of the school and the third is the teacher within the classroom. In case of symptoms of influenza, the director must give part of the parents of the least to be taken to the nearest health center to their neighborhood. Finally, she pointed out that in the case of the public and private institutions, these must be available in gel alcohol in each of the desktops to the people who come to make some sort of processing or transaction can desinfectare hands.
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Bolivia: Continues the alert for more deaths from influenza