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3 more A/H1N1 deaths reported; total 10 in Argentina

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  • zimagail
    Re: 3 more A/H1N1 deaths reported; total 10 in Argentina

    From Rio Negro on line edition Friday June 19,2009
    Heard through the grapevine but this is the only written report of cases in El Bolson, city of 13,000, 80 miles south of San Carlos de Bariloche, an international ski resort. The winter ski season is just beginning. I do know of flu cases here of friends who had the seasonal flu vaccine 2 months prior to becoming ill with an ili during the past 2 weeks.
    EN R?O NEGRO: Sospechosos en Roca, Bols?n y Bariloche

    El gobierno rionegrino inform? que se enviaron cinco nuevas muestras de casos sospechosos de contagios del virus de la gripe A, los que ser?n confirmados o descartados en el Instituto Malbr?n de Buenos Aires.

    Se trata de tres pacientes de Bariloche, uno de El Bols?n y otro de Roca, quienes por el momento se encuentran bajo vigilancia epidemiol?gica de los referentes hospitalarios de cada localidad. Mientras, se contin?a a la espera del resultado de tres muestras, a?n en estudio en el laboratorio nacional, tomadas a personas de Cipolletti y Bariloche.

    Hoy a las 8:30 en el Ministerio de Salud, en Viedma, se realizar? una reuni?n informativa destinada a los medios de comunicaci?n, con el fin de exponer aspectos t?cnico-sanitarios de la Influenza A, como as? tambi?n del plan de prevenci?n, contingencia y tratamiento de la enfermedad.

    En El Bols?n, el primer caso sospechoso de gripe A H1N1 "se detect? ayer en la guardia del hospital local, seg?n inform? Juan Cruz Astelarra, el m?dico referente de Epidemiolog?a.

    Aclar? que "se trata de una persona que vino de Buenos Aires en los ?ltimos d?as y comenz? ayer con s?ntomas de gripe. Consult? en la guardia, donde se lo aisl? y le fue tomada una muestra para enviar al instituto Malbr?n para determinar si se trata de una gripe A o una gripe estacional com?n".

    A su criterio, "es un caso leve y el mismo paciente acept? hacer aislamiento voluntario en el domicilio de un familiar por el per?odo de contagio de la enfermedad".

    El facultativo pidi? "a toda persona que concurra a un establecimiento de salud con s?ntomas de gripe y que haya estado en una regi?n con circulaci?n de virus de gripe A, o en contacto con un caso sospechoso o confirmado, debe informarlo apenas llegue al lugar de atenci?n. Tambi?n solicit? "comunicarlo previamente por tel?fono para que sea evaluado en un lugar separado del resto de las personas que concurren, con la premisa de disminuir el riesgo de contagio". (AEB/Redacci?n Central)

    EN NEUQU?N: Se multiplican consultas por cuadros respiratorios

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  • Shiloh
    Re: 3 more A/H1N1 deaths reported; total 10 in Argentina

    Hmm..not so fast...

    Google translation:

    Doubts about the official figure of deaths from the virus

    The great epidemic of influenza A and 10 fatalities in the country. Yesterday, three more deaths were reported by the Ministry of Health, and the list could be expanded in the next few hours, once they are confirmed in laboratory samples.

    The new deaths reported yesterday as a result of the virus, two deaths in the capital city and eight other residents in Buenos Aires. However, the Minister of Health of Buenos Aires, Jorge Lemus, said yesterday morning that his district had only eight fatal cases (four confirmed and four by check) for the citizens of Buenos Aires and Buenos Aires.

    Other participants of the coordination meetings said yesterday that health had confirmed the presence of influenza A virus in five more deaths. The position does not deliver specifics of the dead difficult crossing of information among officials from different regions.

    For example, in the north of Santa Fe, in the town of Avellaneda, the municipal authorities confirmed the death of a child under 15 years for influenza A, the death that occurred last Friday in the Capital. It is unclear whether that death is coupled or not cases presented yesterday by the Ministry of Health.

    However, the health situation becomes more serious levels. Lemus said the minister in the city are placed 187 patients with respiratory infections, of which 20 were confirmed cases of influenza A and others awaited the results of the samples. The change of control carried out in the metropolitan area, where only verified studies in hospitalized people, leads to consider, from now on, the number of patients with respiratory problems.

    Despite that decision, the new cases 95 were confirmed yesterday, a figure that rises to 1231 affected since the beginning of the epidemic.

    Among the recommendations presented by the Ministry of Health in its latest epidemiological alert, 17 of the current version of the lie that the virus only causes harm to persons with prior illness: "It is important to note that between one third and about half of severe or fatal cases have occurred in young and middle-aged to be healthy. "

    With a strong increase in fatalities, will meet today's crisis committee to evaluate the next steps. The recommendations could include the use of chinstrap for the table in next Sunday's elections. (The Nation)

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  • Shiloh
    started a topic 3 more A/H1N1 deaths reported; total 10 in Argentina

    3 more A/H1N1 deaths reported; total 10 in Argentina

    No details yet...

    There are 1213 people infected
    Confirmed three more deaths by influenza in the country

    22-06-2009 / The Ministry of Health of the Nation tonight confirmed the figure. In addition, the Institute today Malbr?n reported 95 new cases of the disease, with the number of infected people reaches 1213. A four mobile clinics serving consultations today from 9 to 17 at Plaza Miserere.

    The Ministry of Health of the Nation tonight confirmed three new deaths from Influenza A (H1N1) in Argentina, bringing the number of fatal casualties due to influenza is 10.

    In addition, the Institute today Malbr?n reported 95 new cases of the disease, with the number of infected people reaches 1213.

    Also, before the exponential growth of consultations by respiratory disease, one with four mobile clinics of UNAM (National Mobile Health Units) attends consultations today from 9 to 17 at Plaza Miserere, especially those related to flu and other similar statements will be installed tomorrow in the Constitution, informed the Ministry of Health.

    Mobile phones are aimed at strengthening primary care in key areas of urban transportation every day to reach thousands of people like these two train stations in Buenos Aires