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Brazil: death of boy who returned from Serbia is still a mystery

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  • Brazil: death of boy who returned from Serbia is still a mystery

    The death of A 17-year-old boy was a family of Assis (SP). Felipe Pinheiro did an Exchange in Serbia and returned this month with a type of unknown pneumonia in Brazil. According to young's mother, Luciana Alves Pinheiro Andrade, the non-governmental organization AFS, responsible for stay, would not have provided the necessary assistance and, therefore, returned to Brazil. the mother of the boy is still shaken by his son's death. The teenager was eleven months in Serbia. The trip was through NGOS that selects students for scholarships was with cough and was hospitalized. But succumbed and died after five days. 'We sought a Ready-nearest Service, took x-ray. He was admitted to the Regional Hospital because they were afraid it was H1N1, but getting there the doctors examined the x-ray and it was a different pneumonia. We did all kinds of examination: H1N1 was not fungal pneumonia, was negative. And it was getting worse, getting worse and the lung it did not accept any kind of medicine, 'said Luciana. the cause of death has not yet been discovered. Brazilian doctors believe that was an unknown type of pneumonia. And now, the family wants that the NGO responsible for student exchange, pay the assistance provided for in the contract. Felipe was entitled to a life insurance, since according to the Serbian medical certificate sent to Brazilian family, he contracted the disease in the country.

    The Regional Hospital of Ahmed explained that the patient was admitted on July 12 with fever, cough, shortness of breath and inspiring. Due to the rapid evolution of the symptoms, the patient was taken to the intensive care unit and received all the support necessary for treatment. Were offered all available resources to the case and even a job at the Hospital das Clínicas, in Sao Paulo, came to be made available. However, the patient did not present clinical conditions. The cause of death was attested by pneumonia for common etiological agent.

    Felipe Pinheiro, de 17 anos, de Assis, SP, contraiu a doença na Europa. Médicos acreditam que tenha sido um tipo desconhecido de pneumonia.

  • #2
    Re: Brazil: death of boy who returned from Serbia is still a mystery

    Health Secretary denies H1N1 as cause of death of student, family says that he returned ill from Serbia

    The municipal health secretariat of Assisi received at the beginning of the week the exam sent to Instituto Adolfo Lutz of Mar?lia to determine if it was the H1N1 flu that caused the death of assisense student Felipe Augusto Pinheiro, on 18 July, then with 17 years. According to epidemiological surveillance, the result was negative for the influenza virus. the municipal health Secretary of Assisi, Denise Carvalho, said that there are still other tests required the Institute, but there is a date for the receipt of the report.

    the diagnosis confirms what they already claimed relatives of the student, that he has already returned to Brazil, sick in early July, after participating in an Exchange in Serbia, in Eastern Europe. A Felipe's aunt, Fatima Patel, posted a comment after publication of the death on the site Assiscity: ' surely when admitted to day 7/12/2013, was medicated against H1N1 influenza, but in that x-ray was taken at the ready Service had pneumonia. Was hospitalized immediately, where medical procedures, it has an atypical pneumonia. Felipe Pinheiro already sick in Serbia where he was studying. Another familiar, Rita Patel, pointed out that Felipe is related via email, of Serbia, with Joaquim Barbosa (Minister of the Supreme Court), and who wanted to be chief judge. With 17 years, spoke four languages. It also exempts medical and nursing team. ' If you manage to enter the Regional Hospital, will be in good hands.I followed Felipe, I can say with the property that the doctors were professionals. ', wrote. EARLY DEATH-Felipe Augusto Pinheiro, student of 17 years, died on the night of Wednesday to Thursday July 18, when he was buried in the Municipal Cemetery of Assisi, around 5:0 pm. according to information obtained in the administration of the cemetery, the young man was hospitalized in the ICU of Hospital Regional de Assis. Officially, it was declared as a cause of death by respiratory failure ' atypical pneumonia '. Felipe Pinheiro participated since last year of cultural exchange promoted by the international voluntary organization AFS. Felipe Augusto Pinheiro would have acquired in Serbia a disease until then undiagnosed, with features of pneumonia. Returned to Assisi in the eighth of July, already sick and died 10 days later.

