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Bolivian city of Santa Cruz on 'red alert' for flu

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  • Bolivian city of Santa Cruz on 'red alert' for flu

    The Bolivian city of Santa Cruz (east) was declared 'red alert' as a preventive measure to the increase in cases of influenza A (H1N1), including the suspension of activities in schools for a period of ten days, confirmed to health authorities told AFP. "We are on red alert, but have not yet entered emergency 'said the director of the Departmental Service of Health, Joaqu?n monasteries, on the phone, who explained that the duration of that period preventive' will depend on the magnitude ( number of cases) and significance (severity of those affected) '. 'We want to stop the epidemic and the transmission cut, "he added, expressing his concern that the outbreak could affect children, the main potential universe of affected.

    For this reason, the educational authorities determined the school work stoppage for a period of ten days, during which they proceed to 'the general cleanliness of the school units and the application of a filter system to keep students from entering the premises showing symptoms. "He noted that to date 300 cases were found positive for influenza A in Santa Cruz, but it is estimated that the number may be higher" because the time it takes the lab to deliver a report is five to seven days . At the time, no serious cases that have required hospitalization, confirmed Monaterios. The number of cases is substantially lower than in 2009 when Santa Cruz epidemic affected more than 14,000 people, of whom 14 died.

  • #2
    Re: Bolivian city of Santa Cruz on 'red alert' for flu

    Influenza A: Santa Cruz measures discussed

    A/H1N1 influenza cases continue to add in Santa Cruz, where health centers are full and increases the demand for vaccines. In this situation, now forced to declare a red alert in the city and to suspend classes in the educational units, the state university and two private, the authorities consider further action, such as the prohibition of mass events.Según Departmental Service Health (Headquarters), the positive cases amounted to 339 so far this year, of which 50 percent are under 12 years, and suspected cases now exceeds the Deputy Minister of Education confirmed millar.El to Last Friday, 269 cases and 1,300 suspects, an increase of 58 positive cases in 24 hours (between Thursday and Friday) why it ordered the suspension of classes in the educational units, both private and public, for 10 days (from Monday). Similar adopted as Gabriel Rene Moreno University suspended classes for five days from Monday, and the Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz (UPSA) to stop the spread of evil.

    The director of the Government Offices Santa Cruz dependent Joaquin monasteries, according to the network Erbol, blamed the parents of the rapid increase in flu cases since the return to classes after winter break, were neglected, not brought their children to medical centers to be served.

    Since last May the vaccination against the disease continues despite a deficit of it. The central government gave 6 000 dosage amount is insufficient to reach the entire population. Given this situation, there are priority sectors at risk (less than two years and over 60 years of age), said the acquired autoridad.Se 50 000 doses of vaccines, which will arrive next week.

    Monasteries said being presented several cases of pneumonia, caused by the intense smoke, which is confused with that right now influenza.Informó a minor patient is in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to try to save it. The doctor insisted that care must be public to prevent further cases of influenza A/H1N1: keep the house clean, wash your hands before and after eating, constantly observe children who have flu symptoms (fever, pain headache, runny nose, etc.). and in case of suspicion, using masks.


    • #3
      Re: Bolivian city of Santa Cruz on 'red alert' for flu

      Spanish to English translation

      Red alert care in Boliva by influenza A H1N1
      30-Sep 5:28 pm | Reuters
      Bolivia declared a red alert health and canceled classes for ten days in the eastern department of Santa Cruz, because of a dramatic outbreak of more than 200 cases of influenza A H1N1

      Pernosa with masks | AP
      Across the South American country, Bolivia, have confirmed 272 cases of influenza A H1N1 so far this year, with the death of an elderly person, an amount less than the 610 cases from January to October 2010, of which 13 died, according to official figures. The National Responsible Hanta Virus Influenza and the Ministry of Health, Adolfo Zarate reported that the disease has proliferated this year especially in the eastern area of the country , so determined to declare a red alert across the Santa Cruz department. "From a total of 272 cases of Influenza A H1N1 confirmed cases are 226 Santa Cruz, Cochabamba followed with 18 cases, Chuquisaca with 14 cases, ten in the department of La Paz, Tarija and a five Oruro, so he decided to suspend classes in the first case, "he told reporters. Santa Cruz holds the third part of Bolivia with almost three million inhabitants, nearly ten million estimated in the country, and is considered the department more productive activities, among which livestock and agriculture. A lot of people took steps to avoid infection with campaigns in schools, universities and public and private institutions. The H1N1 influenza, a mixture of swine flu, bird and human, emerged in April 2009 in the U.S. and Mexico, sparking a global alert. Since then, health campaigns and vaccination trial have reduced the number of cases.


      • #4
        Re: Bolivian city of Santa Cruz on 'red alert' for flu

        Spanish to English translation

        Close schools in Bolivian region for H1N1 flu outbreak

        The Ministry of Health said that Santa Cruz is the region most affected by the outbreak while the rest of the country is infected increased within normal parameters.
        Friday September 30, 2011 10:13 a.m.
        La Paz .- An outbreak of H1N1 flu that has claimed the life of a girl in recent days forced the health authorities to temporarily close schools in the eastern province of Santa Cruz. "We want to stop the epidemic and cut the transmission children, "said Director of Education Friday Bartolome Puma. Meanwhile, the provincial government declared a "red alert" to the region, AP reported. A report from the Departmental Health Service (SITES) said that in recent days, infections increased 300% to 295 confirmed cases and 1,300 suspects. 50% are minors. The flare saturated the demand for vaccines but authorities indicated that preference is given to people at highest risk of complications. The Health Ministry said that Santa Cruz is the region most affected by the outbreak while the rest the country is infected increased within normal parameters. A twelve year old girl died in the middle of the month in that region and thus add two deaths so far this year because of influenza H1N1.


        • #5
          Re: Bolivian city of Santa Cruz on 'red alert' for flu

          Source: World Health Organization, FluNet:

          Influenza Laboratory Surveillance Information, Latest Week generated on 03/10/2011 14:45:49 UTC

          Data source: FluNet ( ), Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS)

          Influenza virus detections - Year 2011 - Week 38 (18/09/2011 to 24/09/2011)


          [Country, area or territory / Number of specimens: Received/ collected - Processed / Number of influenza A viruses detected by subtype: A (H1) - A (H1N1) 2009 - A (H3) - A (H5) - A (not subtyped) - A (Total) / Number of influenza B viruses detected by subtype: B (Yamagata lineage) - B (Victoria lineage) - B (lineage not determined) - B (Total) / Total number of influenza positive viruses / ILI activity]
          • Bolivia (Plurinational State of) / ... / 340 / 0 - 103 - 28 - ... - ... - 131 / ... - ... - .... - 0 / 131 / No Activity



          • #6
            Re: Bolivian city of Santa Cruz on 'red alert' for flu

            This is odd; Google flu trends is recording minimal activity. This report suggests otherwise, so one or the other is wrong; also they are recording this as H1N1 which is also surprising, given that there is now widespread immunity to the original pH1N1 so the question is, is this a new variant with immune escape?

            Bolivia: declares red alert in the department of Santa Cruz for H1N1 outbreak

            Oct. 3, 2011 - The Santa Cruz region of Bolivia on Sunday suspended from 10 days for educational activities due to a red alert as a result of H1N1 influenza peak, (Snip) secretary of the governor, said that the preventative measure response to a rapid increase in the number of cases of influenza, with 269 infected and nearly 60 new patients in the eastern province.

            According to the authorities of the Departmental Health Service (Headquarters) of Santa Cruz, totaling 300 thousand the number of suspects of having the virus, and already reported the first death.

            "During this quarantine we will activate all filters through joint work with school principals. Hopefully these measures could curb the disease that had been shooting up the last month" (Snip) With respect to health red alert, he said, it implies that all health services in Santa Cruz are activated -- public, social security and private.

            The Mayor and the Government must allocate extra resources to deal with an education campaign and for the fumigation of larger establishments agglomeration. (Snip) it suggests that large events are not (planned).

            (Snip) the national coordinator of Epidemiology, Joseph Zambrana, explained that another reason for the increase in cases is the erratic weather. On increasing the spread of H1N1 cases, more than 300 across the country, Zambrana said: "In the last two weeks where they multiply rapidly, both in Chuquisaca and Santa Cruz.


            • #7
              Re: Bolivian city of Santa Cruz on 'red alert' for flu

              There was a variant in the UK last December that sickened and killed quite a few people with prior immunity. I believe they identified it as having a mutation referred to as S185T.
              Originally posted by Vibrant62 View Post
              This is odd; Google flu trends is recording minimal activity. This report suggests otherwise, so one or the other is wrong; also they are recording this as H1N1 which is also surprising, given that there is now widespread immunity to the original pH1N1 so the question is, is this a new variant with immune escape?

              Bolivia: declares red alert in the department of Santa Cruz for H1N1 outbreak

              Oct. 3, 2011 - The Santa Cruz region of Bolivia on Sunday suspended from 10 days for educational activities due to a red alert as a result of H1N1 influenza peak, (Snip) secretary of the governor, said that the preventative measure response to a rapid increase in the number of cases of influenza, with 269 infected and nearly 60 new patients in the eastern province.

              According to the authorities of the Departmental Health Service (Headquarters) of Santa Cruz, totaling 300 thousand the number of suspects of having the virus, and already reported the first death.

              "During this quarantine we will activate all filters through joint work with school principals. Hopefully these measures could curb the disease that had been shooting up the last month" (Snip) With respect to health red alert, he said, it implies that all health services in Santa Cruz are activated -- public, social security and private.

              The Mayor and the Government must allocate extra resources to deal with an education campaign and for the fumigation of larger establishments agglomeration. (Snip) it suggests that large events are not (planned).

              (Snip) the national coordinator of Epidemiology, Joseph Zambrana, explained that another reason for the increase in cases is the erratic weather. On increasing the spread of H1N1 cases, more than 300 across the country, Zambrana said: "In the last two weeks where they multiply rapidly, both in Chuquisaca and Santa Cruz.

              "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much." - Mother Teresa of Calcutta


              • #8
                Influenza, H1N1, SCHOOL SPREAD: ALERT - BOLIVIA (SANTA CRUZ)

                Subject: Influenza, H1N1, transmisi?n escolar: Alerta - Bolivia (SC)

                ************************************************** ****
                Un comunicado de ProMED-mail
                ProMED-mail es un programa de la
                Sociedad Internacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas

                Fecha: 03 de octubre, 2011
                Fuente: Correo del Orinoco,
                [Editado por Jaime Torres y Jorge Gonz?lez]

                The Bolivian region of Santa Cruz on Sunday and suspended from
                10-day educational activities due to red alert
                as a result of the rise of influenza H1N1, the agency of
                Prensa Latina news.

                Oscar Urenda, secretary of the governor, said that the measure
                preventive response to a rapid increase in the number of cases of
                influenza, with 269 infected and nearly 60 new patients in the
                eastern province.

                According to the authorities of the Departmental Health
                (Headquarters) of Santa Cruz, total 300 billion the amount of suspected
                the virus have already reported the first death. "During this
                quarantine we will activate all filters through the work
                conjunction with school principals. Hopefully these
                measures to curb the disease that had been firing in the
                last month, "said Urenda.

                With respect to health red alert, he said, it implies that
                all health services in Santa Cruz that are activated are
                public social security or private.

                The Mayor and the Government must allocate extra resources to
                addressing an education campaign and for the fumigation of
                further agglomeration facilities. Furthermore, it suggests not
                made mass events.

                For its part, the national coordinator of Epidemiology, Joseph Zambrana,
                explained that another reason for the increase in cases is the
                erratic climate. On increasing cases of
                spread of H1N1, more than 300 across the country, Zambrana said that "in
                the last two weeks where they multiply rapidly, both
                Chuquisaca and Santa Cruz.

                With the adaptation of two health centers, spraying units
                education and implementation of school filters, the authorities
                Health hopes to decrease the number of influenza-infected
                different localities in Bolivia.

                Zambrana added that specialists in the area are in the
                capital (La Paz) to prevent the seven thousand young people
                Student Games will participate in the national contract

                Comunicado por: Jaime R. Torres <>

                -- ProMED-ESP

                The transmission of respiratory infections is particularly
                efficient, given the nature of its mechanism. If to this we add
                crowds of people and closed environments, which can be
                auditoriums, classrooms and public transport services,
                then we have the means to facilitate such transfer. The
                declaration of alert in the regions mentioned in Bolivia aimed at
                try to break the transmission chain, and certainly this type of
                measure should be accompanied by educational and preventive actions
                appropriate. Moderator Jorge Gonzalez. Moderator Jorge Gonz?lez]


                • #9
                  Re: Bolivian city of Santa Cruz on 'red alert' for flu

                  More than 400 reported cases of H1N1 flu in the country

                  The symptoms of flu are severe headache, nasal congestion, high fever of sudden onset (39 ? c or higher), cough, burning and / or sore throat, muscle and joint pain, difficulty breathing and sneezing.

                  The Ministry of Health reported as of Monday more than 400 cases of influenza A in Bolivia and asked the public to reactivate the preventive measures to live with this disease and prevent its spread.

                  "In Santa Cruz there have been 339 cases, one in Potosi, Tarija six, 40 and 24 in Chuquisaca Cochabamba, last year we are in 50 percent of cases', said the program manager of the Ministry of H1N1 Influenza Health, Adolfo Zarate.

                  According to the head of the program is still to be confirmed in Cobija two suspected cases that 'may be positive'. Beni would be free of cases by the authority.


                  • #10
                    Re: Bolivian city of Santa Cruz on 'red alert' for flu

                    Emergency declared for influenza A H1N1

                    There is no vaccine to immunize people against H1N1 influenza, intensive care units of public hospitals may collapse if severe cases occur in infected and no reagents to verify the analysis is expected that the National Center Tropical Diseases (CENETROP). These are the reasons why it was decided to activate the emergency department.

                    Such a declaration will, once the governor signs the decree Ruben Costas, accelerate economic resources to mitigate the emergency health system in Santa Cruz
                    While cases of people infected with influenza virus continue to rise (there are 372 confirmed), the regional head yesterday dependent Epidemiology Department Health Services (Headquarters), Roberto Torrez, said the number of infections recorded in the last two weeks we can deduce that henceforth the curve affected by the influenza A H1N1 can be maintained or the best start the descent.

                    It therefore became clear that the emergency is declared not by the number of reported cases, but because of lack of vaccines, reagents and the risk of collapse in hospitals.
                    "If the contingency continues, the system will collapse," said Joaqu&#237;n Monasterio, director of Headquarters, justifying the need to activate the emergency and thus give an answer to the people, who are alarmed by the steady increase of positive cases of influenza A and three confirmed deaths from the virus nationwide. In June a man was killed 64 years in Potosi and in October killed a girl of 12 in Santa Cruz and a woman of 59 in Tarija.

                    Oscar Urenda, Health Secretary of the Interior, stressed the need to implement preventive controls in the population and considered essential the support in this regard by the population of Santa Cruz.
                    "We keep things clear," he said adding that Urenda emergency system activated from yesterday will begin preventive measures as dengue, endemic disease and, as noted Monastery, permanently present new cases.

                    Guillermo Saucedo, director of the Emergency Operations Department (COED), said that while speeding up the drafting of the documentation to support the governor to sign the decree Costs, which can happen today, in fact the emergency and activated, because the committees are working COED to spur action on the following days.

                    Saucedo also stressed prevention efforts and added that the media are an important part of this work, since it must insist on hygiene that people should have.

                    - Resources. So far, only for the purchase of vaccines and the recruitment of temporary health support work in various health centers, it takes between 7 and Bs Bs 10 million. However, there are additional budgets developed for printing of information materials, payment of prevention campaigns and other costs for the logistics of moving this work.

                    - Equipment. It has recommended the purchase of respirators for some public hospitals and primary care networks, and which are indispensable when a person infected with the virus goes into crisis. These devices will also help other attentions, once past the epidemic of influenza A H1N1.

                    - Attention. It is anticipated enabling four centers of the primary health network, where rooms are fitted only for the care of patients with influenza virus A H1N1. The same is recommended in the French hospital.
                    It is thought put together a room of all tertiary care center in the department, where only address severe cases of H1N1.

                    - Vaccines. While the 6,000 doses came to the department on Monday and were used, the Government is handling the purchase of 50,000 immunized to the region, although the authorities have clarified that the arrival of these vaccines are only given in the following week. It is also hoped that the Ministry of Health, do get an equal number of doses, although the reception will only happen in a couple of weeks.

                    - Staff. It requested the hiring of vaccinators, once doses are required in the department.

                    All officials who met yesterday in the COED, agreed that the resumption of school activities scheduled for Monday, October 10, you must activate and strengthen all possible epidemiological control filters to prevent further outbreaks of the H1N1 virus.
                    One of the preventive measures being implemented, is the cleaning of schools. Yesterday it emerged that at least 18 schools were being operated for this purpose, as well as disinfecting the environment where the kids back to school, apply preventive measures against dengue.
                    On the other hand, universities will be asked to support at least 500 students, who may be in pairs in each of the establishments in the city to verify compliance with the use of alcohol gels and masks.


                    • #11
                      Re: Bolivian city of Santa Cruz on 'red alert' for flu

                      Director of a hospital called ignorant people alarmed by influenza A

                      The Director of Children's Hospital of Santa Cruz, Carlos Martinez, said Tuesday that the epidemic of H1N1 influenza in this city is a psychosis that has the population, reported the radio "Alternative" Erbol Network.

                      "There is a psychosis in people who are coughing and it just comes to the hospital, can go to your health center there is an epidemic that exists, but is not as great as they are seeing," he said.

                      He criticized those who take their children to hospital for any inconvenience relating to influenza A, which would somehow causing it to downtown Santa Cruz collapse.

                      "The common cold causes the death of more than 15 000 people worldwide and is not only H1N1, but now people are irresponsible and ignorant with his psychosis is vaccinated two or three times against the flu, so as no vaccines, "he said.

                      He said that it is dangerous to be vaccinated against influenza in more than one occasion.


                      • #12
                        Re: Bolivian city of Santa Cruz on 'red alert' for flu

                        Bolivia purchase 150 000 vaccines against influenza A

                        The Bolivian Ministry of Health reported today that it will buy 150 000 doses of vaccines to the emergency that exists for the three deaths and 466 confirmed cases of influenza A (H1N1). "The vaccines will be distributed in health centers for free application to the population. The purchase is made with money from the General Treasury of the Nation (TGN), "said Adolfo Zarate, national representative of the Ministry of Health influenza.


                        • #13
                          Re: Bolivian city of Santa Cruz on 'red alert' for flu

                          With the increase of influenza A H1N1 and the risk of collapse of health system, the Government issued the Santa Cruz department emergency declaration, which instructs strengthen prevention and control of the disease.
                          Through the departmental decree 130, the Governor ordered, inter alia, applying filters and preventive care in public places to cut the transmission of the virus, which so far has caused a death in the department.

                          The scope of departmental rules were released yesterday by the health authorities, who reported that they have a budget of Bs 10 million for prevention efforts for recruitment and for the empowerment of exclusive space for patient care in the health system.
                          The health secretary, Oscar Urenda, reported that the airlines and ground should provide masks to its employees and passengers, and in places where activities or public performances must be instructed in the use of alcohol gel the provision of masks to employees.

                          However, in many public places where there is concentration of people the filters to prevent the spread of influenza A H1N1 are not met. In a tour made yesterday DUTY noted, for example, that morning, four glass doors entering the terminal there was no person with alcohol gel for people to de-sinfecte hands, although the later the situation changed and he took some precautionary measures.

                          Similarly, officials of the bus companies that offer tickets do not carry masks. "Yesterday has come a very instructive in which we indicate that we must apply the preventive measures because we are in touch with the people, but it is very hot and uncomfortable," said an employee of the company Copacabana. A colleague of his admitted the instructive not met fully. A security guard said only that there is alcohol baths for travelers to disinfect the hands.


                          • #14
                            Re: Bolivian city of Santa Cruz on 'red alert' for flu

                            The epidemic 'slowing' and analyze the return to classes

                            The H1N1 flu epidemic has entered a process of 'slowdown', which means that in the last week reported fewer epidemiological in previous cases, but health officials asked not to loosen the prevention of evil.
                            Based on new reports on cases, today's health and education authorities to consider whether it is prudent to resume work or school on Monday if the school break should be extended for another week.
                            The director of the Emergency Operations Center Department (COED), Guillermo Saucedo said epidemiological reports are encouraging, they realize that there is a 'slowdown' of the epidemic.
                            The head of Epidemiology Department Health Services (Headquarters), Roberto Torrez, explained that in the last week epidemiological proportion of reported cases has been less than the previous ones, though he said he still can not say whether the epidemic has peaked maximum.

                            Locations statistics show that at 37 weeks were 38 positive cases and 46 suspects, and a week later, the positive and the suspects were 20, 37.


                            • #15
                              Re: Bolivian city of Santa Cruz on 'red alert' for flu

                              Spanish to English translation

                              79% of H1N1 flu cases are in Santa Cruz

                              La Paz, (DAY)
                              Friday 7 October 2011
                              The Health Minister Nila Heredia, said yesterday that the 540 confirmed cases of H1N1 flu, 79 percent occurred in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

                              "As of Wednesday there were 540 cases nationally and 79 percent goes to Santa Cruz with 428 confirmed cases," said Heredia. Also confirmed the death of 3 persons to H1N1 flu so far this year.
                              Heredia said that compared to the years 2009 and 2010, the number of patients is smaller and therefore the H1N1 flu pandemic is no longer considered. "If we compare the cases of 2009 which reported positive 2352 of 21,000 suspects and 59 deaths, in 2010 went down substantially to 614 and 13 deaths, today we are at 540 and 3 deaths," he said.
                              He said that people are more prone to contracting the flu are those with chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension or those with o-ncol?gicos processes.
                              In addition, the Health Minister confirmed that in the coming days will 120,000 doses of flu vaccine, these being provided by Argentina.
                              "As it was expected this outbreak, we have acquired the first 120,000 vaccines in Argentina that provides us the doses will be returned upon receipt of the Revolving Fund," he said.

