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Arequipa recorded 220 deaths from pneumonia so far this year
Arequipa recorded 220 deaths from pneumonia so far this year
Spanish-English translation
Arequipa recorded 220 deaths from pneumonia so far this year
Friday, December 7, 2012 | 7:36 pm
Source: RPP | Credits: ReferencialTres citizens were killed by the disease in the last week, according to the report of Epidemiology.
In the last week, 103 cases were dealt also with the disease.
While acute respiratory infections were treated to 8,448 patients.
So far this year, some 220 people have died of pneumonia, according to the report of the Regional Directorate of Epidemiology, Regional Health Management of Arequipa.
The head of Epidemiology, Patricia Polanco, said that 15 of the victims were under five years and 205 over five years, died in the last week three people, a boy of 16 evacuated from Puno and two adults over 87 and 106 years, they stopped existor Regional Hospital Honorio Delgado, transferred from Caylloma and Cayma.
He also reported that in the last week 103 cases were treated for pneumonia in the various health facilities in the region, this figure represents an increase of 18% compared to the previous week, and 46% compared to 2011.
While acute respiratory infections were treated to 8,448 patients, reducing cases by 3.9% compared to the previous week, and an increase of 7% compared to the same period last year.
Polanco said they fear an increase of IRAS for this month due to constant changes in temperature, and recommended people to take preventive measures as the respective consumption of foods rich in vitamin 'A' and 'C', sunbathing for 10 minutes and hot drinks.Tags: None